CONNECTIONS Ascension Lutheran Church November, 2014 Special Dates in November Nov. 1 Holiday Bazaar Nov. 9 Thankofferng Sunday Nov. 11 Veteran’s Day: office closed & no Sarah Circle Nov. 26 & 27 Church office closed for Thanksgiving Communion Worship every Sunday-9:30 AM. Our new members will be welcomed to our congregation on Sunday, December 7. New members are invited to participate in an orientation and potluck on Tuesday, Dec. 2 at 6:30. If you are interested in joining, please contact Pastor Doug, Jeanette Eliason, or the church office. The Landscape Committee has designed a plan that will give a more finished look to the Black Oak and Barnett corner and establish another outdoor sitting area outside the sanctuary. This fall, we plan to complete the corner work with pavers, gravel, lighting on the sign and a color garden. We will also be planting 4 large trees outside the sanctuary. We are very excited about our progress. If you would like to donate to our fall project, make a check to Ascension and note landscaping in the memo. ~Landscape Committee Some surprising advice from the past Pastor Doug Vold Last week Linda returned from her parent’s home with a collection of mementos from long ago, items saved by Linda’s mom. Among the items was a worship bulletin from Peace Lutheran Church in north Portland, the church to which Linda’s family belonged. It was from the day that Linda was baptized, November 4, 1956. Wow. This bulletin is in the old stencil/mimeograph style that was used back then, and it’s interesting to think how a Sunday morning used to operate. The special music is listed in the bulletin, but not the hymns. Those would have been listed on a hymn board in the sanctuary. The order of worship includes only references to page numbers in a hymnal. But there were lots of announcements; something about Thankoffering boxes – we still use those; a list of sick and shut-ins, Grandpa’s brother was one of them. These bulletins were printed on covers that came from the church publishing house. They included a picture on the front and a message on the back. (We don’t use these at Ascension but you may still be able to get these.) And this part of the bulletin is what provides the biggest surprise. It is a God and country theme with a message about responsible voting. Of course it’s the mid 1950s so the God and country theme shouldn’t be that surprising. And the first Sunday in November was the Sunday before Election Day, so maybe that isn’t so surprising either. But I was certainly intrigued by the specifics directed toward “the responsible Christian citizen” and how said citizen would come to an Election Day decision. They seem interesting enough to pass along. 2 In coming to a decision the responsible Christian citizen (of 1956): Considers the interest of other persons and groups as fairly as he/she does his own. Examines in the light of Jesus’ teachings the claims for and against the several candidates and issues. Judges [candidates] and parties not by their professions of religion but by their performance under the responsibilities and temptations of power. Lets the love of Christ for the forgotten and friendless guide him/her. Supports conscientious and capable public servants who act in accord with Christian standards of integrity, justice, and righteousness. Looks for [candidates] who would yield themselves to God and join Solomon in praying for wisdom, knowledge and an understanding heart. Studies God’s word and Christ’s example for the message they bring on the realities of the political decisions he/she must help to make. It has been a long time since we talked like this. Some may miss these old ways. Others are glad for at least some of the ways we’ve moved along. (I tried to minimize the exclusive male pronouns.) But mostly I’m intrigued to what large extent the responsible Christian citizen is encouraged to think of interests other than one’s own. Imagine that. That seems like some surprising advice indeed. Everyone is welcome … join us for Family Sunday, on November 2nd ! We will be meeting in what is normally the coffee and cookie area, but it will be closed off into a room for us. November’s story is: “Abraham and Sarah” 3 ELCA Youth Gathering 2015 Update All 11 members of the Detroit Youth Team are registered ….9 youth and 2 brave adults! Their travel arrangements have been secured … not all paid for but booked. This was possible through the generous donations of Delta Skymiles donations that allowed us to get 4 free tickets! Thank-you to our “flying angels”! The required down payment for registration has been sent! Thank-you to all who are bringing in their M&M tubes. There is a collection bucket in the office Southern Oregon Concert Band Presents Honor and Valor A Veterans Day Concert Tuesday, November 11th at 7pm PrePre-concert at 6pm The Martin Behnke Sextet plays Big Band Jazz Arrangements Admission: Donations 4 THANKOFFERING Thankoffering Sunday is November 9th. This is the service the Ascension Lutheran Church Women prepare for the congregation. What is the “offering” part of this service? This special money (not part of the regular offering) is sent to The Women of the ELCA to be used to help women and children world-wide. This year the women have put their change in a small white church bank at home, as a visual reminder of the need to support less fortunate families. On the 9th, we will bring these banks to church, and put them in a big basket by the entrance to the Sanctuary. The funds will then be sent to WELCA. If you didn’t get a bank and wish to contribute, a check designated for Thankoffering will be much appreciated. Thank you! ALCW Are you ready for Christmas? The Detroit Youth Team is preparing to deck our halls with Christmas cheer!! Starting on the 30th of November there will be a forest of beautifully decorated trees up for a silent auction here at Ascension. All proceeds from the tree auction will go toward the Detroit Youth Team’s trip to Detroit this summer! 11/30 Auction opens on trees 12/14 Auction closes after worship Contact Stephanie Risner with any questions at 541-773-3594 5 Middle School: Faith Practices Nov. 2 - Service ProjectHumane Soc Nov. 9 - Bible Study/Pastor Doug Nov. 16 -Prayer Nov. 23 -Community Conversations Nov. 30 -Thanksgiving - No Class High School Class: 11/2 - Creation Care/Art Project with Jim Hutchins 11/9 - OYLO Retreat/ No Class 11/16 -Erin Hedrick/YAGM 11/23 -Theology/Pastor Doug 11/30 -Thanksgiving/No Class Contact Susan Detwiler at or call the church office if you have questions, need more information or would like to become involved in this ministry! Dear Ascension Lutheran Congregation, Thank you so much for your support through my YAGM year; it meant so much to me. This experience changed my life and it could have only happened with your support. I would encourage you to continue to support the YAGM program and its important work. ~ Blessings, Erin Hedrick Some of our high school group is headed to Canby Grove Christian Center for an Oregon Lutheran Youth retreat. They will be leaving the afternoon of Noth vember 7 and coming home on the 9th. This will be great opportunity for them to connect with other youth that may be attending the ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit and the keynote speaker will be Paul Amlin, ELCA Program Director for Youth Ministry… all the way from Chicago! Please keep them in your prayers for safe travel and a great experience. 6 Did you know that the Oregon Synod has a companion synod? Each ELCA synod has a global companion synod and ours is Poland. Every year our Sunday School children decide where they want their offering to go and last year they decided that they wanted to help orphans. I made contact with the Bishops office in Poland and they put us in touch with an orphanage run by the Polish Diakonia, the Lutheran Parish in Dziegielow and Cieszyn county. We just wired them $513.30 U.S. dollars! This year, our children have decided to split their offering between Doernbecher Children’s Hospital and Camp Lutherwood … with a special one month emphasis on our local Maslow Project! Children’s Ministry 7 November 20 Sun Mon Tue Wed 2 All Saints Sunday Worship-9:30 Education-11:00 Bazaar continues after worship 3 Budget Mtg.-4:00 Grace Notes-6:00 4 Knitters-12:00 FFEC Mtg.-3:00 5 No Bible Study Confirmation Choir-6:30 9 Thankoffering Sunday Worship-9:30 Education-11:00 10 Finance Mtg.-4:00 Grace Notes-6:00 11 Veteran’s Day Church office closed Sarah Circle can- 12 Bible StudyConfirmation Choir-6:30 16 Worship-9:30 Education-11:00 17 Grace Notes-6:00 18 Knitters-12:00 Com. Chairs-4:15 Women’s Evening Group-6:30 Council-6:30 19 Bible StudyConfirmation Choir-6:30 23 Worship-9:30 Education-11:00 24 Grace Notes-6:00 25 Community Dinner5:30 26 Bible StudyChoir-6:30 30 Advent Worhsip-9:30 8 ovember 2014 Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Holiday Bazaar No Bible Study Confirmation-5:30 6:30 Bible Study-9:30 Confirmation-5:30 6:30 Bible Study-9:30 Confirmation-5:30 6:30 Bible Study-9:30 6:30 6 Joyful Noise-9:00 ALCW Board-9:30 Worship Mtg. 5:15 Girl Scouts-6:00 7 13 Joyful Noise-9:00 Martha Circle-12:30 14 15 20 Joyful Noise-9:00 21 22 27 28 29 Thanksgiving 8 GS Masquerade Ball6:00 pm OLYO High School Retreat Church Office Closed 9 Baby Class will be meeting November 9th at 10:45am in our Nursery! Parents and babies, birth to two years old, are invited to join Come learn some fun ways to practice faith with your baby. 2 and 3 Year Old Class: Our class for 2 and 3 years olds will be meeting Nov. 9th. They will join our older kids in our Gathering Room at 10:45am to start with some songs, prayer, offering and birthday celebration. They will then head to their own classroom to explore a Bible Story through activities designed just for them Parents are welcome to join their children, or children are welcome to come on their own! This class meets in the first room on the right in the Sunday school wing Sunday School: ages 4 years - 5th Grade November’s Story: “Abraham and Sarah” November 2: Family Sunday School November 9: Workshops November 16: Workshops November 23: Practice for Children’s Christmas Program November 30: Thanksgiving - No Classes Sunday School is from 10:45am until 11:45. We meet in our Gathering Room in the Sunday School wing. On Workshop Sundays and in Blaar Hall on Family Sundays! Contact Susan Detwiler at or call the church office if you have questions, need more information or would like to become involved in this ministry. 10 ASCENSION LADIES, PLEASE SAVE THIS DATE Did you see the recent article in the Medford Tribune about the Hearts with a Mission? It was a full front page praising this agency for providing housing for homeless youth - the only one to do so in Jackson County. Now they have added housing with volunteer parents. What a wonderful service! Come and learn more about its many services at our ALCW Women's Advent Lunch on Saturday, December 6 at 11:30a.m. at Ascension. There will be a delicious catered lunch, devotions and Secret Sister gift exchange. All women and guests welcome. Details later. ~Shiena Polehn, Mission Coordinator, ALCW Dear Ascension Lutheran Congregation, Thank you so much for the generous donation of food to our food pantry. We so appreciate that tremendous supporters you’ve been of our work with homeless children and families in our community. It wouldn’t be possible without your support. ~Warmly, Maslow Project MASLOW PROJECT: Sarah Circle sends a big thank you to everyone who participated in the Maslow Project food drive. Matt and Mollie from Maslow picked up over one thousand items of food for the homeless teens and families. Thanks to Sarah Circle for organizing this event. • • • • ALCW DATES The ALCW Board meeting is Thursday, Nov . 6 at 9:30 Thankoffering Sunday is Nov. 9 Sarah Circle is concelled in November due to the Veteran's Day holiday. Martha Cirlce meets Nov. 13 at 12:30. 11 What was the source of Samson’s strength? A. His huge muscles B. The Spirit of God C. His uncut hair D. He inherited it from his father Answer: See Judges 14:19 November Adult Forums November 2: No Forum. The Bazaar is open after worship. November 9: What’s Wrong with This Picture? Introduction of the In-Home, Fall Prevention Assessment Tool that Age Friendly Innovators Inc (AFI) has designed and is beta-testing. Discussion of the in-home, fall risk assessment tool with Sharon Johnson and Mary Ellen Campbell facilitating. Opportunity for anyone interested to schedule a follow-up in-home assessment with a team of Certified Aging in Place Specialists (C.A.P.S.) without cost. November 16: Scripture discussion with Pastor Doug November 23: “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” 91 year old Gail Myers PhD (retired college professor/president) will discuss his use of the in-home fall-risk assessment tool and his own decision-making process about “aging in place.” As a finale he and his 91 year old partner, Phyllis Ross (former member of Ascension) will do a few musical numbers—she is on the piano and he is on the tenor saxophone. November 30: Scripture discussion with Pastor Doug Church office hours are Monday through Thursday, 8:00 am to 3:00 pm and Friday, 8:00 am to noon. We may be closed for lunch. Beginning June 9, office hours will be MondayThursday, 9:00 to 2:00. Church website: 12 The book called Parenting in the Pew acknowledges that worship can be “one of those times when we parents would like to pay attention to something other than our children”. But … we bring our children so that we can be with them before God, not before the congregation. This is not about teaching your child to be quiet but teaching them how to pay attention to God. At Ascension we have had Worship Bags for quite a few years and now we would like to expand this ministry to help children pay attention to God…. with their parents help. There are now 3 levels of bags: #1 is for our littlest ones. They can put a Worship Buddy of their choice in it and there will a “no rip” picture book. These bags will have no little pieces, no writing implements, nothing that can harm or be harmed #2 is for our preschool and younger elementary kids. These will have children’s worship bulletins, Bible finger puppets, flannel board and felt shapes and more. Again children are welcome to grab a Worship Buddy too. #3 is for our older elementary kids. In this bag there will be supplies to encourage kids to listen, see and hear what is going on in worship and to respond through words or art. Upper level children’s bulletins and or course they can take a Worship Buddy too. All children’s Worship Bags will now be found in the main hallway, under the congregational photos. Below the shelf are booster seats and a basket for Worship Buddies that need washing. Generally the Worship Buddies are washed once a month, but if your little one is “drippy” with a cold or saliva, please put them in the “Wash Basket”! 13 Answer: Colossians 4:2, NIV 14 RECAP OF THE 2014 SANCTUARY RENOVATION: The current work on the sanctuary is complete, and I am pleased to report the project came in under budget. We had requested and received approval for $33,275 to complete this project, and the final total expenditures were $27, 415.31, which is 17.6% ($5,59.69) under budget. Thank you for your past and continued support in providing a safe and comfortable environment in which our church family can meet and worship. Yours in Christ, Greg Applen On Our Art Wall: We are reminded to give thanks for the abundance and beauty of fall through the work of three member artists using three different mediums: Welcoming us as we enter the vestibule is a lovely wall hanging of vibrant colors and fall design quilted and shared with us by Nancy Wilke. The lighted display wall features the work of two other artists. One is a giclee print of the original watercolor "Pears on Foothill' (the day before harvest) by Judy Bjorlie. It is joined by two original collages composed of natural materials by Jim Hutchins. These three beautiful works are on loan from Ron and Carole Holzkamp. The months of December and January include the Church season's of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany. For the display wall we are going to exhibit art work associated with the word "REJOICE". If you have artwork that reflects/evokes this emotion/action and you would like it to be considered for inclusion in a grouping, please have the piece at the Church for the A&S monthly meeting by Nov.18th at 10:00am. I you have questions please contact a member directly or leave your name with Carla and we will connect with you. We are thankful for members who have shared their art and talents with us. ~Rose Menge 15 16 We believe that we are called to proclaim the good news of God in Christ through our words and especially through our deeds toward all who live in the greater Rogue Valley of Southern Oregon. Our Vision We are a community of believers, empowered by the Holy Spirit to support and serve one another. Our Mission We, the members of Ascension Lutheran Church, gratefully rooted in the Good News of God’s Grace, proclaim our partnership with the whole church of God and give ourselves to worship, witness and service. Communion Services every Sunday at 9:30 AM 675 Black Oak Dr. Medford, OR 97504-8314 541-773-3594 Ascension Lutheran Church Return Service Requested MEDFORD OR PERMIT NO. 85 PAID NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE
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