Readings: Isaiah 45: 1, 4-6 1 Thessalonians 1: 1-5 Matthew 22: 15-21 In these final weeks of the Church’s year, our readings from Matthew’s gospel point towards what lies ahead. Today’s gospel and that of next Sunday tell of the growing confrontation with the nation’s leaders that will lead to Jesus’ death. And in our last three readings from Matthew’s gospel Jesus warns his hearers that the end is approaching. The exchange recorded in today’s gospel is well known. Matthew’s brief account tells us a great deal about the situation that was developing in the last days of Jesus life. The Jewish people bitterly resented the Roman occupation of their country; now, those who have turned against Jesus exploit this explosive situation to discredit him. The dilemma that Jesus is placed in by the question put to him about the paying of the Roman tax is brought out in Matthew’s account by the composition of the group putting the question – Pharisees and Herodians. The Pharisees represent Jews who have a real problem of conscience paying the tax. Strict Pharisees would have considered the inscription on the denarius handed to Jesus – which almost certainly read, ‘Tiberius Caesar, son of the divine Augustus, great high priest’ – to be blasphemous. This influential group, dedicated to upholding the traditions of God’s people, would have asked themselves whether they were compromising their principles by paying St Munchin’s Primary School Principal: Mr Robert Romeo Address: 1 Isdell Place, Gosnells Postal Address: PO Box 172, Gosnells WA 6990 Telephone: 9234 7555 Facsimile: 9398 1581 their tax with this coin. If Jesus encouraged the paying of the tax, he would not only offend the Pharisees, but also antagonise the common people who so resented the Roman rule. The Herodians, followers of Herod - the puppet ruler in league with the Romans - had no scruples concerning the tax. If Jesus condemned the paying of the tax, he could be denounced for subversion. Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Church The famous reply of Jesus, ‘To Caesar what belongs to Caesar; and to God what belongs to God’ is not a clever evasion, as we may be led to think. With this reply, he turns the question back on his interrogators - taking the discussion beyond the level of the partisanship they are trying to exploit, he tells them that they are faced by a decision of conscience. As is so often the case – think of our own times – involvement in the political life of the nation is not a straightforward matter. The Romans had originally occupied Palestine at the invitation of Jewish leaders, bringing a relative stability, that replaced a situation of continuing anarchy. The contemporaries of Jesus must ask themselves whether the presence the Romans was the lesser of two evils. Today’s first reading from the later Isaian writings is well chosen. Cyrus – who ‘does not know’ the God of Israel – is called by the prophet, God’s ‘anointed’, as he fulfills God’s designs, sending the Jewish exiles back from captivity after his defeat of the Babylonians. God is Lord of all, certainly, Jesus is telling his listeners; but Jewish conscience must judge whether the Roman presence is providential, preventing a worse situation. We should note that Jesus invites the people to make their own judgment of conscience; he does not make it for them. We would misunderstand the reply of Jesus if we thought it was meant to instruct us about the relationship that should exist between Church and State. His reply concerns, not the order of politics, but the order of moral responsibility - the individual’s duty to participate in the life of the nation in a way that best promotes the common good of justice and peace. At a later date, when the Roman state became a demonic force intent on destroying the Church, defiance of the authorities was called for, and produced the martyrs who were the glory of the early Church. Parish Priest: Fr Patrick Lim John Thornhill sm Catholic Archdiocese of Perth Western Australia Email: Address: 175 Corfield St, Gosnells WA 6110 Entry by:1 Isdell Place, Gosnells Postal Address: PO Box 297, Gosnells WA 6990 Telephone: 9398 2331 Facsimile: 9398 8491 Email: Website: PARISH OFFICE HOURS Tuesday to Friday 9.00 am - 1.30pm Entry by: 1 Isdell Place, Gosnells Parish Secretary: Maureen Byrne Tel: 9398 2331 Email: Catechist Coordinator: Barbara Ingram Tel: 9398 2864 “…Give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” On World Mission Sunday next week-end, our Holy Father, Pope Francis implores every Catholic parish and Catholic community throughout the world to renew and be united in their Mission of Love. He also asks that our generosity on World Mission Sunday be a sign of our ‘selfoffering’ to liberate and redeem humanity thereby ‘giving back to God what belongs to God’. Your prayers and generous support for the Missions is a sign of your heart for the world, and a meaningful way of ‘giving back to God what belongs to God’. Next Weekend Readings 26th October 2014 30th Sunday Year A Exodus 22: 20-26 1 Thessalonians 1: 5-10 Matthew 22: 34-40 19th October 2014 29th Sunday Year A Mass Intentions this week Parish Liturgical Schedules Oct 18 Weekend Masses Saturday 6.00pm Vigil Mass Sunday 7.30am & 9.30am Mass Weekday Masses Monday 8.00am Communion Service (Mass on Solemnity only) Tuesday 6.00pm Mass - 1st Tuesday Mass of Anointing Wednesday & Thursday 8.00am Mass Friday 9.00am Mass & (1st Friday 7.00am Mass at Sisters house) Reconciliation Saturday 5.15-5.45pm or anytime by appointment Buckley Centre 2nd Friday of the month 10.00am Mass McMahon Centre 1st Thursday in Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Dec 10.45am Mass Rosary After weekday Masses Exposition Tuesday 5.00-6.00pm with Benediction; Sunday 6.00-7.00pm Baptism 4th Sunday Naming and Welcoming at the 9.30am Mass 2nd Sunday during 9.30am Mass 3rd Sunday after Mass at 11.00am Marriage By appointment - Minimum of SIX MONTHS of notice Sat 6.00pm Vincent Boudville (Recently Deceased) Thanksgiving & Blessing for a Special birthday 19 Sun 7.30am Peter Mack jnr (Remembrance) 9.30am Rodney Anthony ( sick Husband of Mary) Corrie Cutjar (1st death Anniversary) 21 Tue 6.00pm No Mass 22 Wed 8.00am No Intention 23 Thu 8.00am No Intention 24 Fri 9.00am No Intention 25 Sat 6.00pm Thanksgiving for returning home from Hospital (Mary Ballantyne) 26 Sun 7.30am Frank Picchio (Birthday remembrance) 9.30am Rosa Marino (1st Anniversary) Frank Marino & Fr O’Malley Jones (Death Anniversary) Parish Calendar Oct 19 Sun 6-7.00pm Church Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 21 Tue 8.30am Parish Centre Golden Age Club activities Please pray for our sick 22 Wed 4.30pm Parish Centre After School Catechism Especially Mary Ballantyne, Rodney Anthony, Helen Whitfield, Danielle Sartorelli, Jacqui Richardson, Maria Siciliano, Kay Ford, Melissa Marklew, Marc Rodrigues, Mavis Hall, Rudy Ring, Paula. OCTOBER, the MONTH OF THE HOLY ROSARY is a scriptural Rosary. Whether you are already in the habit of praying the Rosary and want to renew the spirit of your prayer, or whether you are new to the Rosary and want to learn how to quieten your mind and heart, will help you enter more deeply into the Mysteries of Christ. Come then, come to a quiet place within … visit Prayers for the Sick Please notify the Parish Office every four weeks if prayers are still required. ROSTER THIS WEEKEND MASSES 18/19 October Masses Readers Commentators Extraordinary Ministers Sat 6.00pm Kaye Cox Suzanne Bazzica Vivian Loh, Owen D’Sousa, Pam Davies, Lloyd Davies, Martin Loh, Sandra Wren Sun 7.30am Cath Callaghan Alaster Croning Sun 9.30am Stephanie Ierino Clarence Pereira Acolytes Greeters Choir Bette Lyra Kevin PaineCoombes New Life Rod McAtee, Heather Mack, Peter Gerard Peters Mack, Yvonne Padua Jackie Hall Heather Mack Recorded Music Servite Sister, Lorna Mitchell, Kay Ford, Brian Cutjar, Silvana Sciorilli Nigel Hayward & Volunteer Sheeree Ierino Lorna Mitchell Maryanne Et Al Dan Hewitt Telling Silvana Sciorilli and Team ROSTER NEXT WEEKEND MASSES 25/26 October Sat 6.00pm Pam Davies Lynette Lieveaux Vivian Loh, Owen D’Sousa, Pam Davies, Lloyd Davies, Martin Loh, Sandra Wren Sun 7.30am Franklin D’Cruz Greg Drew Rod McAtee, Heather Mack, Peter Gerard Peters Mack, Yvonne Padua Sandra Reid Franklin D’Cruz Recorded Music Sun 9.30am Clara Jacob Lenny Rodaje Servite Sister, Lorna Mitchell, Kay Ford, Brian Cutjar, Silvana Sciorilli Nigel Hayward & Volunteer Mary Ballantyne Elaine Curran Folk Group Dan Hewitt Rosa Ford Recorded Leonie Higginson Music Sue & Vincent Frawley Elsie TagliaferriBoundy SVDP Emergency Relief Phone 1300 794 054 Marycare Contact Maureen 9398 7375 Maureen 9490 3337 Your SVDP Society will next meet in the Parish Hall at 7.30 PM on Monday 3 November. Parishioners interested in joining the Vinnies can help make a big difference to those in our community less fortunate than ourselves. Enquirers are encouraged to attend. It will take only a few minutes of your time. Catholic Charismatic Renewal this week in our church Fr John Rea Healing Mission to be held here in OLMBS Church from Monday 20th Oct to Friday 24th Oct, 7.30pm start. Each evening includes P & P, Mass and the Healing service. Themes for each night build over the week so try to attend all. A collection will be taken up to cover costs. Queries to Dan Hewitt 9398 4973 or Holy Hour Celebration Sunday, 26th October at 6.00pm. All are invited to celebrate, to praise and thank God for five continuous years of this devotion. Fr Pat will be the celebrant for Benediction with the Blessed Sacrament. Please spread the word to earlier devotees as this is a great chance to catch up. Please bring a plate to share. Golden Age Club PARISH OUTREACH PROJECT Golden Age Club meets Tuesday, 21st October in the Parish Centre with Indoor Activities commencing at 8.30am. Bring Your Own Lunch and then join in the Bingo. Eyes Down at 12.15pm. All over 50 welcome. Shoeboxes for Jesus Thanks everyone for the wonderful response to the Shoeboxes for Jesus project . The sea container is being packed for the Phillipines by 25th October so this weekend is the deadline for your boxes. Enquiries to Silvana 0447990038. Sunday Morning Banquet This Sunday, 19th October, please join us for Breakfast after the 7.30am and 9.30am Mass in the Parish Centre. Come and help build up our community and enjoy a wonderful morning menu. All proceeds to the Parish Funds for future capital works. Extraordinary Ministers and Acolytes It is that time again to prepare the roster for the coming four months. If you are planning to be away for a significant period during November to February, excluding the Christmas period this year, please let Nigel know by leaving a message on 9398 1314 or emailing The roster will be published in time for the last weekend in October so please advise by Sunday the 19th if you want to make any changes to your current commitments to ministering at the altar. Stronger Teens Rally Event: ‘The Gift’ Our Parish Youth Friday 24th October 6:30-8:30pm. St Francis Xavier Parish, Armadale (279 Forrest Rd, Hilbert) Graham Maher will speak at all Masses next weekend on various matters of interest for our young parishioners. Inviting all Teens and youth groups with teens to join us for the final Stronger Teens Rally in 2014. There will be fun games and activities, amazing music, inspirational talk and testimony by young people and lots of food. World Youth Day is not just a day or an experience, but an ongoing pilgrimage of faith for young people. These special days and celebrations are meant to rejuvenate and reinvigorate the spiritual life of youth and young adults along their pilgrim journey, which ultimately leads to Christ Jesus. Parents please drop off and pick up your children in person in the Parish Hall. Gold coin donation. Teens need to bring a copy of the signed permission slip available on Contact Catholic Youth Ministry Perth to RSVP 9422 7912. This event is in collaboration with YBC (Youth Building Community) of Armadale Parish. The last of the Spring Rolls can be collected from the freezer in the kitchen today. Please mark your name off the list. Our final count was 130 dozen sold. GOD BLESS YOU ALL! The Tellers’ Roster is available for collection from the Church Foyer. Many thanks to all those involved. Project Compassion 2014 Thanks from Caritas Caritas Australia would like to express their heartfelt thanks for the support given towards Project compassion 2014. The grand total donated by the parish of Gosnells was $14559.00 Your generosity has made it possible to build a brighter, more humane world by opening doors into the future for the communities you have supported. If you asked for a receipt please collect it from the church foyer today. Columbarium - Special Memorial Plaque Prices Your last chance for this year to order a Memorial Wall Plaque at the discounted price of $400. Orders will be sent this week in time for commemoration of your loved ones during November. Application forms are available in the church foyer, from the Parish Office or download from our parish website. Niche Reservation enquiries always welcome. Truth, Justice and Healing Council is coordinating the Catholic Church’s response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse with a commitment to co-operation, openness and justice for victims and survivors. It has been established in recognition of the imperative for the Church to address the past openly and honestly, the good with the bad. There are flyers available in the foyer explaining the work of the council. For more information on the Council visit FAST EFFECTIVE & AFFORDABLE Tile and Grout Cleaning Perth Sealing of Grout lines Cleaning and sealing of natural stone Porcelain wax removal and sealing Grout colour sealing Independent Contractor Problem solving Mobile 0424 950 611 Grout repairs Antislip treatment Sidney D’Souza Fully insured + National Police Cleared FREE Quotes + Seniors Discount Mend A Bath offers a cost effective alternative for rejuvenating your bathroom. * Bath tubs - cast iron, metal, fibreglass, plastic & acrylic Don’t replace * Hand basins resurface! * Wall tiles Contact: NORMAN * Shower recess (M):0426492711 * Chip repairs ABN:64878538808 * Polishing service CALATOMIC ENTERTAINMENT All Type of Tree Work Joseph Boundy Mobile: 0427 912 939 Office: 9493 7755 Fax: 9493 5439 Preferred Western Power Contractor Email: Craig Renshaw Simply Local Manager Respectful Simply Affordable Simply Australian T 9390 3000 F 9390 3111 M 0419 745 840 138 Third Avenue Kelmscott WA 6111 OUR SPONSORS Please support our sponsors who are helping us to cut down the cost of the production of our Weekly Bulletin MUSIC PRODUCTION, RECORDING, LIVE SOUND For personal and professional service and with over 24 years Real Estate experience contact Rick & Jean Rispoli 0413 119 032 or email MC’s AND BANDS DJ SERVICES WEDDINGS, KIDS PARTIES, SCHOOLS, PUBS & CLUBS, LIVE PERFORMANCE, EVENTS & CORPORATE FUNCTIONS Calvin: 0432 352 064
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