Santa Maria Pastoral Team Fr. George Mockel Pastor Church of Santa Maria May 17, 2015 Dcn. Maurice Custodio Deacon Emeritus x303 Dcn. James Pearce Deacon x307 Linda Zunino Administrative Assistant x301 Tony Millette Director of Liturgy and Music x310 Sr. Theresa Lan Do, LHC Faith Formation Kindergarten to Grade 5 x306 Megan Dagang Arteaga Youth Ministry, Grades 6-12 and CYO Parish Liaison x308 Sr. Mary Anh Cong, LHC Pastoral Care of the Sick x309 Francy Rasimus Pastoral Care Associate x309 Sr. Magdalena Duong, LHC Bookkeeper x302 40 Santa Maria Way | Orinda, CA 94563 Tel: 925-254-2426 Fax: 925-254-2468 General Email: Emergency Sick Call: 925-695-7677 Office Hours Monday—Thursday 9am-5pm, Friday 9am-1pm Schedule of Mass and Liturgy Daily Mass Eucharistic Adoration* Reconciliation Sunday Masses Holy Days 8am (Chapel) Noon-3pm Tuesday (Chapel) 4:00pm Saturday (Church) 5:00pm Saturday Vigil Mass 8:30am, 10:30am & 5:00pm 8:00am and 7:00pm *Tuesday Adoration takes place from September through May; there is no weekly adoration from June through August. Ascension of the Lord May 17, 2015 Dear Fellow Parishioners, Today we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord (usually celebrated on the 40th day after Easter) but now celebrated on Sunday, so that a fuller experience can be celebrated by parishioners. The Ascension of the Lord prepares us for the end of our fifty day celebration of Easter. We have shaped our Sunday liturgies during Easter with many songs and sights; flowers and water, baptisms and first Eucharist, confirmations and weddings. There has been a simple and beautiful presence of water: the font, the holy water, the rite of sprinkling. There has been the Easter candle: large and beautifully crafted and burning during all of the liturgies of the Easter season. Joy has permeated the gospels of the Easter weeks: Jesus and Mary in the garden, the upper room, the stranger cooking breakfast, the Emmaus supper, the discourse from John’s Gospel. During these weeks of Easter we have sought ways to express the spirit of the season with sounds, colors, textures, tastes, melodies, and movements. Our Easter Season invited us to celebrate the fullness of our deeply Christian voices, eyes and hands. Next Sunday we conclude the transformative season of Easter with the celebration of Pentecost. The gift of the Holy Spirit will come to us anew next Sunday—the Spirit, which in a very unique way has been unceasingly with us since the Great Easter Vigil on April 4th when Gabrielle Skelton was baptized, Don Reed was received and Kim Clougherty completed her initiation into the Catholic Church. Lord, send down your Spirit and renew the face of the Earth! Happy Pentecost—and don’t forget to wear red. Mass Intentions Week of May 18-May 22, 2015 Monday 8:00am Tuesday 8:00am Wednesday 8:00am Thursday 8:00am Friday 8:00am Weekend of May 23-May 24, 2015 Saturday 5:00pm Mother’s Day Novena Sunday 8:30am Ed Coyne (d) 10:30am Christopher Nemeth (d) 5:00pm Holy Souls in Purgatory Tom O’Brien (d) D=Deceased; L=Living Ed Coyne (d) Msgr. Theodore Kraus (d) Harold Simms (d) For the Parish Mary’s Shower The Social JusƟce Team expresses graƟtude to all parishioners who helped to coordinate the details of “Mary’s Shower” and to those who donated. Through the generosity of our parishioners, we were able to donate to the Birthright Center in Concord: almost 700 diapers and about 1,100 wipes; 20 charming new baby ouƞits; some new maternity tops; blankets and adorable, handmade baby items. Special thanks go to Marcia Kelly, Anne Fuller, and Jennifer Swan for help with the display and deep appreciaƟon to Maria Elsa Moya and Angelena Sanchez for their work on the handmade baby items. May you all be richly blessed for your stewardship in sharing your Ɵme, talent and resources. Thank You! Pentecost All parishioners are asked to wear fiery colors of red, yellow or orange on the Feast of Pentecost May 24th! Pastoral Care Ministry We Christians are called to heal Service to the sick is a particular aspect of our Ministry, which Jesus Himself required to all of us who bear His name. Healing and care for the sick physically, psychologically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually-must be a priority in our community. Sickness and pain have always been an enigma to humankind and difficult to understand because we believe in an all loving, all powerful God. Sickness can not be seen as punishment in which we suffer for our personal or ancestral sins. The disciples asked Jesus about the cause of man’s blindness: “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, for him to have been born blind?” Jesus replied: “ Neither he or his parents sinned . He was born blind so that the works of God might be displayed in him.” (Jn.9:2-3) Members of Pastoral Care Team are available to bring Holy Communion to Parishioners who are ill or recovering after surgery at home and can't come to church. To schedule a home visit, please contact Sr. Mary Anh Cong at ext.254-2426, x 309 or email: Pray for the Sick Joan Artmann, Shoaib Aryan, Bert Azaro, Harlon Berg, Maria Carmen, Sonya Cavazos, Blanca Christie, Delores Codde, Tom Crosby, Nora Enriquez, Emidio Fonseca, Patricia Fox, Bridget Gallagher, Noreen Gillham, Dorothy Harrington, Brian Kelly, Mason Kelly, Carol Koupus, Katherine Linehan, Yal Liu, Rose Mary McPhee, Stephen O’Brien, Susan O’Hara, Katherine Shanahan Poettgen, Ann Powell, Mark Ricci, Betty Sammon, Pierre Schreyer, Helen Sullivan, John Twomey, Margaret Wiegand Pray for the Deceased Msgr. Ted Kraus, Mark Norton Treasure Week-at-a-Glance Weekly Need: $10,350.00 Monday - May 18 8:00a Mass Chapel 7:00p Liturgical Team Meeting Library 7:00p Buildings Meeting Parish Office Tuesday - May 19 8:00a Mass Chapel 12:00p Adoration & Benediction Chapel Wednesday - May 20 8:00a Mass Chapel 7:00p Middle School Youth Grp (last class) Y. Room 7:00p RCIA Parish Office Thursday - May 21 8:00a Mass Chapel 5:00p Wedding Rehearsal: Christine Walter & Dylon Watts Church 7:30p Parish Choir Church Friday - May 22 8:00a Mass Chapel 6:00p Wedding Rehearsal: Rebecca Rangel & Estevan Villarreal Church Saturday - May 23 8:00a Communion Service Chapel 9:00a Minister of the Word Practice Church 3:00p Wedding: Christine Walter & Dylon Watts Church 4:00p Sacrament of Reconciliation Church 5:00p Mass Church Sunday - May 24 (Pentecost) 8:30a Mass Church 10:30a Mass Church 5:00p Mass Church The Weekly Need is based on the average cost of running our parish, including bills, supplies, and programming, and 5% of the plate collection is designated for Social Justice charities. Actual: May 10, 2015 Plate $ 5,457.00 EFT $ 1,233.50 Credit $ 1,391.11 ________________________ Total $ 8,081.61 Upcoming Second Collections 05/31/15—Maintenance Fund 06/07/15—Faith Formation WELCOME TO NEW MEMBERS We encourage all to register in the parish so that you can receive regular communication via both e-mail and regular mail. Please fill out this form and place it in the collection basket and we will mail you a registration form. NAME: ____________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________ PHONE: _______________________ EMAIL: _____________________________________
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