Camden Haven Parish Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B 8 February 2015 New Beginnings Lord, God of all Creation. All new beginnings are a sign of your love for us. Everything is new or renewed—new calendar, new diary, new hopes and renewed enthusiasm. In this atmosphere of freshness, help us to look up rather than down, forward rather than back. Help us to notice people and their needs and to do what we can to help them achieve their full dignity and development as persons. As the year fills with activities, challenges and difficulties, let our work with families continue as we live and celebrate the promise in our Catholic community. Fill each day with your grace so that in our ministry we may continue to grow in your love. Grant us a wealth of patience, compassion and acceptance for ourselves, our communities and for each other. Help us to face the future with serenity, confidence and courage, and keep us safe and secure. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen. ENTRANCE ANTIPHON: O come, let us worship God and bow low before the God who made us, for he is the Lord our God. RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Praise the Lord who heals the broken hearted. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Alleluia, alleluia! He bore our sickness, and endured our suffering. Alleluia! COMMUNION ANTIPHON: Let them thank the Lord for his mercy, his wonders for the children of men, for he satisfied the thirsty soul, and the hungry he fills with good things. TODAY’S READINGS: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 Mark 1:29-39 God’s Love For Us During a recent few days holiday there was the healthy pursuit of some leisurely fun with family, such as playing cards. Despite the family fun, when I was caught out accidentally ‘tabling’ a playing card, I remonstrated with passion. I had no intention of playing the card and losing that trick. My good-natured son astutely recommended a mutual agreement for further games and I was reminded of the different ways of ‘being there’. Have you ever played a game of chance? Cards with friends? The Lotto? Scratch-its? Bet on the races? If so, you understand how such a pastime can engage our minds and emotions — even fill or empty our wallets. In the great Greek civilisation, two-and-a-half thousand years ago, people believed their gods such as Zeus, Apollo and Athena sported with humans in the same way. They could manoeuvre events or manipulate lives according to their whim. In fear of the gods’ capricious actions people placated them with rituals and sacrificial offerings. How far from this kind of servile fear is the confidence won for us through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We depend on Jesus’ demonstration that God is a loving divine parent, fully engaged in the striving and suffering of human lives — indeed in the whole of life. The journey of the cosmos is no mere game or ingenious experiment. Diaconate Ordination Stefan Matuszek will be ordained to the Diaconate by Bishop Jarrett at St Carthage’s Cathedral on Thursday 12th February at 7.00pm. All parishioners are invited to attend. ΨΨΨΨΨΨΨΨΨΨΨΨΨΨΨ Rather, it is an expression of love that includes infinite commitment and promise of ultimate union with the divine. This extraordinary belief is the basis of today’s readings. Poor Job bemoans his tortuous existence that seems to signify impending death. However, the psalmist rejoices that despite the rigours of earthly existence, God continually blesses us with loving kindness. Paul’s missionary discipleship means enduring constant pain and suffering and yet this only strengthens his faith in the promise of the joy of final union with Christ. Like us, he is spurred on by the gospel, the Good News of God’s Kingdom of justice and peace that we find in Jesus’ words and acts, such as his supreme generosity and wonderful healings proclaimed today. We cannot afford to make the pain and struggle of life an excuse for lesser being; for narrowing our perspective; for being less welcoming, less generous and less courageous. It is a call to the reverse. We are called always to a greater, larger way of being. To exercise faith in the face of an apparent lack of divine intervention, hope in the midst of discouragement and charity when injured, means to grow in virtue. Despite the trials of our present times, to practice patience, peace, welcome and hospitality is to assist one another along the path that is the way to God. Bet Green ©Redemptorists 2015 Pontifical High Mass Bishop Jarrett will offer a Pontifical High Mass on Friday 13th February at 7.00pm in St Carthage's Cathedral at the high altar. The Pontifical High Mass is the Solemn Mass in the extraordinary form celebrated by a bishop. This is a rare opportunity to participate in this solemn liturgy which is seldom celebrated. The newly ordained Deacon Stefan Matuszek will be the deacon for this Mass. LENTEN PROGRAM “Arise” 2015 Monday 7.30pm at Michael & Lorna Morson’s 10 Sandpiper Close, Lakewood First session—16th February ROSTERS for PARISH MINISTRIES 14th & 15th February Tuesday 9.30am in Tenison Centre, St Peter’s. First session—17th February Thursday 10.00am in Tenison Centre, St Peter’s. First session—19th February Thursday 2.00pm at Matilda Fittock’s, 8 Grenadines Way, Bonny Hills First session—19th February LAURIETON 5.30pm SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM A MASS OF ANOINTING Parents of children attending State schools in the Camden Haven who wish their children to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation, Penance and Eucharist in 2015 are asked to contact Sr Frances at the Parish Office: 6559 8354. will be held at Lakeside Aged Care Residence on Monday 9th February at 10.45am and at The Frank Whiddon Home (Laurieton Haven Aged Care) on Tuesday 10th February at 10.30am. Our Bishop’s preference is that Confirmation is conferred on children in one year and they receive Penance & Eucharist the following year . When children reach Year 2 they can receive Confirmation. DATES: Penance: Thursday 19th March Eucharist: Sunday 7th June, 9.00am Confirmation: Sunday 26th July, 9.00am SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE FOR THE SYNOD On the theme “The Vocation & Mission of the Family in the Church & Contemporary World”, the Synod convenes in Rome on 4th October. A 30 question survey has been prepared by the ACBC and is available on the Lismore Diocese website (Second Family Life Survey) or a hard copy at church and is to be completed by Monday 9th February. PLEASE PRAY FOR: Those who died recently and those whose anniversary occurs at this time—Margaret Pascoe, Bill Harris, Gregory Powell, Hannah McDevitt and Mario Baron. PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK: Fr Jim Saunders (Maitland/Newcastle Diocese), Maree Niven, Sue Drury, Anthony Young, Sr Brigid Linehan (Lochinvar), Bishop Geoffrey Robinson (retired) and Paul Gleeson. . Readers: Z Williams, P Day Preparation of Gifts: Thew Family Music: R Weber Collectors: C Power, P Lloyd Ministers of Holy Communion: P Ward, B Carmody, B Phillis Overheads: M Gaudron Church Cleaning: B Cummins LAURIETON 7.30am Readers: D & S Langston Preparation of Gifts: Volunteers Collectors: J Nelson, J Lombardo Ministers of Holy Communion: P Sewell, L Sewell, V Davison KENDALL 9.00am Readers: Y Kenny, H Morson Preparation of Gifts: A Fitzpatrick Music: Music Group Ministers of Holy Communion: L Morson Church Cleaning: C Brown, P Smith ΨΨΨΨΨΨΨΨΨΨ Parish Priest: Fr Michael Roohan Parish Sister: Sr Frances Slack Business Manager: Mr Jim Treeves Acting School Principal: Mr David Hughes Presbytery & Administration P O Box 133 Laurieton 2443 Ph. 6559 8354 Fax: 6559 6457 GRIEF & LOSS RECOVERY WORKSHOP WEEKDAY SERVICES Monday 9 February Lakeside Aged Care 10.45am Tuesday 10 February The Whiddon Group Home (Laurieton Haven Aged Care) 10.30am Grief is never an easy journey and each person’s experience is different. It is a time when you need and deserve all the help you can get. This workshop is a non-religious, self help program held at the Uniting Church, Cnr Oxley Highway & Sherwood Road, Port Macquarie. The next program will be held on Mondays from 9th February—16th March from 4.00pm till 6.00pm. A fee of $40 will help cover costs. For more information call Kaye on 6581 2414 between 9.00am & 1.00pm. Wednesday 11 February Laurieton 8.00am Thursday 12 February Laurieton 8.00am Friday 13 February Laurieton Midday WEEKEND SERVICES Saturday 14 February Laurieton 5.30pm Sunday 15 February Laurieton 7.30am Kendall 9.00am SACRAMENT OF PENANCE 5.00pm—5.25pm Saturdays, Laurieton READINGS FOR NEXT WEEK Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46 Two lucky parishioners meeting the “Tigers” players during their recent visit to St Joseph’s Primary School. The current interest rate on investments is 3.40% per annum (at call). 1 Corinthians 10:31, 11:1 Local Agent: Parish Office 6559 8354 Mark 1:40-45 9.00am to 4.00pm
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