OUR LADY AND ST. CHRISTOPHER’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Serving Romiley, Bredbury, and Woodley 52 Barrack Hill, Romiley, Stockport, Cheshire. SK6 3BA Tel: 0161-430 2704 www.ourladyandstchristophersromiley.org.uk e-mail: stchris52@gmail.com PARISH PRIEST: Canon Michael Gannon VG ASSISTANT PRIEST: Fr. Tony McGrath SUNDAY 17 MAY 2015 MESSAGE FROM FATHER MICHAEL Next weekend we will celebrate the great feast of Pentecost when we recall the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Church at its beginning and the subsequent coming of the Holy Spirit into our lives at Baptism and Confirmation. Confirmation is the sacrament most closely associated with the Holy Spirit and I have recently written to the young people at Harrytown Catholic High School who are eligible to be confirmed this year, inviting them to receive the sacrament and undergo the preparation programme. Please keep them in your prayers and also the young people who have just started their GCSE exams at Harrytown. A candle will be lit at the weekday Masses on Tuesdays and Thursdays and prayers said for the young people taking the exams until they finish at the end of June. May God bless them and all in our parish community in the week ahead. SACRED LITURGY THIS WEEK The month of May is dedicated to The Blessed Virgin Mary Sunday Readings: Cycle B. Weekday: Cycle 1 Psalter: Week 111 Parish Mass Book 1 Page 272 The Pope’s intentions for May: that, rejecting the culture of indifference, we may care for our neighbours who suffer, especially the sick and the poor. That Mary’s intercession may help Christians in secularised cultures be ready to proclaim Jesus. MASS TIMES and INTENTIONS (this week) Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday th 16 th 17 Vigil Mass of the following: 6.30pm 9.00am 11.00am th 18 feria 9.15am th 19 feria Funeral Service 2.15pm 7.30pm th 20 OUR LADY OF FATIMA 9.15am st 21 ST.MATTHIAS 9.15am nd 22 feria 8.15am 12 Noon rd 23 feria 9.15am Vigil Mass of the following 6.30pm 24th PENTECOST SUNDAY 9.00 am 11.00 am THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD SACRAMENTS and OTHER LITURGIES (usual schedule) Adoration of the Holy Eucharist Mon, Wed, Thurs Tuesday Saturday Sunday Sacrament of Reconciliation Mon – Fri Saturday Sunday Liturgy of the Hours Mon, Tues, Wed. Tuesday Saturday Sunday Deac’d Ryan Family People of the Parish In Thanksgiving Margaret Duffy RIP John Patrick Atherton Mary Keaney RIP Charles Pigram RIP Private Intention Harrytown Chapel Eileen Barlow RIP Lillian O’Neil RIP People of the Parish Daniel Corallo Eddie & Philip Palmer RIP 8.15am – 9.10am 6.30 – 7.25 pm 5.30 – 6.20 pm 8.00 – 8.50 am upon request after Mass 5.45– 6.20 pm 10.20 – 10.50 am 8.55am Morning Prayer 7.10 pm Evening Prayer 9.00 am Morning Prayer; 5.30 pm Evening Prayer 8.00 am Morning Prayer PRAYER & LITURGY REQUIESCANT + IN PACE, ALLELUIA Those who have died recently: John Patrick Atherton Those whose anniversaries occur around this time: Frank O’Malley, Albert Docx, Margaret Rowcroft, Susannah Mulligan, Gerard Caffrey, Patricia Furness (Infant), Bernard Miller, Peter Mulligan. May they rest in peace ALTAR SERVER TRAINING The Year 3 children who recently made their First Holy Communion are eligible to train to become altar servers at Our Lady & St Christopher’s. Further information & an application form available from the clergy or Martin Coyle. CONFIRMATION 2015 There will be an information meeting for candidates and parents in church on Monday 1 June at 7.00pm. All young people in Year 9 and above are eligible to be confirmed this year. The Bishop will visit our parish on Thursday 9 July to celebrate the Confirmation Mass. 40 HOURS OF ADORATION Please find one hour to Adore the Blessed Sacrament and pray for peace in the Middle East where our fellow Christians are massacred. Jesus can do so much that our prayer is vital. At the Blessed Sacrament Chapel at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour , Moss Side, Groby St M16 7JQ they are trying to build up a monthly 40 hour prayer team. Call Dave 0796661 or Lianne 07873798903 for Info: 40 hours starts Thurs, Fri, Sat 7am – 7pm and Sun 1-‐5pm May 14 – 17. MARRIAGE MATTERS (www.twoinoneflesh.org.uk) Seventh Sunday of Easter The Ascension (Acts 1:15-‐17, 20-‐26 1John 4: 11-‐16 John 17: 11-‐19) Strive for unity Since even before we married, we have worked to bring about unity in our love relationship. Today we are reminded that by loving one another; “God will live in us and His love will be complete in us”. Let’s take a moment to hold hands, look at each other and say ”you are my beloved ‘till the end of time”. ALL NIGHT VIGIL OF PRAYER AND ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT for the Feast of Pentecost at the Cathedral in Shrewsbury, Saturday 23 May 7.30pm – Sunday 24 May 8.00am. The Vigil is an opportunity to gather in prayer for a renewed outpouring of the Holy Spirit into out hearts and communities. Please see poster in porch for further information. You can also participate by watching the live video stream from the Cathedral. Go to: www.shrewsburycathedral.org CALLING ALL PARISH EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION & READERS Two training days are being offered in the local area and you are strongly urged to attend one of them. The venue is Our Lady’s Church, Shaw Heath, and the dates are Wednesday 3 June or Saturday 6 June from 10.00 am – 1.00pm. Tea & coffee will be available in the parish centre from 9.30am. All Readers & Extraordinary Ministers will be commissioned at the end of the training day. Please let Fr Michael know if you will be attending by putting your name on the sheet at the back of church as the names have to be sent to the diocese beforehand and please also pre-‐register with Mrs Pauline McCulloch at: pauline.mcculloch@dioceseofshrewsbury.org Please see poster in porch. CORPUS CHRISTI MASS & CELEBRATION I would like to repeat this parish celebration with Mass followed by music and a barbeque which took place in the grounds of our parish primary school last year. The date will th be Sunday 7 June 2015. Please can I ask that everyone that contributed to this event in any way last year make contact with me so that we can discuss logistics. Many thanks. HEALING MASS for Families affected by Mental Health issues. A Healing Mass, at noon on Saturday 13th June, will be celebrated for families that are affected by mental health issues and those that work in this area at St Patrick’s, King Street, Wellington, Shropshire TF13AP. The Sacrament of the Sick will be administered & all are welcome. For more information contact: Mark & Liz Dutton 01625 428 498. Pause for Hope. Sunday 21st June 2015, St Columba’s, FORTHCOMING EVENTS Chester, 3pm. An ecumenical gathering for families and friends who have been affected by Cancer. An opportunity for prayer and reflection accompanied by hymns. See poster. CATHOLIC CHILDREN’S SOCIETY This is our diocesan MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND Yarnfield Park, Staffs. 3rd-‐5th July 2015. This is an enrichment social care agency, which the parish supports through the annual Crib Appeal and collecting boxes in homes. There are a number of information evenings which the Society is holding to provide information on its work in the diocese. Please see the poster in the porch. The nearest venue for our parish is St Aidan’s Centre, 230 Wythenshawe Road, Northern Moor, Wythenshawe, M23 0PH, and the date for this meeting is Monday 18 May 2015 at 7.00pm. weekend for normal, ordinary marriages (Not counselling). Marriage Encounter Weekends have proved time and time again to be of immense value for couples however long they have been married. All discussions are private for the participating couples, there is no group sharing. Why not take advantage of this opportunity and for further information www.wwme.org.uk or ring 01538 385801 . HOUSEBOUND AND THE SICK Please pray for: Fr Peter Coyle, Philip Smith, Brian Rogers, Christine Beswick, Hillary Rustage, Kieran O’Brien, Fr. Jim Farrell, Theresa Travis, Debbie Sainsbury, Dorothy Cornelly, Lionel and Jenny Rawlings, Anna Maria Bolton, Matthew Norman, Billy Lingard, Patricia Kelly, Winnie Monk, Jadar Jones, Michael Christie, Sonia Faure, Wilfred Hartley, Mandy Keane, Joyce Osbourne, Michael O’Sullivan, Bob and Mary Parker, Katelyn Reilly, Margaret Smith, Matthew Swallow, Amy Harris, Audrey Wilson, Christine Colley, Elizabeth Brown, Bridget Robertson, Eileen Powell, Michael Walsh, Valerie Gahan, Christopher Wilkinson, Michelle Wright, Roger Armistead, Joshua Goddard, Ann Platt, Monica Jackson. Deirdre Nausen, Audrey Tynam, Gerard Davies, Gloria Flynn, Ronald Evans. Irene Daughney, KIrsty Czyzewsky, Albert Perris, Baby William, Joan Aspinall, Kathleen Foley, Daniel Murray, Sarah Connolly, Mildred & John Coverley and Clair Mitten. We commend them all to the prayers of our Lady and St Christopher. JUSTICE & CHARITY N.B. NEPAL EARTHQUAKE DISASTER APPEAL There will be a retiring collection at all the Masses next weekend for this appeal FINANCES PARISH FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING th There will be a meeting on Monday 18 May at 7.30pm in church. WEEKLY FINANCE Last week’s collection: £763.36 CAFOD: £37.10 SMC Appeal: £863.04 Standing Orders for March: £2698.00 Building Fund: £331,326.00 Thank you for your generosity SUPPORT & CHAPLAINCY OUR LADY & ST CHRISTOPHER’S PARISH is committed to keeping children, young people and vulnerable adults safe. The parish safeguarding representative is Carly Giblin who may be contacted on: 07769 110723 or at giblinacm@yahoo.co.uk MARRIAGE CARE If you are going through difficulties in your relationship Stockport marriage care offer a confidential Counselling service. You can contact them on 0800-‐389-‐3801 HOSPITAL CHAPLAINCY If a relative or friend is in hospital please ensure that you contact the chaplaincy office to let them know that they will need that spiritual care and comfort, and if they are catholic, to receive Holy Communion, and if necessary the Sacrament of the Sick. You can do this directly by calling the chaplaincy on 419-‐5889 LOOSE CHANGE BOXES Please bring in your Loose Change Boxes when they are full and leave them in the small sacristy. New boxes can be collected from under the table at the back of church. Thank you for your support. 200 CLUB – RENEWALS DUE The Parish 200 Club runs annually from May to April, which means that it’s either time to renew your numbers(s) or join for the coming year. Information / application forms for the 200 Club are on the table at the back of church or can be downloaded from the Parish Website. Completed forms and monies can be handed in at the Parish Office, marked FAO Matthew Standing. We currently only have 70 signed up for the new year – the first draw of the new year th will be in 3 weeks time on Saturday 30 May. CAR PARKING Please note that there is no access to the rear car park during weekdays whilst on Saturday evening & Sunday morning the tarmac rear car park is available. Please be considerate to our neighbours and do not block access to their houses. Thank you -‐ Fr Michael. ODDMENT SALE Weather permitting ! – there will be an oddment sale on st Sunday 31 May. Some wonderful bargains for a donation. Proceeds will go to the Building Fund. THANK YOU From the Wood Street Mission for the Easter Egg Collection. Please see the letter on the notice board.
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