Collect All Saints’ Churches Cottenham and Rampton

Almighty God, you have made us for yourself,
and our hearts are restless till they find their rest in you:
pour your love into our hearts and draw us to yourself,
and so bring us at last to your heavenly city
where we shall see you face to face;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Please pray this week for:
- Stephen and David our bishops and Alex our Archdeacon.
- Kylie, Bridget and Gareth our priests.
- People in All Saints’ Rampton and Cottenham ministry, pastoral and
churchwarden roles: Sue, Pauline, Pam, Mike, Mick, Margaret,
Maggie, Judi, Jennie, Alison.
- Urgent humanitarian and medical help for our world neighbours in
the West African Ebola crisis.
- People who need our prayers including: Valerie Bowles, Joyce
Childs, Brenda Exley, Henry Fleck, Margaret Horgan, Paul Main,
Joyce Mason, Roger Mills, Elizabeth Newman, Derek Sutton, Norman
Thacker, Dorothy Unwin, Joe Webster, Cynthia Wiffen and all others in
Rampton and Cottenham for whom people have requested prayer.
- The family and friends of Susan Flint and Geoff Scott as they grieve
for their loss.
Pray during October 2014 for PCC members in Cottenham and
Rampton who support our clergy with decisions about the prayer and
worship life of the church in our villages, ldiscuss immediate and long
term plans to meet our mission action points as well as finances,
fundraising and plans for the building and much more...
Pray during October 2014 for occupations in our community, paid
and unpaid: Jobseekers, Community Police, Mobile Wardens.
Pray this week for people in our neighbourhoods:
Ivatt Street, Kestrel Close and Kingfisher Way Cottenham.
All Saints’ Churches
Cottenham and Rampton
12th October 2014
17th Sunday after Trinity
If you’re visiting us today or are new to Cottenham or
Rampton or to the church, an especially warm welcome.
In Cottenham there are toilets and a baby changing
area in All Saints’ Hall across the road. There is also a
children’s corner at the back of the church. Please feel
free to use facilities during the service.
Today Rampton and Cottenham worship together
Readings: Philippians 4:1-9 and Matthew 22:1-14
8.30am Holy Communion (BCP), Cottenham
Celebrant: Rev’d Kylie Hodgins
Rev'd Bridget Baguley
David Woodcroft
10.30am All Age Service, Cottenham
Celebrant: Rev’d Kylie Hodgins
Frances Horgan
Intercessor: Claire Charlesworth
432 Rejoice, the Lord is King
106 Dear Lord and Father
430 Rejoice in the Lord always
154 Give thanks with a grateful heart
In Christ alone (words on sheet)
1.30pm Meet at the Unwins' farm to be on the CTIC
Feast Float or to be a collector.
Cottenham Feast parade starts
Mon 13th October
Prayer group for parents: children welcome.
Next meetings on 10th and 24th November and 8th December.
Contact Amanda Kilgour on 01954 200816.
Adrian Chatfield, Director of the Simeon Centre for
Prayer and Spiritual Life, Ridley Hall, Cambridge leads a discussion
about how we can develop our prayer ministry at All Saints'. Come
and see if you would like to be part of a growing prayer team.
Tues 14 October Church ministers meet to pray for the villages.
Maasai Warriors Troupe: enjoy their dance and music
and join in too! All Saints’ Church. Admission free + collection +
refreshments: hear about and donate to the Osiligi Charities that
Priest in charge
Churchwardens – Cottenham
support the Maasai people of Kenya,
East Africa. This event also
Revd Kylie Hodgins
Miss Margaret Edwards
helps 250454
to raise funds for All Saints’ Cottenham.
01954 251934
th Thursday.
Mrs Jennie Steer
01954 202026
Holy Communion at Pat Vogwell's house.
Funeral service for Susan
Flint, Cottenham.
Revd Bridget Baguley
Bellringing practice, Cottenham.
in church. All welcome.
456906 Prayer meeting, Cottenham,
Church, Cottenham
Thurs 16 October
Little Saints in All Saints' Hall.
Fri 17 October
Choir practice, Cottenham.
Sun 19 October
Holy Communion, Cottenham.
Morning Prayer, Rampton.
Parish Communion with Sunday School, Cottenham.
Priest in charge
Revd Kylie Hodgins
01954 250454
Rest day is Thursday.
Churchwardens – Cottenham
Miss Margaret Edwards
01954 251934
Mrs Jennie Steer
01954 202026
Revd Bridget Baguley
07702 456906
Rest day is Friday.
All Saints’ Church, Cottenham
A new discipleship group will be starting soon on Wednesday
evenings. If you would like to join us as we walk the way of Jesus
together, expecting to be transformed and renewed as we read the
Bible, share our stories, and listen to God, then please talk to
Bridget Baguley. If you would like to join a discipleship group, but
can't make Wednesday evenings, please let Bridget know.
Alpha: would you be interested in being part of a team of
Christians in Cottenham leading an Alpha course in early 2015?
No previous experience of Alpha is needed, we will organise
training. Please see Maggie Appleby or Bridget Baguley.
Food Bank Collections for Cottenham? Churches Together In
Cottenham are looking into establishing a Food Bank distribution
centre in the village. In order to make it work we will need a
couple of people to lead it up, and others to be volunteers; if you
think you might be interested, or would like to know more, then
please speak to Kylie or Bridget. Further information is also
available at
Taste wine and support our churches at All Saints'
Rampton and Cottenham! Come to both!
7.30pm Friday 24 October, Rampton Village Hall, £7 entry.
Various people present their favourite wines. Informal and lots of
fun. If you are interested in presenting a wine or being a sponsor
contact Jacquie Bland on 01954 250986 or
7.30pm Friday 31st October, All Saints’ Hall, Cottenham
£15 per head. Reds and whites for the cooler months, selected
from the Wine Society by Deborah Loveluck who guides us in an
expert blind tasting of affordable wines from around the world.
Tickets from Alison Wedgbury on 01954 201968 or
All proceeds to All Saints’ Cottenham.
7.30pm Saturday 13th December, All Saints’ Church.
Ely Consort sing a range of carols: ’A Cause for Carolling’.
All proceeds to All Saints’ Cottenham.