ENews - CrossRoads United Methodist Church

February 11, 2015
CrossRoads UMC
9315 E. Shelby Dr.
Collierville, TN 38017
Pastor: Rev. Birgitte T. French
Join us in the Fellowship Hall for coffee and donuts before and after Sunday School.
SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9:00 A.M. ******WORSHIP TIME - 10:15 A.M.
There will be two opportunities to worship on Ash Wednesday,
February 18th. Pastor Birgitte will be leading in worship at Heritage at
11:30 am. There will be lunch afterwards. If you are interested in
going to Heritage, please sign up. The sign up sheets are in the lobby
by the sanctuary and on in the south lobby. Also, we will be having Ash
Wednesday Service at CrossRoads at 6:30 pm.
This is the week!! Our Valentine's fundraiser luncheon is happening this Sunday! A huge thank you to
everyone who has already bought tickets. If you weren't able to, give the office a call so we can put you
down and you can pay at the door. The Not-So-Newlywed game is going to be a ton of fun and we can't
wait to tell you more about our trip to Orlando! As always, many thanks to you all as you continue to
support our fantastic students. As we prepare our way for this trip, I ask you to keep us in your prayers as
we look not only to raise money for us to go, but as we prepare our hearts and minds for what we will
learn and bring back to our community.
Grace and Peace,
Jayna D. Leitze
John 13:34-35
I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have love
you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are
my disciples, if you have love for one another.
In an age when fear runs rampant, the call to love stands more paramount. One glance at the news or
social media and we see an ever increasingly callous world. Often we are too involved in our own
political, social, or ideological agenda to truly acknowledge our neighbor’s suffering past our own
personal opinions. We rush to blame faster than love. Unless it speaks to us on an emotional level, we
may miss our chance to care for our neighbor. In the scripture above, we are called to love one
another. By this, people will know that we are children of God. Sometimes it’s easy to love. It’s easy to
gather support for others in need. Families in need of care, children in need of school supplies, people
battling sickness. We Christians really shine in moments like these. But, love is not always easy or
pretty. We are called to love those imprisoned for terrible crimes against others. We are called to
love others who struggle with addiction or mental illness. We can’t pick when to love. We simply must
love. I encourage you to reach out from your comfort. Let God shine through you so that you may
pierce the darkness of callousness and cynicism. Let your hearts carry a song of healing. Teach your
children to stand firm and set their hearts above the pettiness of this world. And let the world know
that you are a Christian by your love!
Jon Steadman
The Enews is uploaded each week to our website: www.crossroadsumc.com
We nurture the congregation with love and prayer;
In sickness and death we are always there.
There are times we can be found
Keeping in touch with our homebound.
The prayer chain and prayer room is our way to pray for you;
The prayer shawl is meant to nurture and comfort you whatever you go through.
At the end of the year, our Veterans we cheer
And thank them for their service over the years.
Once a month we have our day
With study groups, pass-it-on, lunch and retirees at play.
We want to nurture as God nurtures us.
We love God and our church.
By JoAnn Shackleford
On Sunday 2/15, the Open Door Sunday School Class will be starting a new study for
Lent. We will be studying The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus by Adam
Hamilton. This series includes both a book and weekly videos about the life and
ministry of Jesus Christ. We would like to welcome anyone interested in the study to
meet with us for the next 6 weeks in room 17. If you have any questions, please
contact Mike Piercey at 486-7645.
Explore the Birth of the Protestant Church in England and
Meet with other potential travelers and get all your questions answered!
Saturday, February 14, 2015
10:00-11:00 a.m.
Collierville United Methodist Church
9315 E. Shelby Drive, Colllierville
Forest Hill-Irene exit off Hwy 385
Details: Contact Cathi Johnson at cathijohnson1@att.net
or 901.481.9840
What’s Going on at CrossRoads?
Feb. 12, Thurs. - PIO Crocheting Group 9:30 am
Sit and Be Fit Exercise 11:00 am
Home Ministries 6:00 pm
Feb. 14, Sat. - Tour of England and Scotland Mtg 11:00 am
Feb 15, Sun. - Valentine’s Day Luncheon 11:30 am
Convenant Bible Study 4:00 pm
Feb 16, Mon. - Ramblers 11:30 am
Feb 17, Tues. - Line Dancing 5:30pm
If you are a facebook user, please follow
us on facebook at CrossRoads United
Methodist Church, Collierville, TN.
Feb 18, Wed. - Ash Wednesday Service at Heritage 11:30 am
Ash Wednesday Service at CrossRoads 6:30 pm