Our Lady of Mercy Church Park Ridge, New Jersey 07656 October 19, 2014 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time OLM’s Fall Harvest Food Drive Saturday, October25 – Sunday, October 26, 2014 SOCIAL JUSTICE A-C-T-I-O-N: Social Justice & Peace Ministry will collect food for food pantries after all Masses The cry for justice that rises from the poor cannot be ignored by us. Jesus himself told us, “You give them something to eat”. (Mark 6: 37) The Joy of the Gospel, 188 – Pope Francis Food Pantries served: Blessed Sacrament/Newark, Center for Food Action/Mahwah, Pascack Food Center/Park Ridge, River Vale Food Pantry Buddies of N.J./Aids Coalition/Hackensack Food Pantries will be collecting these items for Thanksgiving Dinner: Cranberry Sauce Baking mixes Soup Products Pudding Canned fruit Cookies Canned vegetables Nuts, Trail Mix, Raisins Pumpkin Pie Filling Instant Potatoes Canned YAMS Gravy Salad Dressing Mayonnaise Ready Made Pie Crust ---NOT refrigerated*** Boxed Stuffing Coffee, Tea Bottled juices Sugar, Flour Juice boxes Holiday Napkins Rice Additional items: cereal, canned meats, fish, Hash, toiletries, cleaning products, paper products, baby diapers: sizes 45-6, baby food, pancake mix & syrup; 100% fruit juices, canned hearty soup, pasta, rice, peanut butter, grape jelly, powdered or evaporated milk; Sanitary products- women; Depends for men & women, ENSURE ALL donations are gratefully received: Supermarket Gift Certificates appreciated….. & cash donations or checks payable to Our Lady of Mercy . (Note: Food Drive on check) Volunteers are needed sort, and drive goods to local Food Pantries. Please call SJPM Ministry @ 201-391-6975. Rev. Charles P. Granstrand, Pastor Rev. Robert T. Ulak, Parochial Vicar Rev. Msgr. James C. Turro (Weekends) Rev. Msgr. Carl D. Hinrichsen (In Residence) Rev. John Chadwick (Weekends) Joseph Romano, Deacon Gary Tankard, Deacon John Rokoszak, Pastoral Associate Debra Wyka, Minister of Music Amy Ballanco, Religious Education Coordinator Jennifer Kavanagh, Youth Minister Donna Quinn, Business Manager RECONCILIATION Saturday: 9-9:30AM & 1-1:30PM Monday: 7-7:30PM MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Evening: 5:30PM Sunday: 7:30AM, 9:30AM, 11:00AM, 12:30PM Daily: 6:30AM, 8:30AM Saturday: 8:30AM BAPTISM The Sacrament is celebrated one Sunday every month. Parents should contact the rectory prior to the birth of their child for dates of Baptism Preparation Sessions. MARRIAGE Couples planning to be married should contact the rectory at least ONE YEAR PRIOR to the wedding date. Rectory Websites School 201-391-5315 UROLM.org 201-391-3838 2 Fremont Ave. OLMAcademy.org SCHOOL Our Lady of Mercy Academy 2011 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence 25 Fremont Avenue, Park Ridge, NJ 07656 Laraine Meehan, Principal CATECHETICAL MINISTRY Grades K-6: 4-5PM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Grades 7-8: 3:45-5:15PM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Catechetical Center 201-391-3590 201-802-1771 Music Minister E-Mail 201-358-2994 olm.church@gmail.com Urolm.religious.ed@gmail.com OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Our Lady of Mercy Parish is a Catholic community that worships God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, celebrating Mass, proclaiming the Gospel Message and uniting in prayer. We strive to welcome all and to educate ourselves and others in the Good News of Jesus Christ. We support one another in times of joy and sadness and attempt to serve each other by reaching out to those in need in our community and beyond. We are imperfect people on a journey. Our goal is that the life of each person leads to the Lord. MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 5:30 John Kashickey, Sr. Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time World Mission Sunday SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 Is 45: 1, 4-6/ 1 Thes 1: 1-5b/ Mt 22: 15-21 7:30 Rudolph Sartor 9:30 Ralph & Ferdinando Forcellati 11:00 People of the Parish 12:30 Mary Frances Ferguson Saint Paul of the Cross MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 Eph 2: 1-10/ Lk 12: 13-21 6:30 John “Jack” Feely 8:30 Bridget Lally TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 Eph 2: 12-22/ Lk 12: 35-38 6:30 Nancy Lovett 8:30 Virginia Mara Bl. John Paul II WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 Eph 3: 2-12/ Lk 12: 39-48 6:30 Michal Tomczyk 8:30 Jack McNamara 2pm Mass at the Plaza Regency in Memory of: Christina Lopez Saint John of Capistrano THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 Eph 3: 14-21/ Lk 12: 49-53 6:30 Stephen McCabe 8:30 Edward Barber Saint Anthony Mary Claret FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 Eph 4: 1-6/ Lk 12: 54-59 6:30 Lawrence Dolan 8:30 Jesus Suarez SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 Eph 4: 7-16/ Lk 13: 1-9 8:30 Ann Rainis 5:30 Jean Mulligan Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 Ex 22: 20-26/ 1 Thes 1: 5c-10/ Mt 22: 34-40 7:30 Marie Smith 9:30 Nancy Lovett 11:00 Daniel Biasi & Marguerite Izzo 12:30 People of the Parish LET US PRAY In your love and kindness please pray for the sick especially: Ella Gamble, Pat Eichenlaub, Brian Long, Colleen Strabone, Peter Scheffler, Maria Workman, Patricia McGowan, Carol Rathgeb, Fr. Peter Funesti, Hank Dong, and Jonathan Infeld. Please also remember the deceased of our parish and their families, especially: Virginia Pavese, Mary Shoenfeld, Msgr. Lawrence Connaughton, Joan McHugh, Christina Lopez, Albert Binovi, and Maria Parmanan. Please join with us in praying one OUR FATHER per day for all those who have no one to pray for them. THE SANCTUARY LAMPS burn this week in memory of Sam O. Tarrant III, Cristina Lopez, and for Maria Parmanan. If you would like more information about reserving a Sanctuary Lamp in memory of a loved one or for a Special Intention, please call the rectory office at 201-391-5315. GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING – Tithing Sunday’s Collection: Last Year’s Collection: $15,783 $15,552 Tithing is God’s plan to support His Church. Full tithing means 10% of gross income to God. We ask half of this, or 5%, for your Parish church. The other 5% goes to your favorite charities. SCRIPTURE SHARING GROUP with Deacon Gary Meets every Monday after the 8:30am Mass in the Gathering Space. As has been the custom, the scripture reading of the Mass of the day will be used. All are welcome. THE FAMILY OF GOD PRAYER GROUP meets every Tuesday at 7:30PM in the chapel to praise God and pray for special intentions. ABUNDANT LIFE PRAYER GROUP meets Thursday mornings at 9:30am in the Chapel. THE MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA will be recited each Saturday in the Sacred Heart Chapel immediately following the 8:30AM Mass. THE MASSBOOK for November 2015 is open. If you would like to schedule an intention, please stop by the rectory office. Please note that November 1—10 intentions are for all souls. (second notice) PASTOR’S COLUMN Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Today our Catholic Church celebrates World Mission Sunday, a tangible reminder to each one of us to share the Good News of Jesus Christ as our first priority. When we listen to the Gospels we hear the urgency of Jesus that his Apostles tell others what they have seen and heard. On the day of His Resurrection Jesus told them, “Thus it is written that the Messiah would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day and that repentance, for the forgiveness of sins, would be preached in his Name to all the nations, beginning in Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.” (Luke 24, 46-48) Later, on the first Pentecost when the Holy Spirit, promised by Jesus, came down upon the Apostles and those gathered with them, the Church was born. We need to remember the sequence; Jesus first gives the Mission, and then comes the Church. I ask you to continue to pray for the “Church” now gathered in Synod in Rome. Pope Francis is asking Bishop participants to give careful and frank expression to the issues affecting marriages and families in our time. The Pope has invited selected lay people and clergy to give their input. The reports available so far are just a beginning of the process which will probably conclude when the next Synod meets in October of 2015. We all can, however, speak and act now with a respectful tone toward one another and to all those who have been ‘distanced’ from the life of the Church. Some of you may have noticed that the sign near the entrance to the Chapel sacristy has been removed— well, that is a ‘sign’ that the Community Counseling Service is no longer able to staff this satellite office. Lee Krug after many years of much appreciated service has retired. Now we are refurbishing it to serve parish needs as a meeting for small groups and committees. We also intend to gather some items to form an archive with pictures, photographs, anniversary programs, record books, etc. If you have memorabilia at home that you can share from the history of our parish, we would love to include them. As of now we want to name the room “Old Saint Mary”! This weekend I am glad to welcome members of our Knights of Columbus, Our Lady of Fatima Council, who wish to invite men of our parish to consider joining the K of C. Next weekend, November 1-2, at the conclusion of Respect Life Month, we will welcome a speaker from the Several Sources Foundation which provides residences to help give pregnant young women the support they need to give birth to their babies. Third in our series of presentations, on November 89, will be Judy Reilly to give us an update on our relationship with the parish of St. Vincent and the community of Vallieres in Haiti. Thank you to all who take part actively in the Mission and Life of Our Lady of Mercy Parish. This week I am especially grateful to all those who give of their time, (continued next column) energy, and faith to the Religious Education programs for our children, youth and adults, as well as Our Lady of Mercy Academy. We are blessed with many talented and generous people! Peace in the Lord, TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Power Struggles Do you resist paying taxes or obeying authorities? Do you always disagree with a particular person at work or in your household? Do you need people to do as you say? Are you afraid of making decisions? Of saying “no”? If so, you are engaged in struggles over your own and others’ power in your life. This week’s scriptures provide a way of resolving many of those struggles without taking sides. The readings leave little doubt as to who holds the real power in the world. It is “the LORD, and there is no other” (Isaiah 45:6) who anoints Cyrus and grasps him by the right hand (the hand of power), making him victorious and giving the Israelites their freedom. The psalm tells us to give glory and honor to the Lord, who is “beyond all gods” and “governs the peoples with equity” (Psalm 96:4, 10). Paul gives thanks to God, whose power is at work in the gospel Paul preached and in the Thessalonians themselves. Finally, in Jesus’ power struggle with the Pharisees, he says, “Repay . . . to God what belongs to God” (Matthew 22:21). God is the power above all human powers—in government, business, the Church, and our own families. We owe God all “glory and honor” (Psalm 96:7), thanks, loyalty, and our lives. Power Within We are to give praise and pay tribute to God as the one and only source of true power in our lives. When we do, our ordinary power struggles can more easily be resolved. Like the Thessalonians, we discover the power within ourselves. The Holy Spirit empowers us to live in faith, hope, and love. We no longer feel we must dominate others. We are compelled neither to resist those who have power over us nor always to give in to them. We stop fearing our own power. God’s power within us and over all human powers gives us confidence, courage, and humility in every power struggle we may encounter. Copyright © 2007, World Library Publications. All rights reserved TODAY IS WORLD MISSION SUNDAY—We are invited today to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. The collection today helps the work of priests, religious and lay leaders in Mongolia and throughout the Missions who offer the poor practical help and the experience of God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. OLMA CLOTHING DRIVE October 23rd—OLMA-HSA will once again have a clothing drive. The drop off will be from 8am to 3:30pm in the church parking lot. Proceeds benefit OLMA. CHILDREN’S LITURGY—Join us during the 9:30 Mass as we gather the children in the chapel after the Opening Prayer. They will listen to the same liturgy as the regular Mass, but in a way they can understand with stories, coloring, and songs. The children will then return to the church during Offertory. Best for ages 3 to 8 years old, but older siblings are welcome to help out. LITURGY OF THE WORD WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Sessions start on Sunday, October 26, 2014. After our Opening Prayer, families are quietly escorted to an area where the Word is shared in music, story and simple craft. The group returns before the Offertory in order to continue family worship in participation of the Mass. This program is held here on Sundays during the 11:00 AM Mass and offers many options suitable to your family needs. Although seats are reserved near the Baptismal Font side of Church, you are still welcome to sit where you choose. Please see our poster in the Gathering space. If you would like more information or have any other questions about special needs support in our parish, Sacraments, etc. please call Amy Ballanco, Program Coordinator at 201-391-3590. You may also visit our web site (urolm.org) under NICE, for a Calendar and registration form. Children with special needs and their siblings of all ages are welcome! If you have a degree in special needs and would like to participate in this program, we would love to have you! High School volunteers are also needed. If you would like to join us for service hours please call ahead. CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS—Protecting God’s Children—If you need to take the “Protecting God’s Children Workshop” please visit the website VIRTUS.ORG for upcoming workshop dates. Additional details are in our information stands in the Gathering Space. The Archdiocese takes very seriously any and all allegations of sexual misconduct by members of the clergy, Religious and lay staff of the Archdiocese. We encourage anyone with knowledge of an act of sexual misconduct to inform us immediately so that we may take appropriate action to protect others and provide support to victims of sexual abuse. Individuals who wish to report an allegation of sexual misconduct may do so by calling the Archdiocese Office of Child and Youth Protection at 201-407-3256. OLMA CAFETERIA AID NEEDED—If you enjoy working with children and have found that you have time to share, perhaps Our Lady of Mercy Academy is the place for you. We are looking to fill the following position for the upcoming 2014/2015 School Year. 5 Days a week (15 hours) 10:30—1:30, hourly salary based on experience. Please call OLMA at 201-391-3838 ext. 301 to arrange for an interview. THE WORD OF THE LORD—Have you ever considered proclaiming the Word of God as a Lector at weekend Liturgies? No prior experience is required - just a passion for the Word and the ability to speak clearly. If interested please call the rectory at 201-391-5315. A Lector Formation Workshop will be held at the Archdiocese of Newark on October 25. The session will be offered in both English and Spanish. HANDBELL RINGERS NEEDED— ADULTS AND CHILDREN (Grade 6-12) FOR THE CHRISTMAS SEASON No need to have a music background. Rehearsals start on Tuesdays in November. If interested, please contact Debra Wyka, Music Minister at 201-358-2994. THE ACOUSTIC CAFÉ MUSIC SERIES AT OLM presents legendary folk/rock duo Aztec Two-Step in a special “Classic Duos” concert on Saturday, October 25th! They will be performing classics from The Everly Brothers and Simon & Garfunkel in addition to their own Aztec TwoStep ’fan favorites.’ Defined by intelligent songwriting, dazzling acoustic lead guitar & inspiring two-part harmonies, Aztec Two-Step continues to be one of acoustic music’s most respected and enduring acts. Proceeds benefit the scholarship fund for St. Vincent, our twinning parish in Vallieres, Haiti. Come enjoy a night of amazing music and help support our Haiti mission! 8PM showtime. OLM Academy, 25 Fremont Ave. Doors open 7:30PM. Tickets $25 advance online & $28 at the door. Www.cafeacoustic.org 201-5730718 Refreshments, wheelchair accessible.. R.C.I.A The group will meet after the 9:30 Mass in the Parish Center on October 19, November 9, 23, December 7, 21. Next year’s dates will be listed in a future bulletin. For more information, or if you are unable to make a Sunday Session, please contact John Rokoszak at 201-391-3590 or call/text 201-264-6376 or email Jlrok@optonline.net SOCIAL JUSTICE & PEACE MINISTRY will meet on Tuesday, October 21st at 7:15pm at the Parish Center. Organization and planning for the upcoming OLM Harvest Food Drive (October 25-26) will be discussed. FREE SAT/ACT Practice Test & Prep Info Night sponsored by Youth Ministry. Manny Morelli, a teacher at Cresskill High School, seasoned tutor, and OLM Youth Group Alum, will speak about the details and answer questions about how to reduce test anxiety and navigate the test prep and college admissions process. Refreshments will be served. Wednesday, October 29th at 7:30 in the Lower Gathering Space. Please contact Jenn Kavanaugh at 201-802-1771 or OLMyouthminister@gmail.com AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY will hold the annual pasta dinner on Thursday, October 23rd from 5-8pm at 118 Ridge Ave. Adults $8 Seniors $7 under 12 $5. Pasta, meatballs, salad, bread, desserts, complimentary glass of wine. Tickets available at door or call 201-391-5020. OKTOBERFEST at Our Lady Mother of the Church Saturday, October 25th at 7pm in the McCarthy Center. Music, dancing delicious food and other surprises with the talents of Just Jammin. BYOB. Tickets $35. Call 201-391-2826 for ticket information. THANK YOU to our advertisers for supporting our bulletin.
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