PARISH MISSION STATEMENT The Linked Parishes of St. Boniface and St. Lawrence strive to merge our strengths and our individual gifts with each other fostering a stronger vision of the Catholic Christian faith in our area. We welcome people and families and incorporate them into our faith community. We teach the Word and celebrate the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist, with joy. We share the Good News of Jesus Christ, supporting each other in our common needs and reaching out to the community in love and service. FINANCIAL REPORTS Offering – Weekend of May 2/3 EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATIONS May 11 – 17 MONDAY TUESDAY SL 7:00am WEDNESDAY SL 7:00am SL 5:00pm THURSDAY SB 8:00am SB 5:00pm FRIDAY SB 8:00am SATURDAY SL 1:00pm SB 4:00pm SL 5:30pm St. Boniface Sunday Envelopes All Other Envelopes Aid to Nepal No Mass Christine Wilcox by Bob and Chris Pulizzi St. Lawrence Sunday Envelopes All Other Envelopes Aid to Nepal Lucille Haswell by Joan and Bill Bower ASCENSION VIGIL MASS In honor of Rosemary Carey's 98th birthday Abigail Pfirman and Ethan Jones Wedding Andrew Bower by Evelyn Eiswerth McQuillen family by Gerard and Anne McQuillen SB SL SB SL SB SL SB SUNDAY SB 9:00am Goldie Masar by the Don Fisher family SL 10:30am SB 11:45am Lee Fessler by his wife Rowan Fischer Baptism $4,925.00 579.00 942.17 $6,446.17 ASCENSION OF THE LORD Thursday, May 14th is the Ascension of the Lord and a Holy Day of Obligation. The Vigil Mass will be at 5pm at St. Lawrence on Wednesday, May 13th and the Holy Day Masses will be at St. Boniface at 8am & 5pm. ASCENSION Jim Kase by Sandy Kase Emil Fischer by Mary Wenner Carl Waldman by Ron and Carol Konkle $8,983.00 657.50 2,480.00 $12,120.50 SL SB SL SB SL Assignments For May 16/17 Altar Servers 4:00pm – M. & L. Trump 5:30pm – P. West 9:00am – L. Radulski, S. Sacavage 10:30am – I. & J. Dinsmore Eucharistic Ministers 4:00pm – A. Beiter, S. Wert, M. Troisi, L. Edkin 5:30pm – J. Fetzer, B. McMahon, J. Shade 9:00am – D. & C. Hamm, R. DePasquale, G. Deck, S. VanFleet, J. Dincher, G. Dincher 10:30am – J. Dinsmore, J. Griggs, K. Wrightson Commentators / Lectors 4:00pm – J. Collins / L. Collins 5:30pm – T. Thomke 9:00am – S. Sholder / K. Pagana 10:30am – P. Kaczmarek St. Boniface & St. Lawrence Parish PREP and Sacrament Program It’s that time again! We will soon be making our famous Pierogies for the annual Carnival. Please mark your calendar and plan to come help and have some fun! Monday, June 8th & Monday, June 22nd 6pm in the School Kitchen Catholic Communications Campaign Next weekend is the collection for the Catholic Communications Campaign. This collection communicates the Gospel through Catholic social media activities and enriches our faith through podcasts, television, radio, and print media. Please use the envelope that was provided in your packet and be generous in this collection and support this important work. Roses From Ecuador For Mother's Day Help thousands of people with clean water with the purchase of a beautiful rose from Ecuador on Mother's Day. Roses will be on sale this weekend, May 9th & 10th and will sell for $4.50 each. The Rotary Club Quito Norte is launching a fundraiser that will benefit all of the 17,555 people living in these areas with no clean drinking water, with the initial focus schools serving 940 children. You can enjoy beautiful roses & improve children's lives at the same time! Thank you to the Knights of Columbus We thank the local chapter of the Knights of Columbus for their gifts to the Frist Communion class. If you ever wish to become a member, you can contact Jon Hasselman. Robert Achey, Lupe Acosta, Arnie Betts, Donna Brennan, Nancy Brewer, Malena Brown, Kirsten Felix Burkhart, Isabel Buttorff, Yvonne Carlin, Ron Churba, Stephen Condo, Joann Confer, Joshua Culbertson, Alan DeBrody, Kathryn DeMar, Bob and Linda Derr, Claris Engel, Sister Rita Ann Engel, Danny Fagnano, Jim Fetzer, Lylah Fisher, Erin Gillis, Libby Girio, Charles Gnau, John Hamm, Lia Hart, Edna Hoffman, Nicholas Jacopetti, Joanne King, Edythe Maggs, Colt Meyer, Angelina Miele, Linda Philbin, C., M., & Kathy Richardson, Celestine Ripka, Maria Smith, Mary Lou Smith, Emily Snyder, Rosanne Steinbacher, Sister E. J. Stetts, Bernard Stopper, Carl Stopper, Bill & Viola Thomke, Amy Twist, Louise Waldman, Julie Weigle, Ann Williams, John Yon Memorare – Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help or sought your intercession, was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, we come before you, O Virgin of virgins my Mother; to you do we come, before you we stand, sinful and sorrowful; O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not our petitions, but in your mercy hear and answer them. Amen. MAY MONTH OF MARY – By tradition, the Catholic Church dedicates each month of the year to certain devotions. In May, it is the Blessed Virgin Mary. This devotion arose among Jesuits in Rome in the late 18th century and quickly spread throughout the Western Church. Very popular is a May crowning where a statue of Mary is adorned with a wreath of flowers upon her head by one person and flowers are placed at her feet. MAY CROWNING AT ST. LAWRENCE will be Sunday, May 10th at the 10:30am Mass. All children from young to older are asked to participate. TO PREP CATHECHISTS, PARISH FAMILIES, our PASTOR MSGR. STEPHEN MCGOUGH, and our PARISH OFFICE STAFF, KATHY MAURO and TRACEY STROBLE for a wonderful PREP year. We were able to be the hands and feet of Christ in many different ways throughout the year because you cared, because you gave of your time and talent, because of your love for our children. Looking forward to the beginning of our next year’s program. PREP QUESTIONS – contact Dianne Fisher, Director of Religion phone 570.322-3278 or E-mail at NOTICE TO ALL PARISHIONERS * Our Scripture Study will continue throughout the summer. There may be an occasional cancellation to accommodate engagements, but otherwise we will continue our journey through the sacred scriptures. All are invited. Our study is such that you can come in anytime. * In addition to our regular Catechetical program I am beginning in August 2015 a family based program for First Penance and First Communion. I will lay out the details for this in a week or two by way of a letter to all that we expect to be in the program next year. After viewing the possibility it will be an option for you. * As we approach the critical years of 20162017 when there will be multiple mandatory retirements (the age in the Diocese of Scranton is 75) it is important to understand what this will mean in terms of your participation in your parish life. Leadership within the parishes will become critical to progress and growth in our parishes. This will be an ongoing conversation at every level. * A Baptismal Preparation Meeting will be held three times a year. It is a wonderful opportunity to prepare for the coming to life in Jesus the Christ. At each meeting there will be a Blessing of Pregnant Parents and a Blessing for those who have already given birth and are awaiting Baptism. May 10, 2015 PASTOR'S CORNER THIRTY-FIVE DAYS The cornerstone of Christian Faith is the Death and Resurrection of Jesus. Our Easter celebration is a concerted effort to grasp the meaning of it in our lives. These events are not extrinsic to us and then added to us as after thoughts about our lives. They are the continuation of the wonderful God given gift of creation and our life. Our God's relationship to all he has created and continues to create is a simple divine eternal act of Love. (Capital L)! This love is a continuous state of Being for God. It always was, always will be, it does not change, never is conditioned, or conditional, or moderated. It comes to the human in the condition of humans. It comes to us in the manner of the receiver. It is in short Incarnate, like the Baby in the feeding trough, and the Man on the Cross. Grace is INCARNATE. Created Grace. "I am the Shepherd, You are the Sheep, I am the Vine, You are the Branches." There cannot be a deeper invasion of the human condition than the Birth, Life, Death, & Resurrection of Jesus. God Be Praised! Scripture Class Wednesday, May 13th 7pm St. Lawrence Thursday, May 14th 9:30am St. Boniface Love, Msgr. McGough St. Ann Youth Mass – Sunday May 17th 6:45PM Join us for our first Youth Mass at St. Ann. A youth focused Mass is a vibrant liturgy that speaks to young people and challenges them to live as disciples of Christ. It is not limited to just teenagers; people of all ages can attend a youth Mass. The music, homilies, and environment are set for youth and their families. The energy, reverence and prayerfulness that teens bring to the celebration is contagious. It fulfills our Sunday obligation too! Anyone interested in sharing their musical talent for this Mass should contact Shannon Nappi at Ever think of hosting an exchange student? Share your life for 10 months with a high school student from another country. They arrive in August for the school year. Visit for more information or contact Ann Swift at or 772-7012. St. Lawrence parishioners who have hosted are Jerry & Debbie Broskey. Email with any questions. Immaculate Conception Spring Dinner Immaculate Conception Parish will hold a Spring Dinner on Sunday, May 17 from noon until 6:00pm. Dinner includes turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, noodles, gravy, corn, salad, homemade bread, coffee, tea, and water. All you can eat, family style, with cake for dessert. Price: $9.00 for adults and $4.00 for children 4 to 12 and free for children 3 and under. Take-outs available. The ticket booth will be open in front of the Parish Hall starting at 11:00am. Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Shrines of France Only a few seats remain for a 9-day pilgrimage to the shrines of France, August 23 to September 1, 2015. Join with Bishop Bambera for visits to the shrines of Saint Therese of Lisieux, “The Little Flower,” Saint Catherine Laboure, and St. Vincent de Paul in Paris. Celebrate Mass at the American Cemetery in Normandy and spend two nights in Lourdes, visiting the shrine where Our Lady appeared to St. Bernadette. For more information or reservations, contact Travel World at (570) 342-5790.
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