Santa Maria Pastoral Team Church of Santa Maria Fr. George Mockel Pastor March 22, 2015 Dcn. Maurice Custodio Deacon Emeritus x303 Dcn. James Pearce Deacon x307 Linda Zunino Administrative Assistant x301 Tony Millette Director of Liturgy and Music x310 Sr. Theresa Lan Do, LHC Faith Formation Kindergarten to Grade 5 x306 Megan Dagang Arteaga Youth Ministry, Grades 6-12 and CYO Parish Liaison x308 Sr. Mary Anh Cong, LHC Pastoral Care of the Sick x309 Francy Rasimus Pastoral Care of Associate x309 Sr. Magdalena Duong, LHC Bookkeeper sistermagdalena@smparish org, x302 40 Santa Maria Way | Orinda, CA 94563 Tel: 925-254-2426 Fax: 925-254-2468 Parish Email: Emergency Sick Call: 925-695-7677 Office Hours Monday—Thursday 9am-5pm, Friday 9am-1pm Schedule of Mass and Liturgy Daily Mass Eucharistic Adoration* Reconciliation Sunday Masses Holy Days 8am (Chapel) Noon-3pm Tuesday (Chapel) 4:00pm Saturday (Church) 5:00pm Saturday Vigil Mass 8:30am, 10:30am, 5:00pm 8:00am and 7:00pm *Tuesday Adoration takes place from September through May; there is no weekly adoration from June through August. Fifth Sunday of Lent March 22, 2015 The Paschal Triduum 2015 PASSION SUNDAY – March 29th Masses: 5:00pm (Sat), 8:30, 10:30am & 5pm HOLY THURSDAY –APRIL 2nd Morning Prayer – 8:00am Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper – 7:30pm Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament - 8:30pm Night Prayer-10:00pm GOOD FRIDAY – APRIL 3rd Morning Prayer – 8:00am Sta ons of the Cross – 12:30pm Celebra on of the Lord’s Passion, Venera on of the Cross and Communion 2:00pm Sta ons of the Cross - 7:00pm HOLY SATURDAY –APRIL 4th Morning Prayer – 8:00am Easter Vigil – 8:00pm EASTER SUNDAY – APRIL 5th Masses: 8:30, 10:30am (church) & 10:30am (parish hall) (No 5:00pm Sunday Evening Mass) Mass Intentions Week of March 23-March 27, 2015 Weekend of March 28-March 29, 2015 Monday 8:00am Joe Caufield (d) Saturday 5:00pm Anne Foran (d) Tuesday 8:00am For Families Sunday 8:30am For the Sick Wednesday 8:00am Special Intention 10:30am For the Parish Thursday 8:00am For All Souls 5:00pm Ed Coyne (d) Friday 8:00am Alama Mockel (d) D=Deceased; L=Living Lenten Opportuni es A Friendly Manor Our sincere thanks to the parishioners of Santa Maria for making our annual daffodil sale such a success. With the par cipa on of seven area churches, we were able to raise $5,000 for the Friendly Place/Manor. We appreciate your connued support of this worthy cause. Taize΄Prayer-March 20-7:00pm-(church) Communal Reconcilia on Service-March 24 -7:30pm-(church) “A Voice from the Passion”-Fr. George Mockel-March 27-7:00pm(church) Msgr. Ted Kraus’ Movie Night will not be held on March 23rd at St. Mary Church in Walnut Creek. The next movie night will be March 30— the movie for that evening will be “Grand Torino” star ng at 7:00pm. Pastoral Care Ministry Come join us at the next Mass at the Orinda Senior Village on Monday, March 23rd at 9:30am! If you or someone whom you know is in need of the recepon of the Sacrament of the Anoin ng of the Sick whether at home, in a Convalescent Home or hospital, please contact Sr. Mary Anh Cong at (925) 254-2426, ext 309 or the Administra ve Assistant at ext. 301. You may also email In case of an immediate emergency, please telephone (925) 695-7677. Blood Drive Santa Maria Parish and the Knights of Columbus will host a Blood Drive on Good Friday, April 3rd. The Bloodmobile will be parked in the lower parking lot from 12:00 to 5:00pm to accept your blood dona ons. Sign-ups for this Blood Drive will take place on the weekends of March 21st and March 28th. All of the blood collected will be used by those in need at our local Bay Area hospitals. Pray for the Sick Joan Artmann, Shoaib Aryan, Bert Azaro, Harlon Berg, Maria Carmen, Sonya Cavazos, Blanca Christie, Ralph & Delores Codde, Tom Crosby, John Cwalina, Nora Enriquez, Emidio Fonseca, Patricia Fox, Bridget Gallagher, Brian Kelly, Mason Kelly, Carol Koupus, Katherine Linehan, Yal Liu, Rose Mary McPhee, Stephen O’Brien, Susan O’Hara, Ann Powell, Betty Sammon, Pierre Schreyer, Helen Sullivan, John Twomey, Margaret Wiegand Pray for the Deceased Barbara Fairbanks, Ed Coyne, Winifred Gilmore, Tom O’Brien Treasure Weekly Need: $10,350.00 The Weekly Need is based on the average cost of running our parish, including bills, supplies, and programming, and 5% of the plate collection is designated for Social Justice charities. Actual: March 15, 2015 Plate $ 8,712.00 EFT $ 1,108.10 Credit $ 1,596.48 ___________________________ Total $11,416.58 Upcoming Collections 03/29/15 Maintenance Fund 04/03/15 Holy Land/Good Friday 04/12/15 Faith Formation Thank You! A word of thanks and apprecia on to Bob Semar who has been repairing the low voltage ligh ng in and around the church building, thus enhancing our beau ful grounds and safety at night. Thanks also to Richard Stanaro who recently mulched many of the plants around the church where Ursula Gordon has been working hard pruning, raking and cleaning some of our garden areas. Thanks to everyone who help make our beau ful grounds even more beau ful. Thanks also to the Knights of Columbus who sponsored our first Parish “Fish Fry” this past Friday evening. An enjoyable evening of prayer, song, good food and a good me was had by all. No one seemed to want to go home! Consider joining us for each of the remaining Friday’s of Lent for our varied Lenten Services. Father Mockel Week-at-a-Glance Monday March 23 8:00a Mass Chapel 2:30p Faith Formation Church/School 3:30p Children’s Choir Rm#1 4:00p Faith Formation Church/School 7:30p Parish Choir Church Tuesday March 24 8:00a Mass Chapel 12:00p Adoration & Benediction Chapel 7:30p Lenten Communal Reconciliation Chapel Reception to Follow Parish Hall Wednesday March 25 8:00a Mass Chapel 7:00p RCIA Parish Office 7:00p Middle School Youth Group Youth Room Thursday March 26 8:00a Mass Chapel 7:30p Parish Choir Church Friday March 27 8:00a Mass Chapel 7:00p “A Voice from the Passion” Father George Mockel Church Saturday March 28 8:00a Communion Service Chapel 9:00a Minister of the Word Practice Church 10:00a Parish Choir Church 2:00p Ed Coyne Funeral Church Reception to follow Parish Hall 4:00p Sacrament of Reconciliation Church 5:00p Mass Church Sunday March 29 (Palm Sunday) 8:30a Mass Church 10:30a Mass Church 5:00p Mass Church Congratula ons Mark! One of our own, Mark Roberts, has been chosen as 2015 Man of the Year by the City of Orinda. Well done!
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