February 2015 February 18 is Ash Wednesday, marking the beginning of Lent. I had never observed Lent until I became Lutheran, which may be one of the reasons I find it to be such a powerful season in the life of the church. Lent is 40 days, excluding Sundays, set aside to prepare for Easter by observing a period of a time of self-denial, sacrifice, moderation and spiritual discipline. Let’s be honest; these are not very trendy concepts in today’s culture where immediate self-gratification and the need to eat, drink, and buy whatever we want dominates our daily lives. A sense of entitlement inundates those living in this post-modern society and greatly impacts us as Christians observing Lent to fully reflect on Jesus Christ—his life, ministry, suffering, sacrifice, death, burial and resurrection. Sure, we might “give up” chocolate or coffee or wine for Lent as a means of denying ourselves of things that we like, but what is the result? I am learning on my own spiritual journey that denial, sacrifice, moderation and spiritual discipline are about much more than giving up sodas or Starbucks for Lent. Consider this: Jesus fasted at times but he also enjoyed feasting and getting to know all kinds of people, many of whom would not have been considered “religious” in his day. But whether he was fasting or feasting, Jesus was not merely floating from place to place like a feather on the breeze; rather, he knew where he was going. He was in touch with who he was and the intention of his life. No matter what the day held for him, feast or famine, joy or grief, rest or endurance, he did not allow the moments of the day to overshadow his certainty of who created him and for what purpose. I wonder: can we say the same? Self-denial during Lent are reminders that life is not all about the “stuff” we enjoy, but rather that there is more to this precious gift of life than self-indulgences and the material things that we want and enjoy. So what if we took it up a notch this Lenten season? Rather than eating out every week, what if we stayed home and put the money in a jar then at the end of Lent, gave it to a charity, maybe a food pantry of shelter? Or maybe we could turn off the television, computers, cell phones, etc., for one evening each week and spend time as a family in conversation, prayer and reflection (Wednesday night Lenten services are a perfect way of doing just that). Finally, rather than abstaining from chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, or whatever one’s vice may be, perhaps we would do well to take the advice of Pope Francis who suggested we give up indifference. In his Lenten message, the Pope said that “God is not indifferent to our world; he so loves it that he gave his Son for our salvation,” explaining that one of the most “urgent challenges” of today’s world — and the one to which he dedicated his Lenten message — “is precisely the globalization of indifference.” The Pontiff went on to say, “But we can only bear witness to what we ourselves have experienced,” and he encouraged the faithful to turn to the sacraments during Lent — particularly the Eucharist — in order to better imitate the Lord. So, perhaps this Lenten Season may be a time for us to reflect on difficult times in our lives, and rather than being indifferent to the suffering of others, we might, at the very least, acknowledge their suffering by bearing witness to our own experience and taking action to try to alleviate the suffering. That is what it means to share in the human condition. In doing so, we fulfill the Lenten sacrifices, moderation and spiritual discipline that prepare us for the wonder and joy of Easter. Peace+, Inside This Issue Becks Evangelical Lutheran Church 441 Becks Church Road Lexington, NC 27292 (336) 249-2056 The Rev. Angela F. Jackson, Pastor The Rev. David K. Huddle, Pastor Emeritus Visit us on the web at www.beckslutheranchurch.org —Congregation Council 2 —Financial News —Birthdays —Women’s Bible Study 3 —Upcoming Events 4 —Youth News —Touching Davidson County with Love 5 —Memorials/Honorariums —Winter Jam —Young at Heart 6 —Lenten Services —Sunday School —World Day of Prayer 7 —Calendar 8 Page 2 Becks Evangelical Lutheran Church planned a ski trip on December 30, 2014. Congregational Council Education Board: No report. Minutes of December 18, 2014 Members Present: Pastor Angie, Buford Blankenship, Roscoe Walker, Donna Myers, Gary Fletcher, Micky Beck, Brenda Hedrick, Angel Lineberry, Jack Klass, Jackie Helton, Wade Brown. Also Present: Tammie Beck Absent: Forrest Frey, Rhonda Gallimore Call to Order: President Buford Blankenship Devotions: by Brenda Hedrick Membership & Outreach Team: The youth provided the December meal at the Crisis Ministries shelter. Roscoe Walker’s team will take care of January. Micky Beck is going to contact Kelly Newsome to get the names of our new church members to determine their interest in assisting with this monthly meal. Micky and Kelly will work together to remove names of those who are no longer members. Pastor’s Report: The Pastor’s report was reviewed. There were no changes. Welcome: President Buford Blankenship welcomed the new members to the Coun- Council President Reports: cil: Jack Klass, Jackie Helton and Wade A Council Retreat and meeting for January will be on January 17th at Brown. 9:00 in the Fellowship Hall. The goal of the retreat is to set goals for the Approval of Minutes: The minutes from coming year. Looking back, the the November 13th meeting were recouncil reached all the goals set for viewed. A motion to approve the minutes 2014 except one. was made by Gary Fletcher and seconded by Roscoe Walker. Council voted unani Girl Scouts- all three groups are mously to approve the minutes. meeting on the 2nd Tuesday in the basement. Several suggestions were PETITIONS FROM CONGREGAdiscussed and it was decided a key TIONAL MEMBERS will be put in a lockbox so all three None were made. groups have access to the basement area for their meeting. REPORTS: Finance: Buford Blankenship reviewed the budget in detail for the benefit of the Regular Business: new and existing members. New members were welcomed and Stewardship Team: No report. the members retiring from Council were thanked for their service. NomiProperty Team - Buford Blankenship had nations were taken for the officers: - President – Buford Blankenship a conversation with the current sexton, - Vice President – Micky Beck Terri Groves, and she let him know that she would no longer be able to work here - Secretary – Donna Myers at the church. The position will have to be All nominated officers were unanifilled and Buford stated that he has had mously approved by the Council. interest expressed by a couple of people. Roscoe Walker, Gary Fletcher and Buford Blankenship will serve on There is a job description detailing the the Finance Committee. responsibilities of the sexton. Service and Fellowship Team: No report. Worship Team: No report. Youth and Family: Five members of the Youth went shopping for the angel tree family and fed the homeless shelter on the same day in December. The Youth have ing that same day. Council unanimously approved all members. Pastor Angie Jackson presented the following people for church membership: Janet-Marie Buchner, Eddie Collins, Penny York, Corinne Burris, Joyce DeSiato and Jennifer Cottingham. Janet-Marie will be joining the church on December 22nd. Eddie, Penny and Jennifer may also be join- The organ in new basement (from the estate of Sue Gallimore, given by Jerry Gallimore) will be given to First Lutheran Church for use in the Family Life Center. Jerry Gallimore has indicated that we could do with it as we wish – and this placement will mean that the organ is once more in use. A report of receipts from the Christmas play was disbursed to several different groups. A copy of the report will be included in the packet for the January meeting. Profits from the Christmas card sale were used for the shelter meal in December. All food that was left over from feeding the main shelter was taken to the family shelter (Genesis House) next door. Pastor Angie went to visit Chris and Barbara Jenkins and her grandson. They had a great visit and celebrated Holy Communion together. Chris Jenkins has asked, by written letter, to be removed from the church roll. Vacation time for Pastor Angie Jackson was approved for December 27, 2014 – January 3, 2015. A motion to adjourn was made by Micky Beck and seconded by Roscoe Walker. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Donna Myers, Secretary Becks Evangelical Lutheran Church Becks Lutheran Church Page 3 February Monthly Financial Report Keep giving until God stops giving to you. Needed for the month of January —Budget —Mortgage Acct. $11,961.00 $3,000.00 January 4, 2015 —Budget —Mortgage Acct. $4,046.00 $1,268.00 January 11, 2015 —Budget —Mortgage Acct. $2,190.00 $723.00 January 18, 2015 —Budget —Mortgage Acct. $2,492.00 $398.00 January 25, 2015 —Budget —Mortgage Acct. $2,627.00 $523.00 Total Receipts for January —Budget —Mortgage Acct. $11,355.00 $2,912.00 Women’s Bible Study “Coffee with the Savior” The Women’s Bible Study continues each week in February on Tuesday mornings at 10:30 AM. The group meets in the office complex. Forrest Frey 1 Patty Beck 6 Ruby Briggs 11 Amber (Strabley) Craver 12 Kathryn Jones 15 Rain Rachels 15 Dean Leonard 17 Ernest Ingle 19 Robert (Bob) Leonard 22 Joyce O’Neil 24 Linda Barefoot 26 Page 4 Upcoming Events at Becks Lutheran Church The Choir will meet for rehearsal each The Church Council will meet on ThursWednesday evening at 7:00pm in the day, February 12, 2015. The Finance choir room. Team will meet at 6:00pm; Council Dinner will be at 6:30pm and the Council The Women’s Bible Study will continue Meeting will be at 7:00pm. each Tuesday in the month of February at 10:30am in the office complex. The Lutheran Men will Chaperone at the Crisis Ministries Shelter on the evening A Special Sunday School Video of February 15, 2015. Series will continue each Sunday in the Huddle Classroom with PasThe Prayer Shawl Ministry will tor Huddle and Alan Hoppenmeet on Wednesday, February 18, steadt. The class is called “Faith 2015 at 12:30pm in the Office Lessons on the Death and ResurComplex. We welcome anyone rection of the Messiah.” The class who would like to participate in begins at 9:30am. this meaningful ministry. Whether you are experienced, or a beginThe Circle of Faith, Hope and ner, we have room for you! Love will meet on Sunday, February 1, 2015, at 3:00pm in the The Ash Wednesday Service will Huddle Classroom. Hostesses be in the Sanctuary on Wedneswill be Christine England and Lisa Jones. day, February 18, 2015, at 7:00pm. The program will be led by Jeanette Holder. The Lutheran Men will meet on Thursday, February 19, 2015, at 6:30pm at The Young at Heart will meet on Lexington Style Trimmings. Wednesday, February 11, 2015, at 10:30am in the Fellowship Hall. The meal will be covered dish. This will be a special event for everyone who attends! The Worship Team for Ministry will meet on Wednesday, February 11, 2015, at 5:00pm in the Office Complex. Providing the meal for the Shelter on Saturday, February 14, 2015, Ronald & Karen Lamb, Alan & Becky Hoppensteadt and Bob Leonard. Becks Lutheran Church Page 5 Becks Lutheran Youth News Pictured at left is Alyssa Everhart at a recent gymnastics competition. Alyssa won first place in the Bars and Beam and second place in Floor and Vault. She also received first place for overall best combined scores. Alyssa is in level 2 AAU. The competition was held in Asheville, NC on January 2, 2015. WAY TO GO, ALYSSA!!!!!! Chili Cook-Off Touching Davidson County with Love Touching Davidson County with Love March 28, 2015 Please see Jamie Everhart if you know of someone with a project who needs assistance in getting it completed. Education News Hannah Jackson made the Dean’s List and the Chancellor’s List by earning a 4.0 GPA at UNC-Charlotte for the Fall Semester. Matt Jackson made the Dean’s List at Lenoir Rhyne for the Fall Semester! Matt is on track to graduate in May! Hallie Jackson made the A/B Honor Roll at Lexington Middle School. Congratulations to these fine young people! Page 6 Memorials Given to the Budget in memory of Sandy Vawter: Adult Class — Becks Lutheran Church Maxine Mull Tim Mull James and Elizabeth Leonard Roger and Mary Vawter Richard and Mittie Cushman Young at Heart Valentine Party Given to the Discretionary Fund in memory of Judy Farmer by: Young at Heart — Becks Lutheran Church Bob Leonard __________________________________________________ Wednesday, February 11, 2015 Church Fellowship Hall Honorariums Come join us at 10:30 AM for bingo, games and prizes! Given to the Budget in honor of Doris Allen by: Alan and Becky Hoppensteadt We will enjoy a covered dish luncheon. Winter Jam 2015 Winter Jam 2015 On Saturday, February 14, 2015, the Youth of Becks Lutheran Church will attend the Winter Jam at Greensboro Coliseum. Please see Michelle Moore or Rhonda Gallimore for more details. Becks Lutheran Church Page 7 Sunday School Video Series Beginning February 1, 2015, Pastor Huddle and Alan Hoppensteadt will lead us in a 10 week video series on "The Death and Resurrection of the Messiah". Join us at 9:30am every Sunday morning as teacher and historian Ray Vander Lann leads us to sites throughout the Holy Land where Jesus walked, suffered and rose from the dead on Easter Sunday. Lenten Worship Services Ash Wednesday Service February 18, 2015 7:00 PM Sanctuary __________________________________________ Weekly Lenten Services each Wednesday during Lent beginning February 25, 2015 Light Supper at 6:00 PM Meditation/Study to begin at 6:30 PM World Day of Prayer Friday, March 6, 2015, 7:00 PM Becks Lutheran Church will host the 2015 World Day of Prayer Service. We will unite with four other congregations for this special event. Please join us for worship and fellowship! 9:30 SS Video Series 23 16 9 2 Mon Ushers: Kent Beck Team Gary Fletcher Team Micky Beck Team Robbie Harrison Team Buford Blankenship Team *February 18 is Ash Wednesday Date: 1 8 15 18* 22 Tue 10:30 Women’s Bible Study Carlyn Gallimore 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 6:00 Lenten Supper 6:30 Lenten Study Choir Rehearsal Following Lenten service 25 12:30 Prayer Shawls Office Complex 7:00 Ash Wednesday Service Sanctuary 18 10:30 Young at Heart Fellowship Hall 5:00 Worship Team for Ministry Office Complex 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 11 4 Wed Thu 26 Worship/ Communion Assistant Rob Crawford Rob Crawford Rob Crawford Rob Crawford Rob Crawford 27 20 13 6 January Lector Jackie Helton 6:30 Lutheran Men Lexington Style Trimmings 19 6:00 Finance Team 6:30 Council Dinner 7:00 Council Meeting 12 5 Serving in February 10:30 Women’s Bible Study 24 10:30 Women’s Bible Study 17 10:30 Women’s Bible Study 10 3 Bell Ringers: Alyssa Everhart Jacob England TJ England Providing the meal at the shelter on Saturday, February 14, 2015, will be Ronald & Karen Lamb, Alan & Becky Hoppensteadt and Bob Leonard. 22 Lutheran Men Chaperone Crisis Ministries 9:30 SS Video Series 9:30 SS Video Series 9:30 SS Video Series 12:00 Chili Cook-Off 3:00 Circle of Faith, Hope and Love Huddle Classroom 15 8 1 Sun Becks Lutheran Church Kitchen reserved Becks Lutheran Church provides the meal at Crisis Ministries 28 21 Youth Winter Jam at Greensboro Coliseum 14 7 Sat January Sanctuary Candle Maxine Mull Fri February 2015
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