The Contact Faith. Family. Community. March 2015 In This Edition: Pg. 2 Prayers, Birthdays & Anniversaries, Group Gatherings Display Case Pg. 3 Lenten Schedule Pg. 4 Secretary Notes Thank You Address Changes Lenten Menu Daylight Savings Lutheran Day Pg. 5 Meetings, Choirs, Congratulations, & Readers Adult Ed. MY Group Help Did You Know? Pg. 6 Greeters Called Together Men’s Retreat Companions in Christ Pg. 7 Acolytes, Ushers, Hospitality, & Altar Faithful People Zion Shirts Pg. 8 Pajama Party VBS Help Needed Pg. 9 Calendar GLOBAL BARNYARD Barnyard Banks will be sent home for Sunday School children to use during the Lenten Season along with some Global Barnyard stickers. This helps them learn that putting money in their banks allows them to purchase animals for families around the world. Adults are encouraged to participate also. Prices for animals as listed: $10 - Chicks lay eggs and are meat which offers nutritious meals for families who are hungry. $20 - Ducks eat bugs and weeds that harm crops and their large eggs make healthy meals. $20 - Honey Bees pollinate plants and boost crop growth which helps the community. $30 - Pigs, after a few months, weigh a few hundred pounds and bring a big income from the market. $50 - Goats give fresh milk to drink or used for dairy products like cheese and yogurt to eat and sell. $125 - Sheep have wool to be made into clothing and sold to provide a steady source of income. $175 - Alpaca have soft fleece that can be made into blankets and rugs bringing in family income. $250 - A fish farm can provide an entire community with a long-lasting supply of fish to eat. $500 - Cows provide milk, meat, fertilizer, and calves to strengthen a family’s financial security. $1000 - A pair of oxen and a plow will help create harvests and provide fertilizer for the fields. PRAYERS AROUND ZION SOWERS “Let us pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus and for all people according to their needs.” FOR THOSE THAT ARE ILL: Calling all sowers: We WILL NOT meet in March but will meet on April 20 at 6:30 PM at Jeannette White’s. Connie Giles Kalen Maine Ron Subbert Chuck Hoffman Bob Martz Richard Peoble Jade Ballenger Elaine Van Grevenhof Jean Orr Karen Goodell Dixie Ulch Janice Nickell Rev. Don Sondrol Pat Tober Scott Meerdink Barb Buster Doris Watson OUT - TO - LUNCH BUNCH Out-to-Lunch Bunch will be on March 12 at 11:30 AM at Applebee’s. Sign up is available on the nursery bulletin board. SUPPER CLUB Supper Club will meet on March 21 at 6:00 PM at China Garden. Sign up is available on the nursery bulletin board. GROUP MEETINGS FOR THOSE WHO HAVE LOST A LOVED ONE: Jean Heitmann on the loss of her sister, Justine Freeborn. Jessica Wagg on the loss of her grandfather, Forrest Brady. Group 5 will meet on March 17 at 9:30 AM at Zion with Betsy Martin hosting. Group 6 will meet on March 26 at 7:30 PM at Vivien Halloran’s. 5 & 6 Z - BOOK CLUB The next meeting will be on Monday, March 2 at 5 PM at GeoJohnz. The book for the month is Unbroken. As a boy, Louis Zamperini was incorrigible. BIRTHDAYS & As a teen, he channeled his defiance into running ANNIVERSARIES which led him to the Berlin Olympics. When WWII began, he became an airman embarking on a journey *Denotes 90+ years, **denotes 100+ years, anniversaries listed that led to a doomed flight which he shouldn’t have are 50+ years. survived. See what happens to Zamperini and join Genevieve McDaniel 3/1 Z-Book Club. (Contact Vivien Halloran if you’d like to Marcelene Robinson 3/1 join Z-Book Club.) George Blackwood 3/7 Wilmer Denker Richard Koll Harold Stange Stan Johnson Irmgard Shoppa There are no March Anniversaries. 3/13 3/16 3/16 3/17 3/25 DISPLAY CASE The display case for April will be favorite toys from past to present. Please have your items into the church office by April 6. 2 LENTEN WORSHIP AT ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH This Year’s Worship Theme: “Learning from Each Other: Faith Practices of the members of Zion Lutheran Church” This Lent as we prepare for the joy of the resurrection, we will take up the study of Christian faith practices. Practicing our faith in Jesus Christ is a journey in which we mature in faith as we seek deeper meaning in our communal life in Christ. Each week, at Wednesday worship, we will hear from a member of Zion Lutheran Church who has a good sense of the faith practice. The season of Lent is a time for us to enrich our faith in the promises that Christ will redeem us and the world. Christ enters the brokenness of the world and restores us through the cross. During this season of Lent we will gather each Wednesday evening for a brief worship service and meal. The worship service begins at 5:30 PM each Wednesday evening. Invite your friends and neighbors to join us for worship! Midweek services: February 25 through March 25 at 5:30 PM, followed by a meal. March 4 “Worship - Seeking God’s Presence,” a conversation with Gary Sebbert March 11 “Study - Engaging God’s Word,” a conversation with Bill Dyar March 18 “Give - The Joy of Sharing,” (to be announced) March 22 Service of Healing March 25 “Invite/Encourage - Sharing Strength in Faith,” a conversation with Dyann Roby following the 8 AM & 10:30 AM services Holy Week Schedule March 29 Palm/Passion Sunday 8 & 10:30 AM Procession w/Palms April 2 Maundy Thursday 2 & 5:30 PM Worship w/Holy Communion “Spiritual Practice of Serving,” a conversation with Karen Landahl April 3 Good Friday Good Friday Noon Ecumenical Worship at 1st Presbyterian 7:30 PM Procession of the Holy Cross at Zion April 5 Easter Sunday 8 &10:30 AM Resurrection Festival Worship w/Holy Communion Youth Fundraiser Breakfast following the 8 AM worship service on Easter Sunday. 3 SECRETARY NOTES: ZION LUTHERAN 2015 LENTEN MENU March 4 THANK YOU: Thank you to everyone who March 11 helped with Marvin’s memorial. The message, music, luncheon, cards, prayers, and memories March 18 were great and meant so much. What a wonderful church family we have here at Zion. March 25 ~ The Franklin Family To Our Zion Family: Thank you for all the cards, visits, and most important, the prayers. By the time you read this we will be home. It has been a long 9 1/2 weeks, but we always knew we were in our Zion Family's thoughts and prayers. ~ Ron & Karolyn Subbert ADDRESS CHANGES: Grace Askam Sunny Brook Asst. Living 3515 Diana Queen Drive Muscatine, IA 52761 Youth Committee Walking Tacos/Salad, Celery, Carrots, and Desserts Bell/Senior Choir Ham Sandwiches, Baked Beans, Potato Chips, Celery, Carrots, and Desserts Group 6 Baked Potato Bar, Applesauce, Carrots, Celery, and Desserts Group 5 Sloppy Joes, Potato Chips, Jello Salad, and Desserts DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME Daylight Savings Time Begins on Sunday, March 8. Please remember to set your clocks ahead one hour before bedtime so you won’t have to miss out on worship! LUTHERAN DAY ON THE HILL Lutheran Services in Iowa (LSI) invites you to attend Lutheran Day on the Hill in Des Moines on March 9, 2015. This day is essential in giving voice to those unheard, for seeking justice and empowering people to exercise their right and responsibility to be part of the legislative process. Come learn more about advocacy, hear from LSI clients and have the opportunity to talk to your legislators about making sure critical human services are available for children, families, and individuals. Lunch, transportation, and t-shirt are provided at no cost. The bus will leave from Iowa City. Register at by March 5 or call 866-584-5293. If you attended last year’s event, please wear the shirt you received to help us be good stewards. 4 UPCOMING MEETINGS: ADULT EDUCATION Gateway Committee @ 3:30 PM - 3/4 Our Adult Education series for Lent will coincide with our mid-week Lenten series on developing faith practices to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. We will use the "Animate" DVD curriculum from Sparkhouse. The study is now through Sunday, April 12. The topics to be included are: Food; eating with Jesus - feat. Sara Miles (Mar. 1) Worship - featuring Mike Slaugher (Mar. 8) Sacraments - featuring Phyllis Tickle (Mar. 15) Money - featuring Shane Claiborne (Mar. 22) Service - featuring Enuma Okoro (Mar. 29) Community - featuring Doug Pagitt ( April 12) All Committee Night @ 6:30 PM - 3/5 Executive Committee @ 6:15 PM - 3/12 Church Council @ 7:00 PM - 3/12 CHOIRS PRACTICES: Bell Choir @ 6:15 PM - 3/1 - 3/8 - 3/22 Senior Choir @ 7 PM - 3/4 - 3/11 - 3/18 - 3/25 CONGRATULATIONS: READERS: 8:00 AM 3/1 - LoAnne Worth 3/8 - Charles Potter 3/15 - Sarah Evans 3/22 - Jim Haage 3/29 - No Reader Needed 10:30 AM 3/1 - Taylor Mandsager 3/8 - Sarah Perisho 3/15 - Evie Marr 3/22 - Bob Danner 3/29 - No Reader Needed MY GROUP MY Group (Muscatine Youth Group) meets on Sunday evenings 5-7 PM at MCSA with program and meal. Simple meal providers are needed (generally about 6:30 PM) on the following dates: March 1, 22, and 29, and April 12. Contact Jodi Hinrichs or Cathi Bencken if you can help and/or for details. Pastor Jodi's number at Shepherd of the Cross is 264-0784. Rev. Bencken’s number at Trinity Episcopal is 263-2177. DID YOU KNOW? 7 people are turning 80 in 2015: John Robinson (1/20), Stan Johnson (3/17), Emily Cole (7/22), Doris Evans (7/30), Sharon Martin (8/1), Bev Johnson (10/22), and Pat Tober (12/19). 7 people are turning 90 in 2015: Marcelene Robinson (3/1), George Blackwood (3/7), Richard Koll (3/16), Vivian Buster (6/8), Walter Henke (7/12), Edmon Montgomery (7/29), and Marietta Zimmerman (11/3). The one member who will be celebrating her 100th birthday in 2015 is Elsie Weber (5/9). How many birthdays did you get right? How well do you know your fellow Zion congregation members? 5 GREETERS UP: CALLED TOGETHER IN MISSION 8:00 AM 3/1 - Edwin & Beth Colon 3/8 - Larry & Reita Driskell 3/15 - Jake & Sarah Evans 3/22 - Al & Dee Miller 3/29 - John & Melody Evans The Southeastern Iowa Synod will hold the Called Together in Mission (CTIM) event at First Lutheran Church in Cedar Rapids on Saturday, March 14. The theme for the event will be “People of the Spirit” and will welcome Dr. Troy Troftgruben, assistant professor at Wartburg Seminary, as the keynote speaker. Excellent workshops will continue the theme and provide ideas and resources to fuel ministries at Zion Lutheran. Please let Pastor Cauley know if you are interested in joining this event. All costs are covered by the congregation. 10:30 AM 3/1 - Duane & Christy Williams 3/8 - Tasha, Carson, & Hayden Cantrell 3/15 - Bob & Mary Danner 3/22 - Bill & Patty Chrisman 3/29 - Rose Marie Paul LENTEN WORSHIP: 3/4 - Bill & Tyler Toyne 3/11 - Dick & Evie Marr 3/18 - Michelle Richardson 3/25 - Richard & Vivian Buster GREETERS DOWN: 8:00 AM 3/1 - John & Melody Evans 3/8 - Wilma Fosholt 3/15 3/22 3/29 - Mark & Julie Frye 10:30 AM 3/1 - Manley & Rose Marie Doyle 3/8 - Dave & Terri Hanson 3/15 - Kim & Kandi Dieckman 3/22 - Andrew & Kristine Fangman 3/29 - Kent & Mary Heckman MEN’S RETREAT Ready for a Guys’ Weekend? Lutherdale and Lutheran Men In Mission are having a retreat that is made for guys, by guys. There will be a pentathlon team competition appropriate for all ages and abilities, conversation and getting to know new and old friends better, and inspiration to be strengthened and encouraged in your faith. The featured speaker will be Pastor Matthew Poock of St. John’s Lutheran Church of Evansville, WI. Theme for this retreat is “High, Deep, and Wide” (Eph. 3:17-18). Cost is $75/person which includes lodging, meals, and activities. Be sure to save the dates for April 17 & 18 for a time of inspiration, meaning, and fun! (Registration due by April 4. Talk to Heather or Pastor Steve for details.) COMPANIONS IN CHRIST All are welcome to attend the Companion Synod/ Diocese Celebration on Saturday, April 18 at Faith Lutheran Church in Clive. Participants will learn about the companion relationship between the Pare Diocese and the Southeastern Iowa Synod. Along with Bishop Michael Burk, the keynote speakers are Bishop Charles Mjema and Pastor Nahana Mjema of the Pare Diocese. For more information, contact Sarah Perisho. 6 ACOLYTES: FAITHFUL PEOPLE, HOLY LANDS 2015 8:00 AM 3/1 - Katie Harris 3/8 - Phoebe Lawrence & Lizzy Richardson 3/15 -Maddie Kokemuller 3/22 - Phoebe Lawrence 3/29 - Katie Harris How big are the blocks of the temple? What color is the wilderness? What does the wind on the Sea of Galilee feel like? While we can learn a lot about Christ’s life and death from scripture, there are a lot of details we can only know from first-hand experience. September 11-25 members of the Southeastern Iowa Synod are making a pilgrimage to Israel and Palestine. Pastor Dan Kuckuck of St. Stephen, Urbandale, will host this trip along with Monte Luker, Professor of Hebrew Scripture at Lenoir-Rhyne University and Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary. For more information, contact Pastor Dan Kuckuck at 515-276-4628 or or click on the link below: 10:30 AM 3/1 - Carson Borde 3/8 - Karson Cantrell 3/15 - Carson Borde & Phillip Smith 3/22 - Destiny Williams 3/29 - Phillip Smith LENTEN WORSHIP: 3/4 - Phillip Smith 3/11 - Phoebe Lawrence 3/18 3/25 - Carson Borde USHERS: 8:00 AM Jim Haage, Rosendo Ramos, Ron Subbert, Justin Dornbush, Julie Haage 10:30 AM Riley Padgett, Mike Watson, Mark Perisho, Duane Williams, Charles Meyer, Casey Cantrell HOSPITALITY: 3/1 - Property 3/15 - Stewardship ALTAR GUILD: Nancy Keel & Stacey Ramos ZION SHIRTS AND TOTES Zion t-shirts, polo's, and totes are still available for sale. The t-shirts and totes are $12 and the polo's are $20. The shirts are available in several colors and in any size. Order forms are on the office bulletin board. Checks can be made out to Zion Lutheran with the memo stating “shirts” (or totes). You may leave checks in the church office with Heather or contact Dyann Roby at 563-299-1700. FINANCIAL REPORT Income 2014 Budgeted Income Budgeted Expenses Net Ordinary Income 12 /14 Actual $330,209 292,479 37,730 Unbudgeted Income Unbudgeted Expenses Net Income 26,451 24,685 $39,496 Fund Balances Unified Fund Building Fund Fellowship Hall Memorial Fund Gateway Apts Fund $95,865 11,610 4,099 102,408 21,824 7 11/12ths Yr Budget 300,816 300,816 - Yr-to-Date Difference 29,393 (8,337) 37,730 26,451 24,685 39,496 VEGGIE TALES PAJAMA PARTY Friday, March 27 at 6:30 PM we will having the Veggie Tales Pajama Party. This year’s story is “Noah’s Ark: A Lesson is Trusting God.” Noah and his family along with a zoo full of animals take an adventure aboard an orange slice ark. After 40 days and nights of rain, everyone's faith has been tested, and they're ready to jump ship. Will they chart a new course, or will they remember to trust God's promises? There will be time for a game, coloring, snacks, and of course, the story. This family event is for 3 year olds through 2nd grade and their parents. Please don’t forget to wear your pajamas! Watch for the sign up sheet on the office bulletin board. HELP NEEDED FOR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Vacation Bible School at Zion this year will be June 8-12. The theme is Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power. Help is needed everyday of VBS, 9:15 AM to Noon. There will be daytrips on some afternoons for students in grades 2-6. Please fill out this form and return it to the church office on or before May 8: ____ I will be a Crew Leader (“teacher”) Grade _________ (If you can’t be there everyday, list the days that you are available.) ____________________________________________________________ ____ I would like to be an Activity Site Leader: (circle one) Imagination Station KidVid Cinema Games ____ I will help in the kitchen: Days: ____________________________________ ____ I will help with games. Days: ______________________________________ ____ I would like to be a helper. Days/areas:______________________________ ____ I will help with chaperoning on daytrips for the 2nd through 6th graders. ____ I will help with transportation on daytrips for the 2nd through 6th graders. Name: ___________________________________ Phone: _______________ email: _____________ *If you have any questions, please speak with Stacey Ramos (571-0363) or Heather in the office. 8 Monday Thursday M a r c h 2015 Wednesday 5 Tuesday 4 Sunday 3 6:30 PM All Comm. Night 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 12 2 11 1 10 5:30 PM Z-Book Group GeoJohns 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 6:30 AM Men's Bible Study 9:00 AM Quilting Ladies 3:30 PM Gateway Meeting 5:30 PM Lent Worship/meal 7:00 PM Senior Choir 9 6 Friday 7 14 4 28 Saturday 6:00 PM Supper Club China Garden 13 27 11:30 AM Out-to-Lunch Bunch - Applebee’s 6:15 PM Exec. Comm. 7:00 PM Church Council 26 6:30 PM Veggie Tales Noah’s Ark Pajama Party 6:30 AM Men's Bible Study 9:00 AM Quilting Ladies 5:30 PM Lent Worship/meal 7:00 PM Senior Choir 17 St. Patrick’s Day 9:30 AM Group 5 - Betsy Martin's 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 25 9:00 AM Contact Assembly 7:30 PM Group 6 - Vivien Halloran's 21 24 6:30 AM Men's Bible Study 9:00 AM Quilting Ladies 5:30 PM Lent Worship/meal 7:00 PM Senior Choir 20 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 1 19 16 31 6:30 AM Men's Bible Study 9:00 AM Quilting Ladies 5:30 PM Lent Worship/meal 7:00 PM Senior Choir 23 Contact Articles Due 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 30 2 Maundy Thursday 2:00 PM Worship 5:30 PM Worship 3 Good Friday 12:00 PM Ecumenical Worship @ 1st Pres. 7:30 PM Worship @ Zion 6:30 AM Men's Bible Study 9:00 AM Quilting Ladies 3:15 PM Gateway Meeting 7:00 PM Senior Choir 18 8:00/10:30 AM Worship 9:15 AM Sunday School/ Adult Ed. 12:00 PM Bell Choir 5:00 PM Youth Group @ MCSA 8 Daylight Savings Time: Set Your Clocks Ahead! 8:00/10:30 AM Worship 9:15 AM Sunday School/ Adult Ed. 12:00 PM Bell Choir 5:00 PM Youth Group @ MCSA 15 8:00/10:30 AM Worship 9:15 AM Sunday School/ Adult Ed. 5:00 PM Youth Group @ MCSA 22 Service of Healing (after both services) 8:00/10:30 AM Worship 9:15 AM Sunday School/ Adult Ed. 12:00 PM Bell Choir 5:00 PM Youth Group @ MCSA 29 Palm Sunday 8:00 AM Worship 9:15 AM Sunday School/ Adult Ed. 10:30 AM Worship 5:00 PM Youth Group @ MCSA 9 MARCH 2015 | KEEPING ZION CONNECTED THE CONTACT Zion Lutheran Church 513 Sycamore Street Muscatine, IA 52761 563.263.5074 Visit us online at ZIONMUSCATINE.ORG Follow us at TWITTER@ZIONMUSCATINE
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