Christ Lutheran Church A Stephen Ministry Congregation 4-12-15 ! **" CONGREGATIONAL" SURVEY!–!Pastors,!with!the!assistance!of!the!Board!of!Elders,!developed!a!survey!to!help! collect! information! from! all! Christ! Lutheran! communicant! members.! ! Each! communicant! member! should! have! received!this!survey!earlier!in!the!month!with!a!stamped,!self>addressed!return!envelope.!!Your!view!on!how!well! we!are!meeting!your!spiritual!needs!is!requested,!as!well!as!obtaining!additional!information!you!believe!should!be! considered.! ! ! Return! deadline" is" April" 15.! ! Your! cooperation! is! respectfully! appreciated! in! the! completion! and! return!of!this!survey.! ! DID YOU KNOW …!Offerings!for!the!first!six!months!of!this!fiscal!year!(July>December,!2014)!were!$20,952! less! than! the! prior! year.! ! Offerings! for! the! first! 14! weeks! of! 2015! are! $38,085! more! than! for! the! same! period! in! 2014.!!This!increase!in!offerings!has!allowed!Christ!Lutheran!to!meet!expenses!without!borrowing!money. ! ! John"20:19"!“Jesus!came!and!stood!among!them!and!said!to!them,!"Peace!be!with!you."”! The!peace!we!have!in!Jesus!is!what!makes!a!life!of!good!works!possible.!Since!we!know! that!it!is!Jesus!who!saved!us,!and!not!our!works,!we!are!now!free!to!do!good!works!not! out!of!self>interest,!but!for!the!right!reasons:!out!of!thanksgiving!toward!God!and!love!for! our!neighbors.! ! ! **" VACATION" BIBLE" SCHOOL! >! “Camp! Discovery:! !Jesus! At! Work! Through! Us”! will! be! the! theme! for! our! 2015! VBS,! which! is! set! for! July! 26>30! from! 6:00! >! 8:30! pm.! !A! leader! is! still! needed! for! Snacks.! !If! you! can! help,! please! contact! Lisa! Moreno! asap! at!!or!at!402>371>3898.!!Training!and!supplies!are!provided,!as!well! as! helpers!! !! Anyone! gr.! 6! through! adults! can! also! sign! up! to! be! a! station! helper! or! a! crew! leader,! in! the! narthex.! !Student! registration! forms! are! available! in! the! narthex! as! well! as! online!at!!!VBS!is!for!age!3!through!grade!6.!!! ! Ministry Memo … PRAY"for"our"Church"Workers"and"Lutheran"Hour"Ministries Pray" for" the" Lutheran" Hour" Ministry" Center" in" Nairobi," Kenya.! ! We! recently! received! a! letter! from! Kurt! Buchholz,!Executive!Director!of!Lutheran!Hour!Ministries.!!It!reads:!!"Lutheran!Hour!Ministries!(LHM)!along!with! the!rest!of!the!world,!was!horrified!to!hear!of!the!attack!that!was!carried!out!on!April!2nd!by!the!al!Qaeda>linked! extremist! group! at! Shabaab! at! Garissa! University! College! in! Kenya.! ! Our! hearts! break! to! hear! of! the! Christian! students!whose!lives!were!ended!simply!because!of!their!faith.!!LHM!operates!a!ministry!center!in!Nairobi,!Kenya.!! The!staff!in!Kenya!has!been!devastated!by!this!attack.!!John!Maina,!the!Director!of!Kenya!ministry!center!says!'They% were% just% children,% just% attending% class% and% were% slaughtered% for% being% Christian.'! ! Pray! that! Lutheran! Hour! Ministries'!staff!in!Kenya!will!be!able!to!share!the!indescribable!love!of!Jesus!Christ!as!opposed!to!the!unspeakable! hate!that!was!seen!in!Garissa."!!! ! ! DAILY DEVOTIONS from LUTHERAN HOUR MINISTRIES are available on line at: ! The$Mission$Statement$of$Christ$Lutheran$Church$ Share God’s Word – Share His Love – Do It Now! DIGGING INTO GOD’S WORD …$ ! BIBLE STUDIES & SUNDAY SCHOOL JUST FOR YOU BIBLE STUDIES Adult Bible Study 9-12 High School Study Adult Instruction Class Pastors Winter & Rosenthal Sun., 9:30 a.m. Sarah Moje Sun., 9:30 a.m. Pastors Winter & Rosenthal Sun., 9:30 a.m. Fellowship Hall Youth Loft Chapel SUNDAY SCHOOL Lisa Moreno, Coordinator Parents & 2’s Preschoolers Kindergarten – Gr. 6 & special needs adults Grades 7-8 9-12 High School Study Sarah Moje Sun., 9:30 a.m. Sun., 9:30 a.m. Sun., 9:30 a.m. Sun., 9:30 a.m. Sun., 9:30 a.m. CLS Room 206 CLS Rooms 103 & 105 CLS Gym CLS Room 126 Youth Loft (Please note – the school will remain locked until 9:15 a.m. to allow teachers fellowship time following the 8:00 service ! " **" SUNDAY" MORNING" BIBLE" CLASS" S" “Why! Are! You! Persecuting! Me?! A! Christian! Response! to! Hostility! and! Persecution”! is! the! current! Sunday! Morning! Bible! class.! Based! on! work! by! the! Commission! on! Theology! and! Church!Relations,!the!six!sessions!will!study!the!roots!of!persecution,!examine!the!unexpected!responses!of!joy!and! forgiveness! and! present! responses! of! prayer! and! faithfulness,! the! proclamation! of! the! Word! and! the! use! of! our! rights!as!citizens.!This!timely!study!examines!the!present!suffering!of!brothers!and!sisters!in!Christ!in!our!world!as! an!identifying!make!of!the!Church.! " **"COMMUNITY"MEN’S"BIBLE"STUDY!–!meets!every!other!Tuesday!at!the!O!G!T!Warehouse!from!7:00>7:45!a.m.! and!breakfast!is!served.!!The!next!gathering!is!April!14,!2015.!!Contact!Bob!Feddern!with!any!questions.! ! ! ! “Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won’t stay there.” Clarence W. Hall, pastor - A LIFE QUOTE: “Life Quote” from Lutherans For Life • Pray continually. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 YOUTH MINISTRY Moved by God’s Love to Impact ! Sarah Moje, Youth Director Website: Click on Ministries and select your group SENIOR HIGH CALENDAR " Sun.,"April"12"–"10:00"a.m.""Bus!leaves!for!Lost!&!Found!concert!in!Lincoln" Sun.,"April"19"–"9:30"a.m."""Assist!with!Children’s!Sunday!School! Sun.,"April"26"–"9:30"a.m."""Bible!Study!in!Youth!Rooms" Wed.,"April"29"S"6:30"–"8:00"p.m.""Minute!to!Win!It!Games!in!CLS!Gym" DCE Amanda Bell GROWING IN CHRIST IN SUNDAY SCHOOL Lisa Moreno – Children’s Ministry Coordinator phone: 371-3898 facebook page: Please note – School doors are locked until 9:15 a.m. to allow teachers fellowship time after the 8:00 service. **"TODAY"IN"SUNDAY"SCHOOL!>!!we!study!“Jesus!Reinstates!Peter.”!We!are!all!like!Peter!in!our!words!and!actions,! denying! our! Lord! and! weeping! bitterly! over! what! we! have! done.! We! are! in! need! of! the! same! comfort! that! Peter! received—the! comfort! of! sins! forgiven! and! the! assurance! that! even! though! we! are! faithless,! Jesus! will! remain! faithful.!You!might!discuss,!“How!did!Peter!express!his!sorrow!and!repentance?!What!specific!directions!did!Jesus! give!to!Peter?”!! **" SUNDAY" SCHOOL" DONATIONS" NEEDED:" "Needed!for!stations!this!month!are:!graham!crackers,!fruit!roll!ups,! and!index!cards.!!If!you!can!help!us!with!any!of!these!items,!please!bring!them!to!the!church!office.!!Thank!you!for! your!support!!!! ! **" MISSION" OFFERING:!!Remember!that!next!week!we!collect!our!Sunday!School!mission!offering.!!Let’s!help!the! Lutheran!schools!in!America’s!inner!cities!reach!out!to!their!neighbors!with!the!love!of!Jesus!! ! **"FALL"STAFFING"NOTE:""Confirmed!members!of!Christ!Lutheran!are!being!sought!for!Sunday!School!staff!in!the! fall!of!2015.!!Open!positions!are:! • Jr.!High!Team!Teacher!(teaches!about!once!a!month)! • Kindergarten!Team!Teacher!(teaches!about!once!a!month)! • Station!leaders!(help!1>2!times!a!month,!as!available)! Please!consider!joining!this!dedicated!and!fun!group!of!Christians!!!Leave!your!name!with!the!church!office!or!call! Lisa!Moreno!at!402>371>3898.! ! FOR CURRENT SCHOOL INFORMATION 371-5536 or visit our website at **"THE"STORY!–!We!continue!our!journey!of!The!Story.!!The!question!this!week!is,!from!the!New!Testament:!!! In!chapter!26%–%What%did%the%Roman%centurion%guarding%Jesus%say%after%the%earthquake?% (Answer!found!elsewhere!in!Focus)!!Watch!next!week’s!Focus!for!the!question!from!chapter!27.! ! MILESTONE THANK-YOUS We!wish!to!thank!Christ!Lutheran!congregation!and!all!those!who!remembered!us!with!cards,!gifts!and!kind!words! on!the!occasion!of!our!anniversaries!of!service.!!We!are!truly!blessed!to!serve!at!Christ!Lutheran.!!Thank!you!for! your!kindness.! In!His!Service,! Lisa%Booth,%Susan%Colligan,%Bobette%Ferguson,%Grace%Hanft,%Susan%Harstad,%Janice%Johnson,%Sarah%Moje,%Lisa%Moreno,% Rev.%Mike%Moreno,%Mandi%Peters,%Von%Portwood%and%Gary%Weber.% ! Dear!Christ!Lutheran!Friends,! Thank!you!so!much!for!the!wonderful!Milestone!Dinner!!!Thank!you!also!for!the!many!kind!words,!cards!and!gifts.!! It! has! been! a! privilege! and! honor! to! be! a! CLS! staff! member! for! many! years.! ! God! has! blessed! me! with! lifetime! relationships!!!God!is!good!–!I!am!blessed.! In!His!Service,! Mrs.%Wasson% ! ! LUTHERAN HIGH NORTHEAST Educating for Life + Promoting the Faith Lutheran High Northeast P.O. Box 2454 Norfolk, NE 68702-2454 School located at 2010 N. 37th Street Office 402-379-3040 Fax 402-379-8340 Email Web ! **"LHNE"SCRIP"is!always!available!at!Echo!Lighting,!700!Omaha!Avenue!(8!a.m.!–!5!p.m.)!or!at!LHNE!Office.! ! **"SAVE"THE"DATES:" April"29,"!–!Cinderella!Musical!at!12:30!p.m.!and!May"1"&"2!at!7:00!p.m.! May"23!–!Alumni!Volleyball!–!co>ed!court!games!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(contact!Taylor!Primrose!at!402>841>9402!or!! ! **"FOR"INFORMATION"ABOUT"2015S16"ENROLLMENT!contact!the!school!office.!!Financial!aid!is!now!available.!! Lutheran!High!provides!a!quality,!Christian!education!for!students!in!grades!9>12.!! • Our!ACT!scores!consistently!rate!higher!than!both!state!and!national!averages.!! • We!welcome!students!from!all!religious!affiliations.! • Financial!aid!is!available.!!We!can!make!LHNE!an!affordable!choice!for!you!! • Information!and!forms!are!also!available!online.! PRAYER REQUESTS FOR THE WEEK OF APRIL 12, 2015 Please"remember"the"following"in"prayer"during"the"coming"week.""You"may"also"want"to"send"a"card"or"note"to"those" on"this"week’s"prayer"list"to"let"them"know"they"are"being"thought"of." " • • • • • • ! • • For! those! undergoing! treatment! for! cancer;! for! strength! for! their! families;! including:! ! Joyce! Deuel,! Deb! Gebhardt,! Bruce! Hansen,! Lynn! (Brockman)! Heinold,! Judy! Hilkemann,! Elaine! Holmberg,! Jason! Jackson,! Bob! Kirkpatrick,! Jane! Koehler,! Miriam! Krueger,! Georgia! Lambrecht,! Ruth! Lehman,! Christopher! McFarland,! Susan! Meinke,! Lisa! Meyer,! Robert! Mock,! Jared! Musser,! Amy! Neuhalfen,! Paula! Pflueger,! Carolyn! Prauner,! Sondra! Reigle,! Jim! Roethler,! Jean! Schacher,!Randy!Schultz,!Leon!Schulz,!David!Schumacher,!Carol!Thies,!April!Wiley,!Don!Wolff.! For!those!in!care!centers,!nursing!homes,!or!suffering!from!long>term!illness;!also!those!who!face!tests,!uncertainties! about! their! health,! undergoing! surgery,! or! facing! difficult! times,! including:! Elizabeth! Ambrose,! Marcia! Bell,! Hazel! Bermel,! William! Bermel,! Kevin! Borer,! Don! Brandenburg,! Bill! Bryant,! Don! &! Vi! Cherington,! Robert! Daughton,! Kim! Daum,! Alexander! Dike,! Greg! Flesner,! Vern! Forney,! Lloyd! Frowick,! Jonathan! Glaser,! Brendan! Gnewuch,! Marcelline! Gronau,! Ciara! Hart,! Craig! Herpy,! EllaMae! Jensen,! Hilda! Krehnke,! Tom! Kreisien,! Steve! Long,! Marilyn! Means,! Connie! Mock,! Ann! Olson,! Donnis! Omer,! Ryan! Robinson,! Sandy! Schulz,! Jim! Siedschlag,! Barb! Slieter,! Jason! Summers,! Vida! Sunderman,!Lois!Viergutz,!Dominic!Wolff,!Jesse!Wright,!and!a!young!girl,!Taryn.! For!Sheri!Scott!and!family,!in!the!loss!of!her!mother!Linda!Gates.! Thanksgiving!for!the!birth!of!Grace!Danielle!Wingert,!granddaughter!of!Dan!and!Susan!Harstad!(4/5).! Thanksgiving!for!the!birth!of!a!baby!boy,!Maverick!Alexander,!born!to!Andrew!and!Michelle!Rahmig!(4/4).! For!those!celebrating!birthday!blessings!of!80!years!or!more!including:!!Betty!Jean!Gunter!(4/6),!Margadine!Schultz! (4/13),!Joy!Henkel!(4/14),!!and!Don!Lichtenberg!(4/17).! For!government,!police!and!fire!officials,!and!the!military.!For!peace!in!our!land!and!an!end!to!terrorism.! That!God!would!raise!up!a!mighty!army!of!believers!who!would!guide!our!nation!back!to!Christian!principles.! PRAYER" REQUESTS" may" be" made" in" the" Prayer" Request" book" at" the" north" entrance." " Please" fill" out" all" information" completely.""Private"prayer"requests"may"be"placed"in"the"envelope"provided"for"this"purpose." " THANK YOU:!!To!the!Elders!and!congregation!at!Christ!Lutheran!–!I!wanted!to!send!you!a!note!thanking!you! for!hosting!a!Lenten!Soup!Supper!to!benefit!me.!!Hannah!and!I!greatly!appreciate!your!love!and!support.!!It!was!a! joy!to!be!with!you!and!worship!together.!!Thank!you!for!all!of!your!support!! In!Christ,! Trevor%Freudenburg% Worship With Us Our Stewardship of Time ! Sat. – 5:30 p.m.; Sun. – 8:00 & 10:45 a.m. ! Sunday School & Bible Classes – 9:30 a.m. Christ Lutheran Church Services are broadcast on Cable Channel 12, Tuesdays at 3:30 p.m. In Worship 04/04/15 ………..…….……………… 1099 Communed 04/05/15 ………………………………. 731 Office Hours Monday – Thursday … 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Fridays … 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Pastors Winter and Rosenthal are often out of the office for home, hospital and other visits. Contact the Church Office for available appointments with pastors. Church Phones CHURCH OFFICE …………………………… 371-1210 CHURCH FAX ………………………………...371-1228 SCHOOL OFFICE …………………………….371-5536 SCHOOL FAX …………………………………371-1288 HELPING HANDS CHILD CARE …………...379-3275 Christ Lutheran website: e-mail – use first initial & last name Pastoral Staff Rev. Chip Winter …………………... Director of Ministry Rev. Leon Rosenthal ………………... Associate Pastor Ministry Staff Amanda Bell …………..Director of Christian Education Chad Bryant ……………………….. Child Care Director Starla Landkamer …………… Stephen Ministry Leader Sarah Moje ……………………………… Youth Director Lisa Moreno ………..... Children’s Ministry Coordinator Steve Stortz ……………………………………. Principal Susan Warneke ……………………… Director of Music Administrative Staff Judy Bohn ………………………….. Business Manager Starla Landkamer ………….... Administrative Assistant Lynn Walmsley ………………..Administrative Assistant Hospitalized This Week Known to be hospitalized this past week: at FRHS –no one listed; in Lincoln – Cindy Janssen; Louise Kruger is at Madison Care Center. If you are admitted to the hospital, you or a family member should contact the Church office with admission information. Media Ministry LUTHERAN HOUR – Sun., 7:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. WJAG 780 AM or 105.9 FM; or KZEN 100.3 F.M. at 9:30 a.m. ON MAIN STREET – Thursdays, 6:30 p.m., Cable TV DAILY DEVOTIONS * Please Note: The inclusion of items in the Focus from outside sources is for informational purposes only. Inclusion of these items does not constitute CLC endorsement Our Stewardship of Gifts Received 04/05/15…………………………...… $33,306 Loan Balance 04/0715 ………………….............. $100 This Week’s Activities SUNDAY, APRIL 12 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. WORSHIP Bible Class / Sunday School HOLY COMMUNION MONDAY, APRIL 13 4:00 p.m. Finance TUESDAY, APRIL 14 7:00 p.m. COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15 8:20 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Chapel Confirmation THURSDAY, APRIL 16 1:30 p.m. Ladies Circle 5:30 p.m. Handbells 7:00 p.m. Adult Choir FRIDAY, APRIL 17 9:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Bulletin Assembly Wedding Rehearsal SATURDAY, APRIL 18 – Confirmation Retreat 3:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Svoboda-Hilliges Wedding HOLY COMMUNION SUNDAY, APRIL 19 – Confirmation Retreat 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION Bible Class / Sunday School WORSHIP Please call the Church Office to schedule an activity. It is best to call ahead to avoid a conflict in scheduling. Chapter 26: Surely He was the Son of God! Focus Announcements, as well as Verbal Announcements & Prayer Requests are due in writing to the Church Office by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesdays. Submitting announcements earlier during the holidays is greatly appreciated. Please include a contact name on all announcements in case there are questions, or further information is needed.
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