2015 Spring Fling Information Sheet

2015 Spring Fling
Information Sheet
Event Description:
Spring Fling is a 2.7 mile fun run or 1.5 mile walk open to all UNC-Chapel Hill faculty
and staff. In previous years, over 500 participants have completed the Spring Fling
individually or as part of a departmental team. The event promotes physical activity,
health and well-being and provides employees with the opportunity to contribute to the
Glenwood Elementary Family Assistance Program by making a canned food donation.
In addition, pet donations will be given to the Orange County Animal Shelter. Free
refreshments will be provided for participants after the event. This event is rain or shine!
Date: Friday, May 1, 2015
Time: 12:15pm
Location: Front of Student Recreation Center
Registration: Both individual and team registration forms can be found on the Campus
Rec website. INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION can be completed online while TEAM
REGISTRATION must be printed out, signed by all team members, and turned back in
to Campus Rec at SRC 101 or by fax at 962-3621 ATTN: Spring Fling. Due by
noon,Thursday, April 30, 2015.
Registration Open: Monday, April 6, 2015
Registration Close: Thursday, April 30, 2015
On- Site registration: Accepted 11:30am until 12:00pm race day (individual only)
Registration Location: SRC Room 101 or campusrec.unc.edu
Check-In: 11:30am – 12:00pm event day
Participant Meeting: 12:00pm event day
Prizes: All participants will be eligible for prize drawings following the run/walk. An
award will be given to the team with the MOST PARTICIPANTS. An award will also be
given to the team with the MOST CREATIVE COSTUMES celebrating the season.
Donations: Collections will be made for two charities this season: Non-perishable food
items will be donated to a local food bank. Non-perishable pet items will be donated to
the local animal shelters (food, old blankets, leashes, bowls, collars, etc. are all
welcome). Those making a donation to either cause will be eligible for a special
Contact: Lauren Mangili at lmangili@email.unc.edu