CHURCH SHOP - OPEN AFTER MASS. St Mary of the Angels October Bible Alive - Also Christmas cards , Advent and 2015 calendars and diaries and cribs. 68 Gratwicke Road Worthing, BN11 4BJ Parish Priest: Fr Chris Benyon Tel: 01903 200416 - Mobile 07896 680488 Email: (Parish Office) THURSDAY 23RD OCTOBER 2014 - HEAVEN TOUCHING EARTH - Worthing Assembly Hall, Stoke Abbott Road, BN11 1HQ. Don't miss an evening of powerful prayer that will affect our town. The vision is to see over 1,000 Christians come and ask God to touch Worthing so that it will never be the same again. Hosted by New Life Church. For more information contact Rev Philip Amos on 01903 262313. Called to Communion - a Conversation with the Wellspring Community. An Into Silence Event Saturday 18th October, 9:30am – 12pm at the One Church, Gloucester Place, Brighton. A morning seminar exploring a vision for radical community living with members of the Wellspring Community; a Catholic community seeking to live the Gospel of Christ, with the Rule of St Benedict as a guide. No booking necessary; refreshments provided; donation only. For more info, contact: FASHION SWAP (Worthing Churches Homeless Project) th Thursday 30 October 7pm- 7.30pm Queen Street Fellowship Queen Street Worthing (See notice board for more information) SONGS OF PRAISE th 5.30pm – Sunday 26 October At The Salvation Army 9 Crescent Road BN11 1RL (lots of music in various forms, guaranteed to lift your spirits) FULL DIARY OF EVENTS CAN BE ACCESSED ON THE CHURCH WEBSITE Please note: A&B NEWS -Please let Astrid have a report of any activities you would like to see included. Phone 238056, e-mail or leave it in the Sacristy. NEWSLETTER If you would like a news item placed in the newsletter please make sure it is put in the basket in the Sacristy by Thursday am or you can 28th SUNDAY OF ORINARY TIME 12th October 2014 Hospital Emergency: 01903 239611 Parish Contact: Anne Challinor 01903 247337 Parish Centre Hire: Lochlan MacDonald 01903 610966 Baptism Preparation Diana Thorn 01903 211744 Child Protection: Heidi 07969689640 PLEASE NOTE All Services in this Church are Broadcast over the Internet Mass Dates and Times th Intentions Holy Days Sun 12 Oct 8.30 am 10.30 am 12.15 pm 5.30 pm People of the Parish JP Walker R.I.P. ITALIAN MASS Arsenio Bambarrano (Fast Recovery) 28thSUNDAY of ORDINARY TIME Mon 13th Oct 10.00 am Rita Lee R.I.P. St Edward the Confessor th Tues 14 Oct 10.00 am Salvatore Petretta R.I.P. Wed 15th Oct 8.00am Avila Hse Holy Souls Thurs 16th Oct 10.00 am Berlindo Family R.I.P. Fri 17th Oct 10.00 am Anne Corkery R.I.P. Sat 18th Oct 10.00 am Joseph James Int Sun 19th Oct 8.30 am 10.30 am 12.15 am 5.30 pm People of the Parish Cosmas & Grace Special Int ITALIAN MASS Michael Murphy R.I.P. St Teresa of Avila St Ignatius of Antioch ST LUKE ST PHILIP HOWARD SUNDAY There will be laying on of hands and prayer for Healing, in the Church after the 10am Mass on every first Friday of the month Every Third Sunday of the month there is a Malayalam Mass at 3pm THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY LAST WEEKEND Offertory - £731.00 - Gift Aid - £630.00 – Overseas Project - £60.00 nd 2 Collection – Cafod - £520.00 Please remember in your prayers all the sick that are housebound in nursing homes or in hospital and also those who care for them especially: Giulio de-Sanctis. Peter Abbott, Paul Scantlebury, Sr Anthony, Sr Rosalind, David McDonald, Ronnie Taylor, Margaret Jardine, Patrick Cummuskey, Margaret Gleeson, Dorothy Daniels, Peggy O'Regan,Paul Kelly and Marise Falkingham’ DIARY FOR THE COMING WEEK th Sunday 12 Oct th Monday 13 Oct th Tuesday 14 Oct th Wednesday 15 Oct th Thursday 16 Oct th Friday 17 Oct Saturday 18 th Sunday 19 th Oct Oct 28TH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME ANNUAL MISSION APPEAL for the Missionary Sisters 1ST COMMUNION ENROLEMENT MASS 10.30am. LEAVING COLLECTION for the Missions. PARENTS AND TODDLERS GROUP meet 10 – 11.30am Do join us if you are a parent/carer of a pre-school child – we would love to see some new faces! CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP meets at 8pm in the Church Social Area. PEACE PRAYER 3pm in the Chapel Avila House 60 Gratwicke Road, everyone welcome. JOURNEY IN FAITH GROUP meets 7.30pm Priest's House ST MARY 150. ARCHBISHOP PETER SMITH has kindly agreed to come and celebrate the Mass on the Anniversary of the Consecration of the Church on Tuesday 4th November at 7.30pm. Please do make sure that this event is well supported. TEAM SPIRIT ~ Due to work commitments, Louise is no longer in a position to run this Group. However, much groundwork has been put in and the Group is attended by young people who love to come and enjoy prayer and activities with friends. If there is anybody who would be willing to carry on the good work, please contact Louise on 07884490329 for further details. CTS BOOKSTAND Booklets on the Rosary and Mary are available. THE PRICE OF 90 BAGS OF RICE IS THE COST OF A YEARS SECONDARY EDUCATION for a child IN MALAWI. Please help us give a child this opportunity Buy a bag of fairtrade Kilombero rice from Malawi £2.99 Today in the social Area and see this opportunity become a reality. LIVE SIMPLY Tip of the Week - Curtains cut bills Now the nights are drawing in, draw your curtains to reduce heat loss through windows when it gets dark. Try curtain lining to keep rooms even more cosy - or get a second pair of curtains from a charity shop to act as lining material. If possible, avoid putting curtains in front of radiators, as this will direct the heat away from the room. Provided by Friends of the Earth WEDNESDAY FRIENDSHIP CLUB ST MARY’S RAINBOWS- for girls aged from 5 to 7 meet every Thursday from 4.30 to 5.30. For further details phone Christine on 01903 208977 or 07748 175571 or email DIVINE MERCY PRAYER GROUP 7.30 pm in the Church. PRAYERS FOR PEACE 6 - 6.30pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel St PHILIP HOWARD Patron of the diocese. ------------------------------------------------------- OCTOBER MONTH OF THE ROSARY. We are encouraged to pray the Rosary for Peace. One decade will be said after weekday Masses. JOURNEY IN FAITH GROUP Four Enquirers came to the meeting on Tuesday. Please pray for them. Next Meeting Tuesday 7.30pm Priest's House. People still welcome to join. It would help to have one or two Parishioners as members. " WOMEN'S BREAKFAST Saturday 18th October in The Barn, English Martyrs Church- 09:00-11:00. This month we will welcome Hilda Sherwood from the charity , "Home Start" who will be talking to us about their role in helping Women with Depression. Please come along and join us for a delicious breakfast, friendship, fellowship, community and sharing. All are most Welcome. Tel contact: Jane-Anne 01903-502070" THE NEXT MEETING OF ST MARY OF THE ANGELS 150 will be on October 30th at 7.30 in the Social Area. All interested people are invited to attend to work out the details of our proposed programme of events.'
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