Ascension Catholic Church 7250 N. Federal Hwy., Boca Raton, FL 33487 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E-Mail Address: Website: Phone: 561-997-5486 Fax: 561-997-5862 Office Hours: Monday-Friday : 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.; Sunday: 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Mass Intentions For the Week Parish Directory AA Mee ng Fri., 7:30‐8:30 p.m. Al‐Anon Mon., 2:00‐3:00 p.m. Altar Servers 561‐997‐5486 Annulments 561‐997‐5486 Birthline 561‐278‐0894 Charisma c Prayer Group 9:30 a.m. every Thurs. Barbara DeCoursy 561‐995‐9137 Coffee & Donuts Liliana Cuschieri 561‐852‐1784 Consola on Ministry Gloria Sho er 561‐620‐7884 Dolores Weissenberger 561‐272‐6731 Council of Catholic Women– 1st Tues. Carolyn Bethmann 561‐358‐3753 E‐Mail Prayer Chain Knights of Columbus‐2nd Tues. Grand Knight, Robert Layer 561‐929‐5672 Men’s Club‐1st Wed. Mike Leising 954‐214‐8563 Ministry to the Needy 561‐901‐5281 Music Ministry Mark Havlik 561‐866‐9007 Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Cemetery 561‐793‐0711 Parish Nurse Barbara Bzura 561‐430‐7770 Pastoral Council Chairman Tom Benstein Religious Educa on Office Debbie Cramsie 561‐866‐3482 Religious Educa on Special Needs Joan Devine 561‐638‐3619 Respect Life 1st Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. Kathleen Ericksen 815‐451‐2386 R.C.I.A.—Rite of Chris an Ini a on of Adults David Dincher 561‐997‐5486 Serra Club For Voca ons Jim Anderson 561‐994‐9267 Special Needs Children’s Ministry Russell Johnson 561‐767‐0272 Stewardship Director Cindy Nau 561‐654‐6085 Substance Addic on Ministry (S.A.M.) 561‐775‐9527 Sunday Scripture Reflec on Mon., 9:30 a.m. & Thurs., 7:00 p.m. Youth Ministry Peter Fernandez 561‐305‐8614 MONDAY, JANUARY 19 7:30 AM Tommy Murgolo—The Vulpis Family 9:00 AM Doris Gandolfo—Family TUESDAY, JANUARY 20 7:30 AM Rosemary Trusk—Joanne Viscon 9:00 AM Jose T. Molina—Patricia Molina WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21 7:30 AM Leonard & Sophie Viscon —Daughter 9:00 AM Eliece Mile a—M/M Joseph Mile a THURSDAY, JANUARY 22 7:30 AM Marche Family—Bob & Barbara Renzi 9:00 AM Theresa Buhager—Carl & Theresa Benvenuto FRIDAY, JANUARY 23 7:30 AM Lois Arlene Mohn—The Dalton Family 9:00 AM Michael Schwalie—Daughter, Carol SATURDAY, JANUARY 24 9:00 AM Constance Summers—Frank & Diane Pfaff 4:30 PM Lori Radosta—Marybeth Jackson & Family SUNDAY, JANUARY 25 7:30 AM Frederick Haugh—M/M L. Bonner 9:00 AM Joe Budano—Dee & Tom McKindary 10:30 AM Regina Stannard—Judy Sisko 12:00 N. Emily Brennan—Anne Szpieg Angela Carbonell—Angi Vera Mary Lelonek—Delphine & Richard Skowron 7:00 PM Ascension Parishioners Living & Deceased “We are a sacramental community united to God in the Eucharist, His word and Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit.” LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR SATURDAY, JANUARY 24th AND SUNDAY, JANUARY 25th SATURDAY 4:30 PM SUNDAY 7:30 AM SUNDAY 9:00 AM SUNDAY 10:30 AM SUNDAY 12:00 NOON SUNDAY 7:00 PM Celebrant Fr. Gavin Fr. Karas Fr. Gavin Msgr. Morris Fr. Koch Fr. Peter Lector Gigi Garcia Pat D’Orsi Cindy Nau Chris Niemir Antoni Piasecki Deborah Bacarella Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Jill Gray Jon & Gloria Klein Bob Legat Al LeFevre Vickie Schaffer Peggy & Ernie LeDuc Jim Nau Betty Sangi Dolores Weissenberger Maria Zimbardi Cathy Rhein Caterina Lombardo Toni Sturm Nina Veloso Marilyn Atkinson Caroline Bethmann Sandy Wesley Doris Del-Zio Michael & Annette Farenga Gayle Appel Barbara Bzura Shawn & Bud Landeck Altar Server Carolina Garcia TBA Samantha Rothgery Taylor Bethmann & Hudson & Austin & Kevin Tolly Voltz Jim Guttuso Miranda Olivera & Dominick Mirlocca Sunday, January 11, 2015: $14,757.50 Last Year at this time: $15,135.00 Please Pray For: Joan Meoli, Ken Dean, Tish Moodhe, and Diane Stamper. ******************** Your donations next weekend will include the weekly offertory to support the parish and Catholic Education Support. If you do not wish to have your name included, please call the office. Sanctuary Lamp Wine & Hosts In Memory of Ken Ericson For the week of January 19 through January 25 At the request of Joe & Pat Peluso In Memory of Mildred Waverla For the week of January 19 through January 25 At the request of Family Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil: 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:00 noon & 7:00 p.m. Holy Days: Please check bulletin for Mass Times Weekdays: (Mon.-Fri.): 7:30 a.m. & 9:00 a.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. Miraculous Medal Novena: Wednesdays after the 9:00 a.m. Mass Adoration & Divine Mercy Chaplet: Tuesday 7:00-8:00 p.m. Sacrament of the Sick: 1st Saturday of the month during the 9:00 a.m. Mass Confessions: Saturday 3:15-4:00 p.m. Rev. Gavin J. Badway, Pastor Rev. Peter Van Nguyen, Parochial Vicar Deacon Lon Phillips, Permanent Deacon Rev. Donald Koch, Retired in Residence Rev. Stephen C. Karas, Weekend Liturgies Msgr. Philip Morris Weekend Liturgies Small Steps to Stewardship: The Small Group Experience Cindy Nau, Stewardship Director Parish ministry leaders and parishioners came together for two productive Saturday morning retreats in November and January. We have been studying the best practices and successes of a dynamic parish, the Church of the Nativity, in Timonium, Maryland. This parish embarked on a “rebuilding” process about 15 years ago which has resulted in growing their Mass attendance from about 600 per weekend to over 3500 coming to Mass. Consider that their sanctuary only seats 600 people and they have only 5 Masses on Saturday evening and Sunday; every Mass is packed! This Christmas Eve, they held their two vigil Masses in the Cow Palace at the local fairgrounds with a combined 10,000 people in attendance! Their story is remarkable and the Pastor, Fr. Michael White and his associate, Tom Corcoran, wrote a book called REBUILT, about how they achieved these successes. You can also explore their website at where you can actually watch their 10:30 a.m. or 5:30 p.m. Sunday Masses LIVE. Click on the Messages and Online Campus link on their website and then click on WATCH US LIVE. One of their most successful programs that helped grow their parish was the development of small groups. As Fr. Michael states, “Small groups are where our great big church becomes small and personal.” Small groups will meet once per week for 60-90 minutes, either here at the parish or in people’s homes, to discuss a particular topic or theme. The theme will be universal among all of the small groups and materials will be provided. A small group can be coed, just men, just women, couples, etc. Each person will complete a Small Group Placement form to determine what kind of group they want to join and the days and times convenient to their own schedule. Small groups will ideally be meeting every day of the week at various times. We will be providing another session for further information and leaders training on Friday, February 27th at 6:00 p.m. in the large room of the Family Center. Placement forms are available on the Welcome Cart in the Family Center or call Cindy Nau, 561-654-6085, for more information. Stop by the Ascension Gift Shop after Mass! Many new gift items available! Open Sunday, 8:00 a.m.— 2:00 p.m. New gift item, perfect for Confirmation, birthdays, high school or college graduations. The pens are MADE TO ORDER by a craftsman who is a parishioner at Holy Name of Jesus parish. Each pen takes about one week to make and are refillable with a Cross pen refill. Stop by the shop to see the samples and feel the balance of these very beautiful pens. Priced by wood choice, $35.00-$50.00. Respect Life Ministry’s annual month-long Baby Shower for Birthline will begin the weekend of Jan. 31/Feb. 1. Look for the display in the Family Center. Thanks to your generosity last year, Birthline was able to give out 196 layettes to mothers in need who depend on Birthline for clothes for their new born babies. This year we are in particular need of: Onesies—Newborn to 12 months Sleep and Play Outfits—Newborn to 6 months Receiving Blankets Bibs Diapers—Size 4 and 5 only New Car Seats Only—We cannot accept used car seats. Little Toys—Beanie Babies are perfect Football Bash Event on February 1 Watch the Super Bowl at the Ascension Church Family Center. As in years past, there will be food and drink available for $15 per person. Everyone is welcome. Tickets are available at the Parish Office or after weekend Masses. Our shower will continue through the month of February to Sunday, March 1. Your generosity will be very much appreciated. Roe V Wade January 22, 2015 will mark the 42nd anniversary of the Roe v Wade decision legalizing abortion. Bishop Barbarito has invited his flock to join him in saying the Rosary. This will take place at 11:00 a.m. Thursday, January 22 across from the Old Courthouse in West Palm Beach. The Respect Life Ministry will meet in the parking lot of Ascension after the 9:00 a.m. Mass and car pool. We welcome anyone to join us. Please call Joan Wildermann at 561-338-3017 for further details. In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the Parish Office will be closed Monday, January 19. The Serra Club of South Palm Beach County is sponsoring a Retreat at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach on Saturday, January 24 beginning with Mass with the seminarians at 9:00 a.m. followed by continental breakfast. Our retreat leader is the very Rev. Michael T. Driscoll, O. Carm. Lunch will be served at 12:15 pm., and the program will end at approximately 1:00 p.m. The donation for attending this event is $25 per person which includes breakfast and lunch. All monies will be donated to the Seminary. For more information, contact Jim Anderson at 561-994-9267. Christmas wishes were abundant in Fr. Lang’s mail box again this year. So many cards, letters and gifts arrived from his thoughtful friends at Ascension that he is sending his heartfelt thankyou to all of you, along with his blessings. PARISH MINISTRY RECEIVES CRS DIOCESAN GRANT In recognition of its work on behalf of those within our community who are in need, Ascension’s Ministry to the Needy has once again been awarded a $500 grant from Catholic Relief Services. This award is made possible each year by donations to the annual CRS Operation Rice Bowl program held throughout the Diocese during the Lenten season. Catholic Relief Services encourages the Diocese to use 25% of the donations for local social justice programs. Grants are provided for the sole purpose of directly assisting those in our local communities who are in need of food, clothing, shelter or medical assistance. Ascension’s Ministry to the Needy was established to provide assistance primarily to Ascension parishioners and those in need within the Parish boundaries. As prudent and feasible, the Ministry also helps neighboring parishes, organizations and outreach programs in their assistance to needy clients and also provides minimal assistance to transients. 13th Annual Catholic Men for Jesus Rally All men, ages 14 and up, are invited to attend the 13th Annual Catholic Men for Jesus Rally to be held on January 31 from 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola. The guest speaker will be Jesse Romero, Catholic author, Radio Host and Evangelist from California—ON FIRE EVANGELIZATION. Suggested Free Will Offering is $20.00 per man. For more information, contact Willy Guardiola at 305-6102992. Visit for the conference flier and registration form. FREE TRANSPORTATION! Contact Deacon Lon at the parish office at 997-5486. Bishop Barbarito will preside at the celebration of our 31st Annual Anniversary Mass for Married Couples on Saturday, February 14 at 10:30 a.m. at Holy Spirit Church in Lantana. Cake, coffee and punch will be served in the parish hall after the Mass. All couples who will be celebrating 25, 40, or 50 or more years of marriage in the calendar year 2015 are invited to participate. To attend, please call Debbie at 997-5486 to register. Please R.S.V.P. no later than Monday, January 26. A note from your parish nurse Many of you have asked, “What is a parish nurse and what do you do?” A parish nurse is a registered nurse with a minimum of 2 years’ experience that works in a faith community to address health issues of its members. A parish nurse seeks to foster physical, emotional, spiritual, and social blending that leads to healthy and healing relationships with God, family, community and culture. I have been a nurse for 35 years and have been hired at Ascension primarily to visit the homebound and the sick. A parish nurse can have several roles: H – Health resource person E – Educator A – Advocate L – Leader to faith and community issues T – Teacher of volunteers H – Healer of body, mind, spirit and community Please feel free to call me with referrals for parishioners that are in the hospital or home bound. Please let me know what type of health programs you would be interested in such as a walking club or yoga. If you have a medical background or have any type of talent that you would like to share with your faith community, please give me a call. 561-430-7770 Thank you for all you support. Barb Bzura RN MSN MEETINGSARESUNDAYS 3:00‐5:00pm MEET GREAT FRIENDS, FOLLOW JESUS, and CHANGE THE WORLD YOUTHandELDERS PROGRAM NextVisit:Saturday,January31st MeetinlobbyofManorCareonYamatoRoadat 10:45am.Pickuptimeis12:30pm. For more info, contact Peter Fernandez: (561) 3058614,
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