OUR LADY OF LOURDES, ROTTINGDEAN and ST. PATRICK’S, WOODINGDEAN Eastfield, Steyning Road, Rottingdean BN2 7GA Tel: 01273 302903 The Parish is part of the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Trust Registered Charity No.252878 New website under construction – address to be advised Office Email: deans.newsletter@ntlworld.com Fr Kevin’s email : kod.lastlaugh@gmail.com Priest: Fr Kevin O’Donnell 07538 954200 Deacon: Rev. Neil Mercer 07801 706167 Also resident: Fr Douglas Perkins & Canon Oliver Heaney WELCOME TO ALL VISITORS & NEWCOMERS TO OUR PARISH Services and Intentions Sunday 6.30pm (Church)(Sat) 33RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 16th Nov 2014 9.00am (St Patrick’s) 10.30am (Church) 12.30pm (Church) Monday 10.00am (Convent) Tuesday 10.00am (Church) Rosary after Mass 10.30am – 4.00pm & 7.00pm - 8.00pm Wednesday 10.00am (Church) Thursday 9.45am (Convent) 10.00am (Convent) Friday 10.00am (Church) Saturday Sunday 23rd Nov Charles Muir R.I.P. People of the Parish Helena Jane Glassbrook R.I.P. Holy Baptism The Dedications of the Basilicas of Sts Peter & Paul Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Celebrant’s Intention Peg Magee R.I.P. Tessa Carrington, relatives & friends R.I.P. Morning Prayer The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Divine Mercy Chaplet after Mass St Cecilia 10.00am (Church) 6.30pm (Church)(Sat) OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE 9.00am (St Patrick’s) 10.30am (Church) Intentions of the Lynch Family Intentions of John & Barbara Pierce Maureen & Charles Hartwell R.I.P. Deceased members & friends of the McCabe Family R.I.P. People of the Parish Simone Avice R.I.P. OFFERTORIES: Many thanks for last week’s cash & envelope collections: £372.67 & £158.00 Patrick’s. CONFESSIONS: Saturday 9.30am – 10.00am and 5.45pm - 6.15pm. Today there will be a 2nd collection for The Cathedral Maintenance Fund (Gift Aid) PLEASE PRAY for the sick & housebound, especially Pat Morris, Jane Wells, Veronica Wishart, Nick Hills, Paul Schofield, Chris Jordan, Sheila de Rosa, Angela Ansell, Jill Dogherty, Sarah Rix, Sonia Toner, Hugh McGovern, Kathleen Flynn, Philip Stevens, John Heal, John Craig, Pam Newman, Terry McGuire, Zarah, Carly, Christabel, Isobel Carrington Duxfield, Helen Shephard, Clare Francis, Mary Moore, Toby Xavier Carrington, Paddy, Damian Timlin, Joanna Noakes, Nicola, Eileen, Millie, Georgina, Fiona, Eileen Cross, Arlene DeSouza, Sister Pamela Browne, Terry Bourne, Louis Martin, Amy Shead, Larry Halley, Christopher Bishop, Bridie Reynolds and Teresa Ford. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration (on Tuesdays) New times 10.30am-4.00pm, then again 7.00pm-8.00pm. We hear in the Gospel how we are not to hide our talents that we have been given by the Lord. In the original parable a 'talent' was a measure of money. We see this in our own lives as all our resources, especially the skills we have. How can we use these in Christ's service? What prevents us? In parishes, all too often, the same few do so much. It is better for many to contribute a little than a few to give too much time and energy. That is family, that is community. Our Parish is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults This week (in OLOL Church Hall unless otherwise stated) Mon 17th Nov 3.30pm-4.15pm Children’s Choir Tues 18th Wed 19th 10.30am-4.00pm & 7.00pm-8.00pm 1.30pm 3.30pm (Convent) 7.00pm-9.00pm 8.00pm (St Patrick’s) 10.45am Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in Church Mother & Toddler Goup Praying with Mary. All welcome, followed by tea. Lifeteen Mary’s Light Prayer Group. All welcome. Come & See - Further information : Una 01273 305379. Thurs 20th Sat 22nd LUMEN GENTIUM – Diocesan Jubilee Course 2014 : The Body of Christ. The Church is the Body of Christ with many and diverse members. All the baptised are part of it and work for the Kingdom of God in their own ways and callings. The ordained priesthood is linked to that of all the baptised. All are called to serve, to offer prayers and praises. The ordained priests offer the sacrifice of the mass, perform the sacraments and exercise authority but all are part of the service and priesthood of the baptised. There are many styles of service and religious communities have their own distinctive place within the Church, as well as the ministry of others in the family and the workplace. Vocation Matters: Promoting priestly vocations (3): "Come and join in your master's happiness". Genuine serenity is found only in Jesus; we can't make our own happiness! Consider the young men in your community/parish: have you thought that God may be calling them to be priests? Have you suggested it to them? Or prayed for them? A personal suggestion/invitation from you can make all the difference. PARISH YOUTH Children’s Liturgy Group (during Sunday 10.30am Mass, in term time) for Academic Years: Reception,Year 1& 2 Lifeteen Thursday 20th November 7.00-9.00pm First Holy Communion Next session Tuesday 2nd December at 3.15pm - parish hall. First Holy Communion Parents’ Session Wednesday 3rd December 7.30-9.00pm Confirmation Group Tues 18th Nov 7.30pm-9.00pm St Joseph’s Church Hall, Milton Rd, BN2 9TQ. New Organist - Music Director Needed: The Parish of the Sacred Heart, Hove, are seeking to appoint a new organist and director of music, for the 11.30 am Sunday Mass and festivals, to start Jan 2015. The Parish has a long tradition of congregational plainsong, and choral music of a wide variety led by an adult choir, which at present rehearses on Sunday mornings. As well as necessary musical skill the successful applicant should have a good understanding of Roman Catholic liturgical practice. Applications by end Nov to Parish Priest, Church of The Sacred Heart, 39 Norton Road, Hove, BN3 3BF or email sacredhearthove@gmail.com Advent discussion group at St Patrick's on Thursday evenings, starting Thursday 27th November, 7.45 until 9.00, using the diocesan booklet. Please come if you can, even if it is just for one of the weeks. St Anne’s Day Centre Need wrapped Christmas presents (labelled male/female) :- Hats, socks, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, chocolate, combs, hairbrushes and men's boxers. No alcohol items. Box at back church. Info: Patrick/ Eileen Elliott on 01273 303782. Winter Aid for Iraq Appeal New/used adult/baby/child winter clothing, sleeping bags or blankets needed - all in clean washed condition. Please contact Maureen Buni on 07935 251627 for collection. Angel Tree Charity that sends presents on behalf of parents in prison. If you wish to support this charity please contact Prison Fellowship, 020 7799 2500 www.prisonfellowship.org.uk/what-we-do/angel-tree The Children’s Choir will be singing at the Christmas Eve Vigil Mass at 5.30pm at OLOL Church and also singing carols at two local nursing homes during school time in early Dec. Rehearsals on Mondays Nov 17th, Xmas Pop Up Shop : Thurs 20th Nov 7.30pm to 10.30pm at Our Lady of Lourdes School. The PTA would like to invite you to join them for an evening of retail therapy at our “XMAS POP UP SHOP”. Entrance £1 pp. Come along - Enjoy some festive refreshments and leave the stress of Christmas behind you. With our fabulous range of independent retailers showcasing their products, you are sure to find the perfect gifts for your friends and loved ones. We look forward to seeing you there. Tai Chi : Are you interested in joining a class of 6 for a 6 session course starting Nov 27th 10.45-11.15 at St. Patricks. £4 per session. two places left.Contact: Bernadette 01273 309118 or email: berskin@hotmail.com Stroke Club helpers : Friday is Stroke Club day at St. Patrick’s. Recoverers are collected and have lunch and activities at the club in a very supportive and friendly atmosphere. Diana Tolhurst runs the club and would love to hear from anyone who has time to help her. Contact Diana: 01273 272815 / email: 24th & 8th Dec with one Thurs rehearsal Dec 4th, from 3.30-4.15pm at OLOL Church Hall. If interested, please contact Our Lady of Lourdes School Office or Victoria Schofield: 01273 390179 or 07894 079527. Thank you to everyone who contributed, sorted, sold and bought books at Catholaity. Your help was much appreciated. The Grand Draw prize list is on the noticeboard. Thank you once again. Jose and Jonathan. Catholaity stall holders at St Patrick's want to thank the parish for all their help in raising £742.40 last Saturday at Hove town hall. dianadesignz@hotmail.com 7-Up If this part of our youth ministry is to continue, then we need a team of volunteers who can devote their time maybe once a month to help run a youth gathering for children in academic school years 7, 8 & 9. Please see Fr. Kevin or the office. Thank you.01273 302903 2. Advent discussion group at St Patrick's on Thursday evenings, starting Thursday 27th November, 7.45 until 9.00, using the diocesan booklet. Please come if you can, even if it is just for one of the weeks. 3. When we add the money raised from sales of plants and preserves during the year, coffee mornings and donations for our Catholaity efforts, the interim figure is £1285.40; the final figure will include a further sum for grand draw ticket sales. Thank you everyone for your generous participation in this fund raising effort for the parish.
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