PALM SUNDAY - THE PASSION OF THE LORD MARCH 29, 2015 Most Sacred Heart Catholic Church Eureka, Missouri March 29, 2015 Our Vision Nourished at the Eucharistic table, formed by the Word of God, and led by the Holy Spirit, we, the parishioners of most Sacred Heart are an ever growing source of light, hope, and faith to all. We show compassion, mercy, hospitality, and inclusiveness to all in the Name of Jesus. Our parish is the center of spiritual life and a visible influence in our community. PALM SUNDAY - THE PASSION OF THE LORD 350 East Fourth Street Eureka, MO 63025 636-938-5048 Webpage Facebook MSHEureka Twitter @MSHEureka ________________________________________________________________ Parish Clergy Fr. Richard Schilli - Pastor E-mail: Fr. Leo Spezia - Interim Administrator E-mail: Fr. Philip Bené - P-T Associate Pastor E-mail: Deacon Tom Eultgen - 636.9398.6966 Deacon Leo Fehner - 636.861.1456 E-mail: Parish Business Office Office - 636.938.5048 Fax - 636.938.5002 Jim Boeger - Parish Bookkeeper E-mail: Kristy Stockell - Parish Secretary Parish Lay Staff Jeremy Boyer - Music Director E-mail: Carole Griffaw - Maintenance E-mail: Phill Wamser - Youth Minister Claffey House 636.938.5118 E-mail: Parish School Office - 636.938.4602 Fax - 636.938.5802 Monica Wilson - Principal, School E-mail: Gail Tinsley - School Secretary Parish School of Religion Office - 636.938.9507 Fax - 636.938.5802 Andrea Bonsanti - Principal, PSR E-mail: Kristy Stockell - PSR Secretary E-mail: ________________________________________________________________ *03/15/15 Collection Sunday Collection $ 14,297 *Total Collection from 07/01/14 to 03/15/2015 $ 576,647 *Bulletin deadline prior to Sunday, 3/22/15 MARCH 29, 2015 Scripture Readings for EASTER Sunday Sunday - April 5 ,2015 First Reading: Acts 10: 34, 37– 43 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 5:6-8 Gospel: Mark 16:1-7 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekday Masses March 30 - 7:30 am - Nick & Julie Till 8:15 am - Mike Corley *Tuesday & Wednesday Masses in Fr. Dowling Hall *March 31 - 7:30 am - Ann Kluba 8:15 am - Clem Petschel *April 1 7:30 am - Florence Aumiller 8:15 am -Celeste Pate Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Supper April 2 - 7:30 pm - Mike Lenzen April 3 - Good Friday Service 7:30 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekend Masses Holy Saturday - April 4 7:30 pm - Louise Votaw Easter Sunday Easter Sunday - April 5 7:00 am - Parishioners of Most Sacred Heart 9:00 am - Meletus Long 11:00 am -Joseph & Katherine Suda _____________________________________ On Good Friday, April 3, 2015, the annual collection for the Holy Land will be taken up in parishes throughout the Archdiocese of St. Louis in support of our brothers and sisters and the religious sites in the Holy Land. ****************************************************** Please note: The Church floor will be cleaned on Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week ( March 31, April1 ). Morning masses will be held in Fr. Dowling Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday. ————————————————Baptism preparation classes begin again on Thursday, April 9th. Call Deacon Tom for details 636.938.6966. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ March 2015 ACH DONATION WITHDRAWAL Weekly - 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Monthly Donation - 20 Special Collection: Catholic Relief Services -15 Repair & Maintenance - 25 Debt Reduction- 25 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EUREKA FOOD PANTRY Request for March: “HELPER” MEALS (HAMBURGER, TUNA, CHICKEN) PALM SUNDAY - THE PASSION OF THE LORD MARCH 29, 2015 PARISH EVENTS: MARCH 2015 30 - LIVING STATIONS OF THE CROSS - Church - 7:00 pm 30 - PARISH COUNCIL MTG - Rectory - 7:00 pm 31 - LITURGY GROUP: STRATEGIC PLANNING MTG - Conference Room - 7:00 pm 31 - EDUCATION GROUP: STRATEGIC PLANNING MTG - Library - 7:00 pm APRIL 2015 1 - FINANCIAL GROUP: STRATEGIC PLANNING MTG - Library - 7:00 pm 2 - HOLY THURSDAY MASS - Church - 7:30 pm 3 - GOOD FRIDAY STATIONS OF THE CROSS - Church - 12:00 pm 3 - GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE - Church - 7:30 pm 3 - FISH FRY # 7 - Dining Room & FDH 4 - 7:00 pm 4- HOLY SATURDAY - EASTER VIGIL MASS - Church - 7:30 pm 5 - EASTER SUNDAY MASS - Masses at 7, 9, & 11 am 7 - SOCIAL SERVICES GROUP STRATEGIC PLANNING MTG - Library - 7:00 pm 9 - EVANGELIZATION GROUP STRATEGIC PLANNING MTG - Library - 7:00 pm 16 - WOMEN’S CLUB COOK-OFF - FDH - 7:00 pm 20 - ST. VINCENT de PAUL MTG - Dining Room - 6:30 pm 27 - PARISH COUNCIL MTG - Rectory - 7:00 pm 28 - EDUCATION GROUP STRATEGIC PLANNING MTG - Library - 7:00 pm ============================================================================ Fr. Schilli is NOW AT Regina Cleri for his next step in rehab! To send cards and/or visit: Regina Cleri , 10Archbishop May Drive, Apt. 302, St. Louis, MO 63119 ,or call 314.918.3281//email Saturday April 4 Lectors Eucharistic Minister Ushers 7:30 pm Drew Stevens Claire Vogt Jackie Coffee Jim Bornholdt Bob Nack John & Connie Bachmann Nancy Liston Drew Stevens Shenee Boyle Art Wallach Elaine Lerch David Hall Easter Sunday April 5 Lectors Eucharistic Minister Ushers Nick Till Jim Nave Millie Steffe Joan & Tom Yallaly Bob Steffe Beatrice & Bob Kee Randy Waddell Emily Polizzi Julia Collins Grace Adam Lily Adam Kathy Griese Tom Merriman Sheldon Ripson Diane & Mike Carbrey Lisa Dieckhaus Ed Rankin Lynn & Gary Sahrmann Darlene Hensley Rob Dieckhaus Bill Hensley Craig & Kim Clynes John Jennings Sean Bierman Allison Shaffer Robert Fasl Judy Eultgen Barb Combs Jere & Patricia Palazzolo Stevie Hoog John Falcone Garry & Katie Acker Pat Fortner Steve & Teri Detter Bill Schulte P.J. Wuennenberg Nate Reed Tyler Wolf Madelyn Ruszala 7 am 9 am 11 am Servers Shaundel Schumacher Stephanie Pipes Sara Pipes Clare Schickler Servers PALM SUNDAY - THE PASSION OF THE LORD Most Sacred Heart Parish extends heartfelt prayers and sympathy to MARCH 29, 2015 K OF C CLOWN CLUB Steve and Jeanna Stark on the recent loss of Steve’s father, J.T. Stark. May Steve and his family find comfort in the prayers of friends. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sacred Hear Women’s Club ~ Upcoming Events ~ April 16th, 7:00 pm in FDH: COOK-OFF! Everyone bring a dish to share along with copies of the recipe and make your presentation unique!! We will judge each dish and give awards for the top three!! We have done this before and it was SO MUCH FUN!!!! May 21th (Time to be announced) We plan to have our May meeting at the Lavender House in The Legends. More details to follow… June 13th *****RUMMAGE SALE!!!!***** START SAVING YOUR UNWANTED TREASURES ! ********************************************** - - - - - - - -LOVING STITCHES- - - - - - Please join Loving Stitches as we get together for fellowship, and to knit and sew items for charity. All skill levels are welcome! We need donations of elastic, fabric & sewing notions. We meet in the Claffey House from 9:00 - 11:30 on Wednesday, April 1. Questions? Call Bea@636.432.2030 or Lisa@636.399.6286 ***************************************************** JOIN US FOR A LITTLE CLOWNING AROUND A SMILE A DAY KEEPS THE SADNESS AWAY!! “And in my final moment, may I hear you whisper, when you made my people smile, you made me smile.” What better way to go through life, than to have God smiling on you because you are bringing joy to others! Bringing joy to others, does that sound like something you would like to do? Well, the Knights of Columbus Clown Club is having an Introduction to Clowning Workshop on Saturday, April 11, 2015 at Most Sacred Heart Church in Eureka to continue our Ministry of bringing Smiles to God’s people. We have limited space; please make your registration by April 4, 2015. This workshop is open to everyone; we encourage families to do this together; YOUNG clowns go over quite well. What a great way to get the whole family involved while having fun. So why not give it a try. Each of us has a special talent that can bring a smile to someone’s face, whether it be a balloon sculpture, face painting, storytelling, magic, a hug, a handshake or a simple hello. You will be glad you did and you will find it very rewarding to reach out to those who need someone like you in sharing your time, warmth and smile with them. If you need a flyer, agenda or registration form go to clown-clubs. PALM SUNDAY - THE PASSION OF THE LORD ~SAVE THE DATE~ MOST SACRED HEART AUCTION “Celebrate the Spirit of the Season” November 7, 2015. If you are interested in helping this year, or have some good ideas to share, please contact Lauren Fogarty at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Parish Social Media – Get Connected! Join us online! Add some inspiration to your newsfeeds! We post tweets and Facebook posts from Pope Francis, interesting and inspirational posts about our faith and liturgical seasons, Mass times for Holy Days, as well as up-to-date parish and school news. Find news and updates about annual parish events such as the fish fry, parish auction, fall festival, school fundraisers and more! You'll find plenty of pictures on our Facebook page as well. Parish Facebook Page: Parish Twitter Feed: -or- @MSHEureka For more information, or to share information for your parish organization’s upcoming event e-mail Jeremy Boyer at MARCH 29, 2015 EASTER FLOWERS Easter flowers can be donated in memory of a loved one. $10 donation per person remembered. Please list the names below: 1.________________________________ 2.________________________________ 3.________________________________ 4.________________________________ DROP IN THE COLLECTION BASKET MARKED “EASTER FLOWERS” OR RETURN TO RECTORY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **************************************** FISH FRY REPORT: Week # 4 (This bulletin went to press on 3/20, before FF#5) Number served in Dining Room: 891 Number served in Carry – Out: 911 Number served in Fr. Dowling Hall: 284 TOTAL NUMBER SERVED WEEK 2: 2086 TOTAL Count for Fish Fry 2015: 6356 Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers, dessert bakers, and fish eaters! Keep up the good work! **************************************** ====================================== (m)SHYG Youth Ministry News FISH FRY DESSERT DISHES The Edge Program! Thank you for donating so many wonderful homemade desserts. You may pick up your dishes in the Courtyard Foyer of the Church. All dishes are cleaned and placed on the countertop for pick up and refill. Attention all 8th grade students and Parents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What’s the Edge Program you ask? Well it is a new group just for 8th grade students. It is a chance to come together, have fun, and grow in our faith. We will meet on the 4th Sunday of every month from 2-4 PM. PALM SUNDAY - THE PASSION OF THE LORD FISH FRY DETAILS ! Serving 4:00 - 7:00pm EVERY FRIDAY DURING LENT Fried Fish, Cole Slaw, Green Beans, Pasta, and Dessert. ONLY 1 MORE FISH FRY!!!! Make plans to attend & bring your friends. ♦ ♦ Carry Out : $10 Large (1 size only) Dine In: $ 8 Small, $10 Large (1 refill) ♦ Fr. Dowling Hall: $15 per dinner 1st Seating 5-6:15 2nd Seating 6:30-7:45 Call 636.938.5048 to make your Fr. Dowling Hall reservations ♦ It’s not too late to show up & work. We need your help! We need our teens, too! Grades 7-12 , please sign up to work! You may count these hours for Service Hours and Confirmation Projects ***And please remember to bring your homemade desserts.*** =========================================================== FISH FRY DESSERTS MADE EASY Once again the Marianist Retreat Center will be offering dessert items to order & they will deliver! They bake, they deliver!!! CHECKS PAYABLE TO MRCC Just drop your order with payment in the collection basket, or bring to the rectory or the PSR or SHS offices. Circle your choice & write in quantities PIES: $7.50 Qty ____ $______ apple, cherry, peach, lemon, chocolate, coconut, banana SUGAR FREE PIES: $7.50 Qty____ $______ cherry, apple Half sheet Brownies: $12.50 Qty_____ $_______ Half sheet Cheesecake: $22.50 Qty_____ $_______ Half Rice Krispy Treats: $15.00 Qty_____ $_______ Half Gooey Butter Cake: $20.00 Qty_____ $_______ REMEMBER: CHECKS PAYABLE TO MRCC ~Thank you for your delicious generosity~ MARCH 29, 2015 EUREKA POLICE OFFICERS SUPPORT FUND This is a non for profit group that was organized to draw a en on to our local Eureka Police department. We did this to create more unity between residents and officers and to show them our apprecia on and support for a job well done. We are raising awareness in the Eureka community in conjunc on with “NaƟonal Police Week” which will be celebrated in Washington DC the week of May11-15, 2015. We will be selling special T-Shirts AVAILABLE AT THE FISH FRY AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF SCHOOL with all profits going to our Officers. We will be having “meet your enforcement officer” gatherings, showing our support with banners in Eureka and ge ng businesses involved to sponsor special events for residents and officers. Please purchase and wear the special patrio c T-Shirt designed to show your support for the police. Be pro ac ve with the police and greet them with a smile and hello. And finally, get involved with some of the ac vi es in May recognizing them. Look for more details to follow. If you have any quesƟons, you can contact us at our email at: or you can send us your check at: E.P.O.S.F. P.O. Box 267 Eureka, MO 63025 PALM SUNDAY - THE PASSION OF THE LORD MARCH 29, 2015 The Divine Physician Ever heard of the Sacrament of Peace and Healing? That's what we should call the Sacrament of Penance. A free booklet was distributed at all the Masses last weekend. "Jesus Christ, The Divine Physician". Be sure to get a copy from the back of church, if you didn’t receive one last weekend, and read it prayerfully. It will inspire you to bring yourself frequently to Jesus for healing and peace. As Pope Francis has written "Everyone needs to be touched by the comfort and attraction of God's saving love, which is mysteriously at work in each person, above and beyond their faults and failings." ========================================================================================================================================================= PSR NEWS: ♦ Reminder to all Confirmation students to complete and turn in all requirements. ♦ Please contact Mrs. Bonsanti if interested in serving on the PSR Board. ————————————————————————————————————— Most Sacred Heart School News LIVING STATIONS OF THE CROSS Monday, March 30, 2015 our 8th graders will present the Living Stations of the Cross in church beginning at 7:00pm. All parishioners are invited to come to this spiritual evening as we begin Holy Week 2015. AmazonSmile Most Sacred Heart School invites you to support us by shopping at AmazonSmile. Each quarter, the AmazonSmile Foundation makes donations to eligible charitable organizations like us. This will link you directly to in support of Most Sacred Heart: Thank you for helping us provide quality Catholic Blue Ribbon Education here at Most Sacred Heart! PALM SUNDAY - THE PASSION OF THE LORD MARCH 29, 2015 Calling ALL Men of Most Sacred Heart Parish How about planning a Retreat or attending a Spiritual Conference? WHAT is a Retreat? Most if not all of you have asked yourself this same question at some point in your life. How are we to know what God wishes us to do? One of the best ways to find out what God has in mind for us is to make a retreat. A retreat is not meant to be just an emotional experience, its purpose is to transform your daily life, the one you will return to when the retreat is over. WHY attend a retreat? There are many reasons: perhaps you sense this need in yourself already. Or, on the other hand perhaps someone who’s close to you – a spouse, a friend – has suggested you really ought to make a retreat. There are all sorts of personal reasons for making a retreat. Perhaps you are looking for a much-appreciated rest from the rush and clamor of everyday life. You might wish to take time to set your thoughts and affairs in order or rearrange your priorities. Some come to deepen their faith or to resolve some personal problem. Whatever the case, most people do not have a clear-cut reason for attending a retreat and that’s good. You might ask, WHY? Because God has His reasons for having you come at this point in your life. He wants you to set aside your “reasons,” whatever they may be, to open your mind and heart to Him alone: to learn what plans He has for you in your life. If you are interested or have any questions please call one of your fellow parishioners listed below. White House Retreat Retreat Dates: 04/23/2014 to 04/26/2015 Contact: Jim Biglin @ 636-271-8052 or Pat Bergin @ 636-938-6421 ACTS Retreat Retreat Dates: 06/25/15 to 06/28/2015 Contact: Tom Merriman @ 314-393-5544 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Other Retreat Opportunities Good Friday Retreat Day, April 3rd: “What can we learn about sorrow and suffering as we reflect on the suffering of Jesus”. This is the theme of the annual Good Friday Retreat at the Marianist Retreat Center in Eureka, presented by Father José Ramirez, SM and Sister Paulette Patritti, OP. The day begins with breakfast at 8:30 am and concludes with Good Friday services beginning at 3:00pm. $40 includes lunch. Call the Retreat Center for reservations: 636-938-5390 Mid-life Singles (mid-30s to 50s): Register today for a life-changing REFLECT weekend retreat at King’s House Retreat Center, Belleville, IL (20 min from downtown St. Louis, MO), on April 17-19, 2015. Cost is just $185 for meals and a single room. Take a chance and get involved... you won't regret it! Call (312) 532-8286, email, or visit for details PALM SUNDAY - THE PASSION OF THE LORD MARCH 29, 2015 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Sacred Heart Church #963153 DELIVERY TO: RECTORY OFFICE - Behind Church & School 350 East Fourth Street Eureka, MO 63025 TELEPHONE 636 938-5048 ext. 100 CONTACT PERSON Kristy Stockell SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 7 TRANSMISSION TIME Friday– March 20 - Noon SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION March 29, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 9 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ♦ PLEASE 600 copies!
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