Our Lady of Malibu Catholic Church
3625 Winter Canyon Road, Malibu, California 90265
Telephone (310) 456-2361
Fax (310) 456-3942
Parish Office
(310) 456-2361
(310) 456-3942
Rev. William F. Kerze, Pastor
Sr. Brigid McGuigan, Pastoral Associate
Peggy Thomas, Parish Manager
Tom Thomas, Parish Bookkeeper
Marie Slaton, Director of Religious Education
Daily Mass (Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri.)
8:00 AM
(Thurs) Eucharistic Service
Saturday morning Mass
8:00 AM
(unless otherwise listed)
Liturgical Morning Prayer
7:50 AM
8:30 AM
Sunday Vigil Mass (Saturday)
CONVENT Sister of St. Louis
(310) 456-6156
Peter Torsiello, Director
(310) 281-9603
Laura DeMieri, Associate Director (310) 456-2361
Marie Slaton
(310) 456-2361
(310) 456-8071
Michael Smith, Principal
Karen Medrano, School Secretary
Tom Thomas, School Bookkeeper
Sunday Masses
7:00, 8:30, 11:00 AM
Holy Day Masses
8:00, 12:00 PM, 7:30 PM
First Friday Mass
8:00 AM
4:00 to 4:45 PM
By Appointment
Altar Servers Jean Muldoon
(310) 457-5017
Catholic Student Association
Dr.Tom Vandergon
(805) 604-1938
Detention Ministry Jerry Vogeler
(310) 397-1376
Lectors & EM’s Debra Domeyer
(310) 589-2690
Legion of Mary Bill Baldau
(310) 456-2252
Ministry to Homebound Shirley D’Haenens (310) 457-5383
Pro-Life Chair Katherine Cimorelli
Safeguard the Children Karen Dion
5:00 PM
Baptism Instruction: A parent wishing to have a child baptized
at Our Lady of Malibu must contact the Parish Office to register.
Marie Slaton
Fourth Sunday of the Month
(310) 456-2361
Marriage: Anyone within Our Lady of Malibu Parish boundaries
wishing to contract the Sacrament of Marriage must contact a
priest at least six months in advance of the wedding date.
RCIA Program: Sr. Brigid McGuigan
(310) 456-2361
Picture of OLM Done By: Ellen Cerniglia
(310) 456-2361
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Our Lady of Malibu Catholic Community
October 26. 2014
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our Mission
The Catholic Community of Our Lady of
Malibu welcomes all people to worship
God, to grow spiritually in the Catholic
faith, and to receive encouragement and
direction in shaping the wider world in
light of the Gospel.
Treasures From Our Traditions
Sadly, one of the most difficult reforms of the
Second Vatican Council for the Church to embrace has
been one of the most thorough and beautiful: the
sacrament of penance. Because it is individual and
private, it has been difficult for the changes to take root.
Sometimes a priest may be grounded in the earlier form,
and at other times the penitent may resist the priest’s
attempt to blend in the proper texts and rituals.
Perhaps because the new form is almost identical in
structure to the old, it has been difficult to instititute. It
may also be true that with the liturgy in English now, it
is far more clear that the Eucharist, too, is a “sacrament
of reconciliation.”
It is certainly true that there are different skills and
gifts in ministry, and experienced penitents know that
not all priests are equally at ease in this sacramental
encounter. Sometimes a difficult experience can drive
people away from a liturgy that is spiritually rich and
rewarding. Yet we know that one bad meal seldom puts
people off restaurants forever: the dinner gong tends to
dispel bad memories, and so we try again. Individual
confession and absolution is for us both treasure and
tradition. If you haven’t been for a while, consider
coming back to praise God for this gift of mercy.
Question of the Week
Question from Life: What commandments do you follow in your business or work team?
Question from the Gospel: What demonstrations of
love do you find most
OLM Golf Classic 2014
Saturday, November 15
Westlake Golf Club—12Noon Start
Join us for a day of FUN-RAISING!
Your participation characterizes our efforts to inspire
our children to become innovative leaders!
$150 Individual Entry Fee
Includes: Golf, cart, box lunch, putting contest,
closest to the pin, longest drive, awards ceremony,
dinner and drinks.
Entry Deadline: November 10, 2014
Register at OLM School or online
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
“You shall love the Lord, your God, with
all your heart, with all your soul, and with
all your mind.”
—Matthew 22:37
Page 3
Next weekend we turn
back our clocks!
Time to Celebrate
After each Mass this weekend we will celebrate the
Renewed Church with a Wine and Cheese Reception in
Sheridan Hall on Saturday night and a Brunch after
each Mass on Sunday morning.
Sun, 26th
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Brunch in Sheridan Hall, after each Mass
Mon, 27th AA Meeting, Hall, 6:30pm
Al Anon Meeting, Hall, 8:00pm
Tues, 28th NA Meeting, Hall, 7:30pm
Wed, 29th Evening Bible Study, Lower Conf., 6:30pm
Thurs, 30th Morning Bible Study, Lower Conf., 10:30am
Fri, 31st
Halloween Festivities at the School
Men’s AA, Hall, 6:00pm
Al Anon Meeting, Okoneski Room, 6:15pm
Sat, 1st
Legion of Mary, Rectory, 8:30am
Confessions, Church, 4:00- 4:45pm
Vigil Mass, Church, 5:00pm
Bethlehem Families
Mexico Mission
We have set the date for our next trip for January 3,
2015 and because of the holidays we are preparing early
and would like to start collecting goods now. We are
asking for canned goods (tuna, soup, vegetables, fruit),
juice packs, dry pasta, hard candy, peanut butter and
jelly; things that can be easily stored for a few
months. Of course, you can bring any of the items
listed on the grocery bags which are at the back of the
church. We also take monetary donations which we use
to purchase food to compliment your donations.
It is your continued support that enables us to bring this
much needed help to our less fortunate brothers and
sisters in Tijuana.
Christian Families of Bethlehem
On Saturday November 1 and Sunday, November 2,
the Christian Families of Bethlehem, the Holy Land,
will be at OLM to sell hand carved religious articles
made of olive wood, which is their only source of income due to the political situation and lack of tourism.
Please stop and see Mr. Raji Saada and see their beautiful work.
November Remembers
You will find The Book of the
Dead on the table under the statue of Joseph from now through
the month on November. Please
feel free to add the names of
loved ones who have departed.
Mass Intentions
Oct 27
Oct 29
Oct 31
V. Colley
The Mitch Taylor Family
Sean Hunter
Spec. Int.
Spec. Int.
If you are new in the Parish or have moved to a new
address, please complete this form,and return it to the
Parish Office or place it in the collection basket.
NAME ____________________________________
ADDRESS __________________________________
CITY _____________________
ZIP _____________
PHONE ___________________
DATE ___________
□ New Registration
□ Change of Address
□ Moving out of Parish
□ Volunteer