Peace Lutheran Church 203 Jackrabbit Lane Belgrade, MT 59714 Peace Lutheran Church A congregation of the Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ - LCMC Belgrade, Montana Phone: (406) 388-1358 Web Site: LCMC: Office Hours Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Peace Lutheran Staff Bob Coughlin, Pastor Email: Jeff Redlin, Pastor Email: Laura Rost, Office Email: Larry Oddy, Council President June 28, 2015 5th Sunday after Pentecost 9:00 a.m. Worship 10:00 a.m. Coffee & Fellowship Bob & Carol White, Custodians In Ephesians 2:8, Paul writes, "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your doing. It is the gift of God." As Christians who are Lutheran, we say "We are justified (saved) by God’s grace alone, through faith alone, on account of Christ alone." We know that in spite of the fact that we are unacceptable, for Christ’s sake, God has accepted us just as we are. We know that we are saved by God’s free grace alone and God’s grace does not waver like our feelings of faith. So as God’s sent people, let us hold on to God’s grace and be God’s ministers and witnesses to all those around us every day of our lives. We, though many, are made one in Christ to serve all. Christ is the cornerstone of our faith, and through Christ, we strive to be a cornerstone of our community. Welcome to Peace Lutheran Church members and visitors! Childcare is available for infants and toddlers (0-5 years) in the Nursery, located in the north basement under the Fellowship Hall - 8:45 to 10:15 a.m. Large Print and Children’s bulletins are available from the ushers. Live Streaming, Sermons, and Past Worship Services are available at Please join in a time of fellowship and refreshments in the Fellowship Hall after worship. PLEASE TAKE THE TIME to fill out the attendance pad found in your pew and pass it along. This is the only way we have for verifying your worship attendance. These records are kept and are the difference between a member who is active & inactive. Is this important? It is when it comes to being able to vote at the Annual Meeting. So please sign the pads. If this is your first visit with us, we invite you to let us know your address, so we may thank you personally for joining us. JOUBERTS – TRUCK LOADING The date has been set for Paul and Sandi Joubert to load up their belongings into a moving truck. They will begin loading Monday, June 29th at 9 a.m. They appreciate any and all help. CITY OF LOVE The churches of Belgrade will be hosting a family friendly 4th of July celebration, called City of Love. There will be slides and bounce houses, cotton candy, snow cones, a 500’ ice cream Sunday, a free BBQ, face painting, a bike/car show and much much more! We are also looking for more fun ideas to add to the list, as well as volunteers to help with the event. If you are interested in helping, please contact Pr. Bob. It will be held July 4th from 1 p.m. – 5p.m. in the River Rock subdivision. LIBRARY PEACE LUTHERAN LIBRARY just received a book from Audrey Vitarius, The Cat That God Sent by Jim Kraus. (This book will surely did help me accept and love cats more.) It tells a simple, straightforward story that shows us no matter how many mistakes, big or small, we make, God never leaves us. The main character is a new pastor that also accepts the cat. Also, the Peace Bookworm is starting to grow with the help of the reading of Peace Library books by our children and youth. So let's get that Bookworm growing! COMMUNITY CAFÉ Today, Sunday, June 28th at 4:30 p.m., PLC will be serving at the Community Café. PLC has a pool of volunteers to serve meals on the 4th Sunday of every month. Please let the Church Office know if you want to be added to the list. We couldn’t do it without your help! THANK YOU We would like to thank John Gillis for providing the church with a monitor for those new cameras. These new cameras will be installed within the next few weeks. CROSSROAD BIBLE INSTITUTE We are looking for two or three people who can join with Carole Haughwout in sending out Bible Studies to prisoners. Please see Pr. Jeff, Pr. Bob or Carole if you are interested in this vital ministry. YOUTH CAR WASH - UPDATE WOW! Thank you so much to our amazing PLC Members, & our Belgrade Community, for your wonderful support of our Peace Youth. The youth held a Free Car Wash on Monday, June 22nd. After washing about 35 cars, we collected donations totaling $565!! The kids (and parents) worked hard & did a great job. The donations collected will go towards the mission trip to the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming from August 2-7, 2015. Thank you to all who worked the car wash, & to all who showed up to support us!! VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL PreK (age 3 potty trained) through 6th grade students are invited to attend VBS. It will be held July 20-23. Sign-up sheets are available on our website’s home page under QUICK LINKS as well as at the church office. VBS VOLUNTEERS The Education and Youth Team is searching for adults and teens who would welcome the joy that comes from working with our community's youth at our Vacation Bible School! We are in need of assistants to help the crew leaders in Crafts, Music, Games, Bible Lessons, Skits and Snacks. Please contact one of the pastors, Laura in the church office, or an Education and Youth team member if you can help. Thank you! FINANCIAL HARD-HAT OFFERING On the fourth Sunday of each month during this summer, we will pass a hard-hat around to collect donations to help pay for improvements on our parking lot. Donations should be made to the Building Fund. Today, Sunday, June 28th, will be our first “Hard-Hat Sunday”. CONSTRUCTION HAS BEGUN!!! In response to our need for more parking, on May 17th the congregation voted to approve the expansion of the number of parking spaces in our church’s parking lot. If you would like to help us pay for this needed improvement, please make your special contribution to the Building Fund. Make your checks out to Peace Lutheran Church with “Parking Lot” in the memo of the check. Thanks! 2015 GIVING UPDATE Weekly budgeted to meet obligations: $4,120 6/21/15 Actual Local Giving: $3,990 YTD Budgeted to meet obligations: $103,000 YTD Actual Giving (thru 6/21/15): $100,796 The 2015 Weekly Budgeted Need is the Annual Income Budget ($214,205) divided by 52 weeks, $4,120.00. Increase your giving in 2015 by just $2/week, and we will be able to meet our budget. Please talk with any Council Member if you have questions or concerns. Thank you to the Congregation for your continued giving. PEACE LUTHERAN CALENDAR June 28 – July 5, 2015 Sunday, June 28 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Worship Service –Evangelical Worship Coffee, Fellowship Community Cafe Monday, June 29 9:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m.. Paul & Sandi Joubert Truck Loading Boy Scouts Wednesday, July 1 6:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast Staff Meeting Thursday, July 2 7:00 p.m. Bible Book Study at Judi Beagley’s Friday, July 3 6:30 p.m. 7th Day Adventist Bible Study Saturday, July 4 Sunday, July 5 9:30 a.m 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 7th Day Adventist Worship City of Love at the River Rock Subdivision Worship Service – Dakota Road Coffee, Fellowship If you have questions about any event, please contact the church office at 388-1358. All are welcome to come and join any of the activities listed on the calendar. Italicized entries are non-Peace Lutheran Church events, although PLC members may be participating.
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