A Good Yarn is holding a Coffee morning and Craft sale in Church Saturday 22nd November 10am until noon(ish) Delicious home-made cakes Craft items for adults and children Christmas cards and decorations Presents galore! Raffle Pews News St John the Evangelist Church Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 6QA Registered Charity No. 1135368 Vicar: Rev Nicholas Calver 01737 766562 nicholas.calver@btinternet.com Church Wardens: Janet Scott 01737 769336 Mike Genge 01737 770891 All proceeds to go towards the new Church building www.stjohnsredhill.org.uk _________________________________________________________________ The Building for the Future Fundraising Committee has been working hard to devise a list of exciting events over the next few months. These will start with a Gift Day on 30th November, and then Gatton Community Theatre performing The Nativity, a contemporary retelling of the original Christmas story, on 4th January, 2015. Details of both will be found in the November magazine and in Pews News. Tickets for the dramatised reading will be on sale shortly. In addition to those publications, if you would like to be kept informed of activities via email, please send your email address to bfffc14@gmail.com to help us build a mailing list, adding to those addresses we have received via feedback forms. These will not be used for anything other than fundraising related matters, but might prove a useful way of helping you to spread the word about our project to friends outside the church community. Please send any contributions for Pews News to Anne Rueff at a.rueff@ntlworld.com or phone on 762534, by 8.00pm on Wednesdays 26th October Last Sunday after Trinity Services and Readings 8.00am BCP Holy Communion 10.30am Holy Communion Readings Hymns 7.00pm Farewell service for Nicholas followed by refreshments. Readings Hymns 1 Thessalonians 2.1-8 Matthew 22.34-end 454, 487, 492, 337 Ecclesiastes 11,12 2 Timothy 1-7 809, 724, I’ll go in the strength of the Lord Today’s anthems (at 10.30am) are “Christ has no body now but yours”, a setting of the prayer of St Teresa of Avila (1515-82) set to music by David Ogden (b. 1966), and “Go forth into the world in peace”, a setting of the traditional blessing set to music by John Rutter (b.1945). The anthems at 7.00pm are “Kyrie” by Jodie Page-Clark and “Love Divine” by Howard Goodall (words by Charles Wesley). Today’s voluntaries are (at 10.30am) Songs of Praise by Robert Prizeman, and (at 7.00pm) Sortie in Eb by Lefébure-Wély. A vacancy has arisen on our church cleaning rota. A volunteer is required to fill the slot during the week before the second Sunday each month. All materials and equipment are provided and the job can be carried out at any time during that week when the church is not being used. A current member of the team will guide any new recruits as to what is required. Please contact one of the wardens if you can help. Many thanks. We need a third person to help prepare the bread and wine for the 10.30am service. Cover is needed on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Margaret Davis or Janet Watson would work alongside you until you are happy with the preparation. We also need at least one more person to cover the 5th Sunday, holidays and sickness. If you would like to join the team please speak to Janet or Margaret or contact one of the church wardens. Car Lift Service: There is a small team of people who give lifts, on a rota basis, to those who would otherwise find it difficult to come to church services and functions. We would welcome new members to this team. If you feel that you may be able to help in this way please speak to Frances Wood for more information (01737 233644 or fjwood@hotmail.co.uk). Thank you. Harvest Flowers: Many thanks to those who gave their time and talents to help decorate the church so beautifully for Harvest Festival and to those who contributed to the cost of the flowers. Christine Siggs. Stewardship Envelope Scheme: The current series of Stewardship Envelopes (blue) ends today and the next series (yellow) will start on Sunday 2nd November. Sets of the new envelopes are now available for existing members of the scheme at the West end of the church. Please take yours. John Walling: Stewardship Recorder. Today is Nicholas’ last Sunday. There will be a special service at 7.00pm to which all are welcome. This will be followed by refreshments so contributions of finger food would be most welcome. His licensing at Burstow, Horne and Outwood will be at St Mary’s Horne at 7.30pm on Monday 1st December. Further details nearer the time. Songs of Praise today is at 4.15pm on BBC1. It is the first of the Big Sing programmes from the Royal Albert Hall. Some members of the choir took part and may be seen standing behind the Stage Choirs. The next Big Sing will be broadcast on December 21st. The next meeting of Afta8z is on Monday 3rd November, for sausage sizzle and fireworks at 37 Ridgeway Road, Redhill at 8.00pm. All in school years 10-13 welcome. See Paul Stocker or Sarah Walters for more details. The next three dates for A Good Yarn are the 3rd, 10th, and 17th November. Usual place, usual times, all welcome. Any queries please call Heather on 01293 774588 or 07710447478. We will be meeting in church to pray for the new building project on Monday 27th October between 6.00pm and 6.30pm. We hope many people will be able to join us, but if you are not able to be in church please join us in prayer between those times. Veteran Car Run 2nd November: The 2nd Reigate Scout Group are running a bacon sandwich and refreshment tent outside their headquarters at the junction of Earlswood Road and Brighton Road to feed and water people who watch the historic run pass through Earlswood. Please come and support the Scout group by having your breakfast with us between 7.30am and 12.00pm. Thank you. The 120th Anniversary Service of Thanksgiving for the work of Welcare will be at 11.00am on Saturday 15th November at Southwark Cathedral. The service is open to anyone to attend and tickets are not required. Saturday 6th December 11.00 am-1.00 pm: I would like to invite you to take a "Quiet Space for Advent" at St John's Church. Further details and a sign up sheet will be available in due course. Frances Wood. Church Magazine: The October magazine is available at the back of the church. The next edition will be published on 2nd November. Contributions to Jo (jo@commsbiz.com)today, please.
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