sunday bulletin - Saint Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church

Saint Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Parish
Served by: The Very Rev. Nicholas R. A. Rachford, J.C.L., Pastor
Cantors: Mrs. Adrienne Terleck, Mr. David Stacko;
Mrs. Helen Ilcisko, Miss Linda Squires, weekday cantors
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Adrienne Terleck
2711 West 40th Street
Lorain, Ohio 44053-2252
church: 282-7525; church fax: 282-9185; kitchen: 282-7742
Web; e-mail addresses: office –;
pastor –; Facebook – search FatherNick Rachford;
blog –; Twitter – tweet @FatherNickRachf.
SUNDAY, February 22, 2015
First Sunday of the Great Fast
Tone 4; Matins Gospel 4
Apostolic reading: Heb. 11:24-26, 32-12:2; Jn. 1: 43-51
Thurs. 2/26
4 p.m.
5 p.m.
9 a.m.
10 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
1 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
6:30 a.m.
8 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
6:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
4 p.m.
5 p.m.
9 a.m.
10 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
Joseph R.Deliman, DDS
1210 West 44th Street
Lorain, Ohio 44053
(440) 282-4747
Preventive Dentistry for Adults and Children
This week at St. Nicholas
+John and Anne Timko by Mike and Joanne Mrosko (26-3)
Intention of parishioners
Morning prayer
Morning prayer
Potato prep
Pre-sanctified Liturgy
Adult Enrichment
Pirohi making
Early prep
Pirohi making
Morning prayer
Second Lenten Lunch
Pre-sanctified Liturgy
Second All Souls Saturday
+Doris Dymiticuk by Pat Brandon (26-12)
Intention of parishioners
High school ECF
Phone: 440-233-LAWN (5296) Email:
Madeline R. Zaworski
Nikken Certified Wellness Home Consultant
A Wellness Home provides quality
air/water/sleep/nutrition/exercise to enhance
arthritic discomfort, diabetes, sleep, etc. by
improving one’s home environment naturally. Call
home “Wellness Preview” or classes about a
Wellness Lifestyle. Classes and Wellness consultations are free of charge.
4883 Oakhill Blvd.
Lorain, Ohio 44053
Home: (440) 282-3139
Cell: (440) 289-6150
A Time For Balance
the mission of our parish: Sunday offering: $857;
holy day: $10; candles: $16; building fund: $180; capital improvements fund: $50 in memory
of Kristy Ann Flowers; Easter: $25; initial offering: $5; flowers: $10. COLLECTION
INCOME: $1,077. EXPENSES: $2,547.39.
Rosary Society: All are welcome to join
Four signs:
From the Pastor
The four signs of a dynamic Catholic can
manifest themselves in different ways from one
person to the next But imagine for a moment if
everyone in the parish did these four things:
1. Spent ten minutes each day in prayerful
conversation with God.
2. Read five pages of a great Catholic book
each day.
3. Gavve one percent more of their income to
support the mission of the parish than you did last
4. Did one thing each week to share the
genious of Catholicism with someone else.
How would our parish be different after one
year? How would it be different after ten years
from new?
raisin prep:
March 23, 9:30 a.m.
paska making:
March 24, 25, 6:30a.m.
Expenses for Feb. 16-20:
the Rosary Society and receive the many benefits
office: $332.21
of being a member. At the time of your death, a
snow removal and salt: $485.00
rosary will be recited and
property insurance
a Liturgy offered for For the Divine Liturgy this Weekend (1st qtr.): $1,314.00
your repose. You can Ribbons at pages 11, 69, 96, 220, 141
food service license:
place your annual dues
of $6 in an envelope with Option E for trisagion, cherubic hymn, “We
workers compensayour name on it and drop praise you..”, Communion hymn; option A
tion: $93.51
it in the collection bas- for the rest.
Lenten Lunch
ket. For any questions, Tropar tone 4, page 141 and of 1st Sunday
project: Lenten lunch
please call Gerrie Sandor GF, page 220.
dates: Feb. 27, March 6,
at 282-5827.
Kontak of 1st Sunday GF, page 220.
13, 20. Help is needed
Prokimen & alleluia of 1st Sunday GF,
for cooking soups, heatP a r i s h i o n e r page 221.
ing up pirohi, preparing
this “Holy, holy, holy...”, page 96.
“Amen” after words of institution, page 97.
salads and then serving
(11:30-1 p.m.) and
Marie Moran (23), “We praise you...”, page 98
clean-up each Friday.
Annamarie Byers (25),
Sign-up sheets are at
LaVerne Mackin (28)
Communion hymns E, pae 80 and of the
both entrances.
and Sam Shumyla (28).
Righteous, page 213.
We are also asking
parishioners to make
Kitchen schedule for the Great Fast pirohi project: jello salads or desserts for the dessert table. The
following households can bring desserts (jello salpotato prep: Wednesdays, 1 p.m.
ads are especially needed) for the Feb. 27 Lenten
Feb. 25
lunch: M. Druga, R. Druga, M. Dudukovich,
pirohi making, Thursday
M. Dunick, S. Dury, H. Evansco, G. Farnsworth,
early prep, 6:30 a.m., pirohi making, 8 a.m.
D. Ferrence, P. Firment, F. Giamboi, H. Gross,
J. J. Gresh, J. J. Huber, J. B. Huber and
nut prep, March 9, 9:30 a.m.
B. Hunsdorf.
roll making, March 11,12, 18
early prep, 6:30 a.m.
rollers, 8:30 a.m.
50/50 raffle: Tickets are currently being
sold for the 50/50 raffle drawing for March. There
will be a drawing monthly. Please participate in
this fund-raiser which will help pay our operating
expenses. February winner: Joseph B. Huber.
Rummage sale: You may start bringing
items for the rummage sale fund-raiser,
April 10-11, 2015, after the weekend Divine
Liturgies and place them in classroom one. The
tables are labeled according to category. Please
place your items in an orderly fashion on the
tables. Write the contents on your boxes and bags.
Larger items can go underneath the tables. No
televisions. Wait until the week before the sale if
you have very large items to donate.
Saint Mary
Byzantine Catholic Parish in Marblehead, Ohio is
sponsoring the Third Annual Women’s Retreat
March 6-8 at the Basilica and National Shrine of
Our Lady of Consolation, 315 Clay Street, Carey,
Ohio. The topic will be “The Genius of
Womanhood.” The retreat master will be Father
Thomas J. Loya, S.T.B., M.A., the pastor of the
Annunciation Byzantine Catholic Parish in
Homer Glen, Ill. Contact Joan Washburn at
(419) 798-9107 or
for further information. We look forward to hearing from you.
Annual Men’s Retreat: Chalices and
Calluses: Serving a Church That Serves Us
When understood correctly, the Byzantine
Catholic Church is a place where men thrive. The
men of the Church bring servant-leadership, community, structure, perseverance and an apprecia-
tion of the challenges of living the Christian life.
From the church they receive accountability, forgiveness, guidance, healing and encouragement in
leading their families. Father Michael O’Loughlin
will call upon his own experiences of being son,
brother, priest and spiritual father to reveal and
discuss the various ways that the church needs
men, and men need the church. Join other men
from throughout the Eparchy during the annual
men’s retreat, Friday, March 20 through Sunday,
March 22 at Lial Renewal Center in Whitehouse,
Ohio (near Toledo). See Father Nick for registration materials or visit (www. completed form and your $90 registration fee must be submitted by Monday,
March. 9. Space is limited, so register today.
Pre-Cana: All engaged couples, who have
notified the pastor and plan to be married in our
parish in 2015, are asked to contact the parish
office for a registration form for the annual PreCana program. This will take place during the
weekend of Saturday, March 21 and Sunday,
March 22 at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist,
1900 Carlton Road, in Parma. Saturday begins with
registration at 11:30 a.m. A light luncheon will be
served with registration. Saturday will conclude by
6 p.m. Sunday will begin at 12:30 p.m. and conclude at about 8 p.m. after our annual couples’ dinner with His Grace, Bishop John Kudrick. It is
important that you plan to attend both days. Your
life together is very important and sacred both for
you and for the church. Registrations are to be done
through the parish office. Registration deadline is
Monday, March 12. If you have any particular
questions concerning the Pre-Cana program itself,
please contact Virgildee and Louise Daniel, program coordinators, at (440) 777-9697 or at
40 Days for Life: From February 18March 29, you’re invited to join other Christians
for 40 Days for Life, 40 days of prayer and fast-
ing for an end to abortion. You’re also invited to
stand and peacefully pray during a 40-day vigil in
the public right-of-way outside Preterm at 12000
Shaker Boulevard, Cleveland, or Planned
Parenthood at 25350 Rockside Road, Bedford
Heights, or Family Planning at 54 South State
Street, Painesville, Please help spread the word
about this important community outreach. If
you’d like more information and especially if
you’d like to volunteer to help, please contact:
John Noall @ (216) 245-9744 or email at
Mt. St. Macrina House of Prayer,
510 West Main Street, P. O. Box 878,
Uniontown, Pennsylvania, 15401
Phone: (724) 438-7149
The program schedule:
Lenten Morning Retreat
Saturday, Feb. 28, 9:15 a.m.-1 p.m.
Registration due Feb. 23. Offering: $30 and
includes lunch.
Lenten Afternoon Retreat
Sunday, March 1, 1:15-5 p.m.
Registration due Feb. 24. Offering: $30 an
includes supper.
Healing Retreat
Saturday, March 7, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Registration due March 2. Offering: $35 and
includes lunch.
Monday Reading Series
March 9, 16, 23, 30, 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Registration due March 2
Free will offering.
Praying with Scripture
Tuesday, march 17
10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Registration due March 12 Offering: $30 and
includes lunch.
Women’s Overnight Scripture Retreat
April 24-25, 6 p.m. Friday-4 p.m. Saturday
Registration due: April 17 Offering: $85.
Young Adult Weekend Retreat
May 29-31, 7 p.m. Friday-11 a.m. Sunday
Men and Women ages 18-35
Registration due May 22 Offering: $100.
Day of Spirituality: The Benedictine
Sisters of The Byzantine Church at Queen of
Heaven Monastery, Warren, Ohio, are offering a
spirituality day on Saturday, March 7
from 1-4:30 p.m. It will be held at Saints Peter
and Paul Parish Center, 180 Belvedere Avenue,
N. E., Warren. To register, please call (330) 8561813 or e-mail before
March 2. The presenter will be Reverend Robert
Pipta, rector of Saints Cyril and Methodius
Seminary. His topic will be “Friendship with God
through Worship, Stewardship and Fellowship.”
There will be time for reflection, questions and
refreshments and an opportunity to receive the
Mystery of Reconciliation. You are welcome to
pray Vespers with the sisters.
Friends of the West Side Catholic
Center- “Women Helping Women”:
The 27th Annual Benefit Extraordinaire for the
West Side Catholic Center will be held on Sunday,
March 8 at La Centre in Westlake. Shopping
begins at 11 a.m., followed by a lunch at
12:30 p.m. and additional shopping. Tickets are
$45 per person. The Friends support the shelter
for women and their children in crisis and all proceeds from the event directly benefit the shelter.
The boutique fills many rooms with jewelry, bead
items, theme baskets, linens and a large selection
of baked goods, garden arrangements, chocolate
and pantry items all made and donated by members of Friends. There is also a silent auction and
Wheelbarrow of Wine raffle.