Schedule of Liturgies: Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sat. Feb. 14 Sun. Feb. 15 Tue. Feb. 17 Wed. Feb. 18 Thu. Feb. 19 Fri. Feb. 20 Sat. Feb. 21 Sun. Feb. 22 4:30pm Eugene Flynn on the 13th Anniversary of his death by Patti Donahue * Alan & Ann Jones & Family 9:00am For the intentions of Lauren Brown by Maureen McGahey * Jeffrey & Justine Jones & Family 10:30am Olive Kennedy by Mike and Scott Kennedy & Family Eddie Kennedy by the Kennedy Family * Nancy Jones & Family 7:00pm Kathleen Joliceour by Arlene Murphy 7:00pm ASH WEDNESDAY 9:30am Holy Name of Mary School – Mass & Ashes 11:00am Almonte Country Haven – Liturgy of the Word & Ashes 1:30pm Fairview Manor – Liturgy of the Word & Ashes 2:30pm Almonte General Hospital – Liturgy of the Word & Ashes 7:00pm Intentions of the Parishioners as they Begin their Lenten Journey 7:00pm Rose Bartello by Tom & Celia Bartello 9:00am Edward McAuliffe by Pat McAuliffe 4:30pm Arnold Shane on the 25th Anniversary of his death by Frances & family * Nigel Jones & Family 9:00am Carmel Coady by Dorothy Léger * Kim & Julie Julian & Family 10:30am Kenneth Fletcher by John &Pat Coderre * Aaron & Erika Juneau & Family (* Indicates the special family being prayed for at this Mass) PARISH EVENTS WHEN WHERE HOLY HOUR/BLESSED SACRAMENT Every Sunday at 7:30pm (if inclement weather please call Barry 256-7007) 1 Hour before Weekday Masses ½ Hour before Weekday Masses Sat. 4:00-4:15pm, Sun. 8:30-8:45am & 10:00-10:15am Every Monday at 10:00am Every Tuesday at 10:00am Parishioners meet at the church to recite the Rosary & pray for special intentions. All welcome! Church EUCHARISTIC EXPOSITION CONFESSIONS DIVINE MERCY CENACLE PRAYER CIRCLE Church Church Contact 256-7777 Church PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, February 19th at 7:30pm Rectory DURING LENT WHEN WHERE STATIONS OF THE CROSS Every Thursday at 6:30pm Church ALL DAY ADORATION Every Friday from 9:30am – 4:00pm Church ***WEEKDAY MASSES - During the winter months the weekday masses are generally held in the vestry. Please enter through the vestry door or handicap bathrooms entrance. *** OUR HOLY NAME OF MARY WELCOME WAGON would like to welcome you to our Parish Family. If you are NEW to the Parish or know of someone who is recently new to our parish, please call Sandy at 256-3586 or the Parish Office at 256-1034. If you require a box of collection envelopes, please contact the Parish Office 256-1034. Thank you. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH: Mary Byrne, Elizabeth Caldwell, Ron McLaren, Geraldine Kellogg, John Knelson, Lesley Hendry, Christina Graham, Jesse Charney, Barbara Swarbrick, Lucy Rose Mitchell, Kay Horton, Keith King, Paul Duford, Jim Sheridan, Rita Hurdis, Luc Gosset, Danny English, Vera Hassett, Claire Therien and Ryan Howard. “May God’s Grace Restore You To Good Health” LIBRARY: We have a free lending library at the back of the church. Many thanks to all who have donated items! Recent additions include Scott Hahn's Reasons to Believe and Matthew Pinto's Did Adam & Eve Have Belly Buttons? Sign out sheets and a catalogue of books are in the library binder. Sunday Morning Smile There was a high-school English teacher who was well known for being a fair but hard grader. One day after receiving a B minus on his theme paper, a student in hopes of bettering his grade and in the spirit of the Valentine season, sent her an extravagant heart-shaped box of chocolates with the inscription: “BE MINE.” The following day, he received in return a valentine from the teacher. It read: “Thank you… but it’s still BE MINE-US.!” YOUTH & FAMILY ADORATION NIGHT: Our parish will be hosting an Adoration Night for its Youth Group and their families in the Church on Sunday February 15th from 6:30-9:00pm. There will be a teaching on adoration and confession from 6:30-7:00. Adoration will be from 7-8pm followed by a social. There will be music to go along with our adoration and confession will be offered. All parishioners are welcome to come and celebrate with us. The night is geared towards Youth and their families but all are welcome! Info: Andrew (613-612-5246). KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BREAKFAST! On Sunday, February 15th the Knights of Columbus will he holding a breakfast at St. Mary’s Parish Hall in Carleton Place following the 9:00am mass. Proceeds go to the Notre Dame students Guatemala trip. SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE BREAKFAST! Please join us for our Annual Pancake Breakfast on Tuesday, February 17th from 7:30am – 9:30am at HNOM School Gym. The Knights of Columbus will be preparing and serving the breakfast. This breakfast will be free to Students & Staff at HNOM School and $5 for all others. MILK BAG MATS: The next scheduled workshop is on Tuesday, February 17 from 1:00-4:00pm. Please call Jean Newton at 256-2923 for more information. All are welcome! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 39TH ANNUAL CURLING BONSPIEL: Saturday, February 21st, 9:00am, Carleton Place Curling Club $20.00 per person includes lunch. See poster at the back of the church for details. LENTEN ECUMENICAL SERVICES & LUNCH: Join us for a brief ecumenical service followed by lunch at the Almonte United Church on Tues., Mar. 10, Mar. 17 & Mar. 24th at 12 noon. On March 24th Fr. Lindsay will be doing the service and our Parish will be preparing the luncheon. No charge. All welcome! Please see poster at the back of the church. FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE FOR DOCTORS THREATENED: The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) has proposed a modification in its operational principles which, if adopted, would severely restrict the rights of conscience of physicians by forcing them to do certain procedures or prescribe certain pharmaceuticals against their own moral or religious convictions in some cases, or to make a formal referral to another doctor in others. The draft policy can be read at The CPSO will accept feedback from the public on this issue until February 20th. One may write the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, 80 College St., Toronto, ON, M5G-2E2 or submit feedback online at HOLY NAME OF MARY YOUTH/YOUNG ADULT: For info/updates about our youth (gr 9-12) and young adults group, please see our fb page: Holy Name of Mary Catholic Youth Group or contact Andrew Jahn at 612-5246. All welcome! WEEKLY DEPOSITS February 10, 2015 - $4,353.65 February 11, 2014 - $4,903.55 Many thanks for your generous support of our Parish! PLANNED GIVING REQUESTS - SECURITIES: Do you already give to your parish and the Catholic community? Consider the significant tax, cost and time savings of donating securities (stocks, mutual funds and bonds). Please call the parish office for more details at 613-256-1034 or the Development Office of the Archdiocese 613-738-5025, ext. 235. NEW: There is a large new selection of booklets in the Lighthouse stand at the church entrance. $3 each or 2 for $5. From the Catholic Truth Society, the Chastity Project and the Marians of the Immaculate Conception OUR TWIN PARISH: Jesus Salvatore in Peru is very poor and in need of any support you can give. Can you spare the amount of a Tim Horton's coffee this week? To donation boxes available at the back of the church. SHADE OF IRELAND TOUR: Join Father Bill Penney Sept 1-10, 2015 on a Shades of Ireland tour. Visit Dublin, Waterford, Killarney and Limerick as this comprehensive tour introduces Ireland’s natural beauty, rich history and most importantly, its hospitable culture. Please contact Debbie Brydges at Carlson Wagonlit Travel 613-257-4111 for further information. Happy Family Day!
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