Readings appointed for February 22nd: The Altar flowers are given by Skip & Barb Talmadge in memory of parents; Bob & Helen Bencker and Gladys & Chuck Talmadge and by Betty White in memory of James G. White and Neal White Prayers of the People Witnesses Remembered Feb 14 Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb 15 16 17 18 19 20 Cyril, Monk, and Methodius, Bishop, Missionaries to the Slavs, 869, 885 Nancy Baker, 1994; David A. Elliott, 2001 Thomas Bray, Priest and Missionary. 1730 — Gerald Wulf, 1998 Mildred Sherman, 1985; Virginia S. Jones, 1999; Henrietta Johnson, 2001 Nelda Kelly, 1985; Hugh “Butch” Wells, 2009; Jane Eppley, 1978; Donald Baudendistel, 1986 Thomas Kipling, Jr, 1988; Edwin Conine, 1993 Birthdays Remembered Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Jono Bradford, Kathy Encell, Lauren Canedy Greg Bowles, Elizabeth McNichols, Bill McSharry Em Karloff, Lou Willour Pat Talmadge, Paul Pearson, Mayen Bol Millicent Long Randy Beller, Zane Gustafson, Paula Rood Anniversaries Feb 14 Feb 15 Feb 18 Louise & Chet Bressman, Liz & Dan Mergens, Glenda Cottam & Arthur Weaver Carol & Bill Anderson, Phyllis & DeLane Christianson, Barb & Skip Talmadge, Jr. The Pomegranate Gift Shop Are you looking for a gift, but unsure what to get? The Pomegranate Shop has gift certificates available. They can be purchased for any amount you desire and are for use in purchases of Pomegranate Shop merchandise. We also have some newly arrived Easter merchandise available! Stop in and see us! A “Note” on Hymnody from Dr. Laura Palmer, Director of Music Ministries “Songs of Thankfulness and Praise” was written in 1862 by Christopher Wordsworth and published in The Holy Year, a collection of hymns written for each Sunday and holy day according to the Book of Common Prayer. This hymn appeared under the heading “Sixth Sunday after Epiphany,” and Wordsworth crafted the text as a summarization of the manifestations of Christ presented in the Scripture lessons throughout Epiphany. The last stanza recounts the Transfiguration of Christ, marking the final Sunday of the liturgical season. Spaghetti Supper Our annual Spaghetti Supper has moved to Refreshment Sunday, March 15th from 5:00-7:00 PM. Lesson: Genesis 9:8-17 Psalm: Psalm 25:1-9 Epistle: 1 Peter 3:18-22 Gospel: Mark 1:9-15 Contact Information Staff 402-393-8612 The Rev. Judi A. Yeates, Rector-In-The-Interim( 402-690-4733 The Rev. Jay Gabb, Part-Time Associate-In-The-Interim ( cell 402-740-4621 Dr. Laura Palmer, Director of Music Ministries ( . ext. 115 Jerry Gray, Music Associate ( .......................... cell 402-657-1395 Jeremy Vogt, Ministry Coordinator ( 845-206-2644 Judith Stribley, Lay Pastoral Assistant ( ................. cell 402-630-7384 Liz Pettinger, Youth Minister ( ................ cell 402-290-8644 Laurie Hamilton, Dir. of Christian Ed. ( cell 402-917-5817 Theresa Newell, Program Assistant ( cell 402-238-8325 Dn. Stephanie Ulrich, R.N., Health Ministries ( ext. 114 home phone: 402-496-2632; cell 402-515-3147 Pageer (Joseph) Alaak, Sudanese Leader ( ......... cell 402-972-6278 Joy Hooyboer, Parish Administrator ( cell 630-234-7737 Tracy Peterson, Facilities Manager ( .. cell 402-305-7781 Cassie Arneson, Financial Administrator ( ) ..... cell 402-212-7326 Dn. Bob Brown, Sexton ( .............................. cell 402-213-4955 Deacons: Lynne Bacon, Bob Brown, Stephanie Ulrich Wardens and Vestry Senior Warden Junior Warden Treasurer Kathy Kresin Maureen O’Connor Roy Phillips Barbara Schaefer To our guests, newcomers & seekers: If you are a guest or new to All Saints, we warmly welcome you. Please make yourself known to one of the priests after the service, and fill in the visitor’s book on the welcome table in the narthex. We thank you for joining us today. We hope you will return often. If you want to learn more about us, fill out a Welcome Card (located in the pew racks) to let us know who you are, to ask questions or to make comments. You may return the card to an usher, place in the offertory plate, or mail to the office. Please join us for Christian Formation for ages 3-adult downstairs in the undercroft. Find us on Facebook by searching All Saints Episcopal Church Omaha! Flu season is here and some of you have been asking whether we should be drinking from the cup and passing the peace during this time of year…Rest assured if you feel more comfortable not doing either…It is perfectly acceptable! ANNOUNCEMENTS visit our Web site: (Desktop Version) (MobileVersion) Reminder: If OPS is closed due to weather, the All Saints office will also be closed . PARISH CALENDAR Tuesday Feb 17 11:30AM Staff Meeting [L] 12:10PM Altar Guild (RC) 2:00 PM Holy Eucharist Elk Ridge 5:00PM Pancake Supper (UC)Wednesday Wednesday Feb 18 7:00AM 12:10PM 5:00 PM 6:00PM 7:00PM Saturday Feb 21 Sunday Feb 22 10:00 AM Yoga for Christians (AR) 5:00PM HOLY EUCHARIST 8:00AM HOLY EUCHARIST 9:00AM AXS EUCHARIST 9:45 AM CHRISTIAN FORMATION (AR) 10:30AM HOLY EUCHARIST 1:30 PM SUDANESE WORSHIP Paul Prentiss Mike Wheeler Doug Lacey Dani Bradford Sam Brown John Bush Greta Vaught Janet Davis Christine Harry Kevin Long Erin Beiriger Chairs: Mark Fredrickson and Gayle Smith Watkins. Bill Anderson, Pam Barsness, Jonathan Bradford, Dean Hokanson, Michael Kresin, Jack Kubat, David McCain, Craig O’Connor, Kay Owen, Matt Payne, Kim Phillips, Mike Roth. Imposition of Ashes/EUCHARIST Imposition of Ashes/Eucharist Imposition of Ashes/AxS Eucharist Confirmation (UC/Rm 8) Imposition of Ashes/Eucharist Search Committee Prayer Please note Almighty God, we pray for the guidance of your Holy Spirit as we seek a new rector for our church. You know our special needs and the task that lies in our hands. Direct us in our search and give us insight to perceive the leader you would choose for us. And we further pray, O Lord, that in this time of waiting we may all devote ourselves afresh to your service, so that nothing will be lost of the faithful work of the past, but rather that it may be brought to a rich harvest in the years to come. This we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. “Welcome to All Saints” reception is today February 15th, following the 10:30 am service in the parlor . If you are new to All Saints within the last year or just want to get acquainted, join the staff for coffee and conversation Thursdays in Lent begin this week Adult Christian Formation Sunday mornings -9:45 - 10:25 am Current Events Series In the Activity Room Come to the Activity Room ready to learn, discuss, and reflect on how your faith asks you to live in today’s world. February 15: Franklin Thompson, City Council member and Associate Professor at UNO, will speak about race relations in Omaha. How is Omaha similar or different from Ferguson, MO or New York City? What can or should be done to improve race relations? Listen to Council member Thompson discuss this very important issue. Inquirers’ Class will be rescheduled This class is perfect for those interested in finding out more about the Episcopal Church and for preparation to be confirmed, received or re-affirmed when Bishop Barker visits on April 26th. Please contact Mother Judi. Lent: A Journey in Prayer begins next week Come Sunday morning 9:45-10:30 to the Activity Room for a study of The Book of Not So Common Prayer. Fr. Jay Gabb will take us through the first two chapters of the book. The class will be repeated Wednesday evening 6:307:30 after our “Soup for the Soul” Supper. Complete details, class outline and books are available in the narthex. “Transform the way you pray and live. Each step you take on this journey will change your prayer habits and enrich your life. Embark on a new adventure in faith through prayer!” Lenten Retreat, “The Practice of Prayer” March 6-8 St. Benedict Retreat Center in Schuyler, NE Join Mother Judi in a beautiful setting to experience the transformative power of practicing prayer. Teaching will come from the book “The Practice of Prayer” by Margaret Guenther using many techniques from The Book of Not So Common Prayer by Linda McCullough Moore. There is a sign up sheet in the Narthex. Deadline to register and $50 deposit are due in the office by February 16th. th “Lent Is Not for Rocket Science” begins this Thursday the 19 at The Egg & I, [147th & West Maple Road] at 11:30a. Bishop Nick Knisely “invites you to journey from the largest scale of the created order inward to the very smallest scale we can speak about” and “all will lead us to new insights about God’s relationship with us. Come and be amazed. Read the Intro and first 3 days if you can. Books are $5 from Fr. Jay or in the office. Everyone Welcome! Ash Wednesday is February 18th; Services for Ashes and Holy Eucharist Service Times for Holy Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes 7:00 a.m. 12:10 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Spoken Liturgy (Chapel) Traditional Liturgy & Hymns Contemporary Liturgy & Music (AxS) Traditional Liturgy with Hymns & the Chancel Choir MITE JARS This is it, the chance for your change to make a change. Look at your daily Lenten calendar for each day, say a prayer for that day and put your change into your mite jar and bring it to church PALM SUNDAY. All the monies will be combined and sent to help support DEO. DEO stands for Downtown Episcopal Outreach, a ministry housed at Trinity Cathedral but staffed by people from several parishes, including All Saints. Pick up your mite jar and calendar in the Narthex and begin filling it with your spare change during Lent. The 7th Annual Service of Evensong Sunday, February 22nd at 4:00 p.m. The combined choirs of All Saints, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, and St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church will present a service of Evensong on the first Sunday in Lent, February 22nd at 4:00 p.m. the service will be held at All Saints and feature the choral music of T.TertiusNoble and Stephen Paulus. Please mark your calendar for this special musical event! A reception will follow. Foyer Dinners are here! Soup for the Soul Join us for Soup supper and fellowship on Wednesday, February 25, 5:30-6:30 in the Undercroft. This will be a “soup”-er supper catered by Table Grace Cafe. Contributions will be taken to benefit Table Grace. This will also be a “soup”-er kick-off to our Wednesday Soup for the Soul suppers and prayer study which will continue on subsequent Wednesdays during Lent (March 4, 11, 18, and 25). Please note: the subsequent soup suppers will not be catered. This is your chance to share your favorite soup! There will be a sign-up sheet to bring food for the Wednesdays in March. -2- Sign up for the Foyer Dinners are finally here! In the Narthex, we have a sign up sheet for our Foyer Dinners. What are the Foyer dinners? They are a social dinner with a consistent group of people that you get to know over the course of our monthly dinners. Each Foyer group decides how often to meet and where (usually at a restaurant or at a host’s house). Please sign up now! All Saints History Now Available! “The Great Crowd,” written by Fr. Mike Tan Creti, a former rector, is now for sale in paperback and hard cover, in the Pomegranite Shop. -3- Youth in FOCUS at All Saints Our All Saints Youth Group, is held on Wednesday evenings from 6:00- 7:30 in the retreat center. All youth in 7th through 12th grade are welcome! Youth In Focus will not be held Ash Wednesday but will resume on Wednesday February 25th in the retreat center. Please talk to Liz Pettinger if you are interested or have any questions. ( or 402-290-8644 Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper is thisTuesday, February 17th! Please join us for our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper from 5:30-7:00pm on February 17th! We will be serving up pancakes (with an assortment of toppings), sausage and beverages! Also, not to be missed will be the White Elephant raffle with many unique items you could be taking home with you! The pancake supper is presented by the J2A youth and their parents. All proceeds will go to benefit this group on their mission trip to the Dominican Republic this June! Admission is $5 per person or $15 per family. Chili Cook Off and Bake Off 2015 It was wonderful to see so many of you for the Chili Cook off and Bake Off 2015! It was a great success and thank you to all of those who entered their chili or baked good...everyone left with a full and happy tummy! Congratulations to our winners Roy Phillips (Chili) and Tracy Peterson (Baked Good)! Overall the event was able to raise $966 for the J2A mission trip to the DR this June! This is SO EXCITING and the J2A group appreciates every single dollar! Blanket Project for Siena Francis Thanks to everyone who participated in the Blanket Project for Siena- Francis House!! We were able to complete 31 blankets last Sunday! We had over 60 children, youth, teachers and adult volunteers who participated. I want to give a special thanks to everyone who donated the fleece materials and prepped the blankets. We also received a very generous donation from St. Mary’s Guild to help purchase materials. We will be blessing the blankets at the 9:00 AxS and 10:30 am services and delivering them to Siena-Francis House next week. Yoga for Christians is offered each Saturday from 10-11am in the Activity Room. Come exercise your body, mind and spirit. Note: there will be no yoga class on March 7. -4-
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