OUR LADY AND ST. CHRISTOPHER’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Serving Romiley, Bredbury, and Woodley 52 Barrack Hill, Romiley, Stockport, Cheshire. SK6 3BA Tel: 0161-430 2704 www.ourladyandstchristophersromiley.org e-mail: stchris52@gmail.com PARISH PRIEST: Canon Michael Gannon VG ASSISTANT PRIEST: Father Edmund Montgomery SUNDAY 18 JANUARY 2015 DAY OF SPECIAL PRAYER FOR WORLD PEACE MESSAGE FROM FATHER MICHAEL Today is a day of special prayer for world peace; we are asked to pray for peace in our troubled world and to promote the conditions which lead to peace. The desire for peace begins in the human heart so today is also an opportunity to examine our own attitudes. The call to be “Peacemakers” is addressed to all who follow Christ. We also remember those who continue to be affected by the recent tragic events in France and pray for forgiveness and healing for all concerned at this time. Today also is the start of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, which will culminate in our parish with the Churches Together Service next Sunday in church to which all are welcome. May God bless us all in the week ahead. SACRED LITURGY THIS WEEK The month of January is dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus. Sunday Readings: Cycle B. Weekday Readings: Cycle I. Psalter: Week II Parish Mass Book 1 Page 127 The Pope’s intentions for January: Openness to the Word of God; for migrants and refugees; for expectant mothers. MASS TIMES and INTENTIONS (this week) th Sunday 18 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 19 th 20 st 21 nd 22 rd 23 Saturday 24 Sunday 25th th th Vigil Mass of the following: 6.30 pm SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 9.00 am 11.00 am Feria Requiem Mass 10.15 am Feria 7.30 pm St.Agnes,V.M. 9.15 am St Vincent, Deacon and Martyr 9.15am Feria 8.15 am People of the Parish Peter Lambourne Oluyomi Lawson RIP Olive Booth RIP Margaret Spencer RIP Fr Terry Hillhouse Cyril & James Liddy RIP In Harrytown Chapel St Francis de Sales,B.D. Vigil Mass of the Following THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Sarah O`Hagan RIP Stephen Gill People of the Parish Kevin Slim RIP SACRAMENTS and OTHER LITURGIES (usual schedule) Adoration of the Holy Eucharist Mon, Wed, Thurs Tuesday Saturday Sunday Sacrament of Reconciliation Mon – Fri Saturday Sunday Liturgy of the Hours Mon, Tues, Wed. Tuesday Saturday Sunday Mary 9.15 am 6.30 pm 9.00 am 11.00 am 8.15-8.55 am 6.30 – 7.25 pm 5.30 – 6.20 pm 8.00 – 8.50 am upon request after Mass 5.45– 6.20 pm 10.20 – 10.50 am 8.55 am Morning Prayer 7.10 pm Evening Prayer 9.00 am Morning Prayer; 5.30 pm Evening Prayer 8.00 am Morning Prayer Moi CONFIRMATION 2015 The date allocated by Bishop Mark to visit Our Lady & St Christopher’s to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation for our young people and those of Holy Spirit, Marple, is 9 July 2015. Please note this date now – more information later HEALING SERVICE led by Fr. Jim McManus C.Ss.R (Redemptorist Priest) Friday 23rd January, 7.30 p.m. at Our Lady & the Apostles church, Edgeley. Join us in praying for health in body, mind and spirit and those we love. See poster in porch. THIS YEAR THE MASS FOR MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE with Bishop Mark will be celebrated at noon on Saturday 14th February at St Columba’s, Chester (Newhall Road, Plas Newton, Chester CH2 1SA). All married couples and families are welcome but if you are a couple celebrating a significant wedding anniversary (silver, pearl ruby, golden or platinum) and you wish to attend, then please let Fr Michael know by the 2nd of February and he will arrange for a special invitation to be sent to you on behalf of the Bishop. Please see poster. ADORATION & PRAYER OF THE CHURCH Now we are back to ‘normal’ after the disruption of the renovation of the presbytery, we return to the regular schedule of prayer and devotions in the parish beginning Monday morning with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 8.15 am concluding with Morning Prayer at 8.55 am, and Mass celebrated at 9.15 am. Perhaps take this New Year as an opportunity to make a good resolution to make more space and time for God in prayer. Reverence to God adds hours to the day! MARRIAGE MATTERS (www.twoinoneflesh.org.uk) Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (1 Samuel 3:3-10, 19 1 Corinthians 6:13-15, 17-20 John 1:35-42) Welcomed in His name When Andrew and Simon Peter met Jesus, they asked Him: “Rabbi, where do you live?” He said: “Come and see.” They went, and stayed for the rest of the day. Did Mary, His mother, return to find strangers in her house and welcome and serve them in her Son’s name? Do we welcome and serve one another in His name? REQUIESCANT + IN PACE Those who have died recently: Katharine Rose, Winnie Rollinson, Margaret Spencer, Christine Mangan, Mary Thornley, Olive Booth. Those whose anniversaries occur around this time: Robert Oxford House, Caroline Flood, Elizabeth Taylor, John Melling, Brenda Melling, Florence Bardsley, Olive Holland, James Timblin, David Gregg, Alma Toy, Eileen Bradburn, Fr Terry Hillhouse, Gerard Grady, John Kearney, John McAuley, Dorothy Turner, John Welsby, Olivia Ruiz, Kathleen Monaghan, Agnes Tipping, Christina McCumaskey. May they rest in peace. RETIRED PRIEST`S FUND This weekend the annual collection for the Retired Priest`s Fund will be held. In the time I have been with you I have been overwhelmed by the generosity of the people of the Diocese towards the Retired Priest`s Fund. With your help we can build up the Fund to meet the future needs of our sick and retired priests. Special envelopes are available for you to use. A leaflet about the Fund is also available which explains how to make a regular donation to the Fund by Standing Order, or how you can make your donation by cheque. It also explains how to take advantage of Gift Aid for your donations to the Fund. I ask that you give as generously as you can to this very worthy cause and would also like to express my sincere gratitude for your continued support. With every blessing, +Mark, Bishop of Shrewsbury. FORTHCOMING EVENTS CHURCHES TOGETHER ANNUAL SERVICE This year we are delighted to be hosting the Churches Together in Bredbury, Romiley and Woodley’s Annual Service to mark the end of the week of prayer for Christian Unity. The time of prayer is 6.30pm on Sunday 25 January, here in Church, and will be led by Fr Michael, with an opportunity for the various Christian ministers to recommit to the spiritual and ecumenical vision of unity amongst all the followers of Jesus Christ. All welcome! PARISH FAMILY WEEKEND 1-3 MAY 2015 Following the success of last year’s event for families, the Barn at Savio House has again been booked for the next May bank holiday weekend. Young families are invited to come together for a Family Fun Weekend - it is aimed at Mums & Dads and primary school aged children. Dormitory sleeping arrangements: two dormitories. one male, one female, (mums & daughters, fathers & sons). In addition there are 3 twin rooms separate to the dormitories. Cost £45 per person including all meals cooked on a volunteer basis. Booking forms will be available in the New Year but it would be helpful at this stage if you could please let Fr Michael or Fr Edmund know if you are interested. HOUSEBOUND AND THE SICK Please pray for: Fr Peter Coyle, Philip Smith, Brian Rogers, Christine Beswick, Hillary Rustage, Kieran O’Brien, Fr. Jim Farrell, Theresa Travis, Debbie Sainsbury, Dorothy Cornelly, Lionel and Jenny Rawlings, Anna Maria Bolton, Matthew Norman, Billy Lingard, Patricia Kelly, Winnie Monk, Ingrid Kucak, Jadar Jones, Michael Christie, Sonia Faure, Wilfred Hartley, Mandy Keane, Joyce Osbourne, Michael O’Sullivan, Bob and Mary Parker, Katelyn Reilly, Margaret Smith, Matthew Swallow, Amy Harris, Audrey Wilson, Christine Colley, Elizabeth Brown, Charlie Pigram, Bridget Robertson, Eileen Powell, Michael Walsh, Valerie Gahan, Christopher Wilkinson, Michelle Wright, Kath Rose, Elsie Edwards, Betty Kenny, Roger Armistead, Joshua Goddard, Ann Platt, Monica Jackson, Deirdre Nausen, Joan Donald, Audrey Tynam, Gerard Davies, Gloria Flynn, Ronald Evans, Irene Daughney, David Moss and KIrsty Czyzewsky. We commend them all to the prayers of our Lady, Health of the Sick and St Christopher. JUSTICE & CHARITY VOLUNTEERING MISSIO (APF) – an urgent appeal Please see the insert in this week`s Newsletter. CLEANING TEAMS We still require new volunteers!! If you are able to help, please be in touch! SUPPORT AND CHAPLAINCY NEWSLETTER & WEBSITE PARISH WEBSITE The site is updated weekly with any relevant news and the newsletter/Wednesday word article is uploaded at the same time. If anyone has any news, photos or articles to go on the site please let me know. I’m also keen to get feedback on the site – what you like, anything that you would like to see, any suggested changes, etc. Matthew Standing, e-mail mrps@sky.com. N.B.STAMPS The Medical Missionary Sisters can no longer use stamps as John Dixon has had to retire from trading them. Over 50 years he has raised £50,000. In 2014 - £4214. This year £2,027, an amazing achievement when electronic communication is so prevalent. Many thanks. And thank you to Stella for overseeing this in church. Please do not leave stamps in the porch or back of church. MARRIAGE CARE If you are going through difficulties in your relationship Stockport Marriage Care offer a confidential Counselling service. You can contact them on 0800-389-3801. HOSPITAL CHAPLAINCY If a relative or friend is in hospital please ensure that you contact the chaplaincy office to let them know that they will need that spiritual care and support, and if they are catholic, to receive Holy Communion, and if necessary the Sacrament of the Sick. You can do this directly by calling the chaplaincy on 419-5889. FINANCES Sadly Bob and I will be leaving the parish in a couple of weeks time and moving to West Yorkshire near to our daughter and family. We have enjoyed seven years at Our Lady and St Christopher`s so much, meeting many lovely people and making firm friends. We feel truly blessed. However on to pastures new where God willing we hope and pray that our new parish of SS Thomas Moore and John Fisher in Menston, Ilkley will make us as welcome as you have, Bob and I both agree that Our Lady and St Christopher`s will always have a very special place in our hearts. Pat and Bob Saunders WEEKLY FINANCE Last week’s collection: £768.41 CAFOD: TIME TO SAY GOODBYE £28.67 Building Fund to date: £324,662.31 Standing Orders for December raised £2006 Thank you for your generosity BIG GROUP FUND RAISING CHALLENGE Just a reminder that it is not too late to join in with the challenge. If you are interested in taking part then please add your details to the list in the porch or speak to Susan Carr /Colleen Caldwell. Thank you for your support.
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