St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church November 30, 2014 Established October 4, 1960 5751 Locust Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608-1320 Parish Office……………...483-8454 Office Fax…………………481-8326 School……………………..481-8845 Religious Education…. ….483-4628 Youth Ministry …….483-8454 x 254 Parish website: Parish email: School website: School email: Fr. Thomas A. Bland ........................................................... Pastor Fr. Salvador Bringas………………………………….Parochial Vicar Fr. Alban C. Uba, SMMM ......................................... In Residence Fr. John Lagomarsino, SSC ...............................................Retired Mr. Lawrence Niekamp ..................................................... Deacon Mrs. Tosha Tillotson.............................................School Principal Sr. Hannah M. O’Donoghue, RSM.Coord. of Religious Education Mrs. Maria Kian ...................................................... Youth Minister Mrs. Roseann Garthwait…………….Director of Music and Liturgy Mr. Jack Wilson……………Chairperson, Parish Pastoral Council Mass Schedule Mass of Sunday: Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00, 10:00 AM & 12:00 Noon Daily: 6:30 & 8:30 AM (M-F); 8:30 AM (Sat) Holy Days: 6:30, 8:30 AM & 7:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration: Wed & Fri 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Sacraments Confessions: Fridays and Saturdays 10 min before morning Masses and 3:45 to 4:45 PM Saturday Baptism: call office about parent preparation sessions Marriage: contact the clergy at least six months in advance Anointing of Sick: call the office at any time TODAY’S READINGS First Reading-We are the clay and you, O Lord, are the potter: we are the work of your hands (Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7). Psalm-Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved (Psalm 80). Second Reading-God is faithful; by God you were called to fellowship with the Son (1 Corinthians 1:3-9). Gospel-Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come. (Mark 13:33-37). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights START WITH GRATITUDE Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse. —Henry Van Dyke Catholics Coming Home, for more information call 483-8454 ext 150 or send e-mail to Registration / Change of Address I want to register in the parish. I have changed my address; my envelope # is _________. Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ City: _____________________ ZIP ________ Phone: _______________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________________ Place in collection basket. First Sunday of Advent November 30, 2014 Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come. - Mark 13:33 WATCH! “Watch!” This word occurs three times in today’s Gospel passage. Moreover, it is placed at significant points: the beginning, the center, and the end. Though this is technically a parable, it is quite short (four verses). The threefold repetition of “watch” leaves no doubt as to what the story is about. We often think of Advent as a time of waiting, but it truly is a season of watchfulness, a very active form of waiting for the coming Day of the Lord. It is that day, more than Christmas day, that the Christian community faithfully expects, using all of our gifts and talents for this purpose, as Paul reminds us in the Letter to the Corinthians. When we use these gifts in faithful watching and expectation, we become like the servants of the parable, set to their tasks, not waiting around idly, but engaged in the master’s work until his return. May our Advent be a time when we return or rededicate our lives and our communities to this work—the active and diligent faithfulness that the Lord will expect to find. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Is 2:1-5; Ps 122:1-9; Mt 8:5-11 Tuesday: Is 11:1-10; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17; Lk 10:21-24 Wednesday: Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 15:29-37 Thursday: Is 26:1-6; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 19-21, 25-27a; Mt 7:21, 24-27 Friday: Is 29:17-24; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Mt 9:27-31 Saturday: Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Ps 147:1-6; Mt 9:35 — 10:1, 5a, 6-8 Sunday: Is 40:1-5, 9-11; Ps 85:9-14; 2 Pt 3:8-14; Mk 1:1-8 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: First Sunday of Advent Monday: World AIDS Awareness Day Wednesday: St. Francis Xavier Thursday: St. John Damascene Friday: First Friday Saturday: St. Nicholas Mass Intentions for Week of December 1 - 6 Monday: 6:30 a.m. Jace Buenaflor + 8:30 a.m. Simon Lee + Tuesday: 6:30 a.m. Luis & Adela Gamboa + 8:30 a.m. John P. Ostrander + Wednesday: 6:30 a.m. Anne Pickens + 8:30 a.m. Gus Franzella + Thursday: 6:30 a.m. James Michael Russell + 8:30 a.m. JoAnne Deiter + Friday: First Sunday of 6:30 a.m. Lourdes Alverez + Advent 8:30 a.m. Agatha Moon + Saturday: 8:30 a.m. Francis Franzella + Pray for our sick and their caregivers: Lou Bordisso, Rosa Cabiglia, Shirley Crase, Russ Davis, Kate Ellis, Madeline Endres, Debbie Erichs, Juanita Estrellas, Martin Fiorino, Darla Fletcher, Anthony Gabriele, Alison Geoffrey, Ella Gomes, Donna Harris, Vicki Heard, George Heffner, Matthew Hickle, Eduardo Jimenez, Shirley Jones, Angelica Martin, Jennifer Martin, Lenox Marie Martinez, Tony Martini, Lee Naleway, Clayton Perrin, Mike Peterson, Christopher Scott, Hank Thompson, Kim Van Balaricom, Steve Werner and all sick parishioners. There will be a second collection next weekend December 6th and 7th for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. This collection helps low income Americans fight the causes of poverty and defends human dignity in our community and our country. It provides for job training, education and housing needs. Envelopes are in the pews, take them home fill them out and return them next weekend. Thank you for your generosity. Legion of Mary: Do you have three hours a week to spend, one hour for a weekly meeting and 2 hours in a work of mercy? Call Lily at 481-4151. 916-483-4628 Sr. Hannah-Mary *RE/CCD/CFF: Sunday classes, beginning at 8:55 a.m., for children grades K through Jr. High, who attend public schools. (Please contact us if your child is not yet enrolled.) *RCIA: PROCESS for persons who are interested in becoming Catholic. *Confirmation program for adults: Our next session will be on Saturday, December 6. We’ll meet at 3:30 p.m. in the church narthex. *Returning Catholics: Process for those desiring to return to the practice of Catholicism after a time of absence. *General-Assistance with religion-related matters… (Tune in also to Catholic-Answers-Live from 3 to 5 p.m. Monday – Friday on Catholic-Radio – 1620AM) HAPPY THANKSGIVING WEEKEND! Thank-You, Parishioners, for your support of our Religious-Ed. Programs throughout the year. A Mass will be offered for your intentions. (The two winners of the Royal-Tara dishware will be announced in next week’s bulletin! At the time of writing these notes it’s Nov. 20th!) A thought to ponder: “Now, thank we all our God – with heart and hands and voices. Who wondrous things has done, in whom his world rejoices. Who from our ‘parents’ arms has blessed us on our way with countless gifts of love and still is ours today…” BBB # 195 SJE website has a new look! Check it out and discover local news that you may be missing out on as well as great information about Catholicism and links to the Catholic world. Vocations: For more information on vocations, within the Catholic-Church, check out: Calendar Items: Wednesday, December 3: RCIA will meet in Church-Narthex /hallway, at 7:00 p.m. Sunday, December 7: Children’s RE classes will not meet (because of the Craft-Faire-Sale). Classes will resume on December 14 at the regular time. Sunday, December 14: Catechist meeting after 10 a.m. Mass in Mercy-Hall (former convent). Retreats, spiritual-direction and more are always available at the two near-by retreat centers: ChristThe-King in Citrus-Heights and mercy-Center in Auburn. Questions? - Call Sr. Hannah-Mary in Religious Ed. St. John the Evangelist Catholic School Home of the Eagles This month, two of our students represented St. John the Evangelist School at the Diocesan Speech Contest. The contest was held at St. James School in Davis. Both Nick Kennedy and Miranda Davila spent countless hours preparing for this competition. We are so proud of all of their hard work. In addition, our religion and academic decathlon teams have been meeting and preparing for their competitions in 2015. The religion decathlon team is made up of dedicated 5th and 6th graders. Their coaches, Mrs. Gwen Johnson and Mr. Fritzsche, shared that the students are working hard to prepare for the competition in January. With the guidance of Mrs. Tasha Clutts and Mrs. Maria DiGiovanni, we have an academic decathlon team formed. Students are busy reading and preparing for this competition, which takes place in March. T h e time and dedication students put into preparing for these events go above and beyond their nightly homework. If you know of anyone who is interested in a Catholic education, please share with them information about our school. They can contact me directly at A huge thank you goes out to the parishioners of St. John’s and our Junior St. Vincent de Paul for their generosity in helping to fill the Thanksgiving baskets we gave out last week. Because of you, every family that requested a basket was able to receive one. The Food Locker requests donations of jam or jelly and macaroni and cheese. THANK YOU! Jesus invites us to spend some quiet time with him. Consider visiting at adoration in the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament every Wednesday and Friday. “Live today the way you will wish you had lived when you stand in judgment before God.” -Anonymous Gift Shop: The St. Joseph 2015 Sunday Missal is here as well as Advent and Christmas supplies. Please stop by! Seniors Group will meet next on January 8 in St. James Hall to play bunco. All seniors are invited (men and women). Call Lu, 729-1934 for more information. Please join us! Altar Servers: ALL those trained are expected to serve once/twice per month. (Of course – we must remember that they need the adults in their lives to get them here!) Those who serve and sign-in will be recognized each month and will be eligible for a prize. Please watch for weekly email opportunities to sign up and respond/contact our scheduler at or phone/text her at 916239-9990. Thank you. Law Enforcement Chaplaincy Sacramento is a volunteer program in partnership with law enforcement agencies throughout Sacramento County. When tragedy strikes, like suicides, heart attacks in the home, or fatal accidents, volunteers offer the on-scene practical and emotional support that public safety officials can’t. If you might be called to this uniquely fulfilling ministry, visit for our next orientation for prospective volunteers. The next Baptismal Preparation class will be held on December 10 at 7 p.m. in the chapel and the next Baptism will be December 13 at 11 a.m. Call the rectory at 483-8454 to register for the class and to let us know if you will be at the class and/or baptism. A baptismal registration form must be filled out prior to attending the class either on-line or in the rectory. Another awesome Cioppino DinnerDance hosted by the Knights of Columbus with 170 in attendance. The Knights thank all the donors for the raffle prizes and in particular thanks to the SJE students who served the meal. The Knights also thank the students for serving at the luncheon at the Memorial Mass program for the widows of Brother Knights. America’s Catholic Television Network is now available to local cable and satellite providers. It is an upbeat and exciting Catholic network and a powerful resource to our area. Contact, select the support tab and enter your zip code to request your TV provider to carry Catholic TV. If you don’t have internet access then send a postcard/letter to your provider. Please support the businesses who advertise on the back of our bulletin. They help make this bulletin possible. Thanks! Reminder - ALL bulletin articles are due on Tuesday morning by 10 a.m. by e-mail if possible! Thank you. SJE School Craft Fair - December 5, 6 & 7 Details about this years event can be found on the flyers in the narthex. Friday night is not advertised in the flyer as this is our Early Bird pre-sale which takes place from 5 to 9 p.m. and we ask for a $3 donation at the door. Saturday and Sunday are free. On A Holiday Friday you can purchase a Lasagna Dinner Show of for $7. To accommodate our many visitors, Hands the Elks Club is allowing us to park in their lot. Free shuttle service is available. The hours of the event are Friday 5 to 9 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Shuttle service will be 30 minutes before and after these hours. Food and drink available all 3 days. Bring your shopping list! Silent Auction is a very important part of the Craft Fair so if you or your business would like to contribute an item to our Silent Auction it would be greatly appreciated. Call 481-8845. Thank you for making room for all our visitors this weekend and for your support of this very important school fundraiser. All children of the parish, Kindergarten through 12 grade, are invited to serve as Music Ministers, along with St. John’s Adult Choir, at the 5 p.m. Mass on Christmas Eve. Rehearsals will be in the Chapel on the Sundays of Advent between the 10 a.m. and Noon Masses. For additional information, please pick up a flyer in the narthex, or call Roseann Garthwaite, Director of Music. Stewardship - Let us continue to share some of our Time, Talents & Treasures with our parish community. This is an excellent way of giving thanks to the Lord for his many gifts. SJE Youth Ministry: Meetings are on Sundays at 1 p.m. in the Youth Group room. Youth between the ages of 12 and 18 are welcome! Members are separated by age group for catechesis meetings and unified in church and event activities. Please contact our Youth Minister, Maria, 996-3435 for more information. See schedule of events in the church narthex. Young adult leadership is available. Unwrinkled - To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent - that is the triumph over old —Thomas Bailey Aldrich age. Sacramento Area Real Estate Specialist and Dedicated Parishioner Richard E. Chang, DDS Family Dentistry Sun Oaks Dental Days & Evenings Pam Johnson (916) 716-6228 961-1901 Goodman & Associates Karen Goodman 8137 Sunset Ave. At Fair Oaks Blvd. Attorney Solving your legal Issues 643-0600 PRICE Funeral Chapel, Inc. SINCE 1961 THOMAS FLEISCHMANN, O.D. HEIDI SCHAUFFELE, O.D. FDR-301 FD-1062 Doctors of Optometry Owned and Operated by Ben & Jody Price & Family Family Vision Care 3704 Marconi Ave., Ste. 2 6335 Sunrise Boulevard, Citrus Heights, CA 95610 “Our Family Serving Your Family” Phone (916) 725-2109 PARISHIONER FOR 30 YEARS Worker’s Comp • Business • Auto • Home Personal & Commercial Insurance Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Parishioner RAYMOND JAMES IRWIN BROKER/AGENT Lic # 0174777 Representing over 15 A+ rated companies! Contact Lenses 971-EYES (3937) For further information, please call the Parish Office. 916 - 9 8 9 - 910 0 CERTIFIED SPECIALIST • Residential • Commercial • Service • Installation 266-7875 Serving Sacramento Area Since 1957 License #387145 • Personalized Gentle Care • Evening Appointments Available • We Listen & Respond to Your Needs • General Anesthesia Covered By Most Medical Insurances 6600 Madison Ave Suite #12 Carmichael, CA 95608 608-3065 McDONALD “Syringe Free Dentistry Our Wands ® Do The Magic!” 916-961-4522 (Parishioner) M. ARLENITA GOMEZ-CRODDY, D.D.S. Andrew P. Pugno Coralee Shelley 489-5824 PLU M BI NG, H EATI NG & AI R CON DITION I NG CHILDREN & FAMILY DENTISTRY ESTATE PLANNING, TRUST & PROBATE LAW inspiring beauty, enriching lives In the Madison Dental Center For All Your Real Estate Needs, Contact Glenda Hill Parish Member Since1973 Bus 916-761-7548 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA your neighborhood catering company for weddings...baptisms...celebrations of life BELLA BRU CAFE catering manager, Barbara Torza FREE Invisalign Consultations OPEN Weekdays, Saturdays, & Evenings 916.715.5048 • You should be listening to FREE Second Opinion & Orthodontic Consultation FREE Exam And Cleaning For Patients With NO Insurance CATHOLIC ANSWERS (Smile Club Membership Required) Teresa de Guzman D.D.S. Providing Gentle Dentistry For Your Family Carmichael 6600 Madison Ave. (916) 863-2660 Fair Oaks 5060 Sunrise Blvd. A#5 (916) 863-0456 513048 St John the Evangelist Church Roseville 2436 Professional Dr. (916) 774-9920 Most Insurances Accepted $20 OFF 5 Srvc. 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