IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH THE BAPTISM OF OUR LORD 1 ST SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY SATURDAY & SUNDAY, JANUARY 10 & 11, 2015 DEAR MEMBERS OF IMMANUEL, Alicia and I would like to sincerely thank you for making us feel so welcome and at home during our transition to Perryville. We were shocked at how quickly the moving truck was unloaded. We also enjoyed meeting so many of you after the worship services last weekend. Thank you for the reception and the opportunity to know you better. The shower gifts and notes were a huge surprise! Please know they are greatly appreciated and have been a real blessing to us. To say we are blessed is a true understatement of how we feel. We look forward to serving and growing in faith with you. Thank you again for your prayers and support! God Bless, Mr. & Mrs. Steele ANYONE INTERESTED IN JOINING OUR MUSIC PROGRAM through Voice Choir, Handbell Choir, or even instrumentalists, please meet with our new Music Director, Mr. Nathan Steele, in the Music Room after each Divine Service this weekend, Sat., Jan. 10, and Sun., Jan. 11. No need to bring anything. Survey sheets will be available for you to fill out with information about yourself and your desire(s) to join our music program. All ages are welcome! If you are unable to meet with him at this time, please feel free to contact him at the church office during the week. This is your opportunity to become involved and praise God with the “Sound of Music”! A JOYFUL AND SINCERE THANKS AND APPRECIATION with all praise and glory to God alone to the Men’s Choir directed by Mr. Eric Seibel, the many/various instrumentalists, and the ILS students and staff directed by Mrs. Ellen Birkedal, for continuing to provide special music for the Divine and other Worship Services during the past 1 1/2 years of the Coordinator of Parish Music/Worship Organist vacancy ... and to Mr. Allyn Steffens and Mrs. Janet Seibel for carrying the vast bulk of the load of organ accompaniment for the hymns and liturgies of the Divine and other Worship Services during that time. God truly blessed our congregation through them for which we are very grateful. THE CHURCH’S EMAIL HAS CHANGED TO MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD OF SOCIAL MINISTRY We would like to thank all of you so very much for your generous outpouring of food donations and monetary donations during this holiday season. These gifts came from everywhere—Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, various business employees in the community, Christmas parties, food collections, Immanuel Lutheran School students, Social Clubs, PHS Elementary, Middle and High School classes and clubs, Career Center, Gilster Marylee, other churches in the community and county, boards and organizations of Immanuel, Immanuel Lutheran Youth Group, and many, many other individuals!!! Also, thank you to the deer meat donated from the Share the Harvest Program here in our county. WOW! Thank you! We want to also thank our Voters Assembly for approving the allotment of our Thanksgiving and Christmas offering to the Food Pantry. Thank you to the Ministerial Alliance with which both of our pastors are involved in their mission of showing God’s light by helping those coming thru our community with their needs for shelter, food, clothing, transportation, etc. We appreciate the special help given on the part of the individuals and organizations in our congregation to help us meet the goal for the 50% Challenge Grant with Thrivent as well as the original grant given! God Bless Us All!!! WINTER WEATHER AND CHURCH ACTIVITIES Please know that it’s for YOUR physical safety and welfare that we adopted and abide by the following policy: Anytime Perry County School District #32 dismisses early or cancels classes due to weather conditions all church activities and meetings (except worship services!) will also be automatically cancelled for that day or the remainder of it. If in doubt, check our Facebook page (, call your district Elder, another Elder, the church office, tune in to 980 AM (KBDZ) radio station, and/or check the listing on KFVS TV Channel 12 where it will be announced on one or more of them. MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW FOR THE 66TH ANNUAL PANCAKE DAY ON SAT., FEB. 14, sponsored by the Fellowship Club. Let’s make this the best year ever! We need you and new people to help make this a success. As you know some of the members who have helped either went to their eternal home in heaven or are in assisted living now. We need you to fill their shoes! This is such a wonderful “fellowship” project. Please consider and sign up in the church office or call if you will be able to help! There are three different shifts and set up the day before. All help is appreciated! Pick up a work list or sign up to help at the Visitor’s Center. THE LADIES OF THE LWML will be “tacking” quilts on Tuesdays beginning this week, Jan. 13 @ 8:30-11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Room. When the project is completed the quilts will be boxed up and taken to the Orphan Grain Train Warehouse in St. Louis to be distributed to those who need them. No experience is needed in sewing! All women are welcome! Come join us for fun & fellowship! A NOTE FROM THE CEMETERY COMMITTEE Due to rising maintenance costs and equipment increases, the price of grave sites has increased. For further information please speak with Ron Wills, Phil Norman, or Wayne Ochs. “LUTHERANISM 101” IS A WEEKLY BIBLE STUDY FOR ADULTS that meets on Tue’s. @ 7-8:30 p.m. in Room 1 (when not preempted by some other meeting). It’s is a comprehensive course in which participants are learning about God and His Son, Faith and Belief, Heaven and Hell, Church and Fellowship, Sin and Forgiveness, and much more! In addition it is examining Lutheran beliefs and practices in a fresh way by digging into the history of Lutheranism and making connections between what Lutherans believe and do. Lifelong Lutherans searching for Page 2 more information and new Lutherans looking to better understand what Lutheranism is all about will benefit from this exciting course that allows for much discussion and questions. It will resume this Tue., Jan. 13. Please consider attending to review what you may already know and learn anew about what the Bible teaches as understood and applied in our Lutheran context. A SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR LORENE THOMPSON’ 90TH BIRTHDAY OPEN HOUSE will be held on Sun., Jan. 25 @ 1-5:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Room here at church. RSVP by Jan. 20 to Margaret Yates (573-275-5160) or Pat Thompson (314-842-0153). Please, No Gifts. If you would like to send her a card her address is 306 Dowling Street, Perryville, MO, 63775. IMPORTANT/SIGNIFICANT UPCOMING ITEMS/EVENTS/ACTIVITIES … Mon., Jan. 12 = Parish Planning Council Meeting @ 7:00 p.m. Thu.-Wed., Jan. 15-21 = Pastor Handrick on Vacation. Mon., Jan. 19 = Altar Guild Meeting @ 7:00 p.m. Sat. & Sun., Feb. 7 & 8 = Winter Missions Emphasis Weekend highlighting CPH Concordia Gospel Outreach, St. Louis, MO, for which a special door offering will be collected after all three divine services this weekend and the following weekend, Feb. 14 & 15. Mon., Feb. 9 = Voters Assembly Regular Quarterly Meeting @ 7:00 p.m. Wed., Feb. 18 = Ash Wed. Divine Service with Holy Communion & Imposition of Ashes @ 4:00 & 7:00 p.m. THE LUTHERAN WITNESS SUBSCRIPTIONS are due by Sun., Jan. 25. The cost is $15.96. Please use the 2015 envelope enclosed in your box and return it to the church office by Sun. Jan. 25. 2015 LUTHERAN ANNUAL Please call the church office if you want one or more. The cost is $27.00 each. An order will be placed in Jan. LUTHERAN WOMEN’S MISSIONARY LEAGUE NEWS … …Continue saving your used postage stamps for Stamps for Missions. Place them in the bins in the hallway. …Quarterlies are ready to be picked up. THE FEB./MAR. NEWSLETTER DEADLINE IS MON., JAN. 26. Please submit items from your board or organization to Betty Bohnert @ MEDICAL/FLU ALERT!!! A mutated form of the previously-identified flu AND the alreadyidentified flu itself seem to now be running rampant. The best defense is simple—frequent hand washing, covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing, avoiding people already diagnosed with the flu, getting medical treatment if you have flu symptoms (achiness, fever, vomiting, etc.), heavier than normal intake of fluids, extra bed rest, etc. This is real and it’s nothing to trifle with. Please take it seriously, take proper precautions, and when symptoms occur deal with them appropriately. God be with all of you, keep you in His providential care, and bless you with Page 3 physical and spiritual health and vitality. UPCOMING EVENTS IN THE AREA After the Holidays Concert at Zion Lutheran Church, Longtown, MO tomorrow/today, Sun., Jan. 11 @ 2:00 p.m. Free will offering to go to the Regional Family Crisis Center. Silent Auction to follow in the hall. Call Etzold Packing if you would like to donate items for the auction. Saxony Lutheran HS Booster Chili Dinner/Homecoming on Fri., Feb. 6 @ 4:00-7:00 p.m. Boys BB Game @ 6:00 p.m. Mission Fundraiser at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Jackson, MO, Feb. 18-21 STEWARDSHIP MESSAGE FOR … The Baptism of Our Lord (1st Sun. after Epiphany) Mark 1:7 And John preached, saying, “After me comes he who is mightier than I, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie.” John is right: Jesus is immensely greater than any of us, yet behold how He came to serve! That is the upside down, outlandish grace of God: the innocent Jesus takes our sinner’s place. This is the greatest act of giving the world has ever known or will know: the Father gives His Son to die in the place of sinners LUTHERANS FOR LIFE ITEMS LIFE QUOTE: “We can’t stop all evil in this fallen world, but we can fight it in our own neck of the woods with love. Love never ends. Love can save lives. Love declares that there is no such thing as an unwanted child.” Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – A “Life Quote” from Lutherans For Life • LIFE THOUGHT: The power of the Triune God “created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). The power of the Triune God manifested itself in Jesus’ baptism (Mark 1:911). The power of the Triune God joined us to Christ in our baptisms (Romans 6:3-4). The power of the Triune God enables us to “walk in newness of life” (6:4). Christians can make God-pleasing decisions. SAXONY LUTHERAN HS SUNDAY IS JANUARY 25! We will host an Open House @ 1-2:30 p.m. for prospective students and parents of all grade levels. Tour the facilities, meet with faculty and students, and get answers to your questions. At 3:00 pm, enjoy the Winter Drama Production, with half-price tickets for students who attend the Open House. Come see how the Lord has blessed us and how He might bless you through our programs! Please call 2047555 for more information or directions. Page 4 BOARD OF EVANGELISM (“OUTREACH”) NEWS Nicole Decker, in her last newsletter of Jan. 2015 reminisces about her last year in South Africa and her upcoming plans which include marriage to Dan next summer. You can read her faith-filled message on Immanuel’s website and in print on the table by the library door. Chapel of Hope, Lutheran Student Center on the campus of SEMO, received $353.50 from Immanuel’s undesignated mission offerings given from Sep. to Dec., 2014. We fell short of our $500 goal, but thanks to the members who supported this project. Recipients for 2015 of undesignated mission offerings chosen by the Evangelism Board are the following: Jan-Apr: Hilpert Lutheran Bible Translators in Sierra Leone; May–Aug: Lutheran Mission Partnership at Kennett, Malden, & Doniphan; Sep-Dec: Chapel of Hope on the campus of Southeast Missouri State University. Support for a missionary family can be made through Mission Senders of LCMS 1-800248-1930 ext. 1651 Debra Feenstra. Some missionary families that need funding suggested by Debra are Peter Kolb going to Hong Kong, Joel Fritsche going to the Dominican Republic, and Mike Paul going to Taiwan. Information about these missionary families is available on a bulletin board in the narthex. Spanish language Portals of Prayer for Jan.-Mar. 2015 are available on the evangelism table by the library door. Hispanic people welcome these prayer booklets in their native language. Pray for Us Calendar for Jan. 2015 asks Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) members to pray for international mission work. This work has encompassed many different witness and mercy projects in some 90 countries around the world. God has blessed this work through LCMS members who support this work with prayer and gifts. The calendar can be found on Immanuel’s web site when you click on bulletin and in print on the table by the library door. The Messiah Choir performances of choruses and solos from “The Messiah” and other choral selections will be on Sun., Jan. 11 @ 3:00 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church in Friedheim, Missouri and on Jan. 18 at Trinity Lutheran Church in Cape Girardeau. Both concerts begin with pre-concert music at 2:45 p.m. In Friedheim, the featured music group will be Connor Bock and the Saturday Worship Music Team will accompany hymns. In Cape, the Trinity Ringers will be the featured music group and the Trinity Brass will accompany hymns. The director of the Messiah Choir is Vicki Boren. Messiah soloists will be Dr. Trudy Lee, Patti McPheeters, Don Presson, Eric Scott, and Elizabeth Shelton. A free will offering will be taken for a scholarship fund to promote musicianship among youth. Refreshments will be served following both concerts. ISSUES, ETC. is a radio talk show hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken and produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL. You can tune in LIVE weekdays @ 3-5:00 p.m. on KFUO, 850 AM in St. Louis. You can also listen on-demand at Page 5 THE BAPTISM OF OUR LORD; 1ST SUN. AFTER EPIPHANY (Genesis 1:1-5; Romans 6:1-11; St. Mark 1:4-11) In Holy Baptism, the Holy Triune God Reveals Himself and Recreates Us in His Image “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1:1). Then, as “the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters” (Gen. 1:2), God spoke His Word: “‘Let there be light,’ and there was light” (Gen. 1:3). In the same way “the beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ” (Mark 1:1) brings about the New Creation through the waters of Baptism by the same Word and Spirit of God. When John the Baptist came, “proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins,” Jesus also came “and was baptized by John in the Jordan” (Mark 1:4, 9). Although He had no sins of His own, He took His stand with sinners in His Baptism and took the sins and mortality of the world upon Himself. He was baptized into His own death, by which the heavens are opened and the Spirit is given to us. God the Father is well-pleased with His beloved Son and raises Him from the dead. As we share His Baptism and are “united with Him in a death like His” (Rom. 6:5), we also share His resurrection unto “newness of life” (Rom. 6:4). IMMANUEL LUTHERAN SCHOOL NEWS Girls Basketball Games: Jan. 12 (away) Trinity, Cape @ 5:45 p.m. (CBA); Jan. 15 (away) East Perry @ 5:45 p.m. Boys Basketball Game: Tues. Jan. 13, (home) Parents Night vs. East Perry; Fri., Jan. 16 (away) Trinity, Cape @ 5:45 p.m. (CBA); Notre Dame Tournament 10, 11, 17 & 18 Fish Frys are scheduled for Feb. 27 and March 20. Details to follow. DUELING PIANOS ARE COMING TO PERRYVILLE IN JUST 3 WEEKS! Get ready for a sing-along, clap-along, all request evening of fun as we raise money for ILS, like an upright piano for the music room, headphones for the computer cart, a machine to cover library books, and more! You will be amazed at the songs that they can play on a piano! You pick the genre, you pick the song, and they can play it! Appetizers and drinks will be available. We guarantee you will have a great time! The event is at the KC Main Hall on Saturday, January 24 from 7-11pm. Tickets are $25/person or $175 for a table of 8. Reserve your table today! Tickets are available by calling/texting Jessica Krauss at 768-0143 or send a Fast Direct message to her. ARIZONA MISSION TRIP There are several of the participants who are looking for trip sponsors to help them fund their trip. Please prayerfully consider helping one of the kids partially or fully fund this amazing experience that will truly change their lives. If there is anyone who would like to easily make a one-time donation for the Mission Trip to Arizona in May, please go to, or send in a check to ILS with Arizona Mission Trip in the memo line (which will go to the general group) or AMT and the name of a specific trip member in the memo line (which will go towards their trip specifically). Page 6 DIVINE SERVICE ASSISTANTS, ETC. FOR NEXT WEEKEND OF SUN., JAN. 18 (2ND SUN. AFTER THE EPIPHANY) ELDERS: @ 5:30 p.m.: Unknown; @ 7:30 a.m.: Dale Koenig & David Werner; @ 10:00 a.m.: Mark Weinkein. USHERS @ 5:30 p.m.: Calvin Ehlers, Keith Ehlers, Jerry Bergman, Andrew Miesner, Jerry Ruessler; @ 7:30 a.m.: Wayne Kasten, Kenneth Kaempfe, Robert Hacker, Carl Eggers, David Mueller, Charles Kasten; @ 10:00 a.m.: Bud Bohnert, Derek Chappius, Phil Norman, Charlie Mattingly, Brad Flentge, David Miesner. GREETERS @ 5:30 p.m.: Linda Ruessler, Clare Bergman, Bonnie Ehlers; @ 7:30 a.m.: Janet Hadler, Sherry Kasten, Deanna Mueller; @ 10:00 a.m.: Judy Bohnert, Cassie, Marissa & Wendy Cooper, Linda Chappius ACOLYTES @ 5:30 p.m.: Brandon & Bradley Coffelt; @ 7:30 a.m.: Jake Kluender & Brock Neace; @ 10:00 a.m.: Breanna Hoehn & Madison Kontomook. CHANCEL GUILD: Lynne Kreutz, Betty Bohnert BIBLE READINGS: 1 Samuel 3:1-10 [11-20]; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20; St. John 1:43-51 HYMNS: 901, 392, 589, 907, 631, 682, 688, 827 SERMON: 1 Samuel 3:1-10, “A Still, Small Voice” YOUTH NEWS AND EVENTS …Work Day planned for Jan. 24!!! There are some small projects we would like to take care of at the Youth House (cleaning, painting) but also several that require some carpentry/electrical skills (any parents available???). Start at 9:00 a.m. Food furnished if still working mid-day. Questions—please call Teresa at 547-8609. …T-Shirts--- Any BOYS needing to get a larger size T-shirt, please leave your current T-shirt with your name on it and the new size needed in the church library by January 18th so that we can get a new shirt to you by Pancake Day (Feb. 14). …Be sure to turn in point sheets from 2014 and pick up a new one for 2015. …Shopping/Ice Skating Trip in St. Louis is being planned for Sat., Feb. 7 for all grades. Leave at noon from the Youth House. Sign up in the church library. We will probably need several drivers. …Pancake Day & PTL Fish Fries will be coming up. Think about service points at these events! Page 7 CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES FOR JAN. 1111-18 SUN., JAN. 11 (THE BAPTISM OF OUR LORD [1ST SUN. AFTER THE EPIPHANY]) Worship (DS III with Holy Communion) .................................................................7:30 a.m. (Sanctuary) Sunday School for Children through 8th Grade ......................................................... 8:50-9:40 a.m. (ILS) Adult Bible Study (Christmas-related Topic [Matthew Mueller]) ............ 8:50 a.m. (Fellowship Room) Adult Lutheran Information Class (Pastor Marks) ............................................ 8:50-9:40 a.m. (Room 1) Adult Bible Class @ ILS .................................................................. 8:50-9:40 a.m. (ILS 8th Grade Room) Worship (DS III with Holy Communion) .............................................................. 10:00 a.m. (Sanctuary) MON., JAN. 12 Tellers ................................................................................................................ 8:30 a.m. (Fellowship Room) Church Staff Meeting ................................................................................................9:30 a.m. (ILC Library) Pastors Meeting ................................................................................ 10:30 a.m. (Pastor Handrick’s Office) Parish Planning Council Meeting .................................................................................. 7:00 p.m. (Room 1) TUE., JAN. 13 Quilting Tacking................................................................................ 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. (Fellowship Room) Altenburg Circuit Pastors Meeting ........................ 9:30 a.m. (Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Ste. Gen.) English as a Second Language ......................................................................1:00 p.m. (Fellowship Room) Ladies Bible Study ............................................................................................................ 1:00 p.m. (Room 1) Lutheranism 101 Bible Class (Pastor Handrick) ......................................................... 7:00 p.m. (Room 1) Lutheran Laymen’s League Dartball ............................................. Perryville @ Shawneetown 7:30 p.m. WED., JAN., 14 School Chapel Devotion (Pastor Marks)....................................................... 8:00 a.m. (ILS Gymnasium) Quilting ..............................................................................................................8:30 a.m. (Ladies Aid Room) Weekly News & Information Bulletin Deadline ............................. 3:00 p.m. (Church Office) Level 3 Confirmation Class ............................................................................................ 5:30 p.m. (Room 1) Level 2 Confirmation Class .............................................................. 5:30 p.m. (ILS 8th Grade Classroom) Level 1 Confirmation Class .............................................................. 5:30 p.m. (ILS 7th Grade Classroom) THU., JAN. 15 Adult Breakfast Bible Study (Pastor Marks) ............................................... 6:30 a.m. (Fellowship Room) English as a Second Language .................................................................. 4-5:00 p.m. (Fellowship Room) FRI., JAN. 16 Food Pantry................................................................................................10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon (Room 2) Berean Bible Class (St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans) ......................... 1:00 p.m. (Room 1) Cancelled SAT., JAN. 17 (2ND SUN. AFTER THE EPIPHANY) Worship (DS IV with Holy Communion) ................................................................ 5:30 p.m. (Sanctuary) SUN., JAN. 18 (2ND SUN. AFTER THE EPIPHANY) Worship (DS IV with Holy Communion) .................................................................7:30 a.m. (Sanctuary) Sunday School for Children through 8th Grade ......................................................... 8:50-9:40 a.m. (ILS) Adult Bible Study (Christmas-related Topic [Matthew Mueller]) ............ 8:50 a.m. (Fellowship Room) Adult Lutheran Information Class (Pastor Marks) ............................................ 8:50-9:40 a.m. (Room 1) Adult Bible Class @ ILS .................................................................. 8:50-9:40 a.m. (ILS 8th Grade Room) Worship (DS IV without Holy Communion) ........................................................ 10:00 a.m. (Sanctuary) Page 8
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