The First Sunday of Advent November 30, 2014 1st Sunday of Advent God our Father, as Advent begins, we look forward to celebrating the coming of your Son as a human child, and we look forward also to his Second Coming. This Advent, we ask you to illuminate our hearts and ground us in your goodness. May we be like Christ to each other and to our communities. You who sent your Son into a human family, grace ours. When we become busy or frustrated, give us peace. We ask this through the same Christ, our Lord. Amen. 1112212112177171171 1IIIoooI nnonaana aR yyyeeyerrersssr,,s, F,FFLLFL L3333333993900908808 8 22233239939––9–44–488489989––9–33–3993977973373 3 RRoR ooaaoaddad d FFFooForrortttr tM M MM 1 2 117211 7I o1nIao nRao aRdo a d FFoor rt t MMyyeer rss, , FFLL 3333990088 2 32 93 –9 4– 84 98 –9 3– 93 79 37 3 Page 2 Neglecting the Present Advent is a time to recognize that we are “sinful; all of us have become like unclean men, all our good deeds are like polluted rags.” Our personal and social sins are many: hatred, violence, oppression, indifference, selfishness, etc. Advent is also a time of “longing for Christ our Savior,” a time in which we “wait for the revelation of our Lord Jesus.” We look forward to the celebration of Christmas, the commemoration of Jesus’ birth, but we also look forward to the “promise and hope” of heaven, which we want God to “teach us to love.” and Pray for the Men and Women serving in the Military The longing for Christ causes us to want things to change for the better. We want God to find us “blameless on the day of Our Lord Jesus Christ.” With Isaiah’s words in mind: “Would that you might meet us doing right, we ask God to increase our strength of will for doing good.” Andrew Richter Louis Koconis Kory McManus Nicholas Dieter George Dombeck III Caitlin Shaw Garrett Ferrara David Woods Timothy Westberry Michael Klem Joe Harris Tom Jardas Blake Griebenow Joseph Prehm Todd Sabala Jeffrey Greenwald Mark Hernandez Advent, then, is an expression of our faith in the possibility of a better world. We don’t have to be at each other’s throats. We can ‘do right’ in the areas of race relations, family obligations, and personal responsibilities. We can ‘do good’ to the poor, the elderly, the homeless, and to all our brothers and sisters at home and abroad. We can become blameless, beacons of social justice, examples of faith and love, peacemakers. The message of Advent is to “be constantly on the watch!” We base this constant watch not on fear but on hope in God’s “promise of eternal life.” The promise of Christmas is a joyful anticipation that “The Lord will shower his gifts, and our land will yield its fruit.” All too often Christians are faulted with a certain indifference toward earthly projects, as if one could not fully count on us for radical social reform. The charge may be unfair, but the danger is real enough. Our hope in another life must not be allowed to seduce believers into neglecting our task in the present one. U.S. Bishops, Pastoral Letter on Marxist Communism (1980) 42 Gerald Darring First Friday Adoration Friday December 5, from 12noon - 1pm. Please consider remembering St. Columbkille in your will. Help us to endow our ministry, services and outreach into the future. Please contact the Parish Office for more information. Page 3 Advent Schedule On the Calendar Alcoholics Anonymous All 4 meetings are in the Ministry Center Room C-D. Meetings are on Tuesdays at 6:30pm, (men & women), Wednesdays at 7:00pm, (women’s meeting), Thursdays at 1:00pm, (men & women) & Thursday at 6:30pm, (discussion men & women). For information and details call Peggy at 481-3956. Alanon for families and friends of alcoholics meets in the Ministry Center Room 6 on Tuesdays at 6:30pm and Thursdays at 1:00pm. For details call Judy at 489-1654. Knights of Columbus Council #11425 meets the second Wednesday of each month at 7pm in the Ministry Center Room 1. For information call Ron at 437-4999. Call to Silent Prayer Tuesdays during Advent Iona Hall 8:45am - 9:30am Feast of theImmaculate Conception Masses December 8, 8:00am & 10:00am Advent Reconciliation Services December 15th: 3:00pm & 7:00pm Taize Prayer December 19th: 7:00pm There will be no 5:30pm Mass on Sunday, December 14, 2014 Advent Reconciliation Services December 15: 3:00pm & 7:00pm Reconciliation is what God does. Receiving it and celebrating it is what we do. It is God who forgives sins. And God forgives us the very moment that we come to the experience that we need forgiveness (which itself comes through God's grace). May our Lord grant us all the gift of reconciliation, and may we all receive it and celebrate it well in the holy days ahead. Scripture Study Group meets each Friday from 1:00pm to 2:00pm in the Ministry Center Room 6. The readings for the upcoming weekend are studied in depth. For information please call Mary at 437-1527. Sewing Ministry will meet December 4 & 18 in the Ministry Center Youth Room. All are welcome. For information call Lillian at 433-2144. Taize Prayer, a contemplative candlelit service, meets the third Thursday of each month at 7:00pm in the church. All are welcome! Women’s Guild meets the second Monday of each month in the Ministry Center Room 1 at 10:00am through April 2015. For information call Lillian at 433-2144. Anointing Service Sunday, December 7th following the 11:00am Mass St. Columbkille Parish will celebrate the Sacrament of the Sick in a special Anointing Service following the 11am Mass on Sunday, December 7. If you know of someone in need of healing (from serious physical, emotional or spiritual illness) or a frail elderly person, please encourage them to attend. Sacraments are community celebrations. All are welcome! Ages 3-6 Kids Corner November 30, 2014 • Isaiah 63:15-19; 64:1-7 Parenting Pointer Page 4 As Advent begins you can help your children enter into the spirit of waiting by pacing your Christmas preparations. Don't hurry Christmas. Remember you have the 12 Days of Christmas to celebrate. Wait for the birth. By Susan Vogt Blood Drive December 13 Waiting for God A Call to Silent Prayer Each Tuesday morning during the weeks of Advent we will offer a time for quiet prayer beginning at 8:45am to 9:30am. The gathering will take place in Iona Hall. This opportunity is offered as a way to prepare our spirit for the celebration of Christmas. If you would like to recline or sit on the floor during the prayer time, you are welcome to bring a pillow. All are welcome. Every 3 seconds someone needs blood. Our next Blood Drive is Saturday, December 13th from 8:00am to 12:00pm outside Iona Hall. Donors wanted!! You must be in good health, at least 110 pounds and at least 16 years old. Get a goods night’s sleep and drink 16 oz. of water and fluids before donation. Wear clothing that can easily be rolled up above the elbow. Please call Chris at 489-3973 for more information. Second Collections December 6 & 7 Next weekend there will be a Diocesan Collection for Retirement for Religious and a collection for our Building for Ministry Campaign. All loose cash will be applied towards our parish debt. Page 6 Page 7 Hope Page 8 Parish Family Christmas Party Sunday, December 14th - 4:00 pm Iona Hall All Parish Families are welcome. No charge to attend. Christmas is the time for families, so this is the chance for our parish family to get together, share good food, have fun with friends, listen to Christmas music by the Big Arts Band and Lee Van Asten…and there may even be a visit from Santa! Menu: Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, green beans, cranberry sauce, rolls and Christmas cookies for dessert. We are asking for volunteers to bring a plate of Christmas cookies. Just let us know when you make your reservation. Your reservation is needed as we are limited to 450 people. Please call the event phone line (239)-634-2929 or email at Reservations will be taken from November 24 thru December 8 from 9am to 4pm. All attendees are asked to bring tuna (canned or packaged) for the Food Pantry. Volunteers are needed to help with the party: Please call the event phone line (239)-634-2929, or email at if you can help. Please remember there will be no 5:30 pm Mass on Sunday, December 14th. Any questions, be sure to contact our EVENTS LINE AT (239-634-2929). See you there! Give the Gift of Love this Christmas 2014 Alternative Gift Giving Project Celebrate Christmas by making a difference in the world. Communicate the love of Jesus in your gift giving this year. You can spread the love and compassion of Christmas through our Parish Alternative Gift Giving Project. This project connects your Christmas gift giving to those in our area who are in need of food and assistance for themselves and their families. So instead of buying that sweater that doesn’t fit or something for someone who has more than they need, give your friends and loved ones the gift of providing for those in need. When you make your donation of $25 you will receive a gift card explaining that you have made a donation to the St. Columbkille Food Pantry in the gift recipient’s name. Call the Parish Office 489-3973 to purchase your gift. We pray: Jesus, generous font of all blessings, thank you for the virtue of charity. Grant me the strength to model after You, refraining from any acts of judging others, to generously share with those in need. Erase any weaknesses of my human nature, allowing my soul to shine as the morning sun. By Your grace may my charity toward others truly reflect Your eternal example of perfect love, creating in me that same love for all people. Blessed be Your glorious name! Amen Page 10 Women’s Guild Christmas Luncheon Be of good cheer! The Women's Guild Christmas Luncheon will be held on Thursday, Dec. 11 at noon at Kelly Green’s Golf and Country Club Clubhouse. Tickets are $20.00 Please call Norma at 239-454-5656 to save a ticket. Lee County Homeless Coalition Annual Candlelight Vigil Women of the parish, friends and neighbors are welcome. Remember to bring non-perishable food items for the parish food pantry. This event brings attention to the tragedy of homelessness and memorialized those who have died this past year while living on the streets or in the shelters of Lee County. Thrift Shop News If you’re looking forward to cooler evenings, air conditioned restaurants with friends, or a trip up north, we have the right tops and winter worthy sweaters and jackets. All at bargain prices. Come check us out! Stop in soon. We are located next to K-Mart at the Iona/McGregor intersection. For information or pickups please call 489-4001. Advent is a time to wait, listen and ponder the awesome wonder of God who sent his only son as a baby to save us. Pause and spend some time this season reflecting on God’s gift of love. December 21, 2012 6:00pm - 7:00pm on the Old Courthouse Steps, 2120 Main Street, Fort Myers. Please join in broadening awareness of the homeless situation in our community by attending the vigil. For information please call (239)322-6600. All are welcome! If you have questions about year-end giving or have not yet received your mailing please contact Curtis at the parish office: (239) 489-3973 Page 11 Financial Giving at St. Columbkille Parish Did you know that giving to St. Columbkille can reduce your income taxes? And that some gifts save more tax than others? Please review the following before you donate to St. Columbkille. There may be a more tax advantageous way for you to contribute. If you would like to arrange for a complimentary meeting with a local financial advisor to discuss options, please let us know. Checks / Cash IRA Contributions A majority of parishioners contribute weekly, monthly, semi-annually or annually via check or cash. And we are very thankful that you do! If you donate cash, please use the envelope system so that the parish may issue you a tax receipt at year-end. If you only take IRA withdrawals because it’s required by law, you may want to consider donating the amount withdrawn, or a portion of it, to St. Columbkille this year. Please contact us if you have questions or would like IRA transfer instructions. Online Giving Stock (Checking/Savings Account, Credit/Debit Card) A growing number of people no longer write checks for recurring bills and charitable donations. Many St. Columbkille parishioners have scheduled automatic weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual donations to the parish directly from their bank account or credit/debit card. It’s easy to do, and we can help set it up for you. Real Estate / Property Interested individuals can make a deferred gift of their home/property to St. Columbkille Parish. This gift option allows donors to stay in their homes for the rest of their lives and receive significant income tax deductions that can be used for up to 6 years. You may also contribute immediate gifts of property or land and avoid capital gains tax, as well as receive favorable tax deductions. Each year, St. Columbkille receives stock gifts anywhere from $500 to over $10,000, from parishioners aware that these gifts typically save the most income taxes! Transferring stock is usually done electronically and is easy to do. Please contact us if you have questions or would like stock transfer instructions. Wills & Trusts Those wishing to leave a legacy to St. Columbkille in their will or trust are growing in number, and we are very grateful. If you have questions about leaving the parish in your will or trust, or would like more information, please let us know. Financial Accounts or Life Insurance Did you know you can transfer almost any financial account– savings, checking, CD, brokerage or credit union accounts–to St. Columbkille Parish without changing your will? You can also gift any fully paid life insurance policy directly to our parish and receive a tax deduction, or name St. Columbkille as the death beneficiary, but keep the lifetime ownership rights. THANK YOU! We are very grateful for all gifts to St. Columbkille. If you have questions, or would like more information, please contact Curtis Neuschaefer at the parish office: phone: (239) 489-3973 email: or just stop by! Saint Columbkille Catholic Church • 12171 Iona Road, Fort Myers, Florida 33908 • Tax ID# 65-0466460 Page 12 Save the Date - Senior Prom “Cinderella’s Ball” January 30, 2015 Iona Hall 6:30-9:30pm Tickets are $15 Live Music with Side By Side Light Refreshments Sponsored by the Women’s Guild and Youth Ministry Tickets go on sale January 12th - January 28th. See future bulletins for details. Formal Attire dress is preferred. Coffee & Donuts “Joy to the World” Nativity Sculpture Wednesday, December 4th after the 8am Mass. Join us for for fine coffee, delicious donuts and fellowship in Iona Hall, Cafe Kells. All are welcome! Gift Shop News! Our Gift Shop, located in the Parish Library in the church narthex, has a new shipment of coffees and teas, and a new and exciting selection of delicious candy just in time for the holidays! Stop in soon. We are open before and after all Masses and anytime the church is open! Just in time for Christmas gift giving, we have available for purchase the sculpture “Joy to the World” by Timothy Schmaltz. This beautiful depiction of the Nativity can be purchased at our Religious Article Store located in the Church at the back of the Library or at the Parish Office. The cost is $40 (the retail cost is $59.99). If you would prefer to have your statue shipped up north, leave your name and phone number on the sheet in the narthex or come to the Parish Office to place your order. There is a $5 charge for shipping. Outreach Ministry Food Pantry Items Needed The Food Pantry needs peanut butter & jelly, canned corn and green beans. We appreciate all your donations, but please no outdated or opened items as we are unable to use them. Thank you! Soldier Ministry Our parishioners and the Thrift Store have been so generous the last 10 years in supporting our troops. Homeless Stand Down Items Needed We are collecting for the Homeless Stand Down to be held in January. This annual event is to help the many homeless of Lee County. Items needed are: • individual snack packs (chips, crackers, trail mix, candy, etc.) • baseball caps. Please place items in the bin in the Narthex. We can also use checks or gift cards so that we can purchase these items. These can be brought to the office or placed in the collection basket. Please put “Homeless Stand Down” on the envelope or memo line of your check. For the month of November we are collecting white tube socks. Please place items in the box in the narthex. For more information please call Miriam at 489-3973. If you have a soldier who would like to receive prayers and packages, please call Pat at 481-8333. Jesse Tree Christmas Break Day Camp Would you like to help a child spend Christmas break at Day Camp rather than be left home alone while the parents work? $50.00 will give a child the week at camp. The camp is filled with programs which are educational as well as enjoyable. Donations can be placed in the collection basket and should be made out with “Christmas Day Camp” in the memo line. Thank you. Page 13 Thank you for your generosity. The Jesse Tree is a leafless tree decorated with symbols portraying Jesus’ spiritual heritage. It is named from Isaiah 11:1: “A shoot will spring forth from the stump of Jesse, and a branch out of his roots.” The Jesse Tree was a vehicle to tell the story of God in the Old Testament, and the branch was a sign of newness – a way to talk about the expected Messiah. This Advent, we can be branches of generosity for people in need. Beginning the First Sunday of Advent, (the weekend of November 29 - 30) look for the Jesse Tree in the narthex and join the parish in a giving project to help our neighbors. It’s easy to participate: take an ornament and ID tag from the Jesse Tree and purchase the item written on the ornament. Then gift wrap your item, attach the ID tag and bring your package to church by December 14th. The ornament is for your tree, but please be sure to return the gift with the ID tag attached. All gifts must be identifiable in order to get them to the right person. Thank you! Saturday 8:00AM 3:00PM 5:00pm Sunday, 7:00AM 9:00AM 11:00AM 5:30PM Monday, 8:00AM Tuesday, 8:00AM Wednesday, 8:00AM Thursday, 8:00AM Friday, 8:00AM Saturday 8:00AM 3:00PM 5:00pm Sunday, 7:00AM 9:00AM 11:00AM 5:30PM Mass Intentions November 29 †Rudy Horvath, by Don & Pat Parsons Thanksgiving, by Jaqueline Kelly †Sue Doherty, by the St. Columbkille staff November 30 †Stephen Klafehn, by his family †Phyllis Petritus,by Kevin & Patty Smith †Margaret Mielnicki, by her husband †Matthew Pulizzotto, by his mom December 1 †David Menze, by Leon Berant December 2 †Robert Vogelbacker, by Lenny & Marie Wodarczyk December 3 †Rose & Vincent Tesoriero, by Anna Marie Tesoriero December 4 Communion Service December 5 †Rudy Horvath, by Shirley Hazel December 6 †Beatrice Jors, by Edward Jors †Gene Benvenuto, by his wife Rose & children †Diane Scholle, by Pat & Bill Mallon December 7 Raymond Lantz, by his family †Marion Record, by her daughter Ann †Kevin Robert McCrohan, by Bobbi Adams & Karen Blackwell People of St. Columbkille Sanctuary Candle in loving Memory of deceased members of Manzella/Dee Families Administration Pastor: Rev. Joseph Clifford Assisting Priest: Rev. Pat Boyhan Receptionists Peggy O’Rourke JoAnne Bertuch Business Manager Sergio Figueroa Director of Health Care Ministry Chris McBride Coordinator of Outreach Ministry Miriam Ortiz Maintenance Coordinator Javier Ortiz Director of Music Lee Van Asten Coordinator of Family Faith Anita Parmer Pastoral Associate Mary Homola Development, Communications Coordinator of Youth Ministry & Capital Campaign Manya Vartdal Curtis Neuschaefer For emergencies or more immediate contact with a staff member, please call the office directly. We welcome all new parishioners and are thankful God has sent you to us. Please fill out a registration card in the narthex and return to the Parish Office or place it in the collection basket. Mass Schedule Weekend Masses: Saturday: 8am, 3pm & 5pm Sunday: 7am, 9am, 11am & 5:30pm Weekday Masses: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 8:00am Communion Service: Thursday 8:00am Reconciliation: Saturday 9:00am Rosary: Monday - Saturday 7:15am Prayer List The Sick: Diane Accongio, Sherry Anderson, Riley Atkinson, Mary Behn, Ronald Benjamin, Laurie Bernardi, William Bertuch, Helen Bullyan, Yolanda Butler, Kathy Ciell-Hays, Bob Cline, Marion Colameco, Shirlee Davis, Mary Jane DiGiacomo, Helgi Downes, Violeta Espinoza, JoAnn Fabiszak, Pat Frye, Scott Germann, Ron Getz, Leona Haggerty, Sue Hunter, Philip Hurlahe, Linda Isenberg, Kay, Richard Kolb, John Krieger, Raymond Lantz, Gisela Lock, Norma Marceau, Simone McCandless, Darwin McVay, Dori Melfi, Teri McClure, Greg Mondello, Susan Moore, Kate O’Connor, Sara Olsson, Pat O’Neill, Cheryl Porter, John Putnam, Eric Ritter, Mary Ryder, Fr. Vincent Salamoni, Nancy Slivka, Dave Smedile, Vince Spano, William Steed, Kevin Strnad, Keith Van Asten, Paul Wack, Sandy Walker, Maria Walter, Nicole Ward, Carolyn Wicker, Robert Wonski The Recently Deceased: Owen McNamara Names cycle off the prayer list monthly. Please call if a continuation is needed. Do not ask to have people placed on the list without getting their permission first. Sacramental Ministries Infant Baptism: It is recommended that parents contact the Parish about requirements for baptism before the birth of a child. Infant baptism will be scheduled only after consultation with a member of the Pastoral Staff. Marriage: Couples should contact the Parish Office. Sacrament of the Sick: If you are not well, or when you know that you will be in the hospital, please ask the priest to confer the Sacrament of the Sick after the weekday Masses or Sunday Masses, or call the Parish Office 489-3973 to make an appointment. Homebound Parishioners: If you are confined to home, either temporarily or permanently, a member of the Ministry to the Sick will be happy to bring Holy Eucharist to your home weekly. Please contact the Parish Office. R.C.I.A.: If you are interested in the process of becoming a Catholic, please call the Parish Office. Thrift Store Our Thrift Store is located in the K-Mart Plaza at the Iona/ McGregor intersection. Open 10:00am - 5:00pm Monday through Saturday. For information call 489-4001.
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