January 18, 2015 The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH TELEPHONE DIRECTORY To contact any of the coordinators of the various parish organizations, please call the general parish telephone number (772)781-4415 and enter the specific telephone extension number. Pastor: Rev. Jack Barrow..................................... Ext. 201 Baptisms: ………………………………. ………… Ext. 201 Bulletins: Jan Banasiewicz…….………………..... Ext. 204 Annulments: John Ginnetti……………………… Ext.205 Development: Joan Tonra……………………....... Ext. 206 Adult Education (R.C.I.A.): Christine Michaelian. Ext. 201 Religious Education: Donna Hernandez.…… Ext.214 St. Vincent de Paul Society ................................... 286-4411 Servants of the Eucharist..Kathleen Sullivan..........Ext.201 Altar Servers. Lynn Schiavi.....................................Ext.205 Director Adoration Chapel; George Mekulsia ...286-7724 Parish Financial Statement available in church office Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 15 16 17 18 18 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 25 25 Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. Sun. Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. Sun. Sun. 7:30am Maryann Galioto + 7:30am Ralph Rowe + 4:00pm Eleanor Chychota + 7:30am Santo Santisi + 9:00am Gabriel & Veralia 10:30am Bruce Miossi + 7:30am John A. Barrow, Sr. + 7:30am Frank Machado + 7:30am John Davis + 6:00pm Novena to Our Lady 7:30am Joseph Di Domenico+ 7:30am Joseph DeBartolomeo+ 4:00pm Patrick Ryan Petrus + 7:30am Frank W. Stanley + 9:00am Jean & Victor Wilenta+ 10:30am M/M Patsy Papaceno+ The Lord was with him, not permitting any word of his to be without effect. (1Samuel 3:19) Learning how to listen to the voice of the Lord is key to spiritual growth. Every saint’s life illustrates this point in one way or another. Francis of Assisi heart the Lord say, “Rebuild my Church,” and even though it took him some time to understand what god meant, Francis was faithful to that command. Mother Teresa felt God ask her to leave her order and care for the poorest of the poor. These saints, and so many other, responded because these words had a powerful effect on them. But it isn’t just in the deep, life-changing moments that god wants to speak to us. In fact, these saints could hear these “big” messages because they had experience discerning the quieter messages that Jesus put in their hearts. And that’s how it can happen for us. When we sense God telling us, “Come to me, and I will give you peace,” we can stop for a moment and turn our hearts to him. Or when we hear ‘Come and confess your sins,” we can make a quick examination of conscience and ask for his mercy. Responding to these small promptings will bring us closer to the Lord– and they’ll help us hear him in the bigger areas of our lives! The Holy Spirit never tires of telling us that Jesus has redeemed us and is offering us new life. He never tires of nudging us toward more virtuous behavior so that we can become more like Christ. He never tires of helping us find the way to peace, the peace that comes from aligning ourselves with his will. Yielding to the Lord and letting him have an effect on us—this is our great challenge. It’s easy to go our own way without listening for God’s word. But when we see the fruit of hearing and following him, we know it is the greatest treasure we can possibly have. “Open my ears, Lord, to hear your word. Give me the courage to follow you wherever you lead.” 0819—St. Andrew 1 WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 The Bible study; “Matthew, The King and His Kingdom” will resume Tues. Jan. 13th @ 10:00am. For a 24 week study. 2. The Tues. evening Bible study program begins Jan. 13th 6:30-8:00pm. 3. The Sanctuary Candles are burning for the holy souls who have no one to pray for them. 4. The candles to Our Lady of Perpetual Help are burning for the intention of the protection of the unborn. We will celebrate the Mass And Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help WEDNESDAY EVENING at 6:00pm. Please join us, come and spend time with Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother. All are welcome!! The next Novena is; Wed. January 21, 2015 .@6:00pm Would you like to know more about the Bible and the start of our Church? Join us on Tuesday evening from 6:30 to 8:00pm, starting January 13th at St. Andrew Catholic Church. Church Take part in Jeff Cavin’s DVD series, “The Book of Acts”. For more information call Bob at 772-283-0342. There is no cost and all are welcome! BISHOP BARBARITO’S ANNIVERSARY MASS Bishop Barbarito will celebrate the 31st Annual Anniversary Mass for married couples on Saturday, February 21, 2015, 10:30am at Saint Lucie Church in Port Saint Lucie. All couples are invited to participate who will be celebrating their 25, 40, 50 or more years of marriage in the year 2015. Cake, coffee and punch will be served in the church hall after Mass. Please contact the church office to register to attend. For more information contact Cathy Loh in the office of Marriage & Family Life : 561-775-9557 Knights of Columbus COUNCIL 6241 Dear heavenly Father, during this month we pray that you bless all those from diverse religious traditions and all people of good will, that they may work together to produce real peace in our world. Lord, we also pray that during this year dedicated to consecrated life, you would renew all religious men and women with the joy of following Christ. Fill all the consecrated life with zeal, especially as they strive to serve the poor. TERRIFIC TUESDAYS 5:00-7:00pm Jan. Jan. 20 27 Pulled BBQ Pork World Famous lasagna Dinners include salad, coffee & dessert $12.00 per person Call for Reservations: 286-7507 0819—St. Andrew 2 Our Lady’s message to Mirjana, January 2, 2015: MEN’S STAND 13TH UP FOR JESUS RALLY Saturday, January 31, 2015 St. Ignatius Cathedral 9999 Military Trail, Palm Beach Gardens 7:15am early confessions– 1:30pm Lunch “Dear children, I am here among you as a mother who desires to help you to come to know the truth. While I lived your life on earth I had knowledge of the truth, and by this alone, a piece of Heaven on earth. That is why I desire the same for you, my children. The Heavenly Father desires pure hearts filled with the knowledge of the truth. He desires for you to love all those whom you meet, because I also love my Son in all of you. This is the beginning of coming to know the truth. Many false truths are being offered to you. You will overcome them with a heart cleansed by fasting, prayer, penance and the Gospel. This is the only truth and it is the truth which my Son left you. You do not need to examine it much. What is asked of you, as I also have done, is to love and to give. My children, if you love, your heart will be a home for my Son and me, and the words of my Son will be the guiding light in your life. My children, I will make use of you, apostles of love, to help all of my children to come to Key Note Speaker: Jesse Romero, M.A. Catholic! Author, Host, Evangelist!! No Ticket Required Admission is free Complimentary Lunch Voluntary Collection to Cover Expenses Please take a brochure from the church lobby. More Questions?? Call: Jim Manhardt: Indian River Cnty 772-321-3886 Larry Williams: St. Lucie Cnty 772-800-7511 Willy Gardiola: Palm Beach Area 305-610-2992 END OF YEAR CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS Please call the church office Monday, Wednesday, or Friday between 9:00am and 12:00noon. Please give us your name, address, telephone # and envelope number. We will mail out your contribution statement as soon as possible. Thank you. 0819-St Andrew 3 Spiritual Rights of a CHILD 1. 2. 3. 4. The right to know and love God. The right to participate in a living community of faith. The right to the needed resources for spiritual growth. The right to religious and moral education from informed parents. 5. The right to hear the word of God and have it interpreted. 6. The right to times of silence and solitude to develop a contemplative spirit. 7. The right to active participation in community worship. 8. The right to live in a home with faith in God as the heart of daily life. 9. The right to pray freely. 10. The right to be of service to others. ~ Ann & Gerry Van Regan , Restoration~ Tuesday morning Bible Study will study; “Matthew, The King and His Kingdom”, by Jeff Cavins & Sarah Christmyer, Jan. 13, 2015 at 10:00am for a 24 week study. Please join us!! 10:30am Family Mass Presentation of the Gifts January January February February 18 25 1 8 The Calix Family The McKenna Family Hayley, Lisette & Faith Katherine Fariello For the month of January the St. Vincent de Paul Society will be asking for donations of regular size peanut butter and jelly to fill the needs of area families. Please drop off these items in the basket in the lobby of the church before Mass or during the week. Thank you in advance for your support Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children January 22, 2015 Join Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito and other faithful at 11:00am on Thursday, January 22 as we gather in prayer for the protection of the unborn child on the 42nd Anniversary of the roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. Bishop Barbarito will lead us in the rosary at the old courthouse in downtown West Palm Beach ( corner of 3rd and N. Dixie). This event is sponsored by Catholic Charities Respect Life Office. More details, map and parking instructions are available by calling 561-360-3330 and on the Calendar of Events page on the Catholic Charities website at : www.catholiccharitiesdpb.orgevents CONTROLS for the New Year Give some thought to controls in your life. You can’t control the length of your life, but you can control its width and depth. You can’t control the contour of your countenance, but you can control its expression. You can’t control the other fellow’s opportunities, but you can grasp your own. You can’t control the weather, much as you try, but you can control the moral atmosphere which surrounds you. You can’t control the distance that your head shall be above the ground, but you can control the height of the contents of your head. You can’t control the other fellow’s annoying faults, but you can see to it that you yourself do not develop or harbor provoking propensities. You can’t control hard times or rainy days, but you can bank money now to boost you through both. Why worry about things you can’t control? You will have your hands full if you just get busy controlling things that depend upon you. ~Highways of Happiness~ St. Andrew 819-4
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