MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH JANUARY 2015 715 2ND ST. NE WATERTOWN, SD VOLUME XXVIII NUMBER 1 BRINGING CHRIST TO PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD This month, let me share some thoughts on World Mission from Rev. Dr. Albert B. Collver III, at the Synod's Office of International Mission: “In the 121 years since the Missouri Synod sent its first missionaries to India, our church has been involved in international mission. Not only has much changed since then, the 21st century has brought new opportunities and challenges. The mission field, as described by Hermann Sasse, is “where the church and that which is not church meet.” This always has been the case in the mission field, as the place where the Gospel of Jesus Christ meets sinners who are in need of forgiveness and life. The primary goal of LCMS international mission work is to proclaim the Gospel to a lost and fallen world. This is done both directly by our missionaries, and it is done by helping to support our partners and the local church to proclaim the Gospel where they are located. Long gone are the days of the lone missionary with a machete in a distant jungle. Rather, missionary service now involves a community with partners — some longstanding, some new and others emerging, in an increasingly urban environment. Our missionaries, of course, share the Gospel where they are sent, but increasingly they are asked to train and equip future pastors, evangelists and lay people to share their faith. Our missionaries also provide human care, feed the hungry, help the sick and the hurting, and visit those in prison. Missionaries connect the world to the church. Particularly over the past few decades, missionary service also has included partnering and connecting the sending church and its districts, congregations, Recognized Service Organizations and other groups to the mission field. This January, please pray for your missionaries who serve overseas, pray that the Lord of the harvest sends laborers around the world to proclaim His saving Gospel and pray that the church continues to support that mission.” Mt. Olive does much fine work by providing funds for mission support through the SD District, and by direct gifts to Synod's World Missions. I would like to challenge the congregation to go beyond the financial gifts to consider hands on mission work. The are many ways to provide direct mission support. These might include mission projects accomplished here at home and sent off to the field. Or they might include a short or even a long term mission trip. There are many needs and we have many kinds of gifts. May God open our eyes to discover the needs, and how he can use us to bring Christ to all the world! SUNDAY WORSHIP Worship 9:00 AM Fellowship 10:00 AM Sunday School 10:15 AM Adult Bible Study 10:15 AM NEW MEMBERS Jonathan & Maria Lau (605) 956-0827 Harper 512 E Main St Castlewood, SD 57223 Debra Blumeyer-Reu & Doug Pahl (605) 351-7010 Zachary, Natali 1308 35th St SW Watertown, SD 57201 Josh & Bobbi Steidl Hayden 45581 175th St Watertown, SD 57201 TAKE DOWN CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS Yes, we do need to take them down. Please plan to come to help with this task on Tuesday, January 13, at 9:30 AM. Many hands make light work. We would appreciate many of you to come help with this project. LWML NEWS By Sue Magedanz, Chairman The joint LWML Christmas party was held December 11 with pot luck lunch followed by a special program on the Candy Cane. All brought tasty treats for the tasting tea that followed. Several people went caroling to shut-ins later that afternoon. We finished caroling by traveling to Bryant and Estelline and back on Saturday. January Board meeting will be held on the 6th at 11 AM. Esther Circle will meet on January 14 with Lorraine Rittmann as OFFICIAL ACTS DECEMBER 2014 None hostess and Dorothy Bassingthwaite as leader. Ruth Circle meets on January 8 with Carolyn DesLauriers as hostess and Eileen Kraemer as leader. Roll Call is to bring quarters for Orphan Grain Train. January 6 Special Council Budget Meeting RESOLVE TO LISTEN January 18 Teens For Christ Mtg. Christian philosopher Paul Tillich said, “The first responsibility of love is to listen.” Yet in our fast-paced culture, truly listening to someone has become a lost art. The intricate Chinese written character for the verb to listen offers wise insight about how to listen to people so they feel heard. The symbol is actually a combination of characters for ears, eyes and an open heart. Basically it reads, “I give you my ears, my eyes and my undivided attention.” What a great image of being fully engaged during the act of communication! James 1:19 offers two wise resolutions for the year ahead: Be “quick to listen” and “slow to speak” (NRSV). Practicing the skill of active listening is a much-needed way to minister to other people, serving as Jesus’ “ears” in a hurting world. SPECIAL CALENDAR NOTES January 25 Voter’s Budget Mtg. GIVE YOUR ALL There are plenty to follow our Lord halfway, but not the other half. They will give up possessions, friends and honors, but it touches them too closely to disown themselves. … Commit your lives in unreserved obedience to [God]. ~ Meister Eckhart EVANGELISM COMMITTEE Pastor Bible led the Bible Study at the CRU (Campus Crusade) meeting at LATI Dec. 2. New member welcome has been postponed twice but will be scheduled soon so we can meet all of the new members who have joined our family. NEW FAITH & CARE GROUPS You will note a change to the Faith and Care Groups starting in January. The number of groups has been reduced to five, and we believe there is a better balance of active members. We hope these changes will make all the groups more viable and effective. There are a few individuals who were up for December and are up again in January. This is just the way the new groupings came together and will work itself out as we move through the rotation. Please review the new Faith & Care listings on bulletin board. If you notice any corrections or updates, please write a note for Carol. 2 ADDRESS VERIFICATIONS Trent & Brittany Luoma T (605) 520-5493 B 5206637 1019 2nd Ave SE Watertown, SD 57201 Karlie & (Gerald) Maag (605) 878-1054 Bethanie, Regan 1004 23rd St NE Watertown, SD 57201 Steve & Sue Magedanz H (605) 87-0182 Cell 350-5958 1159 Sunset St NW Watertown, SD 57201 Andrew McBride (605) 881-2477 325 E Kemp Ave #207 Watertown, SD 57201 Lavern McDaniel (605) 886-9395 605 1st St NW Watertown, SD 57201 Ashley McElhany (605) 520-0981 1100 14th St Watertown, SD 57201 Daniel McElhany (605) 520-3858 421 5th St SE Watertown, SD 57201 Local Lutheran Hour Broadcast A WELL-BALANCED CHURCH The owner of a new puppy got a good laugh when the little dog, out for a walk, had an itch. The trouble was that the itchy spot was accessible only to a hind leg. So, while still walking, the pup tried to scratch and tumbled over, rolling a couple of times before coming to rest. In several places throughout Scripture, the apostle Paul writes about the church as the body of Christ, and of the importance of each member. Just as the dog needed each leg to stay balanced while walking, so the church needs all the different God-given gifts of its members: preachers and teachers, friendly visitors, generous givers, musicians and singers, wise parents and imaginative children, people to produce and distribute meals, newsletters, lesson materials, and on and on. When we start thinking that some part of Christ’s body isn’t necessary, we risk taking quite a tumble! LWML National Convention The National LWML Convention will be June 25-28, 2015. It is necessary to reserve your seat on the bus with a $50 deposit by Jan. 10. The bus registration form is on the LWML bulletin board. Please make a copy if you are taking the last one. The bus will make a stop for a tour and lunch at Mission Central. Station KMSD City Milbank Freq 1510 Band AM Day Sun Time 7:00 AM January 4 "Gospel Power for Personal Patience" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz Jesus teaches us to be patient and wait with hope in God's promises. (Luke 2:40-52) January 11 "Are You Qualified?" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz God qualifies us for eternal life through our baptism into Christ's death and resurrection. (Romans 6:1-11) January 18 "The Antidote" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz Jesus is the antidote for our cynicism and doubt. (John 1:43-51) January 25 "Just the Facts" Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour: Rev. Ken Klaus God's truth, as revealed in the Bible, remains true regardless of whether anyone believes it or not. (Isaiah 5:20-21) (complete stories on the bulletin board) LIBERIAN PASTOR SPEARHEADS PROJECT TO AID EBOLA VICTIMS The plan to provide $100,000 in aid for those who are struggling against Ebola in Liberia, West Africa, began simply enough: It was the idea of one man, a Liberian living in the United States, to help his fellow Liberians in Africa. STUDENTS PREVAIL IN SNOWPLOW-PAINTING DISPUTE Two awards announced Dec. 17 by the “Becket Fund for Religious Liberty” have put two LCMS schools back in the spotlight for an incident that took place in October and continues to gain media attention. The Becket Fund gave its 2014 “Ebenezer [as in Scrooge] Award” (“its lowest honor”) to the city of Sioux Falls, S.D., for asking the two schools - Sioux Falls Lutheran School (pre-K through Grade 8) and Lutheran High School of Sioux Falls - to repaint their entries in the city’s annual “Paint the Plows” contest because of their religious themes. Twenty-seven of the city’s snowplow blades were painted this fall by students 3 from area schools, and the blades were then displayed in a mall parking lot so that residents could vote for their favorites. CPS DUBBED ‘HEALTHIEST EMPLOYER’ FOR THIRD YEAR Concordia Plan Services (CPS) has been chosen by Healthiest Employers LLC as a “St. Louis Healthiest Employer” for 2014. The St. Louis Business Journal, which sponsors the Healthiest Employers program, announced the awards in its Oct. 31 edition. CAMPUS MINISTRY REACHES OUT AFTER FLORIDA STATE SHOOTING Maintaining a Christian presence on college campuses is important, says the Rev. Jay Winters, but perhaps never more so than in the face of a tragedy like the shooting that injured three people in the early-morning hours of Nov. 20 at Florida State University (FSU) in Tallahassee. TO FORGIVE IS TO LOVE We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies. Stewardship doesn’t have to be difficult. We often make it more difficult than it need be. The fundamentals of stewardship come from answering these basic questions: Who are you? To whom do I give? And how much? It’s that simple. So who are you? Look at the Table of Duties in the Small Catechism. Are you a hearer of God’s Word? Are you a citizen of society? Are you a member of a family? Stewardship covers these three estates: church, society, family. We don’t particularly struggle to give to society or family. Our struggles, our difficulties and questions, arise in giving to the church. So what are our stewardship duties as members of the church? The Table of Duties gives us a guide. If you are a hearer, a member of the church who receives instruction, St. Paul taught: “Anyone who receives instruction in the word must share all good things with his instructor” (Gal 6:6). This means that the local congregation is primary. The primary recipient of stewardship resides here.. Your pastor is the one called to preach the Gospel to you and administer the Lord’s blessed sacraments to you. Your congregation is the place where those things are given out. Therefore, we give to the local congregation to ensure that this continues. We don’t vote with our giving. We don’t let the pastor or the congregation know we are unhappy by how we give: because we are supposed to see our giving as giving to our Lord! Thus, when God calls us to give to the church, He has His work in mind – especially right where we live. For “the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel” (1 Cor 9:14). “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” (Gal 6:7). How much do we give to the local congregation? Our only instructions are these: to give regularly (1 Cor 6:1–2), proportionally (1 Cor 16:1–2; 2 Cor 8:12), and generously (2 Cor 8:20) of our first fruits (Gen 4:4; Prov 3:9; Lev 27:30) with a spirit of eagerness (2 Cor 9:2), earnestness (2 Cor 8:7), cheerfulness (2 Cor 9:7), and love (2 Cor 8:23). In other words, giving to the church is not to be an afterthought, given after everything else is spent. In this way, it is deliberate. We set it aside beforehand, before anything else is spent. From those first fruits, we set aside a proportionate and generous amount. Ten percent was the standard for the Israelites. This was a command for them. We’re not bound to that command in the same way as they were. Just like we are not bound to all the regulations of the Sabbath day (no physical labor, no hot meals, etc.). But the pattern remains: Christians still gather for worship once a week, for how could we do less than the Israelites did? Likewise, does it seem right that we would support the New Testament ministry at a rate less than the Israelites supported the Old Testament ministry? And how are we to give it? We give it with eagerness and earnestness. We give it cheerfully and with love, not out of compulsion. For through the preaching of the Gospel and the administration of the Sacraments, God has made us His children, forgiven us all our sins, given us grace upon grace, promised us life everlasting with Him in His kingdom, and filled us with His own Spirit, the Holy Spirit. This makes giving a joy. For it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). It’s that easy. And it is joyful. For in stewardship, our gracious and giving Lord invites us to take part in the work that He accomplishes here on earth, providing for the ongoing preaching of the Gospel as well as those who are in need. Taking part in that, makes all our work holy work, work that is done in service to the Lord as priestly members of His kingdom. 4 February Faith & Care Families “Family of Benjamin Don & Elva Bjerke Vickie Bjerke Francis Boogaard Erik Brandenburger Jon & Tracy Brandenburger Tyler Brandenburger Craig & Jenny Crismon Lu Ehlers Robert Ehlers Renae Ennis Sarah Ennis James Erickson Christine Feller Laura Feller Mary Feller Clara Gartzke Kim Gilbertson Sarah Goche BJ Gunther Betty Hart Al & Mindy Haselhorst Brad & Cindy Herding Shaina Herding Derald & Barb Hughes Chad & Taylor Johnson Alex Kannas Allen Kannas Gloria & Larry Kannas Sydney Kannas Ray Kerstetter and Marjorie Tesch Arvid & Eileen Kraemer Clyde Kraemer Kyle Kraemer Olive Krause Brittany Merriam Roger Merriam James Meyer Kevin & Glenda Meyer Lynn & Linda Moyer Brent O’Bryan Angela Paulson Jean & Glen Ragels Tylor Ragels Jerry & Karen Riedel Rich & Melissa Schmeling Daryl & DaLynn Schoenefeld Delaney Schoenefeld Donovan Schoenefeld Joe Sears Steven & Melissa Sears Bill & Myrna Snow Danielle Stearns Sierra Tvinnereim Candace Verdino LCMS MONTHLY THEME FOR JANUARY World Missions Each family unit at Mt. Olive is assigned to a “Faith and Care” family. These groups give our members the opportunity to put their faith into action, and to care for one another. Family assignments and sign up sheets are posted on the bulletin board. SUNDAY SERVICES: Everyone is encouraged to help with the regular tasks of the church on Sunday. These tasks include ushers, acolytes, readers, greeters, and also servers during fellowship time. FELLOWSHIP: People have the opportunity to get to know each other better by working together, and planning together. Each Faith and Care family should gather early in the month before their turn is up, to organize and schedule. This gathering could be a pot-luck just for that group, or some other *Supervising Elder event that gives every- one a chance for worthwhile fellowship. CARE: There is a wide variety of people in each group. There are some who will not be able to be directly involved in group activities, because of health reasons. Or perhaps they have responsibilities at home or work and are not able to get away. We hope the Faith and Care group will be in touch with everyone in the group at least once during the month they serve. If there is a special need that exists, perhaps someone in the group can help. MORE: The groups may meet more often, for fellowship, for service outside the congregation, or for study and Christian growth. What a wonderful way for our people to draw together, grow in faith, and in loving care for one another. ELDER OF THE MONTH Steve Magedanz January Faith & Care Families “Family of Abraham Tammy Arbach Carolyn DesLauriers Melissa DesLauriers Kaitlyn Fuerstenau Megan Fuerstenau Sarah Fuerstenau Todd & Connie Fuerstenau Troy & Audrey Fuerstenau Val Fuerstenau Orville & Lois Grund Willis Hamman Chris Helle Pat & Pam Helle Dereck Jerke Doug & Theresa Jerke Kyle Jerke Tyler Jerke Everett & Jackie Johnson Harry & Florence Johnson Kristen Johnson Megan Johnson *Josh & Kim Konrad Loren * Marilyn Kriese *Steve & Sue Magedanz Dee Noess Don & Mary Pasch Ken & Jean Passow Carl Paulson John Paulson Trudy Paulson Iver & Kristin Possehl John & Lorraine Rittmann Irma Roberts Jackie Rusch Jake Schmitz Joyce Schoenbeck Aaron Schoenefeld Ashley Schoenefeld Brooks Schoenefeld Evan & Jill Schoenefeld Rich & Lavonne Schoenefeld Blake Swenson Hope Swenson Karna Swenson Brian & Malissa VanVleet Hannah VanVleet Kasey VanLiere Ramona Voegele Evan Waba Lindee Waba Samantha Wold *Supervising Elder January Anniversaries 1/22/88 1/26/02 Rick & Wendy Schulz James & Jennifer Meyer JANUARY BIRTHDAYS 1/1 INFORMATION REQUEST If you notice any incomplete or incorrect information in the birthday and/or anniversary lists, please contact the office or leave a note on the secretary’s desk so correct information can be entered. 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/9 1/10 Marion Johnson Kristin Linke Lucille Ehlers Ryan Killion Sarah Fuerstenau Taisha Johnson Melissa Schmeling Danika Schoenefeld Mark Ramsey Steve Geerdes Curt Kunkel Derrick Jerke Brenda Glover 1/11 1/13 1/14 1/15 1/16 1/17 1/18 1/19 5 Francis Boogaard Brad Herding Nathan Waxdahl Harry Johnson Steven Sears Thomas Schulz Eric Grund Sarah Possehl Pam Helle Sue Magedanz Logan Scott Malcolm VanVleet Mark Koepke 1/20 1/21 1/22 1/24 1/25 1/28 1/29 1/30 Zaiden Sauer Myra Waxdahl Tracy Brandenburger Amanda Woodland Sierra Oleson Don Bjerke Daryl Schoenefeld Alexa Woodland Jeremy Brey LaVonne Schoenefeld Sharon Falk Ally Helle Hannah VanVleet 18 February Faith & Care Family: Benjamin Potluck 11:30 AM Voters Mtg. 12:15 PM Communion 9:00 AM 25 TFC Meeting 10:00 AM Worship 9:00 AM Communion 9:00 AM 4 11 January Faith & Care Family: Abraham Worship 9:00 AM 9:00 AM Worship 10:00 AM Fellowship 10:15 AM Sunday School & Adult Bible Class SUNDAY SCHEDULE SUNDAY JANUARY 2015 6 TUESDAY 26 Newsletter Deadline NOON 19 12 5 20 Bible Study 1:30 PM Workday 9:30 AM Council Mtg 7:00 PM Trustee Mtg 6:30 PM 27 Brd of Ed. Mtg 5:15 PM Bible Study 1:30 PM Workday 9:30 AM Elders Mtg 7:00 PM Bible Study 1:30 PM 6 13 Evangelism 12:45 PM Removal of the Decorations 9:30 AM Council Budget Mtg 7:00 PM Bible Study 1:30 PM Workday 9:30 AM BOARD OF ELDERS: Todd Spies, Kevin Meyer, Dean Clark, Josh Konrad, Steve Magedanz, Jim Bassingthwaite Church Office: 886-5671 Pastor: Rev. Iver Possehl (H): (605) 692-2646 (C): 520-3174 MONDAY Marion Johnson Lucille Ehlers Brenda Glover Francis Boogaard Harry Johnson Don Bjerke Sharon Falk 7 Men’s Bible Study 6:30 AM Choir 6:00 PM 4th Midweek 6:00 PM 5th & 6th Midweek 6:00 PM 8th Confirmation 6:00 PM 7th Confirmation 7:00 PM 28 Men’s Bible Study 6:30 AM Choir 6:00 PM 4th Midweek 6:00 PM 5th & 6th Midweek 6:00 PM 8th Confirmation 6:00 PM 7th Confirmation 7:00 PM 21 Men’s Bible Study 6:30 AM Esther Circle 1:30 PM Choir 6:00 PM 4th Midweek 6:00 PM 5th & 6th Midweek 6:00 PM 8th Confirmation 6:00 PM 7th Confirmation 7:00 PM 14 Men’s Bible Study 6:30 AM Choir 6:00 PM 4th Midweek 6:00 PM 5th & 6th Midweek 6:00 PM 8th Confirmation 6:00 PM 7th Confirmation 7:00 PM 1/01 1/02 1/10 1/11 1/13 1/24 1/29 JANUARY BIRTHDAYS WEDNESDAY 8 1 Bible Study 5:00 PM 29 Bible Study 5:00 PM 22 Bible Study 5:00 PM 15 Bible Study 5:00 PM Ruth Circle 7:00 PM New Year’s Day THURSDAY 9 2 30 23 16 FRIDAY LWML 9 @ 9:00 or anytime LWML 9 @ 9:00 or anytime LWML 9 @ 9:00 or anytime 3 10 31 24 17 Circuit Pastors @ Watertown 10:00 AM LWML 9 @ 9:00 or anytime LWML 9 @ 9:00 or anytime Men’s Club 9:00 AM SATURDAY Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, Watertown, SD
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