FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 26, 2015 Most Sacred Heart Catholic Church Eureka, Missouri April 26, 2015 ACA PLEDGE WEEKENDS April 25 & 26 * May 2 & 3 Fr. Dowling Hall * After all Masses FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 26, 2015 350 East Fourth Street Eureka, MO 63025 636-938-5048 Webpage Facebook MSHEureka Twitter @MSHEureka ________________________________________________________________ Parish Clergy Fr. Richard Schilli - Pastor E-mail: Fr. Leo Spezia - Interim Administrator E-mail: Fr. Philip Bené - P-T Associate Pastor E-mail: Deacon Tom Eultgen - 636.9398.6966 Deacon Leo Fehner - 636.861.1456 E-mail: Parish Business Office Office - 636.938.5048 Fax - 636.938.5002 Jim Boeger - Parish Bookkeeper E-mail: Kristy Stockell - Parish Secretary Parish Lay Staff Jeremy Boyer - Music Director E-mail: Carole Griffaw - Maintenance E-mail: Phill Wamser - Youth Minister Claffey House 636.938.5118 E-mail: Parish School Office - 636.938.4602 Fax - 636.938.5802 Monica Wilson - Principal, School E-mail: Gail Tinsley - School Secretary Parish School of Religion Office - 636.938.9507 Fax - 636.938.5802 Andrea Bonsanti - Principal, PSR E-mail: Kristy Stockell - PSR Secretary E-mail: ________________________________________________________________ 04/19/15 Collection Sunday Collection Total Collection from 07/01/14 to 04/19/2015 $ 12,105 $ 660,106 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ April 2015 ACH DONATION WITHDRAWAL Weekly - 6, 13, 20, 27 Monthly Donation - 20 Special Collection: Holy Land - 3 Easter – 5 Regina Cleri – 5 Repair & Maintenance - 25 Debt Reduction- 25 Scripture Readings for Fifth Sunday of Easter Sunday - May 3, 2015 First Reading: Acts 9: 26-31 Second Reading: 1 John 3: 18 -24 Gospel: John 15: 1- 8 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekday Masses April 27 April 28 April 29 April 30 May 1 - 7:30 am - Jerry Trokey 7:30 am - Stanley Adams 7:30 am - Sandy Zahner 7:30 am - Nick & Julie Till 7:30 am - Celeste Pate 8:10 am - Lillian Petru _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekend Masses Saturday - May 2 5:00 pm - Leonard Kurlandski Fifth Sunday of Easter Sunday - May 3 7:00 am - Parishioners of Most Sacred Heart 9:00 am - Helen Susa 11:00 am - Mike Corley________________________ Sacrament of Reconciliation Every Saturday 4 – 4:45 Confessions heard anytime by appointment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BAPTISMS and PreparaƟon Class Next Bap sm Prepara on Class is Thursday, May 7, 2015 7 pm - Father Dowling Hall. To arrange a Bap sm, for informa on, or to register for class please call: Deacon Tom 636.938.6966 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Adoration of Our Lord Can we not spend one hour with him? Please come to spend one hour in Eucharis c Adora on. We begin on Thursday, April 30th at 7:00pm and end at 3:00 pm on Friday, May 1st. Choose any hour and bring yourself and all your joys and sorrows and offer all to the Lord. Rest in His Presence for one hour. FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 26, 2015 PARISH EVENTS: APRIL 2015 26 - EDGE presented by (m)SHYG: all parish 8th grade students invited! - Gym 2:00 - 4:00 pm 27 - PARISH COUNCIL MTG - Rectory - 7:00 pm 28 - EDUCATION GROUP: STRATEGIC PLANNING MTG - Library - 7:00 pm 28 - LITURGY GROUP: STRATEGIC PLANNING MTG - Parish Conference Room - 7:00 pm MAY 2015 3 - FIRST HOLY COMMUNION - CHURCH - 1:00 pm 5 - MAY CROWNING - Church - 7:00 pm 5 - SOCIAL SERVICES & OUTREACH GROUP: STRATEGIC PLANNING MTG - Library - 7:00 pm 6 - ST. VINCENT de PAUL DISTRICT MTG - FDH - 6:30 pm 6 - FINANCE GROUP: STRATEGIC PLANNING MTG - Library - 7:00 pm 7 - VOCATION & EVANGELIZATION GROUP: STRATEGIC PLANNING MTG - Library - 7:00 pm 7 - BAPTISM CLASS - FDH - 7:00 pm 11&12 - PSR LAST CLASS - MAY CROWNING & MASS - Church - regular session times 14 - K of C DINNER: all men of the parish are invited - Dining Room - 6:30 pm 15&16 - K of C BBQ - The Wedge - 11:00 am til sunset 18 - ST. VINCENT de PAUL MTG - Dining Room - 6:30 pm 19 - MOST SACRED HEART SCHOOL 8TH GRADE GRADUATION - CHURCH - 7:00 pm Saturday May 2 Lectors Eucharistic Minister Ushers 5:00 pm Tim Warren Mary Christiansen Joe Wise Margaret Baker Jim Bornholdt Tim Jones Jackie Coffey Channing Baker Sonny Finnegan Drew Stevens Elaine Lerch Sunday May 3 Lectors Eucharistic Minister Ushers John Bachmann Beth Cavender Millie Steffe Denise Haller Gerry Bachmann Bob Steffe Jim Nave Beatrice & Bob Kee Carolyn Parmer Sheldon Ripson Robert Nack Darlene Hensley Ed Rankin Tom Merriman Pam Nutt Pat Gaugh Mary Berry Bill Hensley Bob Berry John Jamski Kevin Borror John Jennings Sean Bierman Allison Shaffer Robert Fasl Judy Eultgen Jean & Mike Bollinger Jere & Patricia Palazzolo John Falcone Nancy Liston Connie Apperson Tony Liston Tim Dougherty Bill Schulte Jerry Faust P. J. Wuennenberg Nate Reed Tyler Wolf Madelyn Ruszala 7 am 9 am 11 am Servers Stephanie Pipes Sara Pipes Clare Schickler Servers Emily Polizzi Julia Collins Grace Adam Lily Adam Kathy Griese FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 26, 2015 Most Sacred Heart Parish family welcomes the newest members to the Body of Christ: Olivia Jean McDermott, daughter of Ryan and Gina (Hutter) McDermott, Kayla Anastasia Clerkin, daughter of Robert and Amy (Roberts) Clerkin, Eli Anderson Marcum, son of Derrick & Rebecca (Braswell) Marcum, Avrey Robert Ponder, son of Robert & Rebecca (Fulton) Ponder, Sadie Christine Lutz, daughter of Jason & Sarah (Grate) Lutz Get ready for Most Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus BBQ’s Friday and Saturday May 15 & 16 through June 12 & 13 starting at 11:00 am until sunset, the Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus will be providing delicious BBQ lunches and dinners at “The Wedge”. May the grace of the Sacrament always keep them close to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most Sacred Heart Parish extends heartfelt prayers and sympathy to Curtis & Jo Ballenger on the recent loss of Jo’s son, Lance Ericson . May Jo and her family find comfort in the prayers of friends. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most Sacred Heart Parish extends heartfelt prayers and sympathy to the Dorsey family on the recent loss of their father, Myles Dorsey. May the Dorsey family find comfort in the prayers of friends. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - - - -LOVING STITCHES- - - - - Please join Loving Stitches as we get together for fellowship, and to knit and sew items for charity. All skill levels are welcome! We need donations!. We meet in the Claffey House from 9:00 - 11:30 on Wednesday, May 6. Questions? Call Bea@636.432.2030 or Lisa@636.399.6286 The Knights of Columbus invite you to find out what we are about. Feel free to attend one of our monthly free dinners on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6:30, or contact Kevin Vescovo @314.496.0230 ************************************* Most Sacred Heart Women’s Club Upcoming Events May 21st (Time to be announced) We plan to have our May meeting at the Lavender House in the Legends. More details to follow… June 13th *****RUMMAGE SALE!!!!***** START SAVING YOUR UNWANTED TREASURES ! Drop offs begin soon! ******************************************* (m)SHYGYouth Ministry News The Edge Program! Attention all 8th grade students and Parents What’s the Edge Program you ask? A new group just for 8th grade students. It is a chance to come together, have fun, and grow in our faith. We meet on the 4th Sunday of every month from 2-4 PM. _______________________________________________ EUREKA FOOD PANTRY Request for May ~ PEANUT BUTTER ~ FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 26, 2015 Archdiocesan Catholic Appeal (ACA) All ADVANCED GIVING cards have been mailed to our parishioners. If you did not receive your card OR if you wish to make a pledge, please come to Fr. Dowling Hall after Mass this weekend (April 25/26) and complete your pledge. For more information, call the rectory or our parish appeal chairs: Mark & Ann Mersmann 636.549.3530 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SAVE THE DATE! Nov 7, 2015 Sacred Heart Auction VxÄxuÜtàx à{x fÑ|Ü|à Éy à{x fxtáÉÇ4 ************************************ Parish Social Media Join us online! Add some inspiration to your news feeds! You'll find plenty of pictures on our Facebook page as well. Parish Facebook Page: Parish Twitter Feed: -or- @MSHEureka For more information, or to share information for your parish organization’s upcoming event e-mail Jeremy Boyer at ============== Confirmation Class of 2015 Sarah (Elizabeth) Akers Anna (Philomena) Armon Claire (Cecelia) Baechle Adam (Paul) Bailey Christopher Gage (Paul) Bardenheier Xoe (Elizabeth) Bergman Andrew (Michael) Budde Preston (Louis) Bunse Nathan (Sebastian) Clar Dylan (Valentine) Conner Isabel (Joan) DeGrand Ian (George) Esteban Francesca (Rose) Ferrari Emma (Anne) Fogarty Ikaika (Damien) Fouts Jack (Vincent) Griffin Anna (Rose) Grimshaw Drew (Joseph) Grisham Jacob (Christopher) Haller Nicholas (Anthony) Hillestad Michael (Patrick) Hoelzer Katherine (Rose) Horack Lucille (Valentine) Kaufman Lacy (Theresé) Kistner Emily (Elizabeth) Kloeppel Nathan (Sebastian) Koenig Sarah (Monica) Kotraba Morgan (Elizabeth) Krause Jenna (Olympias) Menendez Grant (George) Miller Megan (Sebastian) Moll Jack (John) Myers Isabella (Catherine) Ondr Victoria (Faustina) Penick Haley (Veronica) Petrus Shelby (Scholastica) Petrus Nate (Ignatius) Reed Blake (Philip) Rief Joseph (Christopher) Ripson Cooper (Michael) Ruhl Matthew (George) Sauer Shaundel (Elizabeth) Schumacher Mitchell (Andrew) Sellers Tyson (Patrick) Siebenman Bridget (Camillus) Sisco Chace (Timothy) Stevener Caleb (Paul) Trower Megan (Mary) Voshage Brian (Andrew) Walkup Ryan (Sebastian) Weis Alexander (Paul) Whalen Tyler (Hubert) Wolf Abbie (Kateri) Woll Paul (Thomas) Wuennenberg Ashley (Rose) Yeoman Brigham (Charles) Zaun Andrea (Sebastian) Zeiser Hannah (Olivia) Zoppe Congratulations to all of our 8th Graders! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Eureka Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired Consider Electronic Giving If interested in making contributions by electronic giving, please contact the rectory office for details. There is no fee; you select the amount, frequency and collections you wish to donate. Thanks for your generosity! The Eureka Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired will be open on May 2 from 11:30 AM- 1:30 PM at St. Marks Lutheran Church, 500 Meramec Avenue in Eureka. The Eureka Center offers a me for blind and visually impaired persons to gather on the first Saturday of each month for a free meal and socializa on. Transporta on will be furnished for those who are not in wheelchairs. Those in wheelchairs who wish to a end are welcome, but need to provide their own transporta on. If you know of a visually impaired person please contact us. For reserva ons or informa on contact Dale Oberkramer (636) 393-0009 or FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 26, 2015 Most Sacred Heart School News ANNUAL MAY CROWNING All parishioners are invited to join us Tuesday, May 5 for our Annual May Crowning to honor our Blessed Mother, Mary. We will begin at 7:00pm in church. FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL 2015-2016 Most Sacred Heart will begin the 2015-2016 school year on Monday, August 18, 2015. If you have not enrolled your child, please call the school office at 636-938-4602. There are still openings and we would love to have you join our school community! Announcing Full Day Preschool Option At the March School Board Mee ng Fr. Leo and the Board approved an addi onal op on for our Preschool Program. Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year we have added a Five Day, Full Day Combined 3 and 4 Year Old Class dependent on an enrollment of at least 10 students. The present Monday/Wednesday/Friday Pre-4 Program and the Tuesday/Thursday Pre-3 Program will remain op ons as well. The applica on is available online and will be first come first served. We promise to Nourish the Soul, Inspire the Mind, Embrace the Spirit, and Open the Heart of Each Child who comes through our doors at Most Sacred Heart Catholic School! We hope you select Most Sacred Heart School where your child will begin their academic career in a welcoming, rigorous environment enriched by the Catholic faith! Visit for tui on rates and the preschool/school applica on today! Thank you for your continued support of Catholic Education here at Most Sacred Heart! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calling ALL Men of Most Sacred Heart Parish WHAT is a Retreat? Most if not all of you have asked yourself this same question at some point in your life. How are we to know what God wishes us to do? One of the best ways to find out what God has in mind for us is to make a retreat. A retreat is not meant to be just an emotional experience, its purpose is to transform your daily life, the one you will return to when the retreat is over. WHY attend a retreat? There are many reasons: perhaps you sense this need in yourself already. Or perhaps someone who’s close to you – a spouse, a friend – has suggested you really ought to make a retreat. There are all sorts of personal reasons for making a retreat. Perhaps you are looking for a much-appreciated rest from the rush and clamor of everyday life. You might wish to take time to set your thoughts and affairs in order or rearrange your priorities. Some come to deepen their faith or to resolve some personal problem. Whatever the case, most people do not have a clear-cut reason for attending a retreat and that’s good. If you are interested or have any questions please call one of your fellow parishioners listed below. ACTS Retreat Retreat Dates: 06/25/15 to 06/28/2015 Contact: Tom Merriman @ 314-393-5544 ############################################################################## Volunteers Needed on Saturdays We are looking for volunteers to help us on Saturday mornings at Marymount Manor – Senior Living Center. We celebrate a Communion service for the residents at 10:00 am every Saturday, and are in need of volunteers to bring residents to the service before it starts and return them to their rooms when we are finished. You would not have to make a commitment to every Saturday, but when you are available to help you would be needed from about 9:30 am to 11:00 am. If you can help or want information, please contact Deacon Tom and Judy Eultgen at 636-938-6966. FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 26, 2015 Parish Financial Statement to Parishioners Statement of Revenues & Expenses July 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 Revenue Offertory collections Restricted gifts Program fees Investment income Grant revenue Fundraising (*) Other revenues Total Revenues Expenses Personnel costs Supplies Fees & Services Occupancy Transfers Parish/Arch Total Expenses Parish School PSR Total 441,031 14,404 6,124 597 0 30,132 6,810 499,098 1,213 3,850 437,618 0 21,676 600 74 465,031 0 0 41,749 0 0 0 0 41,749 July-Dec Budget 442,244 18,254 485,491 597 21,676 30,732 6,884 1,005,878 442,748 25,050 453,329 750 29,190 44,314 7,225 1,002,606 539,264 87,405 31,121 135,444 150,054 943,288 555,624 90,651 34,878 131,691 148,929 961,773 Variance to Budget (504) (6,796) 32,162 (153) (7,514) (13,582) (341) 3,272 164,505 41,040 25,685 65,279 113,229 409,738 339,476 39,792 4,597 68,536 36,825 489,226 35,283 6,573 839 1,629 0 44,324 Net Operating Income 89,360 (24,195) (29,720) 62,590 40,833 21,757 Capital and non-cash expenses 18,632 21,494 0 40,026 39,400 626 Net Income 70,728 (45,689) (29,720) 22,564 1,433 21,131 Net assets on July 1, 2014 $444,207 Net assets on Dec 31, 2014 $466,772 (*) Fundraisers include: Fall Festival ($5,640) (16,360) (3,246) (3,757) 3,753 1,125 (18,485) FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 26, 2015 Parish Financial Statement to Parishioners Statement of Financial Position - Dec 31, 2014 Current Fiscal Year Prior Fiscal Year Assets Cash and Investment Parish Checking Parish Organizational Accounts St. Louis Archdiocesan Fund (SLAF) Depositors Fund Other Fund Other Assets (Accounts Receivable, Prepaids, Etc.) Total Assets 104,792 84,623 206,179 85,964 164,897 122,476 372,564 849,352 174,570 122,240 84,715 673,668 Liabilities & Net Assets Accounts Payable Special Collections Payable Due to Archdiocese (Insurance, Assessments) Deferred Revenue Other Liabilities Total Liabilities 37,638 7,051 9,000 327,792 1,099 382,580 45,066 3,901 18,000 160,605 1,888 229,460 Fund Balance Net Income Total Equity 444,208 22,564 466,772 415,947 28,260 444,207 Total Liabilities & Equity 849,352 673,667 9,000 18,000 Note payable to St. Louis Archdiocesan Fund (SLAF) ===================================================================================== FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 26, 2015 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Sacred Heart Church #963153 DELIVERY TO: RECTORY OFFICE - Behind Church & School 350 East Fourth Street Eureka, MO 63025 TELEPHONE 636 938-5048 ext. 100 CONTACT PERSON Kristy Stockell SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 7 TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday – April 21 - Noon SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION April 26, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 9 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ♦ PLEASE 600 copies!
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