WORSHIP CELEBRATION! October 26th, 2014 10:30am God Calls us to Worship Greeters Thank you to our Greeters for October, Freda Ross and Rosemarie Iseli Our Greeters for November will be Rose and Jack Masing. Nursery Helpers Oct 26: Florence Decolongon and Charisa Ratum Nov 2: Sara Hammerstrom and Karlin Ho Hymn #57: “Our Great Saviour” Noah's Place Helpers Oct 26: Queen Agbonmwandolor and Mimi Solomon Nov 2: Debbie Tobert and Mahima Parmar Welcome Prayer Partners: (During Worship Service) Oct 26: Queen Agbonmwandolor, Rose Masing, Zulay Ho Nov 2: Doug Reichert, Diana Reichert, Pe’er Solomon We Offer ourselves to God Songs of Praise and Worship Sunday Youth, Adults & Children's Ministry The Life of the Church and Pastoral Prayer Tithes and Offerings Offertory: “As the Deer” THIS MORNING: ~ Charissa Ratum God Speaks to us through His Word Scripture Reading: Exodus 20:13; Matthew 5:21-22; Ephesians 4:26-27 Children's Prayer Hymn #35: “Come Thou Fount” Message – “The Heart That Does Not Murder” ~ Pastor Isaac Whiting We Respond and Go Forth to Serve Sunday School every Sunday : 9:15 am classes for Adults, Youth and Kids This is a great way for Youth and Adults to deepen our understanding of God’s Word and to meet people in a smaller group setting. This is a great opportunity for your children to learn Bible stories and to make friends in church. Nursery Care provided for Infants - 2 year olds from 10:30am onward to the end of our service (Nursery on main floor). Children Ages 2 - Gr. 3 will be dismissed from the service to attend Junior Church after the Children’s Prayer. Children ages 2-4 years (Toddlers) Please pick up your children from Noah's Place immediately following the service Children grades K-3 Junior Church in Room 3B. Children are escorted to the parlour and released from there after the church service. WEEKLY PROGRAMS: ANNOUNCEMENTS: Friendly Reminder Next Sunday we return to Standard Time. Please remember to turn your clocks back on Saturday night – or join us for Sunday School if you forget! On our Bulletin Board The latest edition of the Green Bay Bible Camp Alumni Action is posted on the bulletin board outside of the church office. AUTHOR! AUTHOR! New addition to Ebenezer library - We are proud to have added to our collection the booklet "Understanding Prayer" by our very own Beverly Vatougios (written in 2006). It is a handbook to an exciting and fulfilling prayer life. Come and check it out! Road Work around the Church The gas company, Fortis, has advised us that they will be doing necessary work on East 53rd Ave. for the next 6 weeks. Please use extra caution going into and out of the rear parking lot during this time. Family Night Our Church has a (all-Church) Family Night every Wednesday from 6-8:30 pm. There are Classes for kids, Youth and Adults. We are looking for more leaders for the AWANA children’s program. We are also looking for female leaders for the Youth Group. Contact: isaacwhiting@rockofhelp.com Challengers – 55+ Wednesday, October 29th: Tony Tremblett will be speaking to us this week. Lunch will be supplied. Choir: Sundays from 12:10 to 12:55 - in the parlour. The Ten Commandments – supplemental reading Challengers – 55+ Wednesday at 11:00 am; See under announcements Our current sermon series is based on the book "Keeping the Ten Commandments" by J.I. Packer. There are two copies of the book in the church library and they are available on a one week return please (not the usual 3 week return). Song: “Change My Heart, O God” Family Night has started. Every Wednesday from 6-8:30PM. Classes for kids, Youth and Adults. Come Join us as we seek God together! Benediction Choir Thursdays from 7:30 to 9:00 in the parlour. A key focus now will be Advent/Christmas music. Next Sunday Pastor Isaac Whiting will continue our series on the Ten Commandments, next Sunday, November 2nd. ANNOUNCEMENTS: PRAYER AND PRAISE: Prayer Evening on November 28th. Monday_ Our last prayer breakfast was wonderful. The Holy Spirit spoke clearly to many of us and a number of prayers from that morning were answered quickly and directly. God is what we need more than anything else. Prayer is our direct access to him. Praying together releases His power into our lives and the world. Come join us on Friday November 28th at 7pm. Child care will be provided. Coffee, tea and desserts will be provided for refreshment. Semi-Annual Church Business Meeting The Semi-Annual Church Business Meeting will be held immediately after the Morning Worship Service on Sunday, November 30. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR CHURCH LEADERSHIP: Pastoral Staff: Rev. Isaac Whiting, Pastor of Youth Ministry and Discipleship Chris Hensel, Coordinator of Children’s Ministry Grant Gwynn, Director of Music Board of Deacons: Crista Lof, Board of Christian Nurture, Chair Deacons Graham Gertz, Chair Trustees, Vice-Chair Deacons Florence Kinniston, Chair Board of Nominations Graham Gertz, Chair Board of Stewardship Bev Vatougios, Chair Board of Prayer Elaine Ferranco, Chair Board of Ushers Board of Elders: Dr. Bob Krahn, Chair Sharon Tobert, Secretary Brian Iseli, Chair, Pastoral Search Committee Kevin Hammerstrom Pe’er Solomon Pray specifically that God will supply a leader for the middle age group, Sparkies, of our children's programs on Wednesday night. Pray also God will provide another female leader for the Youth Group. Ask God for leaders who are called by HIm, full of the Spirit, excitement and love for the work. Tuesday. Pray for those most affected by the shooting in Ottawa. Ask God to give protection to our government and peace in our country. Wednesday_ Carol Potratz, NAB Missionary, Japan. Carol worked with youth and adults at the Tsu English Center, creatively using English in practical ways to evangelize and disciple. Carol is currently on home assignment. Pray for Carol as she is traveling to churches who have supported her over the years. Pray for the team in Japan and the need for more pastors and missionaries Thursday_ Pray for Green Bay Bible Camp in West Kelowna, Pray for Harold Menzel, the camp director and for the staff who stay on to prepare for next year’s camp program. Thank God for the lives He has changed and reclaimed through the ministry of this Camp. [See the church bulletin board outside of the church office.] Friday. Ask God to show us, and people generally, the ways we are wrong in our hearts. Ask him to help us see where we have resentments or look down on others and to help us remove these. Saturday_ As we move into the rainy and darker time of the year pray for someone you know who struggles with loneliness or depression. Pray that God will break the power of depression in this person's life and enable them to find their joy in Christ. Believe God will answer this prayer. STEWARDSHIP: YEAR 2014 Weekly Goal: $ 5,442.21 Rec'd Oct 19: $ 3,785.52 YTD Goal: $ 228,572.82 YTD Rec'd: $ 203,704.56 Thanksgiving Offering to Oct 19: $8,185.00 Thank you for your faithful giving to the Lord. I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me. Exodus 20:220:2-3 (NIV)
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