Monday 23rd March 12.00 Mass, followed by Holy Hour, All Saints Tuesday, 24 March Bishop David’s talks: HIT THE MARK! St Mary's, Briton Ferry. Wednesday, 25th March 10.30 Mass, All Saints’ Lady Day Mothers’ Union Day of Obligation 12.00 Lenten Lunch Thursday, 26th March 14.00 Bible Study - the Gospel of Mark St John’s Schoolroom Friday, 27th March 12.00 Walking the Way of the Cross, All Saints CROESO : WELCOME 22nd March 2015 It is our duty and our joy to give You thanks and praise Almighty, Everlasting God, through Jesus Christ, Your Son who, bearing the human likeness, humbled Himself and in obedience accepted death, even death on a Cross. He was lifted up from the earth that He might draw all people to Himself. Easter Flowers The Flower Guilds will be happy to receive donations for Easter flowers, in memory named loved-ones. Donations and names please to All Saints Greta Owens - 782770 St John the Baptist Liz Singer - 785629 St David’s Elizabeth Griffiths - 785756 Today’s readings are on page 21 Jeremiah 31: 31-34 Promise of a new covenant The people had broken the old covenant but the Lord promises that He will make a new covenant with them and His law will be written on their hearts. They will be forgiven and all will know Him. He will be their God and they will be His people. PARISH REPORT - This needs to be produced during April, so could subwardens and leaders of the various organisations and societies submit their reports, please, by Easter day. Hebrews 5: 5-10 Jesus, the source of eternal salvation Jesus, God’s Son, obediently accepted the way of suffering and death and became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey His call to follow Him. Monday of Holy Week 19.00 All Saints Faure Requiem - retiring collection for Fr Cashin Easter Monday 18.00 Wind Band Concert ,All Saints Lower Saxony Youth Wind Band: free admission John 12: 20-33 Jesus explains why He has to die Jesus uses the illustration of a grain of wheat which has to die in order for a harvest of new grain to be possible. He accepts that He has come into the world in order to die in obedience to God’s will. He is troubled, but willing to face whatever will bring glory to God His Father - and He explains that, when He is lifted up from the earth - on the Cross - He will draw all people to Himself. Tuesday, 14th April Trip to Carmarthen/Botanic Gardens details from Jean Flower 784864 -DON’T FORGET: The Clocks spring forward next week - NEXT SUNDAY Lent 6 Palm Sunday Saint John’s 08.30, 11.00, 18.00 All Saints’ 08.00, 10.00 Saint David’s 9.15, 17.00 The Parish of Newton Nottage, Porthcawl Registered Charity no. 1140732 Monday 12.00 Mass, All Saints’ for the peoples of the Middle East Vale of Glamorgan Deanery Mount Kenya Central & West Tuesday 10.30 Oscar Romero (1980) Bishop & Martyr Mass, St John the Baptist for those whose lives are under threat of martyrdom-. Colwinston, Llandow & Llysworny Mount Kenya South Wednesday The Annunciation of our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary 10.30 Mass, All Saints’ for obedience to God’s will for us All Officers of the Diocese of Llandaff Thursday 10.30 Mass, Saint David’s for openness to the guidance of the Spirit Llangan & St. Mary Hill Mpumalanga (Southern Africa) Friday 10.30 19.00 Mass, St. John the Baptist Walking the Way of the Cross, St David’s Saturday 09.30 Mass, All Saints’ Palm Sunday Psalm 61; 62 Zechariah 9: 9-12 1 Corinthians 2: 1-12 John 8: 1-11 John 8: 21-30 Luke 1: 26-38 John 8: 51-59 John 10: 31-42 John 11: 45-57 Readings for LENT 6 Palm Sunday Isaiah 50: 4-9a Psalm 31: 9-16 Philippians 2: 5-11 The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Mark: Mark 15 PARISH OFFICE Initial arrangements for Holy Baptism, calling of banns and Holy Matrimony can be made at All Saints’ Church on Mondays from 19.00 - 1930 EXCEPT ON BANK HOLIDAYS The Parish Priests Parish Office Father Philip Masson Father Craig Vaughan Morogoro (Tanzania) Please pray for the sick This week’s gospel readings : Lent 5 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday for grace to walk the way of the Cross Rectorial Benefice of Cowbridge Mthatha (Southern Africa) for the peace of the world Vale of Neath Readings for Evensong Lent 5 Psalm 107: 1-22 Exodus 24: 3-8 Hebrews 12: 18-29 Mount Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) 786899 782042 07887 666301 e-mail: Monday Gareth Williams Janise Harries Steve Moon Mervyn Skaye Rian Sully Matthew Evans Julian Mullins Lucy Wootton Tuesday Sue Wilmot Gladys Evans Betty Cubbins Sister Francis Claire Pauline Carter Elizabeth Johnson Phillip John Sarah Evans Wednesday John Dodd Olwen Wright Celia Field Betty Smith Neville James Margaret John Bill Leaker Margery Williams Alun Jones Barbara Boscott Sheila Hemphill Thursday Garfield Griffiths Jenny Cross Daisy Lewis Jessica Price Jak Powles Margaret Slaughter Fr David Lloyd Rose McGinley Audrey Griffiths Friday Janet Skiffins Sheila Storer Roland Clarke Joan Whyte Jess Davies George Fisher Ross Ramsay Thomas Smith Saturday Barry Jones Peter Gardner Gareth Thomas Stephen Thomas Margery Thompson Peter Reynolds Matthew Sturt Olive Hayes Please pray for the dead James Bentley Lilian Henry Mary Webber Violet Brazington Anthony Fogg Margaret Smyth --------------Elizabeth Assirati Sun, 22nd March Sean Cullinan Thurs, 26th March Edith Evans Arthur Richards Ronald Dixon Mon, 23rd March Jean Morrish William Thomas Sadie Jones Una Marshall Tues, 24th March Wed, 25th March Charles Skinn Evan Roberts Ivor Snell Fri,27th March Clifford Berry Glyn Jones Greta Evans Sat, 28th March
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