ST. FRANCIS XAVIER’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 19 Broad Street, Hereford HR4 9AP Parish Priest Telephone (01432) 273485 Dom MICHAEL EVANS Email: Website: Newsletter email: MASSES and INTENTIONS - Nov 2014 Day Time Date Intention Celebration During Ordinary Time we are invited to pray for The Spread of the Gospel, the Harvest, the fruits of Human Work and the Reverent use of Creation; justice and peace in the World; all victims of war; young people, prisoners and their families. Readings for this week Sunday Year A Psalter week 2 Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Ministers of the Word Angela Holmes Helen Booth Sat 22nd 10.30am St Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr Mrs Kathleen O’Shea Sat 22nd 6.00pm (Vigil) Christ the King Mrs S Stansbury R.I.P. Sun 23rd 8.00am 23rd 10.00am Christ the King. (Youth Sunday) Dec. Rels. Sweeting Sun Sun 23rd 6.30pm Dom Michael at Our Lady’s Mon 24th 9.15am St.Andrew Dung-Lac Tue 25th NO PUBLIC MASS Wed 26th 1.00pm Feria Tom McCourt RIP 1st Running of the Parish £687.37 Thu 27th 9.15am Feria Dec’d. Rels. Brennan family 2nd Renovation £325.11 Standing Orders £339.75 The Parish Mary Amor 8.00 am Frances Hetterley Mike Kennedy 10.00am Thomas Kottuppallil Children of the School Vera McHale Decs. Rels. Hogan/O’Rorke Feria 1.00pm Fri 28th 6.30pm Trad. Rite Dec. Relatives O’Sullivan family Sat 29th 10.30am Feria Gerard & Jeanie Livingstone RIP Sat 29th 6.00pm (Vigil) 1st Sunday of Advent Famiglia Berlini Sun 30th 8.00am 1st Sunday of Advent Alf & Moira Bird & Audrey Tapley Sun 30th 10.00am Sun 30th 12.15pm The Parish Dom Antony (sick) Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions) Saturday 11.00 am - 12.00 noon and at call Lately Dead: Monica Thompson Sarah Stansbury Jack Frayne Eileen Scullion Amanda Jones Katherine Sarah Ann Preece Hilda Wood John Masser Phyllis Powell Hilda Fuller Mary Monica Norbury Thomas (Tom) McCourt Jane Gennard Offertory for Last Week - Thank you 28th Trad. Rite 6.00 pm Hilda Wood & Brigid Gore RIP Fri Remembrance: Peter McCutcheon Please Pray For The Sick: Joan Sheeran Antoinette Perrot Pat Morris Pat Franklin Canon Keane Vince Hanna Peter Gunter Brian Daw Jean Goldrick Maureen Toner Cynthia Barnett Terry Goldrick Winnie Doran Flo Brown Fr. Antony Pat Clark Alison Alder Sheila Fawcett Beryl Swain Rhys Clement Angela Rosier Sonia Jones Please let the office know if you wish to be added to the sick list or feel that you no longer need to be included Parish Mission - the theme for our Parish Mission, next Lent, is "Renewing Faith, Spreading Joy". We also have a Mission Prayer, so now is a good time to start praying for the success of the mission - if you haven't already done so. PARISH NOTICES We welcome the Children of St. Francis Xaviers school who will be assisting at the Liturgy at the 10 o’clock Mass. Guild of St Anne Meeting 2.00pm Monday 24th November in the Presbytery. Christmas Fair 6th December Shirehall. Just 2 weeks to go to the ‘Big Day’ please start to bring in items such as ‘Bric-a-Brac’, books cakes, bottles, anything ‘Red or Green’, toys quality goods and clothing. You can either bring them to the church and leave in the Sacristy or ring for collection 266435. Many thanks Pat Maclean. We especially need lots of bottles. So far we have 30; we need 200! Grand Draw Please return all monies and counterfoils to the Church, Pat Maclean or any member of the PAC or take to the Shirehall on the day. POLISH Wypełnione kupony oraz pieniądze z ich sprzedaży prosimy przekazać do Pat Maclean lub kogoś z Rady Parafialnej (PAC), najpóżniej w dniu Kiermaszu (6 grudnia), w Shirehall. ‘Walk with Me: A Journey of Prayer for Advent and Christmastide 2014’ Copies of this pocket-size booklet of prayers and reflections for Advent and Christmas 2014 are now available. Archbishop George Stack, Bishop Tom Burns and Bishop Peter Brignall have written a forward for the booklet and recommend it as an aid to prayer. This year ‘Walk With Me’ speaks of the kerygma, the message of God’s saving love. In the introduction to the booklet we read, ‘The Christmas kerygma reminds us of the true meaning of Christmas. God sent his Son Jesus, born of the Virgin. Born in a stable, wrapped in swaddling clothes. He died on the cross for us. Raised from the dead he sent the Holy Spirit to be with us always.’‘Walk With Me’ costs £1, copies will be on sale at the back of the Church soon. Parish Mission Prayer Loving God, Creator and Giver of all things, bless our Parish Mission. Send Your Spirit to renew our faith and help us spread the joy of the salvation that Your Son wrought for us. Grant us Your grace, that we may serve our community, glorify You, and be sanctified ourselves. We ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Our Lady, Cause of our Joy, pray for us. St. Francis Xavier, pray for us. St. John Kemble, pray for us. MESSAGE FROM ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S SCHOOL ADMISSIONS FOR SEPTEMBER 2015. We will be having the second open day session on Wednesday 26th November at 9.30 am. Prospective parents for September 2015 are welcome to attend there is no need to book. Mrs Sarah Stansbury Mrs Stansbury’s family would like to thank everyone who attended her Requiem Mass, and particularly the choir for their beautiful singing. It was a very moving and prayerful occasion. Annexe Refurbishment During work on the roof of the Annexe there will be no access to the disabled W.C. ALTAR SERVERS – TRAINING SESSION Sunday 23rd November Immediately after 10:00am Mass for Approx 1 hour. In addition to routine training the opportunity is going to be taken to assess the present position regarding the match between servers’ heights and the length of albs. TESCO VOUCHERS Josephine Spencer is unable to continue this fund-raising activity into 2015, so we are looking for a new Organiser to build up this activity. Jo can tell you more or you can contact Paul Williams or Father Michael. Telephone Prayer Line Further details from Eileen MacGregor (01432) 352915 or Meg Furber (01432) 264560. CUSHIONS FOR PEWS The Friends of SFX have very kindly donated money to buy the lovely pew cushions which are now in use in church and if anyone, individually, as a family or as part of a parish group, would like to make a donation towards additional cushions, that would be wonderful! The cost of each cushions: Central pews - £99 per cushion. Side pews - £87 per cushion. For further details or to make a donation speak to Fr. Michael or ring the parish office. Thank you. Prayer and Bible Study Group Friday, 10-11am Petal’s Place. Ring 344218. Last Week (34th) in Ordinary Time II – Monday 24thSaturday 29th November 2014 All this week the First Weekday Mass Readings are from The Book of Revelations (Apocalypse) and, again, we are presented with vivid symbolism. We begin with the famed 144,000 elders singing a hymn that has the sound of the ocean and roar of thunder but with the lyrical melody of harps. Our ears are alerted — our hearts are touched. (Consider war memorial services last week also). As in last week’s readings, Father Daley’s book has guided us as to how strongly our senses move our hearts and help us to look deeply into ourselves — sight, touch, memory, taste, colour, listening. We pondered and learned so much during our study. This week’s Gospel Readings (Luke) are inspiring — what God has in store for his faithful followers. ‘You will be hated by all men on account of my name, but not a hair of your head will be lost. Your endurance will win you your lives.’ Please don’t forget to read Saturday’s Responsorial Psalm — ‘Marana tha! Come, Lord Jesus!’ OTHER NOTICES Churches Together in Hereford Will be meeting in All Saints Church on Tuesday, 25th November at 7.30. We are delighted to welcome some of the members of Close House who will start the meeting with a mixed media preview of their original work, THE STORY OF MARY AND JOE. Produced with ‘Film, Song and Attitude’ it is a Nativity story with a difference and we hope that you will give it your support. It will be followed by a short AGM. The Catholic Medical Association (Cardiff branch) will be holding its next meeting on Wednesday December 3rd, 7.30pm at Cardiff University Catholic Chaplaincy 62 Park Place. See Notice in Narthex. Film Night for Advent ‘THE MISSION’ Sunday 30th November at 6.00pm at St. Mary’s Lugwardine. Free Admission Tea/Coffee. ALL WELCOME! The story of the conflict between slave-traders and Jesuits during the colonisation of South America by Spain and Portugal. (PG rated film). See insert in newsletter for more information. HOLY MASS at TINTERN ABBEY Saturday 6th December 2014 at 10am followed in Tintern Village Hall by 11.30am Refreshments 12noon Talk by Fr Thomas Dunton CSJ. See notice in Narthex. WHAT'S ON THIS WEEK Sat 22nd Nov 7.30pm Neath Male Voice Choir Mon 24th Nov 2.00pm St. Annes Guild Meeting. Library. Mon 24th Nov 12.00 noon Lunch Club Parish Library Wed 26th Nov 9.30am SFX School admissions open day Thu 27th Nov 4.00pm First Communion Class Sun 30th Nov 6.00pm Film Night St. Mary’s School First Communion Classes. Class this week - Nov. 27th at 4.00pm. Confirmation 2015: There will be a meeting on Wednesday 3rd December for all those in Year 9 and above who are seeking Confirmation, with their parents. The meeting will be in the Parish Room at Our Lady's Belmont Road, and will start at 7.00pm. Carola Morton. WHAT'S COMING UP Mon 1st Dec 2.00pm St. Annes Guild Meeting. Library. Mon 1st Dec 12.00 noon Lunch Club Parish Library Wed 3rd Dec 7.00pm Confirmation Meeting Our Lady’s Sat 6th Dec 11.00am Christmas Fair. Shire Hall.
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