The Time After Epiphany, and Lent, February 2015 Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church Our Mission: We are a welcoming family in Christ who serves through celebrating and sharing our many gifts. February Events 2015: The Year of Sharing “I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective when you perceive all the good that we may do for Christ.” Philemon 1:6 At our church council retreat on January 11, I mused about naming 2015 at SVLC “The Year of Sharing”. This was not meant to dictate an agenda but rather to activate, and give a little focus and direction. In so many ways, are already an incredible community of sharing. I’m just wondering about naming and putting even more intentionality on this central Christian practice. So here are a few initial thoughts about making 2015 The Year of Sharing… 1. I keep thinking about my grandparents, who gave a canister of cookies to my dad this Christmas. On the card they wrote: “Please share.” We laughed at the time, and made sure Dad followed his instructions. But the more I considered it, I think all of Jesus’ teachings might be summed up in this short but fundamental command. And sharing is taught. I love the multi-generational component to this simple illustration, as we think about “doing church”, a.k.a., life together: Older generations (my grandparents) teach/instruct the younger ones (my parents), who teach me. And hopefully, we now turn and do likewise, teaching our children and grandchildren. Above all, God shares with us, so we share with each other. “Please share,” God says. Feb. 2 – Bible Study 6:30pm Feb. 3 – CPR Training, 6-9pm at SVLC Feb. 8 – Congregational Meeting Part 2, 12pm Chili Dog Fundraiser for lunch! Feb. 9 – Bible Study 6:30pm Feb. 3 – CPR Training, 6-8pm at SVLC Feb. 15 – Celebration for Tanya, 12pm Feb. 15 – Fat Tuesday Sunday, 6pm Feb. 17 – Tuesday Morning Bible Study, 9-11am Feb. 18 – Ash Wednesday, Service at noon & 7pm Feb. 21 – Work Party 7:15am at SVLC Feb. 25 – Lenten Supper @ 6pm & Service @ 7pm Feb. 28 – Quilting at SVLC 9am-3pm Confirmation 9am-1pm Upcoming Events Every Wed. in March – Lenten Supper @ 6pm And Lenten Vespers @ 7pm March 11- Chili Cookoff Potluck Supper March ? – Evening with Richard Lederer April 19 – Chili Cook-off for Agape House at St. Andrews Lutheran April 24-26 – Women’s Retreat at Luther Glen 2. Sharing is not a burden or a daunting task: sometimes, it’s actually way more fun to share. Cookies, yes (if we hoard them, we get sick)...but so much more. Sharing brings us together and spreads joy around! Remember when the electricity went out all over SD? I don’t know about your neighborhood, but in ours, everyone was out in their front yards sharing – on might say – time, talents, and treasures. Like cookies, “take some, and then pass it on.” 3. Sharing doesn’t just mean sharing something that you received like a gift, or money, or time, or a resource. I also means sharing your own thoughts, opinions, concerns and ideas. It’s not just listening to others, but also sharing part of yourself too. That’s risky, but that’s part of what it means to share life together. Do we love and trust each other enough to speak from the heart? 4. Just as we share from our personal lives and “treasure chests” (time, talents, resources) with SVLC, so we also continue to share from our SVLC communal life with the local community and beyond: TACO, Common Ground, El Nido, Crisis House, Survivors, Pacifica Synod, Lutheran World Relief, Lutheran Retreats Camps and Conferences, Agape House, Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary & California Lutheran University. To this end, flip the page for a few concrete ideas for 2015: (Continued on next page) SVLC Vistas The Time After Epiphany / and Lent February 2015 Our Welcoming Family in Christ… 2015: The Year of Sharing (continued from previous page) ...a few concrete ideas for 2015: A new photo directory…and recipes in one spiral-bound book! – sharing not just our food, but also how to make our food. Summer pictures & stories -- sharing our adventures and learnings from our summer experiences. “Hot button” dinner parties -- What are healthy and more loving ways that we might share more of who we are and why we take a certain stance on [insert “hot button” issue]? Perhaps the church becomes the model for people disagreeing but listening and loving each other anyway… Living and continuing in our “Today’s Mission – Tomorrow’s Vision” Capital Campaign – lots of sharing here! Sharing in worship every Sunday; and home devotions during the week; and group bible study Emphasis on sharing/teaching skills and gifts we bring (quilting, singing, brewing, building, cooking etc.) Interested in making any of these happen? What are your ideas about sharing? How can we share what God has so graciously given us? Pastor Dan Annual Congregational Meeting, Part II Sunday, February 8, 2014 ~ 12:00pm at SVLC Come hear annual reports, review our updated Church Constitution (Printed and pdf copies available this week), welcome this years’ Council Liaisons, and choose Voting Members for our Synod Assembly. We’ll also serve Chili Dogs again with proceeds from the free-will donations going towards our bid for the golden ladle at the Annual “Hotter than Thou” Chili Cookoff for Agape House Campus Ministries. Did You Know? Your 2015 Council ministry liaisons include: President: Kevin Gannon Vice President / Finance: Shaunda Jacobson Secretary / Music & Worship Arts Liaison: Phil Overlund Treasurer /Property Liaison: Brent Lokensgard Education Liaison: Melissa Roa Evangelism Liaison: Deanne Ross Inreach/Fellowship Liaison: Camelia Gower Outreach Liaison: Rachelle Collins Stewardship & Memorials Liaison: Vern Kjonegaard Women's Retreat...Save the Date! April 24-26 at Luther Glen Retreat Center Need some time to yourself? Want to finish a craft or project that's been hanging over your head? Want to get to know some of your SVLC sisters better? Want to commune with nature & God undisturbed? Then have we got the thing for you! The Quilting Retreat is now a Women's Retreat. Devotions, meal times, & worship will be with everyone...then you make your own agenda for the rest of the time. You can learn to sew or quilt and work on the prepared quilting project or you can bring your own project or craft to work on. You can catch up on that stack of books you keeping meaning to get to or go walk the labyrinth and have some quiet time with God. This retreat is what you make of it. Good food, friendship & laughter guaranteed!! For more information contact Dixie Lokensgard, Stephanie Jordan, or Heather Roschke. Interested in Camping? A few of us at SVLC are planning a campout this spring at Sweetwater Regional Park (See photo to right) just to start things off. There are sites for tents and for RV, even horses are welcome. Think campfires, cookouts and group hikes. Perhaps there will be more outings planned. Please sign up in the narthex or send an email to if you’re interested “Day” Campers Invited Too! SVLC Vistas The Time After Epiphany / and Lent February 2015 …Celebrating Our Many Gifts You’re Invited to a Celebration… Tanya Quintero Campillo has been a member of our ABC Barn staff for 15 years! She is currently our Assistant Director Sunday, February 15 Please join us for worship at 10:30am and lunch immediately following the service right here at Shepherd of the Valley R.S.V.P. by February 6 to or call 619.670.7656 Hope to see you there! ABC Barn Assistant Director Tanya Quintero-Campillo Devotional Materials for Lent After reflection on our upcoming biblical texts for the season of Lent, the Worship & Music Arts team have identified five themes. All are invited to reflect and practice each of these themes as we travel the path (of Jesus) through Lent. Every congregation member will be invited to tie a purple yarn bracelet around their wrist to remind us that the temptation to stray from the path of Jesus is always with us. Each week a key tag will be distributed to serve as a reminder of each theme. Week 1: Forgiveness Week 2: Generosity Week 3: Hospitality Week 4: Attentiveness Week 5: Participation We also have several printed devotional materials available in the narthex. Please feel free to take home any that interest you. The Latest From Today’s Vision—Tomorrow’s Mission Another Tanya to be Proud of Gina Seashore’s daughter Tanya was recently asked to lecture to 200 high school students on American culture in her town (Lingxi, China.) Tanya you’re great! Our council property liaison and building committee member is talking with the City of La Mesa about our plans. To date we have pledges totaling $332,000, and we have received $64,000 of that in donations already! Thanks Be to God! SVLC Vistas The Time After Epiphany / and Lent February 2015 Worship in the Center FAT SUNDAY CELEBRATION – FEBRUARY 15 AT 6:00PM Grab your beads and something for potluck and get ready to praise God New Orleans style. Our second annual “Fat Sunday” celebration at SVLC will be Feb. 15th at 6PM. Enjoy upbeat songs from the choir and a Dixieland band. Sing and clap along to some jazzed up hymn favorites and, of course, enjoy some delicious Cajun-inspired food! Laissez les bons temps rouler! (Let the good times roll!) RSVP/sign up in the Narthex or with the office. Beginning February 25 and continuing every Wednesday during Lent, join us for 6pm Potluck Supper / 7:00pm Lenten Vespers ABC Barn Chapel Schedule all at 9:30am* Mon., February 2 – President’s Day Tues., February 10 – Valentine’s Day Mon., February 17 – Dental Awareness Tues., February 24 – Zoo From That Music Lady… (aka Gina Seashore, SVLC Minister of Music) *time subject to change; call the church office to double-check . Looking For Kids Who Like to Sing! I am looking for elementary school age kids who like to sing to join our choir for a song on Palm Sunday (March 29th) at the 10:30 AM service. I have the music and a link to listen to it online. It would involve some time learning it at home plus 2 rehearsals at the church on previous Sundays. See me at church or email me for more information: SVLC Easter Choir If you like to sing, but have limited time, consider joining our choir for Easter time only. We meet on Thursday evenings at 7PM and will begin practicing Easter music on February 26 through March. We’d love to have you join us! ** EVERYONE WELCOME** Bible Study at SVLC The Monday evening (6:30pm) group will meet on Feb. 2 and 9, but will not meet during Lent. The Tuesday morning group will meet on February 17 from 10am at SVLC. Come Study With Us! Upcoming Narrative Lectionary Schedule Requesting a Prayers & Squares Quilt Here is a schedule of our readings in February If you would like to request a quilt for someone who needs our prayers, simply complete a blue form found in the nursery in the wall holder and then call or email Janice Hardy and go to the closet to choose a quilt. It would be helpful if you would also let the church office know the date when the quilt will be blessed and tied. While we do not sell the quilts, donations are gratefully accepted to help offset the cost of materials. Just make the check payable to SVLC and write “quilt” in the memo. Next quilting day is February 28 from 93pm. All experience levels welcome! February 1 Treasure in Heaven February 8 Feeding 5000 February 15 Bearing the Cross February 18 Who is the Greatest February 22 Forgiveness Matthew 6:7-21 Matthew 14:13-33 Matthew 16:24—17:8 Matthew 18:1-9 Matthew 18:15-35 May God go with us, as we continue to journey through our Holy Book, Pastor Dan SVLC Vistas The Time After Epiphany / and Lent February 2015 Serving and Sharing in Response Extending God's Welcome Saturday, February 21 at SVLC Beginning February 7, and through February 21, our neighbors at Santa Sophia Catholic Church in Spring Valley will be assisting families in need by hosting the East County Interfaith Shelter for two weeks. This invaluable service helps people transition from homelessness to a more stable life. You can help! SVLC has the opportunity to provide dinner for 12-15 people one evening, assist with overnight chaperones, and help move items to the next shelter location. Look for sign-up sheets and details about dates in the narthex, or call the church office. It’s just a chance to get together and have some fun while getting a few things done for our church. This month, among other items, we’ll help prepare the garden for growing. Everyone is invited to start the day with a hearty and happy breakfast. Coffee is ready at 7:15am and the morning meal will be shared shortly after that. Come on Saturday, February 21th, anytime From coffee until about 11:00am. It’s the Souper Bowl! Don’t be deflated by the issues of hunger in our community. Here at SVLC we celebrate the SOUPer Bowl. During the month of February we'll collect cans of soup-- to boost the food pantry at Crisis House, and to give to those who come to SVLC in need of food. In the narthex you'll find a display where you can show your support for the AFC (New England Patriots) or NFC (Seattle Seahawks) football teams by bringing cans of soup to put on your favorite side. The side with the most cans is the Souper Bowl winner! The football game is on Sunday, Feb. 1st, but we'll collect soup throughout the entire month of February. Get pumped up to participate! P.S. If you're interested in cultivating a plot in the Community Garden this year, talk with Rodney Ross for more information. Happy Spring! Needed: Lenten Supper Organizer One of our wonderful traditions here at SVLC is gathering together for supper before Wednesday Lenten Vespers during the 5 weeks of Lent. Supper at 6pm, Lenten Vespers at 7pm. Figuring out who's bringing what, who's going to set up, and who's going to clean up pretty much encompasses the job description in general, but obviously there are the details. I'd always advocate keeping it simple, in the spirit of Lent: simple soups, salads, breads. Potluck style. We've also had some amazing feasts in the past too! Some of our previous organizers have been Frances Butler, Stephanie Jordan, Therese Monroe, Ellie Taylor, Ann Durham and Jan name a few. I know they have much more insight and knowledge as to what exactly goes into coordinating the event each Wednesday. And perhaps they'd be willing to share the wisdom of their experience, but...Is anyone willing to volunteer? Either way, thank you for considering, and may God continue to bless and keep you in your many and various vocations through these weeks. Grace and peace, Pastor Dan SVLC Vistas The Time After Epiphany / and Lent February 2015 Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church 10842 Fury Lane La Mesa, CA 91941 - 7305 Phone: (619) 670-7656 web: email: From the ELCA World Hunger E news—Walk For Water The global water crisis doesn’t often make headlines. But the truth is that it claims more lives each year than war. (1) Globally, 1.8 billion people – that’s about one out of every four people – drink from contaminated water sources. Unsafe water leads to illnesses that claim the lives of 840,000 people each year, almost half of whom are children under the age of five. What’s more, women and children spend hours each day collecting water. This keeps them from school, work, and time with family. This keeps families and communities from learning, earning an income, and contributing to the local economy. This year, youth have a unique opportunity to join together and do something big through ELCA World Hunger’s Walk for Water. This special opportunity is a year-long, youth-driven fundraising challenge to raise $500,000 in support of water-related projects of ELCA World Hunger. Thanks to a generous family, all gifts toward this goal will be matched, dollar for dollar, until we reach a total of 1 million! Together, we can make a difference, creating healthier families, stronger economies and a future filled with hope. Stay tuned to find out how YOU can be involved. Sources: World Health Organization and United Nations Development Report, 2006 New Church Directory —Printed copies will be available on February 8 and we will also email a pdf version to our members. Please check your own information and contact the church office ASAP if you notice any errors. A Photo directory will be published soon too, courtesy of Life Touch Photography. Watch for info about getting your portrait taken soon. Every “group” of one or more will receive an 8 x 10 portrait and a copy of the directory free of charge! Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church Our vision: Extending God’s welcome to all we meet along the way. SVLC Office: 670-7656 / ABC Barn Office: 670-3898 Rev. Daniel Roschke, Pastor / Ms. Gina Seashore, Minister of Music / Mr. Ron Blake, ABC Barn Director / Jenny Fenner, Parish Administrator / Sunday worship services are held at 8:15 am and 10:30 am Nursery care for young children and Sunday School for preschool through Grade 5 at 10:30. Catch us on Facebook under the name, La Mesa SVLC” Become a Facebook “Friend” of SVLC — or at least tell us that you “Like” us : ) “Please keep in your prayers…” Stewardship Notes: ¯ “I never would have been able to tithe the first million dollars I ever made if I had not tithed my first salary, which was $1.50 per week.” — John D. Rockefeller, Sr. (1839-1937), American industrialist and philanthropist. Those recovering from or dealing with illness The poor and vulnerable People facing challenges and facing up to injustice Please send completed articles for Vistas by the 15th to
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