Readings: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 Mark 1:29-39 Concluding the introductory section of Mark’s gospel, today’s reading further clarifies the nature of the mission Jesus means to share with his disciples. As we have seen, the healings and deliverance performed by Jesus are part of his preaching of the Kingdom, signs that God will triumph over all the forces of evil in the world. This is brought out by Mark, as he recalls and contrasts two moments of healing. There are practically no details in the gospels of the family circumstances of the apostles. The account of the curing of Peter’s mother-in-law is therefore remarkable. It is generally accepted that Mark composed his gospel in Rome about the time of Peter’s martyrdom. If this is true, Peter’s telling of the story of Jesus would have been an important source of his material. In this incident we may well hear echoes of Peter’s voice describing a sequence of events. Peter brings Jesus from the synagogue to his home for a meal; they are surprised to find the old lady ill with fever; Jesus heals her instantly by taking her hand and helping her up; fully recovered she gives herself to the service of the Lord. As we have seen, ‘Who is this man?’ is the subtext of Mark’s narrative. There is no doubt that Jesus worked miracles. Miracles, as we all know, have an unhealthy fascination for many people. Mark is concerned that his readers are not carried away by the fact that Jesus was a wonder worker. They must understand that the miracles of Jesus were signs inviting faith in the coming of God’s salvation into the world. True faith in the Saviour will come, in the end, to understand that the greatest wonder in the life of Jesus of Nazareth was the salvation he brought to the world as its crucified Saviour. Thus, as Mark’s narrative continues, we hear echoes of how Peter began to learn this lesson at the end of the eventful Sabbath Mark has described. By evening, word had spread that there is a miracle worker in town. People came crowding around Peter’s door, bringing their sick and ‘possessed’ for healing. Jesus responded to their appeals; but in his silencing of the ‘devils who knew who he was’ we are reminded that these people still have to learn who he is. In the morning there was consternation when Peter and his companions find that Jesus was nowhere to be found. ‘Everyone is looking for you’, they protest, disappointed that he has not made the most of this instant notoriety. Later they will recognise that Jesus was concerned to lead the people beyond the wonders he worked to a renewed faith in the coming of God’s Kingdom – the great theme of the solitary prayer he shared with his Father. This could only be achieved by his preaching the message of the Kingdom. And so the ministry he was about to undertake ‘all through Galilee’ would combine his ‘preaching’ and his ‘casting out devils’. John Thornhill sm Next Weekend Readings St Munchin’s Primary School Principal: Mr Robert Romeo Address: 1 Isdell Place, Gosnells Postal Address: PO Box 172, Gosnells WA 6990 Telephone: 9234 7555 Facsimile: 9398 1581 15th February 2015 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1 Mark 1:40-45 Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Church Catholic Archdiocese of Perth Western Australia Parish Priest: Fr Patrick Lim Email: Address: 175 Corfield St, Gosnells WA 6110 Entry by:1 Isdell Place, Gosnells Postal Address: PO Box 297, Gosnells WA 6990 Telephone: 9398 2331 Facsimile: 9398 8491 Email: Website: PARISH OFFICE HOURS Tuesday to Friday 9.00 am - 1.30pm Entry by: 1 Isdell Place, Gosnells Parish Secretary: Maureen Byrne Tel: 9398 2331 Email: Admin Assistants Suzanne Bazzica & Silvana Sciorilli Catechist Coordinator: Barbara Ingram Tel: 9398 2864 Against Human Trafficking Pope Francis is declaring Sunday 8 February 2015, the Feast of St Josephine Bakhita, as World Day of prayer, reflection and action against human trafficking. In his message Pope Francis invites us ‘to practise acts of fraternity towards those kept in a state of enslavement. Let us ask ourselves, as individuals and as communities, whether we feel challenged when, in our daily lives, we meet or deal with persons who could be victims of human trafficking, or when we are tempted to select items, which may well have been produced by exploiting others. Despite many efforts to end human trafficking internationally, an estimated 27 million women, men and children today are deprived of their freedom and forced to suffer in conditions of exploitation and slavery. There is now a compelling need to put an end to trafficking in human beings. 8th February 2015 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B Mass Intentions this week Parish Liturgical Schedules Feb 7 Weekend Masses Saturday 6.00pm Vigil Mass Sunday 7.30am & 9.30am Mass Weekday Masses Monday 8.00am Communion Service (Mass on Solemnity only) Tuesday 6.00pm Mass - 1st Tuesday Mass of Anointing Wednesday & Thursday 8.00am Mass Friday 9.00am Mass & (1st Friday 7.00am Mass at Sisters house) Reconciliation Saturday 5.15-5.45pm or anytime by appointment Buckley Centre 2nd Friday of the month 10.00am Mass McMahon Centre 1st Thursday in Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Dec 10.45am Mass Rosary After weekday Masses Exposition Tuesday 5.00-6.00pm with Benediction; Sunday 6.00-7.00pm Baptism 4th Sunday Naming and Welcoming at the 9.30am Mass 2nd Sunday during 9.30am Mass 3rd Sunday after Mass at 11.00am Marriage By appointment - Minimum of SIX MONTHS of notice Sat 6.00pm Kal Aguiar (3rd Anniversary) 8 Sun 7.30am Ken Fitzgerald (RIP) 9.30am Philip John Ingram, Domenico & Rosina Barbuzza (Death Anniversary) & Erika Magness 10 Tue 6.00pm No Intention 11 Wed 8.00am No Intention 12 Thu 8.00am No Intention 13 Fri 9.00am No Intention 14 Sat 6.00pm For Vocations 15 Sun 7.30am Peter Mack Jnr (RIP) 9.30am For all parishioners Parish Calendar Feb 8 Sun 6-7.00pm Church Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 10 Tue 8.30am Parish Centre Golden Age Club activities 11 Wed 4.30pm Parish Centre After School Religious Education Classes Please pray for those who have died especially Martin Timmins (brother of Catherine Mansfield) & Ken Fitzgerald (brother of Cath Callaghan) Ash Wednesday - 18th February There will be two Masses to help you fulfil your obligation 7.00pm Vigil Mass on Tuesday 17th Feb. and 9.00am on Wednesday, 18th Feb. There will be no 6.00pm Mass on Tuesday, 17th Feb. Deadline for Bulletin Please pray for those who are sick especially Gary Robless, Kay Ford, Ian Ballantyne, Rodney Anthony, Helen Whitfield, Jacqui Richardson, Maria Siciliano, Melissa Marklew, Marc Rodrigues, Mavis Hall, Rudy Ring, Paula Prayers for the Sick Please notify the Parish Office every four weeks if prayers are still required. OUR BULLETIN is printed on Thursday. Any items to be included should be received by Wednesday at the latest. ROSTER THIS WEEKEND MASSES 7/8 February Masses Readers Commentators Extraordinary Ministers Acolytes Greeters Choir Sat 6.00pm Sister Stella Kaye Cox Faye Mitchell, Sandra Wren, Owen D’Souza, Pam Davies, Lloyd Davies, Martin Loh Colin Loh Rosa Ford Leonie Higginson Recorded Music Sun 7.30am Anne Ralston Silvana Sciorilli Ann Ralston, Rod McAtee, Heather Mack, Peter Mack Gerard Peters Cheryl Andrade Terence Daniel Recorded Music Sun 9.30am Stephanie Ierino Clarence Pereira Servite Sister, Anne Brink, Jim Brink, Brenda Ring, Angela Busby, Peta Hayward Paul Smith Elsie TagliaferriBoundy Jackie Vogels Folk Group Telling Sue & Vincent Frawley, Chloe PereiraSmith ROSTER NEXT WEEKEND MASSES 14/15 February Sat 6.00pm Suzanne Bazzica Pam Davies Faye Mitchell, Sandra Wren, Owen D’Souza, Pam Davies, Lloyd Davies, Martin Loh Colin Loh Louise Ireland Carolyne Ireland New Life Sun 7.30am Deb Wild Cheryl Andrade Ann Ralston, Rod McAtee, Heather Mack, Peter Mack Gerard Peters Jackie Hall Heather Mack Recorded Music Sun 9.30am Cecilia Jacob Lenny Rodaje Servite Sister, Anne Brink, Jim Brink, Brenda Ring, Angela Busby, Peta Hayward Paul Smith Hanna Allen Mary Ballantyne Maryanne Et Al SVDP Emergency Relief Phone 1300 794 054 Marycare Contact Maureen 9398 7375 Anne 9490 3377 Brian Cutjar, Elvira & Ken Panici-Allen Interested in being a volunteer at the SVDP’s new shop in Cannington? Call the Vinnie’s on 9475 5435 or see the Notice in the Church foyer. And remember the Poor Box? Every cent helps the needy within our community. God Bless. Children’s Liturgy of the Word An age-appropriate Liturgy of the Word offered for 4 year olds through to 3rd Graders or those who have not received their First Holy Communion. Just before the Liturgy of the Word begins for the assembly, the children are invited to go with the weekly leaders from the church to the Parish Centre. During this special time, the volunteer teachers lead the children through prayers, songs and readings that are simplified for children. The children are taught a simplified main message of the readings and are encouraged to share that message with their parents after Mass. Encounter Mission and Development, Encounter Love and Justice, Encounter humble volunteers, Encounter faith, Encounter God. Palms Australia will be conducting a guided tour of the communities in which their global volunteers are working in East Timor from April 6 - 18. There are limited places. Enquiries need to be processed by February 28th so call 02 9518 9551 or register interest online: Faith enrichment courses Would you like to understand your faith better? Enrol in a Term One course at the Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation! There are many courses on offer at various times and venues (even online). Courses are very affordable and range in length from 2 weeks to 8 weeks – and there are no assignments or exams. For more information, visit or call 9241 5221 for a brochure. Golden Age Club Our next meeting is on Tuesday, 10th February in the Parish Centre with Indoor Activities commencing at 8.30am. Bingo at 12 noon. All 50 years young and over are most welcome to attend. Lenten Program This year for Lent we are using ARISE, a Program produced by the Diocese of Wollongong. We invite those who are interested to organise your group on a day of your choosing to share and pray together and grasp anew the hope of the Resurrection. The cost is $10 to cover materials for the program. Refer to the list in the foyer. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER, REFLECTION AND ACTION AGAINST HUMAN TRAFFICKING (Sunday 8th February) The intention of the Holy Father’s request is to continue to sensitise the general public on the issues linked to modern-day slavery which he made the main topic of his 2015 Message for World Day of Peace No Longer Slaves, but Brothers and Sisters (click here to access the full text). The Pope is asking Catholics to think of people trafficked into prostitution, as well as women forced into marriage, without any right to give or withhold their consent. We are asked to remember: the people who are trafficked into Australia to work in the agriculture, construction and hospitality sectors those whose labour is exploited to produce cheap goods for Australians young boys in West Africa who are trafficked into the cocoa production for Australian chocolate refugees in Thailand who are trafficked onto fishing vessels to produce cheap fish for Australians to eat the women in Bangladesh whose exploited labour and unsafe working conditions result in cheap clothing for Australians to wear the 200 female students kidnapped in Nigeria in April 2014 by Boko Haram, with reports suggesting that many of these girls have been sold or forced into marriages The Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference (ACBC) and Australian Catholic Religious Against the Trafficking of Humans (ACRATH) call for a fourfold commitment to i) prevention, ii) victim protection, iii) the legal prosecution of perpetrators, and iv) partnerships for change. These require a global effort on the part of all sectors of society. The ACBC and ACRATH support the statement published by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and Social Sciences in November 2013, declaring that ‘it is our moral imperative to make ours the last generation that has to fight the trade in human lives’ Praying our Experiences – growing awareness of God in my everyday This focused prayer time is assisted with talks on a theme, followed by personal time in the chapel or garden. Optional sharing of one’s faith with others on the journey, adds to the richness of this prayer experience. February Theme: Lent-an invitation to renewal. The forty days of Lent invites us to look in to our hearts, allowing a loving God to embrace those parts of us that we do not like. An invitation to renew our attitudes, to begin again, to become new and healthy, infused with God’s spirit of courage and love. Do I want to be renewed in God’s love? Date: Friday 20th February 2015 Time: Commencing 10.30am -12.00noon. Session is repeated 6.30pm – 8.00pm Tea/coffee available Contact: Secretary: Phone (08] 9334 0999 Email Venue: Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York Street, South Perth. (Free and easy parking) Truth, Justice and Healing Council is coordinating the Catholic Church’s response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse with a commitment to co-operation, openness and justice for victims and survivors. It has been established in recognition of the imperative for the Church to address the past openly and honestly, the good with the bad. There are flyers available in the foyer explaining the work of the council. For more information on the Council visit FAST EFFECTIVE & AFFORDABLE Tile and Grout Cleaning Perth Sealing of Grout lines Cleaning and sealing of natural stone Porcelain wax removal and sealing Grout colour sealing Independent Contractor Problem solving Mobile 0424 950 611 Grout repairs Antislip treatment Sidney D’Souza Mend A Bath offers a cost effective alternative for rejuvenating your bathroom. * Bath tubs - cast iron, metal, fibreglass, plastic & acrylic Don’t replace * Hand basins resurface! * Wall tiles Contact: NORMAN * Shower recess (M):0426492711 * Chip repairs ABN:64878538808 * Polishing service Fully insured + National Police Cleared FREE Quotes + Seniors Discount CALATOMIC ENTERTAINMENT All Type of Tree Work MUSIC PRODUCTION, RECORDING, LIVE SOUND Joseph Boundy Mobile: 0427 912 939 Office: 9493 7755 Fax: 9493 5439 Preferred Western Power Contractor Email: For personal and professional service and with over 24 years Real Estate experience contact Rick & Jean Rispoli 0413 119 032 or email MC’s AND BANDS DJ SERVICES WEDDINGS, KIDS PARTIES, SCHOOLS, PUBS & CLUBS, LIVE PERFORMANCE, EVENTS & CORPORATE FUNCTIONS Calvin: 0432 352 064 Craig Renshaw Simply Local Manager Respectful Simply Affordable Simply Australian T 9390 3000 F 9390 3111 M 0419 745 840 138 Third Avenue Kelmscott WA 6111 FULL PACKING SERVICE OUR SPONSORS Please support our sponsors who are helping us to cut down the cost of the production of our Weekly Bulletin Cartons, tapes, bubble wrap & paper Metro - Country - Office - Interstate Storage (CCTV, alarm, monitored) Polite, Courteous, Uniformed Staff Fleet of small, medium & large vans Hills Area Osborne Park Bayswater 9295 1716 9446 8333 9272 4711
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