Ascension Catholic Church 7250 N. Federal Hwy., Boca Raton, FL 33487 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E-Mail Address: Website: Phone: 561-997-5486 Fax: 561-997-5862 Office Hours: Monday-Friday : 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; Sunday: 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Mass Intentions For the Week Parish Directory AA Mee ng Fri., 7:30‐8:30 p.m. Al‐Anon Mon., 2:00‐3:00 p.m. Altar Servers 561‐997‐5486 Annulments 561‐997‐5486 Birthline 561‐278‐0894 Charisma c Prayer Group 9:30 a.m. every Thurs. Barbara DeCoursy 561‐995‐9137 Coffee & Donuts Liliana Cuschieri 561‐852‐1784 Consola on Ministry Gloria Sho er 561‐620‐7884 Dolores Weissenberger 561‐272‐6731 Council of Catholic Women– 1st Tues. Carolyn Bethmann 561‐358‐3753 E‐Mail Prayer Chain Knights of Columbus‐2nd Tues. Grand Knight, Robert Layer 561‐929‐5672 Men’s Club‐1st Wed. Mike Leising 954‐214‐8563 Ministry to the Needy 561‐901‐5281 Music Ministry Markus Barramedea 561‐632‐3917 Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Cemetery 561‐793‐0711 Parish Nurse Barbara Bzura 561‐430‐7770 Pastoral Council Chairman Tom Benstein Religious Educa on Office Debbie Cramsie 561‐866‐3482 Religious Educa on Special Needs Joan Devine 561‐638‐3619 Respect Life 1st Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. Kathleen Ericksen 815‐451‐2386 R.C.I.A.—Rite of Chris an Ini a on of Adults David Dincher 561‐997‐5486 Serra Club For Voca ons Jim Anderson 561‐994‐9267 Special Needs Children’s Ministry Russell Johnson 561‐767‐0272 Stewardship Director Cindy Nau 561‐654‐6085 Substance Addic on Ministry (S.A.M.) 561‐775‐9527 Sunday Scripture Reflec on Mon., 9:30 a.m. & Thurs., 7:00 p.m. Youth Ministry Peter Fernandez 561‐305‐8614 MONDAY, MARCH 9 7:30 AM Int. of Vanessa Gama (L) ‐ Mom 9:00 AM Salvatore Tozzi—Rae Genna TUESDAY, MARCH 10 7:30 AM Michael Andrea—John & Mary Mo ola 9:00 AM Ken Ericson—Fran Stone WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11 7:30 AM Michael Andrea—Joe & Eileen Caraccia 9:00 AM Msgr. Robert Trainor—Respect Life Ministry THURSDAY, MARCH 12 7:30 AM Agnes Palonis—M/M Bob Donovan 9:00 AM Ken Ericson—Fran Laudato FRIDAY, MARCH 13 7:30 AM Anna Ludlow—Mark Gavino 9:00 AM Fay Sliker—Pat Sliker SATURDAY, MARCH 14 9:00 AM Alonso Hernandez—Sister 4:30 PM Lillian Larsen—Paul & Debbie Schlater SUNDAY, MARCH 15 7:30 AM Rocca Bellan ni, Jr.—Ann & Ed Coleman 9:00 AM Salvatore Simeone—Gloria Klein 10:30 AM Peter Dagos no—The Fiesel Family 12:00 N. Henry Powell—Lorraine Powell & Family Gladys Lanese & Fannie Westrack—George e Sinclair Zita McFee—Sr. Elizabeth 7:00 PM Ascension Parishioners Living & Deceased “We are a sacramental community united to God in the Eucharist, His word and Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit.” LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR SATURDAY, MARCH 14th AND SUNDAY, MARCH 15th SATURDAY 4:30 PM SUNDAY 7:30 AM SUNDAY 9:00 AM SUNDAY 10:30 AM SUNDAY 12:00 NOON SUNDAY 7:00 PM Celebrant Fr. Peter Fr. Karas Fr. Koch Msgr. Morris Fr. Gavin Fr. Gavin Lector Jill Gray Carole Martin Steve Dennison Flo LeFevre Jim Guttuso Rita Gasparri Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Debbie Vashon Sandy Wesley Stevie Davenport Barbara DeCoursy Chickie Egan Roger Martin Valerie Moore Vickie Schaffer Diane Dennison Jim & Cindy Nau Cathy Rhein Betty Sangi Al LeFevre Fred Kelsey Chris Niemir Tony Sturm Marilyn Atkinson Michael & Annette Farenga Carol Smith Carolyn Bethmann Jim & Barbara Anderson Gayle Appel Shawn & Bud Landeck Altar Server Jack LaBonte Hudson & Austin Voltz Kevin Tolly Ann D’Amore Dominick Mirlocca Sunday, March 1, 2015: $14,408.00 Last Year at this time: $15,611.00 Thank you for your continued generosity. Please Pray For: James Orlando, Joann Gillen, Bridger Martin, Lucy J. Guttuso, Norma Sardagnola, Ken Dean Richard Asbury, Joe Nixon, Richard Shotter and for the repose of the soul of John McLoughlin. ******************** If you do not wish to have your name included, please call the office. Sanctuary Lamp Wine & Hosts In Memory of Ken Ericson For the week of March 9 through March 15 At the request of his Loving Wife In Memory of John Sullivan For the week of March 9 Through March 15 At the request of Friends Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil: 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:00 noon & 7:00 p.m. Holy Days: Please check bulletin for Mass Times Weekdays: (Mon.-Fri.): 7:30 a.m. & 9:00 a.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. Miraculous Medal Novena: Wednesdays after the 9:00 a.m. Mass Adoration & Divine Mercy Chaplet: Tuesday 7:00-8:00 p.m. Sacrament of the Sick: 1st Saturday of the month during the 9:00 a.m. Mass Confessions: Saturday 3:15-4:00 p.m. Rev. Gavin J. Badway, Pastor Rev. Peter Van Nguyen, Parochial Vicar Deacon Lon Phillips, Permanent Deacon Rev. Donald Koch, Retired in Residence Rev. Stephen C. Karas, Weekend Liturgies Msgr. Philip Morris Weekend Liturgies Small Steps to Stewardship: It is Your Mission to MAKE THE MISSION! Cindy Nau, Stewardship Director The question for today, this third Sunday of Lent, is “How’s it going?” Has Lent been a journey of new discoveries about your faith and yourself? We tend to be comfortable “where we are” in our faith lives and hesitate to accept changes. In a Lenten challenge from Bishop Robert Morneau this week, we were asked to invite Jesus into the “messiest room in our life.” Once inside, we were to turn on the brightest light and expose the “stuff” that becomes our “cross.” He says that instead of allowing our cross to drag us down, we allow Jesus to take the cross or at least let Him help us carry it. Does this sound too simple? Try it this week and perhaps you can carry that cross to Confession. Make it your “mission” this week to MAKE THE PARISH MISSION! Fr. Michael Greco, will be introducing himself and speaking at all the Masses this weekend. He will be leading two mission sessions each day for three days, Monday - Wednesday. Fr. Michael is a Capuchin Franciscan Friar from Brooklyn, New York. He works in formation ministry and enjoys teaching about the goodness and the challenges of the Gospel, especially during the Holy Season of Lent. MONDAY “Living in Faith: A Dirty Business” Join us at the 3 Day PARISH LENTEN MISSION! Monday, March 9th - Wednesday, March 11th Following 9:00 a.m. Mass or 7:00 p.m. TUESDAY “Lord, Help my Unbelief” (The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered after each presentation.) WEDNESDAY “The Wisdom of Two Francises” Ascension Twenty-Thirty Are you in your 20’s or 30’s and looking for a way to get connected here at Ascension? Ascension Twenty-Thirty is a new small group geared for those in their 20’s and 30’s that are looking for a way to have some fellowship, grow through studying God’s Word and engaging in community outreach. If interested, please call or email Jonathan Sweet for more details at 754-224-6755 or Feeding the Hungry Ascension’s food collection next weekend will benefit The Caring Kitchen food pantry in Delray Beach. They are in need of canned meats (chili, chicken, tuna), canned and/or dry beans. Please bring your donations to the church exits ONLY the weekend of March 15. As we have no storage at the church, please bring your donations only the weekend of the drive. Containers will be at the church exits. NO FRESH VEGGIES FOR FRUITS. For more information, please call Barbara Anderson at 561-994-9267. Thank you so much for your continued generosity. Stations of the Cross will take place every Friday after the 9:00 a.m. Mass during Lent. Mind/Body/Spirit Classes Monday evenings—6:30 p.m. (Floor) THIS WEEK ONLY: NO MONDAY EVENING CLASS THIS WEEK DUE TO THE PARISH MISSION. Friday mornings after 9:00 a.m. Mass (Chair) $5.00 donation Bring a towel and mat. Join us for a spiritual class to strengthen, purify, and renew our body, mind and spirit. Learn to skillfully align your posture to increase energy, vitality and health while reducing stress. Breathe, relax and melt away tension. Relaxation is always included to cultivate stillness. Hope to see you there!! Something New @ Ascension Come and See Sat., March 21 - 9:00-Noon (Starting in the church) Please visit our Facebook page to stay updated on what’s going on around our active parish. From the Parish Nurse... The Benefits of Laughter Is laughter the best medicine? Researchers aren’t exactly sure if the act of laughing makes people feel better or if it’s a combination of a good sense of humor, a positive attitude and the support of friends and family. Researchers do know that we change physiologically when we laugh by stretching muscles throughout our face and body, our pulse and blood pressure go up, and we breathe faster, sending more oxygen to our tissues. Laughter can be like a mild workout. Researcher William Fry claimed it took ten minutes on a rowing machine for his heart rate to reach the level it would after just one minute of hearty laughter. Laughter is essential for your mental health. So laugh hard, laugh often and enjoy this beautiful life that God blessed you with. If you think you are suffering from depression, anxiety or any other mental condition, contact the Mental Health Association of Palm Beach County @ 561-832-3755 or online at Laugh for the day: Why is “abbreviation” such a long word? ACCW “MARY K. GLEICHAUF” SCHOLARSHIPS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR TO BE AWARDED IN MAY The Ascension Council of Catholic Women has announced that it will be awarding two $1000 scholarships this year and that the presentations will take place at the Council’s last meeting of the 2015 season in May. Since 2003, ACCW has awarded two scholarships each year to the children of Ascension parishioners – one for students who presently attend or are preparing to attend a Catholic grade school (K-8), the other for high school (9-12) students. The scholarships were renamed in memory of Mary Gleichauf, the ACCW council member who was chairman of the scholarship committee for many years and an ardent supporter of Catholic Education. This year, each of the two scholarships has been increased to $1000 for the 2015-2016 school year. For eligibility, students must be in good standing and accepted at their Catholic school. High school applicants are required to commit to 10 hours of parish service throughout the school year. Parents of grade school applicants are required to verify 10 personal hours of community, school and/or parish service. Applications are now available at the Parish Office and will also be included on the Parish website. The applications must be returned to the parish office no later than April 15. Winners will be announced by mail and the scholarship funds will be sent directly to the school. Please contact the Parish office for additional information. A.K.A. “Do not conform to the world but be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind” (Rom 12:2a) March 14th - YOUTH AND ELDERS PROGRAM: Visit to Manor Care Boca for St. Patrick's Day. Meet in lobby at 10:45am, group session from 11:00-12:00. We have a fun time with the elders through games and other activities! Service hours. March 21st- SOCIAL EVENT: Park Day at Patch Reef. 2:00-5:00pm Gazebo #5. Spend a fun afternoon at the park enjoying food, drinks, basketball, soccer, frisbee and s'mores! March 29th - SERVICE EVENT: Ascension Parish Picnic for children at the Church 2:00 -5:00pm- Service Opportunity for teens!
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