MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK MON., JUNE 2 TUES, JUNE 3 WED, JUNE 4 THU., JUNE 5 FRI., JUNE 6 SAT., JUNE 7 SUN., JUNE 8 6:30 9:00 6:30 9:00 6:30 9:00 6:30 9:00 6:30 9:00 8:00 5:30 7:00 8:30 10:00 11:30 5:30 + Sheila Michko – Davis Family + Emily Hughes – Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Chrusciel Special Intention + Josephine Branciforte – Rosalie & Paul DeMarco + For those remembered by Easter Flower Donations + William & Mary Grace McCafferty – Family + Mildred Prato – DiMatteo Family + Deceased Family Members – D. Clarke + Edward Perrone – Anna & Anthony Cuozzo Ally Cafferty (Health & Blessings) – Parents, Colin & Matilda + Joe Quatraro – Leo Gallagher Family + Betty Ann Dana – Dan & Judy Vivone + Bertha McCollam – Family + Frank & Rose Martere – Daughter, Judy LaBella + Arthur Horan, Jr. – Family + Daniel W. Vecchia – Phoebe Ann Vecchia + Virginia Elias – Pat Kuss WELCOME TO THOSE WHO WERE NEWLY BAPTIZED Catherine Margaret Balmer Logan James Fesh Ryan Joseph O’Connor Julia Ann Squiciari Dominic Ranjith Gunasekarampulle III – John Dempsey & Nicole Magrino II – Vartan Khazadian & Megan Alworth GOAL: $15,000 COLLECTION: $13,278 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you, or a family member, are planning a stay at Danbury Hospital, please inform the Rectory so a member of the clergy may visit. PARISH OFFICE (744-5777) Sheila Kurjiaka: Bulletin Editor Kate Fitzgerald: Secretary Paul Orsino: Property Manager Steve DeMarco: Parish Council President Jane Shannon: Cemetery Administrator RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (743-4557) Mary Ferri: Director Peggy Gavin: Secretary MUSIC MINISTRY Mike Macelletti: Music Director Elizabeth Barnes: Choir Director ST. MARY SCHOOL (744-2922) Sister Anne McCarthy: Principal Linda Curry: Secretary MASS SCHEDULE Monday – Friday: 6:30 & 9:00am Saturday: 8:00am & 5:30pm Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30am & 5:30pm CONFESSION SCHEDULE Saturday: 11:30-12:00noon; 4:00-5:00pm. BAPTISMS: Every Sunday at 1:00pm. (Call the Rectory to Schedule.) PRE-BAPTISM CLASSES: Twice a Month. (Call the Rectory to Schedule.) ARRANGEMENT FOR MARRIAGE: Couples must meet with a parish clergyman at least six (6) months before the marriage is to be celebrated. Fr. Corey’s Comments I just wanted to share with you a bit more about the Carnival. We don’t have final numbers yet, but the spirit and good will the Carnival brought was indeed worth the effort. A couple of other “thank you’s”: John Leaden who worked countless hours to do all the electrical work; Morgan Pettinato, from East Coast Music Mall and Kirk Michaels of Danbury Audio Visual of Danbury, for their generous donations to the Carnival. There may be more to follow, so I will keep you updated. Ten years ago when the new Church was dedicated, Monsignor Karl had a set of vestments made for major occasions, but, in particular, they were used for funerals. We celebrate about 50 to 60 funeral Masses per year and for about 500 or so Masses the vestments have been worn. I have purchased a new set from the Liturgical Apostolate (a group of nuns whose ministry is prayer and liturgical renewal). The set includes a pall for funerals. I know most of you have seen a pall, which is an ample cloth covering, plain or ornamented, draped over the coffin at a funeral Mass. It is symbolic of the person having been clothed with Christ at Baptism… just like the Baptismal Gown that each of us wore at our Baptism… as well as the promise of eternal life for each Christian. Often, people ask if they can donate something in memory of a loved one that has gone home to God. If anyone is interested in memorializing one of the 5 chasubles, 2 dalmatics or palls, please give me a call at the Rectory. I ask you to keep Father Mark Grimes in your prayers. Fr. Grimes died this week at the age of 70, serving for 44 years in the priesthood. He served all over the Diocese of Bridgeport, but locally he served in Danbury and New Fairfield. Please pray that he will have the reward of his life. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord. We have reached our goal in the Annual Bishop’s Appeal. I sincerely thank each individual and each family that was a part of this year’s appeal. Even though we reached our goal there is still time to donate to the Appeal. There is still a need, so if you wish to participate, please make a pledge today. The month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Sacred Heart is a symbol of the love that Jesus has for humankind. There are three papal encyclicals (official documents) to the Sacred Heart. There are wonderful prayers dedicated to the Sacred Heart that can be “Googled”. (If you don’t use a computer, ask me, and I would be very happy to give you one of the many prayers dedicated to the Sacred Heart). So, June is like Valentine’s Day all month. It is a month dedicated to the fact that God is love and God desires all generations to discover Him through Jesus Christ and respond to His love. Think about that this month. That YOU are so loved by God, that He sent His only Son to suffer, die, rise and bring new life to YOU! Now, that is a card that even Hallmark cannot reproduce. May and June are both months for graduations. College, High School, Grade School, and Kindergarten students will all be adjusting their tassels and moving on to the next stage of life. As a Parish, we wish you all happiness in all your adventures. We wish for a safe summer for you (and for all students) and pray that you continue on to all the things that life has to offer. Be assured of our prayers and God’s choicest blessings and great love. Facts from Fr. Corey DID YOU KNOW?... IN OUR DIOCESE… ¾ there are 87 parishes with at least one parish in every town in Fairfield County. ¾ there are 460,000 Catholics in Fairfield County, which is 51% of the populations compared to 23% nationally. ¾ Catholic Charities is the largest nongovernmental provider of social services in Fairfield County, providing nutrition, housing, mental health, adoption, immigration, and family support services to people of all faiths. ¾ there are 245 Priests. ¾ there are 85 Deacons. ¾ there are 326 Religious Sisters. ¾ there are 20 Seminarians for the Priesthood. More interesting facts for your vacation travel time to come… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LITTLE BETHLEHEM CHRISTIAN GROUP represents 170 families who live in Bethlehem, the holy land, and make their living as wood carvers. Next SAT., JUNE 7th, and SUN., JUNE 8th, the group represented by the Alsahouri family will offer for purchase a collection of hand-carved olive wood religious items. The profit goes to support Christianity in the land of Christ. Please take a moment after Mass to check them out. PARISH COUNCIL NOMINATIONS With elections coming up in a few weeks we need your nominations. Please fill out a form available in the vestibule, and drop it in the box. Current Council Members are: Debbie Burke, Steve DeMarco, Emma & Jeanne Gallagher, Fran Gallagher, Joe Jackson, Cathi McCabe, Angie Morgan, Patty & Tony Rizzo, Terri Ring, Nick Santarelli, and Dave Whitmore. DEADLINE FOR NOMINATIONS: June 2nd. COFFEE & … will be served after the 08:30 Mass on SUN., JUNE 8th. NOCTURNAL ADORATION: FRI., JUNE 6th, from 9:00pm to 7:00am. “FUN IN THE SUN” JULY 7-11 & JULY 14-18 Camp is from 8:30am – 12:30pm. Children currently in grades K-5 are accepted as usual, but this year we are also accepting children currently in grade 6. Cost is $90 per child per week. You may pick up applications in the vestibule of the Church or at the Rectory. They are also available on our website. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL, July 28-Aug. 1, 9:00-11:45am, for children 3-8 years old. Cost is $15.00. We are looking for Adult volunteers to help out. Please call Mary Ferri (743-4557) for more information and/or a registration form. CCD REGISTRATION – Religious Education is available for children in K- 8th grade. They must attend each year in Grades 1-8 in order to make their sacraments. If you have a child entering Kindergarten or 1st grade not registered for the Fall, call the Rel. Ed. office (743-4557). Rel. Ed. office closes JUNE 13th. JUNIOR YOUTH GROUP will meet this, SUN., JUNE 1st, from 6:30-8:00, in the Parish Hall for our Year End Bash. SENIOR YOUTH GROUP will meet next SUN., JUNE 8th, from 2:30-4:30pm, in the Parish Hall for their Year End Bash. MOVING UP CEREMONY in the Parish Hall: Pre-K 4’s – MON., JUNE 2nd, at 10:00am; Pre-K 3’s – TUES., JUNE 3rd, at 10:00am. KINDERGARTEN GRADUATION in Gym: WED., JUNE 4th, at 10:00am. 8th GRADE GRADUATION: FRI., JUNE 6th, at 7:00pm, in the Church. St. Mary School Community expresses deepest gratitude to Chairpersons Jo Jo Magrone and Tara Riccardi, all committee members and parish families who supported our carnival in a variety of ways. God’s blessings on all. DOROTHY DAY VOLUNTEERS ST. MARY’S SOCIAL COMMITTEE (participants must be 21 or older) has made arrangements for a fun night of Midnight Bowling at Lore’s Lanes, New Milford on SAT., JUNE 7th, from 10:00pm – 1:00am. The cost of $20.00 includes shoes. So don’t spare another minute… gather your buddies and make up a team of 4-6 people, or sign up by yourself. Email Jeanne: by 06/04. ST. MARY BOOK CLUB – JUNE’S BOOK: “The Only Necessary Thing”, by Henri J. M. Nouwen. Please join us in the Crying Room at 7:30pm, on TUE., JUNE 24th for group discussion. All are welcome. BEREAVEMENT: The loss of a loved one is often traumatic and impossible to describe to others. Sometimes just trying to get on with our own day-to-day lives is not so easy. And, sometimes it’s more complicated when interacting with others. If you are experiencing any of this, then you know it takes more than a few words of encouragement, a pat on the back, or even a gentle hug to bounce back. Our Parish Community can help you cope. Those of us who have been through this meet on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 6:00pm in the Crying Room. We generally close by 7-7:30pm. Contact Deacon Mike Oles (733-5880) for info. WED., JUNE 4th: Our turn to Cook. If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, please call our Prayer Line. Our team leaders are Mary Walsh (798-1237) and Colleen Santaniello (792-0009). DANBURY EMMAUS RETREAT for adults 18 and older is to be held at the Seton Neumann Retreat Center at IHS next weekend, JUNE 6th-8th. Come deepen your relationship with God. If interested, please call Gary & Fran Rosato (203 748-0639). LOST YOUR JOB? It’s never easy, sometimes embarassing, always an issue financially, and is often a crisis. If you’re in this situation, contact Deacon Mike Oles (733-5880). Announcements must be submitted by noon on FRIDAY in order to be included in the bulletin for the next weekend. Inserts must be approved 3-4 weeks ahead and a copy must be at the Rectory 2 weeks ahead of time. Flyers should not be in-serted by hand. Plan ahead!
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