THE NINETEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST October 19TH and 20TH, 2014 Our Mission: God’s Love Shining through Us . . . Opening doors and changing lives! + ACTIVITIES THIS WEEK at St. Paul Lutheran + (leb=lower education bldg., ueb=upper education bldg., ufh=upper fellowship hall, lfh=lower fellowship hall, cr=conference room, tgp=the gathering place, klgr = KREW large group room next to library in leb) Sunday 8:00 AM Worship BETWEEN SERVICES – USHER MEETING IN SANCTUARY 9:00-9:25 Youth Choir Rehearsal (klgr) 9:10-9:30AM Bell Choir 9:20 AM Bible Study-FAITH LESSONS 9:30 AM KREW/HSBC 10:45 AM Worship/ Communion/ Youth choir sings After Service W/SP lunch, followed by tying of blankets for Passage House project 6:00 PM “Moms Night Out” Movie night 7:00 PM Adult Information Class (cr) GREETINGS from St. Paul: All first time visitors should stop at The Information Center in The Gathering Place (TGP) for a special gift. + ASSISTANCE DURING our Worship Services + FAMILIES: - Nursery Care is available upon request. Please speak with an usher if you would like to use the nursery. We also have a Cry Room, if you would like to sit with your restless child there. It is at the rear of the sanctuary and has a speaker, so you can listen to the worship service. There is a Children's Message at both Sunday services. Parents are welcome to accompany their children to the Children's message. We also have Children's Church (meets in lower education building) at the 10:45am service, for children age 3 - grade 3. Children are dismissed after the Children's message and return to the sanctuary after the sermon. PERSONAL ASSIST HEARING DEVICES are available for use during the worship services. We also have LARGE PRINT ORDER OF WORSHIP (with copies of hymns attached). Both items are located on the windowsill, as you enter the sanctuary from The Gathering Place. Monday 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 8:00 PM Worship/Communion Bible Study - FAITH LESSONS (cr) Adult Information class (library) Tuesday 9:00 AM Women’s Bible Study-A time for everything (cr) FAITH LESSONS - MOPS/MOMSconnect (bring lunch)(cr) Burrito Project Kitchen Crew Bell Choir Rehearsal Tai Chi Beginner/Refresher class 1.00 MOMS Connect (cr) Burrito Project delivery team HEALING: Paul Gerlach, Diane Grawe, Karen Gundlach, Clem Licht, Ruby Licht, Bill Manth, Barb Miles, Jason Monroe, and Nancy Reichert. Bible Study – FAITH LESSONS (ueb) Friendship Club Stained Glass Rehearsal HEALTHCARE FACILITIES: Patsy Batchelder (Polly Haeussler’s mom), Mary Jo Bishop, Dorothy Curtis, Mary Hoover, Helena Mueller, Bob & Joyce Witkop, Fritz Wurl . PK-3 SCHOOL PICTURES 1st Year Confirmation Class 2nd Year Confirmation Class Choir Practice Boy Scouts MILITARY: Trevor Bowman, Scott Cornelison, Matthew Daugherty, Eric Davis, Zachary Kijowski, Joe Kloc, Joshua Lindsley, Brian Mennes and Shannon Wilson. 11:30 AM 5:00 PM 5:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM Wednesday 11:00 AM Noon 7:00 PM Thursday 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Friday Saturday PK-4 SCHOOL PICTURES 9:00 AM Girlfriends meet at St. Paul for “Creation Walk” + PRAYER CONCERNS for our St. Paul Family + AT HOME: Dorothy Baker, Ed Belling, Joanne Heller, Vera Hildebrandt, Richard & Alice Lewis, Norma Peter, Norm Reichert, Bob Schuler, Roger Wehrung, Norma Witkop , Betty Zuch. We pray that you find God’s love for you at St. Paul! KEEP A COFFEE CARD IN YOUR VEHICLE --Tim Hortons, Dunkin’ Donuts, Burger King, Starbucks. Wrap the receipt around the card so you know the balance. We have these cards for IMMEDIATE cash-and-carry. About 25 other gift cards are also available. The 6-page WHITE form has over 150 local merchants. Ordered cards will be here the next week. St. Paul Christian Education programs benefit from the sale of the cards at NO EXTRA COST to you. THE WHITE STUFF will be coming down soon! Please put your name, phone #, day & time when you are able to help with snow removal on the bulletin board. Thank you for your help! “CROCHET” SERVICE PROJECT - if you would be interested in crocheting simple hats for nursing home residents, please stop at The Information Center and pick up directions for making "Easy Peasy" hats. A total of 200 hats are needed (some are already made by a friend of Linda Gerlach). The hats are needed by Dec. 10. If you need yarn, we have some for you to use. Talk with Linda if you have any questions. FATHERHOOD CD’S Men's Fellowship has been providing this CD, along with a letter from Pastor Green, to the fathers of the children being baptized. We recently had to purchase another 50 CD's and are asking for donations to reimburse the $425.00 taken from the church General Fund. If you would be moved to donate, place your donation in an envelope marked "for Fatherhood CD's" and with your envelope number. Thank you. A BIG THANK YOU to all those organizations and individuals who served so faithfully on the church sign committee over the past many years. BUFFALO BURRITO PROJECT NEEDS – See back of bulletin. “THE CREATION WALK” – St. Paul Girlfriends Group presents A trip to The Creation Walk in Marilla, NY on Saturday, October 25, 2014. Please meet in the church parking lot @ 9:00 AM. RAIN OR SHINE! We will be returning approx. 4:00 PM. We will also be going to Altons Restaurant for lunch and visiting the Marilla Country store. Carpooling is available – please indicate on the sign-up sheet if you would be willing to drive. Please sign up by Oct. 22. The Creation Walk is a 1 & ¼ mile nature trail created as a ministry of the First Baptist Church. On the trail, there are park benches overlooking scenic areas which can be used for rest and meditation. There are scripture verses posted to remind all of us of God’s awesome creation! Please join us in Walking God’s Path! MARRIAGE VOWS were exchanged by Cortney Bernice Debski and Loren John Wehling on Friday, October 17, 2014. We ask for God’s blessings on this newly married couple! IT’S THAT TIME OF THE YEAR TO START TALKING ABOUT THRIVENT ELECTIONS!!! Please consider possibly running or reach + SERVING our Lord on October 19th and 20th 2014 + out to those you feel may be interested. See a list of descriptions on the bulletin board ALTAR GUILD: Month of October: CEMETERY FALL CLEAN UP - Please be advised that all cemetery memorial and floral displays should be removed by Today, Oct. 19 so that a fall clean up can be completed. Any remaining displays will be removed. Thank you! Don and Joan Otterstein FLOWER COMMITTEE : Month of October: GREETER SIGN UP SHEET for December and January is on the 8:00 AM - Craig Gebhardt 10:45 AM - Jim Norgren Monday Evening – Roger Wendt DO YOU NEED A NIGHT OUT? Join us TONIGHT, October 19 at 6:00 St. Paul Lutheran Family Ministry Committee encourages anyone from our congregation to come and watch this uplifting comedy. Please bring a snack to share and a comfy chair! Popcorn and pop will be provided. We would be thrilled if you can join us! LUTHERAN WITNESS Subscriptions will expire with the December issue. If you would like to renew your subscription, or order a new subscription, please fill out an envelope that you will find on the Information center labeled LUTHERAN WITNESS SUBSCRIPTION. The cost is $11.25 per year. Please place your payment in the envelope (makes checks payable to St. Paul Lutheran), seal it and place in the basket The deadline for renewals and new subscriptions is October 26, 2014. Thank you! THE WOMEN OF ST. PAUL WILL BE TYING BLANKETS TODAY, th October 19 , with a luncheon being held prior to the tying party. You're never too old or too young to join in the fun. All are welcome! This is part of our Passage House project. Please see the bulletin board for more information and more ideas regarding donations needed for Passage House. **SEE THE COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD at the top of the stairs near the Gathering Place for the following: • PIONEER CAMP AND RETREAT CENTER – Wine and Beer Tasting Fundraiser – Friday, Oct. 24th at Pearl Street Grill, 6:30-9:30 PM • CHOWDER – St. Andrew Lutheran, Sanborn, Oct. 25, 11:00 AM • AUTUMN ATTIC TREASURE SALE – Immanuel Lutheran, Oct. 25, 10:00-4:00. • TRUNK-N-TREAT – Immanuel Lutheran, Oct. 26, 6:00-7:00PM • TICKET & SILENT AUCTION & BBQ DINNER – St. James, Nov. 2, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM • ZITI DINNER – St. John Lutheran, Tues, Nov. 4, 4:00 – 6:00PM • ROAST BEEF DINNER – Redeemer Lutheran, Nov. 7, 4:30 OR 6:00 PM. friends and relatives please mark your calendars; cell phones, etc., and reserve the date – November 15, 2014! From 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. DONATING TO TRASH AND TREASURE: Please consider donating all those slightly used household items: small electronics, Knick knacks, jewelry, toys, etc. (no clothing please). Please put all donated items in the church basement as soon as possible! If you have any questions please call Joanne Rowles at 694-3857. NO DONATIONS ACCEPTED AFTER NOVEMBER 1ST. Thank you!! WANTED USED OR NEW TENNIS BALLS – To help save the Lower LAY READERS: PM to view the hilarious movie…… Denise Strasburg - 247-1524 Jackie Brodfuehrer – 692-0826 WEEKLY: ELDERS: bulletin board by the stairs. If you are able to help at any of these services, please sign up as soon as possible! Thank you! MOMS’ NIGHT OUT! Carol Carney, Beth Manth and Suzanne Myers FAMOUS ST PAUL LADIES 23RD ANNUAL CRAFT SHOW, BAAZAR TRASH AND TREASURE AND GREAT FOOD: To our St. Paul families, USHERS: 8:00 AM – 10:45 AM 8:00 AM – 10:45 AM - ACOLYTES: GREETERS: Carol Carney Bea Hapeman Steve Keller, Don Otterstein, Dan Schuler, Jeff Staggers Dick Carney, Rob Grehlinger Jim Manth, Bill Manth 8:00 AM – Maxwell Kijowski 10:45 AM Madison Aust Monday Evening – Daniel Seiler 8:00 AM – Bob and Linda Kopec 10:45 AM – Larry and Kris Corsaro Monday Evening – Esther Snell (If you are Greeting and feel you cannot stand that entire time, please ask the Head Usher or Elder to bring you a folding chair. There are always some available in the Conference Room) CHURCH OFFICE emails and future church bulletin news articles may now be emailed to: Articles must be in no later than Thursday at noon to be included in the following Sunday. WEEK OF 10/12/2014-INCOME given for Weekly Operating Expenses: $8,753.00. Thank You! Average needed weekly$10,763.00. AT WORSHIP on October 12 and 13, 2014 Sunday Worship at 8 AM – 113 Sunday Worship at 10:45 AM – 109 Monday Evening Worship - 63 OCTOBER IS CLERGY APPRECIATION MONTH and is a great time to thank our pastors for always pointing us to the cross of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Your kind and thankful words, and your prayers, make a difference, and encourage our pastors, as they serve God with us. Education Building floors, we are looking to put tennis balls on the bottom of the chairs that the KREW children use. Please place your donations in the blue basket located in The Gathering Place. Thank you! REFORMATION OCTOBERFEST IN THE CAFÉ on October 26th between services. Join us for some light German fare. Everyone Welcome! Prost! Lass uns die Kaffeetasse erheben!” "HIS HEALING HANDS: FINDING GOD IN BROKEN PLACES” Bible Study - There is interest in having this Bible study during the daytime. We are looking for a Women's Bible study leader to lead this study as a day time study (currently, this is the study that is on the 2nd and 4th Monday evenings, which will continue). If you are interested in leading or attending this during the day, please contact Linda Gerlach. "NEVER TOO LATE” Encouraging Faith in Your Adult Child Bible Study This will be held on Sunday evenings beginning Oct. 26, and Nov 2, 9, 16 at 7pm in The Upper Education Building. Join us as you will learn that you are not alone and that is not too late for God to use you to point your adult child's heart toward Christ. Contact Linda Gerlach with any questions. THE FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR TODAY are given to the glory of God and in celebration of the marriage of Kimberly Uzar and Bradley Witkop. Their wedding vows were said at our altar on Saturday, October 18, 2014. We ask God to bless this newly married couple! FRIENDSHIP CLUB – Join us for an Oktoberfest luncheon on Wednesday, October 23 at Noon. All you have to bring is yourself! PLANTS IN THE BACK ENTRANCEWAY - Thank you to those who have donated plants, but unfortunately, we cannot accept any more plants. We have run out of room, and some containers can ruin the waxed floor. TECHNOLOGY AND AUDIO VISUAL PLANS - we are looking to put together a group of people who are interested in technology (computer, sound systems, video projectors, large tv screens, and more) to explore possible uses in worship services and ministry. Please talk with one of the pastors or Linda Gerlach if you are interested.
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