News from St. Paul Lutheran Church 1 of 5 e-news from St. Paul Church a moment in time... Sunday, October 12, 2014 18th Sunday after Pentecost click mountain to read Pastor Geoff's blog Saturday Book Group Saturday, October 4th - 9:30 We are getting together at FarView House & discuss the book "The Invention of Wings" by Sue Monk-Kidd. call Jean w/ questions at (860) 510-0191 or Sandi We don't invite strangers to our wedding banquets, but God does. Come to worship with us this coming Sunday. Join with millions of strangers, all around the world, who come to be filled with God's mercy. learn more ALL ARE WELCOME! Thank you! SUNDAY SCRIPTURE READINGS: Isaiah 25:1-9 Psalm 23 You prepare a table before me, and my cup is running over. (Ps. 23:5) Philippians 4:1-9 Matthew 22:1-14 COME to WORSHIP! to all who participated the Valley Shore Interfaith Crop Walk, especially coordinators George Bailey & Pat Newborg, fantastic registrars, corn poppers and everyone else who made this such a great community event. 8:30 & 10:45 All are WELCOME! saybrook soup kitchen Please join us at Grace Church on Main Street on Wednesday, October 15 at 10:00 to prepare and serve the noon meal for the Shoreline Soup Kitchen. It's a popular, delicious meal that we serve, many helpers are needed, so invite a friend! Questions? Give Bill Neuman a call - Life on the Earth 860.434.9316 Comments from the Brothers & Sisters We now realize that the eloquent injunction in Philippians‐"whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just . . ."‐applies also to One early, cloudy morning when I was forty-six, I walked into a church, ate a piece of bread, took a sip of wine. This was my first communion. It changed everything. The mysterious sacrament turned out to be not a symbolic wafer at all but actual food-indeed, the bread of life. I realized that what I'd been doing learn more 10/9/2014 7:44 PM News from St. Paul Lutheran Church 2 of 5 our care for the earth that God creates and daily gives us. How can we make our treatment of this earth worthy of how pleasing is God's creation? -Sundays &Seasons 2014 THIS SUNDAY! with my life all along was what I was meant to do: feed people. And so I did. I took communion, I passed the bread to others, and then I kept going, compelled to find new ways to share what I'd experienced. I started a food pantry and gave away literally tons of fruit and vegetables and cereal around the same altar where I'd first received the body of Christ. I organized new pantries all over my city to provide hundreds and hundreds of hungry families with free groceries each week. . . . Holy communion knocked me upside down and forced me to deal with the impossible reality of God. -Sara Miles [Sara Miles, Take This Bread: A Radical Conversion (NY: Ballantine Books, 2007), xiii-xiv.] Wear your name tag to help Pastor Geoff get to know us. Jean Golicz at NE Synod School of Lay Ministry Real Life Story In Isaiah God is described as a refuge to the poor and needy in their distress. What a glorious thing when God's people aspire to be such a refuge. Dwayne Westermann was on sabbatical in Germany looking for signs of the Holy learn more Spirit. He was ready to head home, but someone convinced him to make one more stop on his way home. The stop was in Tanzania. Seeing the powerful worship and the presence of the Holy Spirit in the midst of crushing poverty, Dwayne was moved. In retirement he runs the nonprofit Godparents for Tanzania. Through the organization hundreds of children are getting an education and the chance at something more than subsistence farming‐and Tanzania has more doctors, more clinical officers (similar to our physicians assistants), more wildlife managers, and the list goes on. What a wonderful refuge. St. Paul Lutheran Church Jean's study group at Calumet: Susan Chin, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Monroe CT & Sue Piel from First Lutheran Church, Waterbury CT Click to learn more. Jean Golicz is currently enrolled in the NE Synod School of Lay Ministry. For Jean, this is a continuation of her post graduate 6th year certificate in Pastoral Counseling from Saint Joseph's College in West Hartford that she completed in 2001. This program will expand Jean's understanding of the Lutheran denomination. The two year program includes mandatory retreats, one in the fall and one in the spring, featuring quality classroom time with guest teachers, worship & wonderful times for fellowship. Study groups are also established for the year either with other school participants or with interested members in the students' congregations. The photo was taken in front of the conference center at Calumet during the recent fall retreat. Quote "It is not your love that sustains the marriage, but from now on, the marriage that sustains your love," wrote Dietrich Bonhoeffer in Letters and Papers from Prison (Touchstone / Simon & Shuster, 1953, 1997). Written to his fiancée while he was in prison, these words remind us that a marriage is about commitment, not only romantic love. At the same time, these words serve to 10/9/2014 7:44 PM News from St. Paul Lutheran Church 3 of 5 click for more info Saturday Nov. 15th *10-3 deepen the metaphor of the wedding feast in which we celebrate God's commitment to humanity. CHRISTMAS FAIR CRAFT NIGHTS OCT. 16 & 23 ‐ 6‐8 Pat Newborg, Marge Pfeiffer, and Julie Koch will lead some craft projects or you can bring your own!. All you need is to be there and have fun. Contact Ginny Lampo at 203‐641‐1318 or Ursula Rufleth at 860‐964‐0177 All proceeds to St Paul Children's ministries. SAFE CHURCH TRAINING OCTOBER 18 For anyone who works with children and hasn't received Safe Church Training yet, Zion Lutheran in Portland, CT is sponsoring a training session with Rev. Dr. William Barter, Oct. 18 ‐ 9:30‐12:30. St. Paul Lutheran will pay the $5 cost of workshop. If you would like to attend, let Kim in office know. JOYS&CONCERNS Carolyn Honer died October 3. A celebration of her life will take place October 18 at 11:00 Meet your Congregational Council Darrell Pataska, Council President Darrell and Ellen Pataska moved to Old Saybrook (from Avon, CT) and joined St. Paul in 2010. Darrell is a Certified Public Accountant and a partner with Blum Shapiro & Company in West Hartford. He will be retiring on January 1, 2015. Ellen retired this year after having worked for many years as an Academic Tutor at Avon High School. Darrell currently serves as the President of the Congregation, and also served as the Chair of the Call Committee. Darrell and Ellen have two married daughters, and two grandchildren, Ryne Billings Cotter (15 months) lives with his parents in Milford Connecticut; and Bridget Nora Lind (30 months) lives with her parents in Barnstead New Hampshire. Darrell's passions are spending time with the grandchildren, gardening, boating, and traveling. A little known fact is that Darrell and Ellen are active farmers, raising beef cattle on a 425 acre farm near Bellevue, Iowa (where Darrell grew up) FLU CLINIC OCTOBER 28 4-6 FARVIEW HOUSE Carolyn's obituary click here to share your joys & concerns. shawl ministry SAT. OCTOBER 18 9:30 We gather the third Saturday of each month at 9:30 to share the work, prayers, and stories of the shawls we are creating. The shawls are blessed before they are sent on Pat, Ginny & Eleanor are happy to get driven to Calumet for an October retreat. Be sure to ask them about their trip! 10/9/2014 7:44 PM News from St. Paul Lutheran Church 4 of 5 their way to friends, families, and strangers to bring the message of love and caring to those who receive them. All are welcome to participate in this vital ministry FarView House. Contact: Sandi Linton learn more Worldwide Marriage Encounter October 10‐12 Breakfast Club October 15 Wednesday morning at 7:00 to enjoy a meal together and discuss upcoming Scripture readings for Sunday. last Sunday's attendance was 144 ISAIA H OCT. 9 You are invited to join us as we study the whole message Is aiah brings to us. All levels of Bible knowledge are represented in our group, no previous study is required. We meet from 12:00 noon until 1:30 each Thursday in the Farview house. Contact: Carol Voigt at 860-388-32 13 Dear Friends and Members of the Congregation, It is wonderful to be starting another school year at LEAP Into Learning! We are celebrating the third successful year of our program. I wish to extend many thanks to St. Paul's for continuing to support our program. We are truly making a difference in the lives of children by offering our program to families who would not otherwise be able to provide an enriching preschool experience for their children. Thank you for your continued, generous support of our program. Click here to read our newsletter. Wishing all a joyous fall season! Sincerely, Peggy Burdick Director, LEAP into Learning WHITE ELEPHANT DONATIONS NEEDED! As part of the Christmas Fair on November 15, there will be a white elephant sale.Think of it as an opportunity to go through your home and find things that are used, but not much, and might even be considered for "re‐gifting". This is NOT a tag sale.Do not donate clothing, books, large appliances, furniture, or items not in good shape.Some ideas of things that might sell well: Costume Jewelry Scarves/ Dinnerware, glasses Vases Holiday items Small appliances Other small items you find which are in new/good condition You may bring items until Friday, Nov 14 and put them on the stage in the fellowship hall.Be sure they are bagged/boxed and marked as White Elephant.If you have questions or you'd like to help out with the White Elephant Sale (especially set up on Nov 14), please email or give me a call!Thanks.Nancy Bailey 860‐669‐ Pastoral Care If you would like a visit from Pastor Geoff or to schedule an appointment with him in the church office please contact Kim here or 860.388.2398, or contact Pastor Preuss directly. Pastor Geoff T. Sinibaldo click image to visit website 10/9/2014 7:44 PM News from St. Paul Lutheran Church 5 of 5 view CHURCH calender click here. St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church 56 Great Hammock Road Old Saybrook, CT 860.388.2398 Fax 860.388.2057 Email Forward email This email was sent to by | Update Profile/Email Address | Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | Privacy Policy. St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church | 56 Great Hammock Road | Old Saybrook | CT | 06475 10/9/2014 7:44 PM
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