General Information

26 October 2014
General Information
Our Diocese requires courses to be taken
The Word
before baptism or marriage For Baptism
ph 846-6775 Marriage: catholicmarYvonne
Holy Communion
Please visit our Stall selling
Books, Cards, Rosaries etc at
back of Church. Available during
Sr Seini
weekdays from the office
House blessings & visits? Contact the
office on 8466775
Altar Servers
get to Mass?
846-6775 to have
communion brought to you. Going into
Auckland Hospital? Call 358-0825
x4045 or x4000 and ask for a visit
from a Priest.
Greeters: Cathy & Charles Hospitality: Merv
Senior Legion of Mary meet Thur sday
Counters: Earl
Cleaning Team: F
evenings in Church. Contact Cathy on
8460339 for more information.
Prayers Please this week For:
All Our Sick Jonathan Ross, Lulu Smith, Malini
TURF Mt Albert Youth (ages 13+)
Salt, Theo Purcell, Shirley Buchanan, Josephine
meet every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the
Walshe, George Fernandez, Jose Chittilapilly, Mick month for prayer, fun, catechesis, reflecGodwin, Lisa Finucane,
tion, friendship and food! Bring a friend
Recently Deceased: Katherine Reid
along! Contact FionaPlease let the office know if you wish to have a name or ofplaced on the prayer list. Many Thanks
Baptisms: This weekend we welcome;
Rosary-This group is taking a
Olivia Batey, Mia Guerrero, Sadie & Otis
break over the winter and will start
Munro, Harper Stanley, Hayley & Emma
again once the weather is warmer.
Johnson. We offer them the warmest of
welcomes & assure them & their families
For your convenience the parish
the support of our prayers.
purchases and sells the LATEST
Applications are open for two part-time roles for Jan editions of :Marist Messenger $4, Tui
-Sept 2015 in the Auckland Diocesan Youth Minis- Motu $7 & NZ Catholic $4
try Office. For more information or to apply go to:
 REQUESTS for MASSES  are available at the back of
Church for you to put in your requests.
Please write details on front and place
This newsletter is printed for your information.
donation inside envelope. Please leave in
Please take it home with you for reference during
Dan Meachen Room (post under door if
the week. It is also available online:
nobody there.) fr om Mondays.
St Mary’s Parish
Mt Albert
Priest In Residence Msgr David Price
OFFICE 20 Kitenui Ave (Up ramp facing side door of church)
STAFF Parish Secretary Tina Coll Assistant Megan Williams
Office is open Mon-Thurs 9-3pm
Please note office is no longer open on Fridays
Mission Sunday
19th Oct 2014
Sunday Masses 8am 10am 5.30pm
20 Oct
21 Oct
22 Oct
23 Oct
24 Oct
25 Oct
Mass 9am
Mass 7pm
Mass 9am
Mass 11.30
Mass 9am
Mass 9am
Followed by Reconciliation Rite 1
Please check website for any changes to office times and days.
Notices into the office by Wednesday please
Please take an Information Book or a white form from the bookcase; fill it out,
drop back into box, or drop into postbox at 20 Kitenui Ave. Or register online at Please help us keep our records straight. If you have moved house
or changed your ph number, fill in a pink “change of address” form & place back
into box. Or go online . Thank You
Anyone is welcome to say a prayer—please speak out LOUDLY
People respond “L ord hear our prayer”
For all Priests and Religious may they inspir e in all people the desir e for a tr ue
relationship with Christ ..
Let us pray to the Lord
For World leaders and Governments: may they have a r enewed commitment to
peace and justice for all …
Let us pray to the Lord
For those in need – that we shar e our monetar y r esour ces with the poor , by supporting the church financially, by donating generously to charity and being honest in
our payment of our taxes...
Let us pray to the Lord
For those in our community who aspire to live lives worthy of the call we r eceived
at baptism …
Let us pray to the Lord
For those who were baptised this weekend may they be blessed with the wor ds of
God and become true witnesses to the faith...
Let us pray to the Lord
We pray for all who are suffering in mind and body , may God shower them with his
love and compassion ….….
Let us pray to the Lord
Fit For Mission- Takatū Ki Te Mau I Te Rongo Pai
Being a disciple means being constantly ready to bring the love of Jesus to others, and this can
happen unexpectedly and in any place:
on the street, in a city square, during work, on a journey. (127)
Who did you meet this week? How did you show Jesus’ love to them?
Pastors Notes
Prayer to the Holy Family for the Synod
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in you we contemplate
the splendour of true love, to you we turn with trust.
Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that our families too
may be places of communion and prayer,
authentic schools of the Gospel and small domestic Churches.
Holy Family of Nazareth, may families never again
experience violence, rejection and division:
may all who have been hurt or scandalized find ready comfort and healing.
Holy Family of Nazareth, may the Synod of Bishops
make us once more mindful of the sacredness and inviolability of the family,
and its beauty in God’s plan.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
graciously hear our prayer.
Found: Set of keys with distinctive weather themed key r ings Please contact office for mor e
information. Also found beautiful Picture of Mary on a red velvet surround.
Jubilee Brochures ar e available for pur chase at back of Chur ch -Koha $5. There is also
a Jubilee celebration book that we invite you to sign and record your memories of St Mary’s.
World Mission Sunday Ther e will be a 2nd collection today Sunday 19 October for Wor ld
Mission Sunday. Money collected is distributed by the National Missions Office to help in the
running of expenses of a diocese for 12 months in a missionary country. Special Envelopes are
available at back of Church if you wish to use them. Many Thanks
St Vincent de Paul Society Christmas Cards ar e on sale after Sunday Masses or can be
bought from the Parish Office. A packet of five religious art cards are $2.50
Please pray for the Marist Sisters Regional Chapter on Satur day 18th - 28th October. This
meeting consists of 22 sisters representing all the sectors of our Region - Fiji, Australia, the Philippines and New Zealand as well as the Regional Team and a General Councillor from Rome. It
takes place every seven years and involves a reflection on the past seven years and gives direction
for our next seven. I am attaching a link to our Chapter prayer which you may wish to use but
more importantly ask you to remember us each day before our God that we may truly be Women
of the Word who embrace life. Many thanks in anticipation
Pilgrimage (Camino) to Santiago de Compostela in Spain: Mundiplus, exper ts in or ganising
pilgrim trips along the ancient routes, can help you. Contact or
The Catholic Enquiry Centre ar e inviting people to sign up as suppor ter s. Check noticeboard for more information
Weekly collections for Sunday 12th October: 1st: 669.80 2nd: $1339.60 Many Thanks
The Marist Sisters extend a Welcome to everyone to come and pray for all vocations. Monday evenings in the Convent 7-8pm .
Locked Primary School gates: The school have decided to lock these gates for security reasons.
There have been a lot of problems in the school, numerous burglaries, graffiti, groups of youths
gathering to drink and to smoke marijuana and finally two fires being lit (one so fierce it melted a
whole wheely bin.) Parking is still available in the front playground of the primary school and in
the college parking area. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
For a look at the Pastoral Letter on the Responses to the Preparatory Document for the Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops please check
National Dominican Laity Gathering, Auckland, 21-23 November 2014. All laity with links to
the Dominican family are welcome to join us for all or part of this weekend. For information and
registration go to or ring Susan Healy on (09) 817 6464.
Diocesan Youth Mass: The October Diocesan Youth Mass will be held on Sunday, 26 Oct, 7
pm at St Patrick’s Cathedral. The theme for the Mass is “Step in the name of Love”. Participants
from A Place to Stand will graduate at this Mass. All welcome.
You are invited to attend the Eco-Spirituality Talk: 10 Gr een Commitments for a mor e sustainable world. This talk is about how we can reverse current climate change trends. Presented by Stephen Lincoln (engineer, MBA, & Member of the Environmental Committee for the Catholic Diocese of Auckland). When: Thurs 30th Oct 7-8.30pm; At The Peace Place, 22 Emily Place, Auckland Central; Cost: Koha. To register please email or call 377-5541.
The 2014 ‘Bishop's Christmas Cake’ made from a traditional family recipe and using only the finest of natural ingredients, is now available to order, for posting to friends and family within New
Zealand and overseas. As a fundraising partnership between the Catholic Caring Foundation and
Aotea Baking, this is a wonderful way to gift to family while also giving to the poor and
needy. Also available a gourmet family gift selection containing a classic fruit cake, chocolate
cherries and a bag of Christmas confectionery. The 1kg cake is $39.99, the 500g cake is $25.00 and
the gift box is $45.00.Orders and payments can be made online or by phone to 09 299 3216 or or”
Dove Catholic Fellowship for Women invites you to our next meeting. Come along,
bring a friend, Tue 28th Oct 7.30pm at St Anne’s Parish Hall,126 Russell Rd,.Manurewa
“For I know the plans I have for you” says the LORD… Jeremiah 29:11 Speaker: Lesley
Hancock-Walking in Authority. contact Grace on 577 3479 or
2015 Columban Calendars ar e now available fr om Office. $10 each.
19 Oct
26 Oct
1st Isa45:1,4-6
1st Ex 22:20-26
Sunday Readings
Year A
2nd 1 Thess 1:1-5
Gospel Matt 22:15-21
2nd 1 Thess 1:5-10
Gospel Matt 22:34-40