Rectory 5212 W. Agatite Ave. Chicago, IL 60630-3704 Phone: 773-286-2950 Fax: 773-286-8579 PARISH STAFF Priests Rev. Robert Fedek, Pastor Rev. Eugene Winkowski, Retired Associate Pastor Rev. Abraham Jacob, Priest in Residence Deacons Mr. Michael Ahern Mr. Robert Leck School Principal: Mrs. Jennifer Hodge 4434 N. Laramie Ave. Chicago, IL 60630 Phone: 773-283-2229 Fax: 773-283-0842 Preschool, K-8 Before & After School Programs Liturgy & Music Ministry Director of Music & Liturgy: Dr. Robert deChristopher 773-286-2950 ext. 28 Religious Education Director: Mrs. Mary Beth Frystak Phone: 773-283-2229 ext. 29 Fax: 773-283-0842 Parish Business Manager: Mr. Joe Russo Phone: 773-286-2950 ext. 27 Fax: 773-286-8579 Rectory Office Manager/Bulletin Editor Mr. Chuck Conn Phone: 773-286-2950 ext. 25 PARISH BULLETIN DEADLINE Ten days before the Sunday you would like your information to appear. Third Sunday of Easter April 19, 2015 May God bless our 2015 Confirmation Class. We are happy to have St. Robert's Parish join with Our Lady of Victory Ethan Archacki- Vincent Hannah Baase- Julia Daniel Bedon- Andrew Kevin Brosnan- Dominic Madison Brown- Francis Emmanuel CamachoDavid Selena Mae CarmonaCecilia Angelina Carrillo- Teresa Joseph Castrejon- Joseph Daniel Cook- Francis Nathan Davis- Joseph Michael Dietrich- Jerome Saidbh Durcan- Cecilia Regina Eugenio- Regina Charles Evans- George Daniel Feller- Dismas Jayden Gabor-Lawrence Faith Ghelfi- Rosalia Emily Goldie- Cecilia Julianna Griggs- Joan Megan Hosp- Rose Shayla Isada-Anne Nancy Jesuit- Francis Jack Jozwiak- Francis Tyler Jozwiak- Cecilia Elizabeth Laffey- Therese Elizabeth LundinCatherine Christopher MacalalagJoseph Chloe Mason- Paul Lauren McNichols- Marie Julia Meade- Gertrude Liam Meyering- John Paul Erin O'Neill- Rose Fabian Ortega- David Matthew Papke- Bernard Renee Piagentini- Clare Amanda Pinskey- Cecilia Justin Plaud- David Alessandra Rojas-Mary Christina Roman- Cecilia Kaitlyn Ryan- Diane Maria SantamariaElizabeth Jeffrey Schultz- John Derek Seelhammer- John Michael Shine- Martin Majean Velada- Bernardette 2 Our Lady of Victory From the Desk of the Pastor TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION With the Easter season well under way, we now resume our survey of the sacrament of the sick. The pastoral care of the sick will be misunderstood if we start from the vantage point of the sickroom. Begin with the Sunday assembly, from which the sick person has been separated by the crisis of illness, and whose absence is given expression in prayer and service. The goal is to extend the consolation of the Lord’s presence at the table to those who are apart from it, and for the assembly to enfold them in prayer. Secondarily, the goal is to teach people what the Church desires for all those who are sick. Seeing ministers dispatched to the sick from Mass every Sunday might help a caregiver realize that their dear one can also receive Communion. Witnessing the anointing of a woman facing surgery might help another person to overcome hesitation and ask for the sacrament’s healing and strength. Society’s impulse may be to marginalize the sick, but the tradition of our community is to see them at the center of our life. When Roman persecutors ordered St. Lawrence the Deacon to hand over the jewels of the church, he assembled a motley crew of the sick and the infirm and announced with all humility, “Behold, my lord, the treasures of the church of Christ.” —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. The 2016 Mass Book is now open For Mass intentions Our Lady of Victory Mass Intentions & Ministry Schedules SATURDAY & SUNDAY, April 18~ 19, 2015 4:30pm 8:30am 10:30am Robert Bialk req Anne O’Neil Special Int. Debra Petralia req Val & Barb OLV Community of Catholic Women & Raul Becerra req Family MONDAY, April 20, 2015 7:30 am Fr. Martin Borowczyk TUESDAY, April 21, 2015 7:30 am Sam, Jim, & John Taylor req Family WEDNESDAY, April 22, 2015 7:30am Welfare of the Parish 8:15am School Mass THURSDAY, April 23, 2015 7:30am Jo Rice req Family FRIDAY, April 24, 2015 7:30 am Dorothy Nagorski req Barbara Simon 3 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday: Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Saturday: 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17; Mk 16:15-20 Sunday: Acts 4:8-12; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29; 1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18 SATURDAY, April 25, 2015 7:30am Deceased Members of the Ciesla Family 4:30pm Lucrita Burke req Rosemary Scarpelli SUNDAY, April 26, 2015 8:30am Special Int James Schoewe req Wagner Family 10:30am Michael Koehler req OLV Mothers Club WEDDING BANNS II Mike Wagner & Paulina Kumala Ministries Schedule Weekend of April 25 ~ 26, 2015 Mass Time 4:30 PM Presider Music Fr. Robert Fedek Cantor & Organ Lector Eucharistic Ministers J. Reed C. Conn, E. Davalos T. Kelley, M. Kelley K. Sedlacek, J. Sedlacek 8:30 AM Fr. Robert Fedek Cantor & Organ W & M Tizura R. Garcia, D. Kane T. Makarewicz, B. Schlink L. Ser Shen, M. G. Tizura 10:30AM Fr. Robert Fedek Cantor & Organ L. Jahnke J. Handrigan, G. Handrigan J. Reed, E. Reed C. Sheehan, S. Whiteside 4 Our Lady of Victory Prayer Intentions PLEASE PRAY FOR Please pray for all the Sick, Shut-ins, and the Convalescents of the Parish, our relatives and friends, especially: Pamela Banks, Ted Bauer, Andrew Behof, Ron Benson, Irma Bresnahan, Jennifer Buchta, Jessica Butler, Salvatore Carbonelli, June Carsello, Bob Clark, Dominick Clemente, Bill Colling, Jessica Colucci, Shirley Crallie, William Daly Jr, Steve Davison, James Denges, Richard DePouw, Sandie Dewar, Phil Dickey, Charlene & Collin Didier, Grace Dillon, Devin Dixit, Joyce Doering, Dawn Donovan, William Draper, Margaret Dunleavy, Maryrose Dunleavy, Baby Elaina, Jim Evans, Geraldine Farrell, Don Fenger, John Fitzpatrick, Margaret Franklin, Fr. Erwin Friedl, Bernadine Furmanski, Cindy Galiga, Paul Garcia, Josephine Garstki, Mark & Pat Goldman, Kenny & Maryann Graziano, Niki Hafer, Robert Hallas, Len Heinrich, Patrick & Catherine Henehan, Bob Jones, Patricia Jordan, Eleanor Jura, Clara Keefe, Wanda Koshial, Daniel Kowalski, Eleanor Kowynia, Steve Kroll, Leon Lazuta, Patricia Leck, Dolores & Dan Levar, Leo & Florence Lojkutz, Mimi Lowenstrom, Ruth Macek, Tony & Rose Manicke, George Marinof, Nancy Martini, Camille Matlak, Paul May, Maureen McCormick, Kitty McLoughlin, Mary McManamon, Paul Masciopinto, Bette McCarthy, Lisa McCormick, Magdalene Merle, Denise Merle, Nick Milazzo, Pat Montmarquette, Ellen Morris, Greg Mueller, John Mulkern, Jimmy Munson, Bob Murray, Sophie Neuman, Mary Novak, Kathy Olejnik, Grace Oliver, Kenny Olsofka, Judy Ordonez, Roberta Paulson, Mary Jo Pelley, Debra Petralia, Carol Piorek, Jane Piotrowski, Delphine & Lisa Pocias, Paul Posch, Joseph Przewoznik, Felix Rangel, Leonard Rizzo, Celia Rutili, Sylvia Radut, Elsie Rebello, Gertrude Rollinson, Michael Rowland, Rick Sabel, Leo Schlecht, James Schoewe, Robert Sieja, Richard Sieracki, Donna Simons, Casey Skiba, Rosemarie Smith, John & Ann Sobun, Janet Sochowski, Scott Smigielski, George & Josephine Sproch, Frank & Jodi Stepnowski, Jackie Taylor, Maggie Waldren, Al Webb, Mary Ellen, Philip & Bob Winkelman, Fr. Eugene Winkowski, Cleo Witcher, Ronald Wozniak. Please remember in your prayers all the faithful departed family and friends of Our Lady of Victory, especially: Salvatore Buccola and Ann Marie Webb (Mother-in-law of Robin Webb) VIGIL LIGHTS FOR THE LIVING FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOULS Men & Women in Military Service, Michelle Albanese, Leilani Anderson, Ed Belsan, Ed Belzer, Jean Belzer, Michelle Benages, Charles Buccola, Joyce Bussa, Audrey Butler, Mary Campanolo, Loretta Colby, Alice Davis, Mary Ann, George S. Domaszek, Rose Fortuna, Fr. Erwin Friedl, Stanley Gazdziak, Jean Gordon, Michael Hassett, Irene Keilly, B. Kotsarelis, Cecelia LaPorta, Josephine Lentino, Dolores Mancuso, Nancy & Ron Martini, Carolyn Mitchell, Mary Novak & Family, Ostling Family, Gloria Paglini, K. Pierce, Diane Plussa, Helen Pobat, Paul E. Posch, Stacy Posch, Jake Reed, Frances Rusiana Family, Janet Santicola, Julie Ann Satzik, Diane Schick, Joan Marie Schmidt, Casey & Gertrude Skiba, Janet, Bob, Tom, Margaret, Andrew & Aidan Sochowski, George Sproch, Jack Sutton III, Laverne Szczepanski, Bob & Martha Todd, Mary Tomczak, Timothy White, Fr. Gene Winkowski, Special Intentions Deceased Members of the Military Service, Marie & Carmen Ambroggio, Adele Anselmini, John & Ann Anselmini, Gloria Austria, Judy Boland, Carmela Buccola, Nicholas & Muriel Buccola, Rose & Placid Buccola, Michael & Robert Buccola, Joseph & Anna Catanzaro, Carol Conn, Rosemary Colby, Gerald Crowley, Ellen C. DePouw, Chris Detwiler, Leo Dineen, George P. & Cecelia V. Domaszek, Nick & Josephine Faklaris, Rose Fortuna, Loretta Fulara, Ed & Irene Grzeczak, Collette Illengo, Theresa Juda & Family, Herbert Kost, Wayne Larsen, Marie & Mikie Lomascolo, Pat Moran, Novak Family, Gregory Paglini, Lucy Plotzke, Alex Pobat, Paul L. & Anne Posch, Frances Rusiana Family & Friends, Mary Sieja, Henry & Agnes Tush, Frances & Ignatius Wycislo, Nicolina & Edwin J. Wycislo Music & Liturgy Our Lady of Victory 5 Dr. Bob's Notes on the Third Sunday of Easter A Real Resurrection...Every Sunday we profess that we believe in the resurrection of the body because we believe that it was the fully human, fully divine Jesus who was raised from the dead. In Peter's speech in Acts, we find the striking phrase, "The author of life you put to death." It is striking first because Peter identifies Jesus with the rather exalted title "the author of life" - after all, it is God alone who is the author of life. Peter does not come out and say directly that Jesus is God; as is typical of the writings of the New Testament (except, perhaps, the Gospel of John), he approaches the affirmation of Jesus' divinity indirectly. It is also striking because it says that we human beings have put the author of life to death. By taking on a human nature, God in Christ has made himself subject to the most devastating of human experiences, death itself. God, who is by nature immortal, joins to our mortal nature to experience death directly and defeat it, as it were, from "within." In Jesus, God was embraced by death in order to break death's grip. We see this in the Resurrection. In today's Gospel, we see that resurrection means a real restoration of our human life, and not simply the ongoing existence of an immortal soul. We human beings are a unity of body and soul, not simply a soul that is temporarily using a body. The risen Jesus has a real human body, a fact that he is careful to make clear by inviting the disciples to touch him and by eating with them. A purely "spiritual" resurrection would not be enough. Like the physical healing of the beggar by Peter in the reading from Acts, Jesus' bodily resurrection shows that God truly is the Author of Life. Dr. Robert deChristopher Director of Music and Liturgy The Third Sunday of Easter April 19, 2015 6 Our Lady of Victory Religious Education This is the 3rd Sunday of Easter. During the week we remember St. Anselm, Earth Day, Administrative Professionals Day, St. George, St. Adalbert, St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen and St. Mark. REP meets on April 22nd and 29th. We will have registration for the 2015-16 REP year on the 29th. Please make sure that you have paid your 2014-15 REP tuition bill by the 29th. Registration will take place in the REP office from 6-7:30 p.m. Please join us for the Family Mass on April 26th at 10:30. The 3rd graders from REP/OLV will host. Hospitality will follow in the school hall after mass. We will also welcome parishioners from St. Pascal, St. Tarcissus, and St. Cornelius. First Communion practice is April 28th at 7 p.m. One or both parents should attend the practice with your child. Please come to the upper church. First Communion is May 3rd at 1 p.m. in the upper church. The Catechetical Dinner honoring Pat Tokarz is May 6th at Drury Lane. Stay tuned for details about May Crowning! In Closing.....We remember all Administrative Assistants this Wednesday. At OLV we have several. These are the people who answer the phones, answer the door, and enter data into the computer and keep the offices running smoothly. They are friendly, kind and helpful. On occasion they have to deal with unexpected circumstances, and they do so with compassion and love. It takes a lot to run an office smoothly. At school we have Robin Webb, Lila Jahnke and Jeanine Brooks. In the rectory we have Chuck Conn. They always find time to be helpful. Many times we have volunteers who give their time to help out at school and/or the rectory. They are Eileen Bond, Jackie Brennan, Clara Spitza and Betty Kane. So no matter what capacity you serve in it is important to know your talents are valued. Thank you to everyone who helps out along the way. Administrative Assistants are sometimes the victims of “Ding, Dong, Ditch”, and “Anonymous Prank Callers”! Yet, no experience is ever wasted! Thank you for all that you do to serve our parishioners and our families. It is always nice to know that at the other end of the phone, or on the other side of the door there is someone who has a smile on their face and the willingness to help. Gratefully, M.B. Frystak DRE/Pastoral Associate School News Our Lady of Victory 7 8 Our Lady of Victory Please welcome the newest member of the OLV Faith Community: Savannah Jane Haney, daughter of Erik and Maura Our Lady of Victory 9 10 Our Lady of Victory Exciting News! Mark your calendars now! We will have an awesome fundraiser for our school on th If you encounter difficulties hearing or Saturday, September 19 . This will be a understanding parts of the Mass due to light dinner with a presentation called “Shroud Encounter”. Mr. Russ Breault will the acoustics in the Upper Church, we be our presenter. He travels the world with have special hearing aids available for this presentation. It will be an exciting evenuse. Please feel free to contact one of ing, and more information will follow in the the Ushers prior to Mass and they months ahead. Hearing assistance available ! make one available to you. These units only work with the sound system in the Upper Church and are not regular hearing aids. Thank You! M.B. Frystak DRE/Pastoral Associate FILIPPINI DENTISTRY Serving Community Over 40 Yrs. Family Dentist New Patients Welcome! 4228 N. Central Ave. 773-777-6507 Kathy McNaughton Byrne Broker McMullen Real Estate, Inc. DOUBLE CENTURION® Office Since 1999 • • Cell (773) 771-6003 5917 West Irving Park Road Chicago, Illinois 60634-2618 Phone (773) 777-3944 000236 Our Lady of Victory Church (B) A Catholic Home Owned & Operated by the Gibbons Family Since 1935 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-438-8931 FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED Your Community Funeral Home Proudly Serving Our Lady of Victory Parish Families Pre-Arrangements Available • Member of the Knights of Columbus 773-774-3232 • 6857 W. HIGGINS AVENUE, CHICAGO • 5310 N. Milwaukee Only: Weds.-Sun. - Open 24 Hours Mon.-Tues. - Open 6am-10pm Best Irish Breakfast Fresh Daily Homemade Soups Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice 773-775-1333 708-453-4500 5310 N. Milwaukee Ave., Chicago 5050 N. Cumberland Ave., Norridge, IL Check us out 4454 N. Milwaukee 7779 W. Talcott 773-282-2325 773-631-9661 Mon-Sat 6am - 9pm Sunday 7am - 7pm Free Parking - We Deliver Home • Auto • Life Health • Business 312-867-1100 Call parishioner Tim Taylor for all your insurance needs MICHAEL MUZYKA • Certified Nursing Assistant • Caregivers & Companions • Short & Long Term Care • Live-in & Hourly Care • Personal Care & Assistance • Licensed-Bonded-Insured Dr. Michele T. Bogacki FAMILY DENTISTRY 880 Lee St., Ste. 210 • Des Plaines Owner & Director 847-824-5221 SAMANTHA ROSSI Director PARISHIONER • New Patients Welcome • Evening/Saturday Hours • Emergency Care • All Ages Welcome Family Owned & Operated Since 1915 CREMATION SERVICES ADVANCED PLANNING 4452 N. Central Avenue, Chicago 773.545.3800 ✦ 773-777-4800 5776 W. LAWRENCE AVE. ✦ CHICAGO, IL 60630 FREE WI-FI Any Oil Change PARISHIONER 5.00 OFF $ & Free Brake Inspection (773) 647-1762 s D omeMon-Fri 8am-6pm • Sat 8am-1pm st ic & Impo rte d C ar 5738 W. Irving Park Rd., Chicago, IL 60634 LAR'S PLUMBING & SEWER G E N E R A L C O N T R AC TO R “We Really Get Into Our Work” Larry McMurran Est. 1968 LIC.#310 Chicago (773) 725-0580 Cell (224) 409-3253 • Cell (847) 878-8035 15% OFF LABOR ONLY with this ad Pete’s Automotive Inc. Special/Oil • Lube • Filter • All Services & Repairs Foreign & Domestic • Towing and Snow Plowing ASE Certified (773) 725-3030 5413 W. Higgins Saint Margaret Sunday Missal An ideal companion for personal prayer. presents SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY FOR OVER 75 YEARS Malec & Sons FUNERAL HOME & CREMATION SERVICES Edward A. Tylka Manager/Director Mowimy Po Polsku SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO PARISHIONERS FOR PRE-ARRANGEMENTS 6000 N. Milwaukee 773.774.4100 BEST BINGO NIGHT! Every Thursday @ Copernicus Center In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 4032 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago, IL • 773-628-7733 Doors Open 5pm – First Game 7pm 800-566-6150 • $5,200 in cash prizes weekly! $5.00 OFF WITH THIS AD! A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. 773-545-7288 Bingo Lic. #3790 • Raffle Lic. #203444 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 000236 Our Lady of Victory Church (A) an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-438-8931 12 Our Lady of Victory Our Lady of Victory Parish 5212 W. Agatite Ave. Chicago, IL 60630-3704 SACRAMENTAL SCHEDULE Sacrament of Reconciliation 1:00-2:00pm, Saturdays MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Evening Mass 4:30pm Sunday Masses 8:30am 10:30am Monday-Saturday Morning Mass 7:30am Wednesday, School Mass 8:15am During the School Year Holy Day Masses As Announced Rosary M-F after the 7:30am Mass Novena To Our Lady of Perpetual Help Tuesday 7:00pm in the Upper Church 1st Friday Adoration Upper Church 8:00am-5:00pm 1st Saturday Devotion Lower Church 10:00am-3:30pm Holy Hour First Sunday of month after the 10:30 am Mass RECTORY OFFICE HOURS M -F 9:00am-4:00pm closed for lunch 12:00-1:00pm SAT CLOSED SUN CLOSED Rectory Phone Number 773-286-2950 After Hours Emergency Phone Number 312-206-9399 Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at 2:00pm. Parents will attend a Baptism Preparation Program prior to the Baptism. Call the Rectory at 773-286-2950 for more information. Sacrament of Marriage Contact must be made with one of the priests at least 6 months in advance. Call the Rectory at 773-286-2950 for more information. Ministry of Care is available to bring Communion to the homebound, to visit and pray for those hospitalized, and to arrange for the Anointing of the Sick. Call the Rectory at 773-286-2950 for more information. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION R.E.P. Religious Education Program for grade school children is held on Wednesday 6:00-7:30pm. R.C.I.A. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults—Religious Instruction and Formation for adults preparing to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. OLV for Me is a program for 3-5 year olds. The classes meet in the school during the 10:30am Mass on Sunday mornings from September thru May. Registration forms are available in the rectory and the REP office. For more information on this or any of the other religious education programs, please contact Mary Beth Frystak at 773-283-2229 ext.29. SPRED provides faith imformation and inclusion for children and adults with developmental disabilities or learning problems. For information call the rectory at 773-286-2950. The Society of St. Vincent DePaul Please visit the rectory at 5212 W. Agatite Ave. or call 773-286-2950 between the hours of 9:00am-4:00pm Monday thru Friday. NEW PARISHIONERS: Welcome to our Parish! Please call the rectory at 773-286-2950 to register.
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