St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and School Announcements - October 11 and 12, 2014 ATTENDANCE CARDS Please make sure to locate the Attendance Cards in your row and fill one out when you first arrive. This helps us know that you are here with us and it enables us to assist you. There is a “Member” side as well as a “Guest” side - please fill out the appropriate side of the card. Use one card for each family that is gathered. (Parents, please take responsibility for signing in your children.) The Attendance Cards will be collected by a Lay Minister after the Offering. SUNDAY MORNING ADULT BIBLE CLASSES (9:50 a.m.) Class: “The Family Project” Location: 5th Grade Classroom Teacher: Mark & Cheri Rogers ASSOCIATE PASTOR CALL At the September 28th Voter’s Meeting, Rev. Craig Mathews of Hope Lutheran Church in Bradenton, Florida was called to serve as our Associate Pastor. Please keep Pastor Mathews and his wife Eunice in your prayers as he deliberates the Call to serve here at St. Paul’s. FAITH AND MEMBERSHIP CLASSES Our Faith and Membership Classes will begin today at 9:50 am in the 7th grade classroom at the school. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a member of St. Paul’s, please call the church office at (815) 932-0312 for more information. ALUMNI GATHERING CALLING ALL ST. PAUL’S ALUMNI, don’t forget about the gathering and recognition of St. Paul’s Graduates on Sunday, October 19th. We invite all graduates, but especially those who graduated in 1972 and earlier, to be recognized in the 11:05 worship service as well as during the Oktoberfest. Come on out and enjoy a reunion and some good fellowship (and German Food, TOO!) WE’RE LOOKING FOR HELP! St. Paul's School is in need of 2 or more people to help with mowing and trimming the grounds at the school site. If you have at least 2-4 hours a week that you can donate, it would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Allen Gehm at 815-932-3914 or Terry Treece at 815-937-4397 if you can help us out. If you have any children in school, your time can be added to your Partnership Hours. Thanks, The Trustees WORSHIP FOR SHUT-INS Matthew 22:1-4 “Many Called, Few Chosen” by Rev. Dr. Daniel J. Brege St. Paul Lutheran Church~Decatur, IN Christ, the bridegroom has died and risen for His bride, the Church. The call to trust in Christ for eternal salvation goes out ultimately into the whole world. Many are thus called (invited). Some are caught up in worldliness, others for any number of reasons reject the invitation. Through and with the invitation, God "chooses" His people, clothing them with Christ and His righteousness, blessing them uniquely in Holy Baptism. Page -1- CANCER BENEFIT AT ZION LUTHERAN For: Bonnie (Wendling) Shott (Niece of Linda & Barry Gadbois) Spaghetti Supper – Free Will Donation Sunday, October 19th 4:00 pm - 7:30 pm Zion Lutheran Church 11478 W. Rt. 17 Bonfield, IL All money raised will help with expenses. (Matching Funds Provided by Thrivent) SUBSTITUTES NEEDED Are you interested in substituting in St. Paul's Lutheran School's daycare, kitchen, as a preschool aide, or as a classroom teacher? If so, please contact Dr. Laurie Hofman at (815) 932-0312 or HOLIDAY PIES The 8TH GRADE CLASS will be selling Market Day pies for the upcoming holidays. There are many scrumptious choices to choose from. They have Coconut Cream, Peanut Butter Cup, Pumpkin, Cherry Streusel, Salted Caramel Chocolate, Lemon Meringue and many more. Please place your order with any 8th grader in between church services on the following Sundays: Oct. 12, Oct. 19, and Oct. 26. They will also be selling the pies after school in the lobby up until Friday, Oct. 24th. All orders placed by an 8th grader need to be in by Sunday, October 26th, and on-line orders ( are due by 11 p.m., Saturday, November 1st. The pick-up date is Wednesday, November 5th. You may also place an order by calling Julie Salzman at 815-530-7320. Please make checks payable to St. Paul's School. All proceeds will go toward the 8th graders end of the year field trips. FPU CLASSES A new session of FPU going on at the school on Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m. at the school in the Meeting Room. The classes meet for around an hour and a half each week for nine weeks. If you would like more details or would like to enroll in the class, contact John Veers at, or 815-263-9170 or call the church office at 815-932-0312. LUTHERANS FOR LIFE We are not the ones to determine if a life has value or not, if it is a burden or not, if it should be lived or not. To live is Christ and to die is gain. God, through His creation, through the incarnation of Jesus, through His redemptive death, and His resurrection from the dead has proven again and again that His Word in the face of death is life. When the world says ‘no,’ God says ‘yes,’ no matter how helpless or desperate the situation. For that, all we can say is, ‘Thanks be to God!’” Evan S. McClanahan, Pastor of First Evangelical Lutheran Church Houston, Texas “Life Quote” from Lutherans For Life · HELP NEEDED! We need help in setting up the gym in preparation for Sunday worship services. Seven to eight workers are needed to replace lost help. High school students and women are welcome. Setup takes place on Saturdays, most often at 3:00 p.m., and it takes only about an hour to complete. If you can help for 4 to 12 hours a YEAR please contact Bill Balgeman at 937-4947. Page -2- OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD AND THE LWML FALL RALLY Operational Christmas Child and the LWML Fall Rally was a huge success. There were 27 ladies, 7 youth, 2 pastors, and 1 very special guest -- Mr. Wachholz. There were so many supplies brought in that the tables were overflowing. On Friday afternoon, the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders helped sort the supplies they brought in for the event. Everyone had a T-Shirt to wear, compliments of Thrivent. The school children raised $327 for postage from their chapel offerings. This is enough money to send 46 shoe boxes. The Rally offering was also designated for postage. The preliminary count of shoe boxes packed on Saturday morning is 154 boxes. We have sufficient funds available to send 195 shoe boxes. The Lutheran Church in Pontiac will finish packing the remaining boxes. The boxes will be delivered to the warehouse in early November. Sometime in January or February we will be able to track our boxes and find out where they were sent. May God bless all of you who helped to make this such a special day -- the school staff, the children, the LWML ladies and all who contributed supplies or money! A special thank you to Mr. Wachholz who helped in so many ways. The people who set up the gym for church helped take down the tables and put the cafeteria back in order. The entire congregation participated in this event and helped make it a success. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! NEW ALTAR CROSS The new cross on our altar at the school is a gift from the Martin Family (James, Melissa, James II, and Noah). They have moved to Iowa, but wanted to share a gift with us in thankfulness for their time here. We thank them for the beautiful cross and pray that God would use it to His Glory. ST. PAUL’S WINS FIRST PLACE St. Paul’s Lutheran School won first place in the School/Youth division of the Bourbonnais Park District scarecrow contest!!! The students who helped with the scarecrow design and construction are Tyler Bowen, McKennna Salzman & Madelyn Duchene. Fred Langlett and Kris Duchene helped with the construction and putting the scarecrow in place at Perry Farm. The winning school will receive $100.00. Thanks to all who visited & voted. Great job! • NEW ON CHURCH WEBSITE Installation Sunday with photos & sermon (under “Sermons”) • New Lay Minister Information (under “About us >Leadership>Lay Ministry”) • New Alumni link (under “News & Events”) • Membership Change Form (under “News & Events”) EIGHTH GRADE FUNDRAISER St. Paul's 8th Grade class will be holding a fundraiser to earn money for their class trip and 8th grade banquet. The students will be selling Fun Shapes Pasta during the month of October. This pasta with personality is made from 100% durum wheat, is all natural and uses vegetable powders for color, has a long shelf life and is made in the USA. The shapes are SUPER FUN and are packaged to make great stocking stuffers and gifts for the holidays. See an eighth grade student to place an order. Page -3- AN INVITATION TO JOIN OUR CONGREGATION Have you been attending church here at St. Paul’s for a while, but not yet become a member? If so we warmly invite you to consider joining our congregation. There are a few ways that this can be accomplished: If you are: < A member in good standing of another Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Congregation We need a letter of transfer from your home church and you need to attend our New Member Orientation Class < A member in good standing of another Lutheran Church We need a letter of transfer from your home church and you need to attend our Faith and Membership Classes < A member in good standing of another denomination We need a release of membership from your church and you need to attend our Faith and Membership Classes < Not a member of another church You need to attend our Faith and Membership Classes If you are interested in receiving information regarding the Faith and Membership Classes, please check the box “Like to join” on the attendance card the next time you are in worship. You can also call the church office for more information (815) 932-0312 or talk to pastor. SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR The Scholastic Book Fair is coming soon. The sale features books for kids of all ages and select items for adults. Sale dates are October 27th thru 30th and will be held at the school. The Book Fair is open to the public. Stop by and pick up some early Christmas gifts! Proceeds from the Book Fair are used to purchase new material for the school library. BUTTERBRAIDS St. Paul’s Youth will be selling Butter Braids October 25th - November 2nd in the cafeteria area before and after church services. Please see a youth or youth board member to place your order. Butter Braids will be delivered November 20th, just in time for Thanksgiving. If you have any questions, please contact DCE Angel Gillespie at.... ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN SCHOOL ALUMNI Dear Alumni, St. Paul's Lutheran Church and School is celebrating 150 years of supporting Christian Education in Kankakee County this year. Many alumni have expressed an interest in supporting and participating in the activities that are being planned throughout the year. At this time the database for alumni is just forming (go under “News and Events” on the website to give us your information). We would love for you to give us some basic information which will enable us to communicate with you this year and in the future. Once you share that, we will be able to share with you how God is working through the school ministry into the next half-century. The theme for the celebration is "I Love to Tell the Story." Respectfully, The 150th Anniversary Committee Page -4- TRUNK OR TREAT Save the date for St. Paul's Fall Fun with Trunk & Treat at the school Sunday evening, October 26th from 5:45pm-7:45pm. All families of the church and school are invited to attend and are encouraged to bring a guest and a potential new member or student. The evening will kick off in the school cafeteria with a Magic Show followed by trunk & treat outside. Also outside, be sure to enjoy roasting marshmallows and s'mores and the hay rack ride on the school grounds. Don't forget to decorate your car or van and enter it in the "most festive vehicle" contest to win a $20.00 TRIP credit. Please remember to bring plenty of candy to hand out from your trunk. A $5.00 per family donation is recommended. LWML INFORMATION We will be collecting Mites on the third Sunday of every month. The Mite Box will be located on the table by the elevator at the Church. At the school, the mite box will be on one of the round tables in the cafeteria area. Please remember that we have not collected Mites since our last meeting in June so we are behind in our contributions. CRAFT SHOW Zion Lutheran School, 540 Oak Park Ave., Beecher, is holding a Fall Craft & Vendor Faire on Saturday, October 25th from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Don’t miss out!!! Start your Christmas shopping early. Shop our variety of vendors with unique items and crafts, as well as, Tastefully Simple, American Girl dollclothes, Mary Kay, Avon, South Hill Design, Scentsy, Woodworking, Handmade Jewelry, American Girl Doll Clothes, Caramel Kettle Co., plus many more. Lunch will be available!!! There will also be a bake sale sponsored by the DC Group. Mark your calendars and hope to see you there!! FREE BAND CONCERT The New Horizon Concert Band of Kankakee Valley will be in concert Monday evening, October 13, at 7:00 pm at the Olivet University’s Larsen Fine Art Center. Concert is free and will include songs by local vocalist Misty Kohl. Three members of our congregation play with New Horizions so come on out and listen. WE NEED YOUR HELP!! St. Paul’s is again participating in the S.C.O.R.E. Recycling Contest through Belson’s Steel, Rt. 50 & Larry Power Road, Bourbonnais. The contest ends April 2015 but we need your help now to reach our goal. Why not consider recycling during all the holidays and parties? By doing so, you teach valuable skills to tomorrow’s adults, but you are earning cash and prizes for St. Paul’s School. Here’s what you need to do... 1) Collect your aluminum cans and bring them to Belson’s. You get paid cash for your cans. If you are unable to take the cans to Belson’s, we do have a collection canister located at the school. 2) Mention “St. Paul’s” when you get paid. Belson’s will add one point to our score for every pound of cans that you are recycling. 3) At the end of the contest, our school gets two cents for every point. PLUS, the top schools will win thousands in extra cash and prizes. Last year the winning schools received over $15,000 in cash and prizes! Serving In God's House Today Preacher: Pastor Koeppen Organist: Carol Goodwin Lay Ministers: 5:00: John Giertz, Greg Deck (Steve Plotezka) 8:30: Bill Hasenjaeger, Robert Carruthers, Dean Cappel (Doug Mann, Brent Eden, Art Schumacher) 11:05: Ken Taube, Don Bayston (Brent Eden, Art Schumacher) Lay Readers: 5:00: Karen Beatty 8:30: Dee Cordes 11:05: Matt Callan Acolytes: 8:30: Blake Patterson, Daniel Secrest 11:05: Britten Mietzner, Jillian Milton Greeters: 8:30: Nancy Rabe & Betty Rubin 11:05: Nyree Bowen Usher Teams: 5:00: Mark Gradberg, Fred Langelett, Jim Sharper, Terry Treece, Jeff Wilken 8:30: Bill Balgeman, Tom Minor, Craig Roggendorf, Steve Weith 11:05: Matt Callan, Bob Adams, Don Anderson, Kirk Anderson, Tom Milton, Brian Milton Nursery: 9:50: Joyce Witheft & Cheryl Wheeler 11:05: Emily Anderson & Sharon Kerouac Coffee Hour Hosts: 8:30: Parish Fellowship 9:50: Parish Fellowship Contemporary Service Worship Team: Beth Brackman, Matt Callan, Duane Ferrebee, Gail Ferrebee, Scott Moore, Heidi Ostrowski, Kayla Ronchetto, Cindy Rubin, Jim Stone, Rodney Voigt If you have any questions, please contact the school office at 815-932-0312. Please help us out...RECYCLE...and SCORE with us!! Page -5- Page -6- This Weeks Schedule of Activities Sun. Oct. 12 8:30 am 9:50 am 9:50 am 11:05 am Mon. Oct. 13 (at (at (at (at School) School) School) School) NO SCHOOL - COLUMBUS DAY Tues. Oct. 14 10:00 am 7:00 pm Wed. Oct. 15 8:30 am 4:30 pm Thurs. Oct. 16 Worship - Traditional Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes New Faith & Membership Class Begins Worship - Contemporary 6:30 pm Adult Bible Class Super Tuesday (at School) (at School) School Chapel 7th and 8th Grade Public School Confirmation Class (at School) Financial Peace Class (at School) (at School) St. Paul’s Oktoberfest Dinner is right around the corner! The dinner will be held in the school gym on Sunday, October 19th following the 11:05 a.m. service. If you haven’t come before, you won’t want to miss the fellowship, German music and German-style food!! This year we will also be inviting alumni of St. Paul’s Lutheran School from 1972 and earlier to join us as we celebrate the School’s 150 th anniversary. An old time capsule will be opened and there will be a slide show highlighting the first 50 years of St. Paul’s School history. The menu includes: bratwurst, sauerkraut, German potato salad, applesauce, pretzel bread and pumpkin & apple desserts. For kids or those who don’t care for brats or German potato salad, hot dogs and potato chips will be available. Apple cider and coffee will also be served. There will also be German music to complete the atmosphere! A freewill offering will be taken, but not required. If you are available to help set up, serve, clean up or provide a dessert, please fill out the form below and return to the church office or put in the offering plate by October 12th . _____________________________________________________________________ _____ I can help set up after church _____ I can help serve Fri. Oct. 17 _____ I can help with clean up Sat. Oct. 18 _____ I can provide a dessert: 5:00 pm Sun. Oct. 19 Oktoberfest Dinner & 150th School Anniversary Celebration 8:30 am 9:50 am 9:50 am 11:05 am 12:30 pm 6:00 pm Worship - Traditional - Communion (at Church) _____ Apple Worship - Traditional - Communion Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes Faith & Membership Class Worship - Contemporary - Communion Oktoberfest Youth Bible Study (at (at (at (at (at (at _____ Pumpkin School) School) School) School) School) School) Name: ___________________________________________________ Phone #: _________________________________________________ E-Mail: __________________________________________________ Please return to the church office or place in the offering plate no later than October 12 !! Page -7- Page -8-
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