THIS WEEK AT ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH: Oct. 19 - 26 Today: Worship 8:15 a.m. Sunday School/Bible Class 9:30 a.m. Confirmation 9:30 a.m. Praise Team 9:45 a.m. Worship 10:45 a.m. nd Young at Heart (following 2 service) Monday: Merry Widows 12:00 noon Mary/Martha Circle 7:30 p.m. Tuesday: Children’s Handbells 4:00 p.m. ESL/Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Bd. of Ed 7:00 p.m. Wednesday: Chapel 8:35 a.m. th 8 Grade Confirmation 4:45 p.m. Thursday: Bible Study 8:30 a.m. ESL/Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Friday: Volleyball @ First Lutheran 6:30 p.m. Saturday: LYF to Pumpkinland 5:00 p.m. Worship/CCC 6:00 p.m. Sunday: Worship 8:15 & 10:45 a.m. Friends of Christ 5:00 p.m.. IF YOU HAVE CHILDREN: - Nursery with the service available through a speaker is available in the church basement during the 10:45 Sunday Service. - Quiet Bags to occupy the children during worship services are available. Please ask an usher for their location. - Children’s Offering Envelopes are available on the table in the narthex. - Children’s Chapel meets during the sermon in the second service nd (10:45) in the church basement for children 3 yrs. – 2 gr. th - Sunday School Classes are available for children (up to 5 grade). Opening is the school gym. - High School Bible Class with Chris Hannemann meets in the church basement. BIBLE CLASS with Pastor Kenny, 9:30-10:30 a.m., in Fellowship Hall. Topic: Hebrews BIBLE CLASS with Frank Tenuta in the church office, at 9:30 a.m., will be studying the Gospel lesson for this Sunday, Matthew 22:15-22. KIDS IN SERVICE TO THE SAVIOR: Sun., 8:15, Mary Beth Winckler; 10:45, Eric Sherman. Next Sun., 8:15, Ivey Winckler; 10:45 McKenzie Schweigert POWERPOINT: Sat., 6:00, Liz Sanders; Sun., 8:15, Amanda Segebart; 10:45, Shannon Greene-Hogan HOLY BAPTISM: Sunday morning at the 10:45 service. Nyakuma Prayer Reat Koang and Koaly Reat Koang, children of Reat Pamyuan & Melorie Strong. May the Lord richly bless these children and keep them faithful to their Baptismal covenant unto life everlasting. HOSPITALIZED: We ask your prayers on behalf of the following friends in Christ who are hospitalized: Unity Point St. Luke’s: Shirley McCormick (Keep in your prayers those who have been hospitalized, Jerry Huldeen, and those with ongoing problems….) LOVE OFFERING for the remainder of the year will be devoted to “Church Restoration” projects. Bd. of Stewardship FINANCIAL REPORT: Actual Last Week: $ 5,173.25 Year to Date: $ 303,821.09 Budget $ 10,817.45 $ 443,515.25 48% 69% Love Offering Last Week Year to Date Roof Cost : $ 191.00 $ 23,138.00 $ 62,965.85 (Last Week’s Attendance: Sat. & Sun., 193) TAKING FAITH HOME IS NOW AVAILABLE IN THE NARTHEX PAMPHLET HOLDER Taking Faith Home is a weekly publication for you and your family to grow your relationship with God together. There are Bible reading assignments for each day, prayer for the week and questions that you can use to have meaningful conversations with your family members. Take one with you today and start a Christ centered life at your home. TODAY IN SUNDAY SCHOOL our children will see how “Abram Rescues Lot.” This account is an Old Testament picture of how God rescued all of us from sin’s condemnation. Parents might ask, “How has God rescued you from sin?” th “YOUNG AT HEART CLUB” will meet this Sun., Oct. 19 , for a noon “Potluck” Meal after the late service in the church basement fellowship hall. Bring your favorite potluck dish and join us for a great meal and fellowship. The Committee MERRY WIDOWS will meet at the church on Mon., Oct. 20, 12:00 noon to go out to eat. MARY/MARTHA CIRCLE will meet Mon., Oct. 20, 7:30 p.m. at the home of Cherryll Hoffman’s, 5620 Windsor Ave. ST. PAUL’S FAMILY 2014 HARVEST DINNER – Come and enjoy a delicious gourmet Thanksgiving meal prepared by Chef Rich Grothaus & Chef Nick Gunn th on Sun., Nov. 9 after the 10:45 service in the school gym. Bring a friend with you. Please R.S.V.P. on the Narthex Table or call the church office, 252-0338. Free will donation will be taken at the door. Bring a canned good or dry food item to support our local Gospel Mission. PUMPKINLAND CORN MAZE – LYF & JIF – We will again be going to Orange th City to Pumpkinland. Next Sat., Oct. 25 we will be leaving the church parking lot @ 5:00 to find our way through the corn maze. There is a petting zoo and pumpkins are also for sale. We will stop at Hardee’s on our way home. Dress warm bring your flashlight and be ready to scare up some fun. Any members of the congregation who would like to join are more than welcome. This is a family event. Also, we will need a few parents to drive. Call Sue 259-3077 and let her know if you are coming & if your parents can drive. GET READY TO HAVE A GREAT TIME. AN ADULT CONFIRMATION CLASS will be starting soon. It will be held on Saturdays from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. in the church basement. If you are interested in being a part of this class, contact the church office, 252-0338. IOWA LUTHERAN SCHOOL TUITION ORGANZATION: If you haven’t heard about this organization, now is the time to take a closer look. This is the program whereby your dollars will benefit families who want to send their children to Lutheran Elementary and secondary schools. The benefits you receive are twofold: 1)You get to see more children experiencing the love of God every day; and 2) You will receive a 65% tax credit on your Iowa State Income taxes and possibly a charitable deduction on your Federal return. For more information, please contact Dewey Torkelson at 712-260-2991. You might also check the websites and ALL SAINTS’ DAY HYMN FEST: Everyone is invited to join the musicians of the Siouxland LCMS churches to sing hymns that take us “From Hell to Heaven” on Sun., Nov. 2, 2014, at 4 pm (Pre-service Music starts at 3:30 PM - Organ, Handbells, Brass, etc.). This year's host church is Calvary Lutheran Church, 4400 Central St., Sioux City IA. A light lunch will be served following the music program. Calvary will provide the main course, you are asked to bring a salad or dessert to share. A free will offering will be collected to support the ministries of Chaplain Steve Benson and Siouxland Missionary to the Hispanics, Pastor Henry Witte. We also invite musicians to participate. If you are wish to participate with singing or playing an instrument, you are most welcome. Call Ruthie Witte (712274-8668), Paulette Schmidt (712-274-9286) or Pastor Travis (712-202-8516) for more information. AREA CHURCH DINNERS: - St. John’s Lutheran Church at Climbing Hill will have its annual Soup & Pie Supper on Wed., Oct. 22, from 4 – 7 p.m. Specials include oyster stew, chicken noodle soup, chili, loose meats, hot dogs and, of course, lots of pies. Cost for all you can eat is $8. For adults, $4 children over 5, and under 5 eat free. We hope you can come! - Bethany Lutheran Church, 1201 Dubuque, will have its annual PRIME RIB DINNER (Prime Rib, Potatoes, Green Beans, Salads and Desserts) Craft & Bake Sale. Sun., Oct. 26, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Adults: $12.50, children under 12, $5.00, 3 and under, free. Takeouts available. - Broasted Pork Chop Dinner, Grace Lutheran Church, 1430 7 Ave SE, th LeMars, IA, on Sun., Oct. 26 , 4-7 p.m. Also a “Gift Basket Silent Auction”. Tickets are $10.00 for adults and children 11 & over, Children ages 5-10 are $6.00. Carry outs are available. (Dinner includes broasted pork chop, cheesy potatoes, corn, roll, salads, and dessert. Proceeds go to charities and mission projects. th YOU ARE INVITED to TRUNK OR TREAT at Faith Lutheran Church, 3101 Hamilton Blvd. on Wed., Oct. 29, 5:30 – 7 p.m. We invite you to “Decorate Your Trunk” and hand out candy. Bring your kids in appropriate Christian Costumes (please nothing that promotes Satan or Witchcraft). There will also be a Soup Supper throughout the event. Come enjoy all the Fall Fun, Games and Activities! Contact Jennifer Copenhaver, 712-899-2927 or see us on Facebook if you would like to help or have any questions. CHURCH SECRETARY POSITION AVAILABLE: Faith Lutheran Church is seeking to fill its Church Office Secretary position. Faith is looking for applicants who have an authentic Christian faith, basic knowledge of church operations, basic office and computer skills, ability to multi-task, and are willing to work Monday through Friday from 8:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. Resume and cover letter should be either mailed or dropped off no later than November 3, 2014 at Faith Lutheran Church, 3101 Hamilton Blvd., Sioux City IA 51104. HOSPICE of SIOUXLAND/SIOUXLAND PALLIATIVE CARE will have th “Volunteer Training Sessions” on Oct. 20, 23, 27 & 30 , from 3 – 6 p.m. at 4300 Hamilton Blvd. For more information contact the Volunteer Coordinator at 712233-4144 or 1-800-383-4545. DEAR FRIENDS OF MERCY MEALS OF SIOUXLAND, there is still time for you to get a group together & package Mercy Meals on Sat., Oct. 25. The first session begins at 8:30 A.M. & ends at 10:00 A.M. The second session begins at 10:30 A.M. & ends at noon. Please call or e-mail me to schedule your group. 712-258-0808. If you are coming alone or have just two or three people, feel free to drop in to package as space allows. Blessings, Larry Joines BUILDING HEALTHY FAMILIES: Several common medical conditions are associated with increased risk of depression and suicide including chronic pain, recent heart attack and cancer. If you know someone who has had or is currently suffering from one of these conditions, make a point to check in with them. Talk openly about how they are doing emotionally as well as physically. Pray with them, listen to them, and keep in frequent contact with them. Call an LFS counselor to consult if you are concerned about their risk for depression or suicide. Lutheran Family Service of Iowa, 4301 Sgt. Rd., Suite 203, 276-9000,
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