ST. MARK LUTHERAN CHURCH 5073 Daly Blvd. Flint, Michigan 48506 Pastor Minister of Music Minister of Family Life Minister of Outreach and Assimilation Rev. Gary L. Beck Mrs. Lori Carrier Miss Rose Meinert Mr. James M. Mol Church Phone: (810) 736-6680 Fax Number: (810) 736-6096 Email: Website: “NOTES AND NEWS” Serving in the Lord’s House Today Preaching: Rev. Ney, from LAMP Organist: Lori Carrier Worship Assistant: 8:00 am Darryl Smith 10:45 am Neal Ladd Ushers: 8:00 am Paul Mannor, Tom Phipps, Dave Stephens, Dean Thatcher 10:45 am Bill Braham, George Gutgesell, Chris Matheson Readers: 8:00 am Sally Smith 10:45 am Tammy Echolls PLEASE GIVE A WARM WELCOME to Rev. Ney from Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots (LAMP). LAMP missionaries provide spiritual witness and nurture within remote northern Canadian communities THIS WEEK’S ACTIVITIES Today: 8:00 am Worship 9:00 am Living Your Strengths Room 6 9:30 am Bible Study / Sunday School 10:45 am Worship-MultiMedia 1:00-4:00 pm LWR Drop-Off 5:00 pm Sr. High Youth @ Parsonage LWR Soap Collection Scrip Sales After Each Service Mon-Wed— Profession Church Worker’s Conference Monday: LWR Drop-Off 8:00-3:00 pm 6:00 pm Joyful Singers 7:00 pm Handbells Tuesday: LWR Drop-Off 8:00-3:00 pm 9:30 am Walking off the Pounds 6:15 pm Sanctuary Ringers 6:30 pm Youth Load LWR Truck Wednesday: 9:00 am Ladies Bible Study 6:00 pm Adult Choir Thursday: 9:00 am 9:30 am 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm Quilters Walking off the Pounds Jr. Confirmation Faith Adventure Mom Pop Tots Friday: 6:00 am Men’s Bible Breakfast @ Apollo Restaurant, Davison Saturday: 1:00 pm Paint Ball Next Sunday: 8:00 am Worship / Holy Communion 9:00 am Living Your Strengths Room 6 9:30 am Bible Study / Sunday School 10:45 am Worship / Holy Communion 5:00 pm FLY @ Holy Cross Deadline for the November Messenger Scrip Sales After Each Service October 12, 2014 KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS: Audrey Simmons Andrea Guith Speck Reeves Our Christian sympathies and prayers for those who grieve the death of loved ones: For the family of Ruth Clark whose funeral was at St. Mark Thursday ATTENDANCE: October 5: Ear ly: 64/61 Late: 152/119 LARGE PRINT BULLETINS ARE AVAILABLE. Please ask an usher for one before the service. BIBLE STUDY: 9:30 am THE STORY- A Church-Wide Experience The Theme for today is “The Resurrection” (Session 27) GENERAL FUND Deposit for Sunday, 10/5= $ 9,254.11 TOGETHER IN FAITH-PLUS UPDATE Deposit for Sunday 10/5= $ 2,030.50 (Need an average of $1,770 per week) TIF Balance as of 9/30 $501,319.44 MEMORIALS In memory of Martha Holmes donations were given to the TIF Fund by George & Diane Gutgesell and Diane Jarvinen In memory of Martha Holmes donations were given to the General Fund by Monica Barden and the Birchmeier Family Rick & Regina Schacher have given a donation to the Seminary Scholarship Fund in memory of Helen Anderson, Martha Holmes and Grace Pray Roger & Lynda Westenfeld have given a donation to the Day School Scholarship Fund in memory of Martha Holmes In memory of Grace Pray a donation was given to the Pray Memorial Fund by Diane Jarvinen Dale & Sharon Sneller have given a donation to the Chime Fund in memory of Roger Bobb, and her brothers Donald & Skip MEMBERS CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS October 15– October 21 10/16 10/17 10/18 10/19 10/20 10/21 JACOB CALLAHAN, EDWARD LESSNER PAMELA O’BRIANT, ROBERT PAYNE SCOTT VIOLETTE BRIANNE ANDERSON, MADISON BEALL KYLIE MITCHELL, LISA MODONAS WILLIAM CONNER, REBECCA YOUNG BONNIE BIRCHMEIER, CHERYL TABOR MEMBERS CELEBRATING WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES October 15– October 21 10/15 10/16 10/18 10/20 DAVID & MARY STEPHENS THOMAS & JOY WALLACE ROBERT & GABRIELA MANNOR DAVID & LINDA SEGREN 60 YRS 43 YRS 28 YRS 7 YRS Note: If we should miss your special day, please contact the church office so we can update our records. I WANT TO expr ess to each of you how touched I was by your outpouring of support my family received when my mother died. All of your cards, emails, visits, calls and gifts helped ease the pain of her passing. I continue to reread your kind words daily. Although my mind knows her death was a blessing, my heart is still breaking. I also want to thank Judy Gustafson and the Ladies Guild for a wonderful lunch after Mom's service. It was delicious and it was nice to be comforted at my church home. Thank you for your support today and always! Stacy Barden and family FOOD TENT ~ Thanks for your Help! We shared the love of Jesus to those sitting on our property for the parade by giving away: 200 Koegel Hot Dogs 150 Tortilla & Cheese lots of Soda Pop Allowing people to park in our lot! Thanks to the set up crew, the parking staff, the greeters, the kitchen help, the table cleaners, the clean up and take down crew. See you next year! SENIOR HIGH meet at the par sonage tonight! 5-7pm, we’ll enjoy a last-time-for-the-season bonfire, complete with cider & donuts! Bring $2 for pizza, a camp chair if you have one, and dress for the weather! HALLOWEEN HOOPLA Update for October 31st! Candy donations are being accepted. Please place your candy in the tub in the narthex, Also sign up at the Sign-Up center to: Run games Pass out candy Work in kitchen Set up and take down. HALLOWEEN HOOPLA will be on Fr iday, October 31 this year. So that means Lots of Volunteers Needed! We want to provide a safe place for children in our community to get candy and have fun without walking the dark streets on Halloween. Why not help out at our Halloween Hoopla on Friday, October 31 from 6 to 8 pm? We will need people in the kitchen to prepare the hot dogs, serve the guests, people to run games and to set up and clean up afterwards. Look for the game and helper sign up sheets at the sign up center. ST. MARK will be holding its annual OPEN FORUM on Sunday, October 26 starting at noon. The agenda will be on the current budget trends. Then present and review feedback received on solutions. DEADLINE for the November Messenger is Next Sunday, October 19. Please turn in all articles to the office CHRISTMAS BY CANDLELIGHT We are pleased to report that all slots for hostesses have been filled! Hostesses, you should have now received in your boxes, the information you need for doing your tables. Just a reminder to all hostesses -- your lists of family and outside friends that you want to invite need to be in Valerie's hands by OCTOBER 26. The sheets go out for general sign-up on Nov. 2. If we have not received your list, your sheet will go out as is -- no one will call you! Another reminder: LEAVE ROOM FOR YOUR ST. MARK SISTERS! Have fun doing your planning! Questions? Contact Valerie Beck (736-2981) or Carol Muhl (736-7973). SR. HIGH TOOL TIME: Nov.7th-9th at CUAA. You can still register for $60, and then $70, up through the end of October! HARVEST DINNER TICKETS ar e now available after both church services, Wed. morning ladies Bible study and in the church office. The dinner will be on Friday, November 7th, starting at 5pm. If interested in selling crafts, you will need to supply your own table. Set up can be anytime on Thursday during church office hours and on Friday in the AM. See Karen Flatt for any other questions. As everyone knows, this is a delicious meal priced very reasonable. It involves much planning, purchasing of foods, cooking, setting up the dinning room, serving, and CLEAN UP!!! If there is an area you are willing to help with, please see Sharon Black or Karen Flatt. Its always encouraging when people volunteer to help, and much help is needed. Thank you--Ladies Guild YOUTH Har vest Dinner Ser vant Event - Nov. 7, 5-7 pm We need your help to serve beverages to the hundreds of people who attend this dinner. Could you please give of your time to serve for an hour and 15 minutes. The 5 to 6 pm shift youth should arrive at 4:45 for instruction and prep time. 6 to 7 pm youth are asked to arrive at 5:55 and stay till 7:10 to help put serving items away. Sign up at the Youth Board. Questions contact Kelli Verran at 516-7618 HERE’S AN OPPORTUNITY for all you St. Mark men! This year you have even more options for washing dishes for the Harvest Dinner. Your first chance is Thursday, Nov. 6, from 10 AM to noon; or Friday, Nov. 7, from 10 AM to noon. Or, if you prefer, you can wash dishes on the night of the dinner on Nov. 7th at either 5:30 – 6:30 or 6:30 to 7:30. Let Carol Muhl know what shift you would like – 736-7973. HARVEST DINNER BAKE SALE TABLE—Please have all baked goods placed on the bake sale table (in the hallway leading to the parish center), priced and ready to go by 3:00 pm on November 7. Please do not take to the kitchen but to the prepared table in the hallway. Thank you so much for your donation. Questions contact Lynda Westenfeld. TURKEYVILLE TIME! The Fr iday Night Bible Class is organizing a trip to Turkeyville on Thursday, Dec. 4. Anyone in the church is invited to join us. We will leave church at 10:00 AM in a car pool. A turkey dinner is at 12:00 Noon with the show, “A Redneck Christmas Carol,” at 2:00 PM. The price is $38/person. If you wish to reserve a place, call Fred/Carol Muhl @736-7973 or email Reservations and money need to be in by October 26. JOIN US ever y Tuesday and Thur sday mor nings fr om 9:30-10:30 am as we again exercise to the “Walking Off the Pounds” DVD. Questions contact Lynda Westenfeld at 6531051 YOUTH LWR TRUCK LOADING: at 6:30pm this Tuesday Oct.14th, the youth will be loading the boxes into the semi for the Lutheran World Relief donations. You can get service hours, and FREE pizza! PAINTBALL: Last chance for the season, join us at Lone Wolf this Saturday Oct.18th from 1:30-4pm! Meet there at that time, or sign up for a ride from church at 1pm, returning at 4:30pm. Ages 10+, and parents are welcome to play too! $20 in cash with a signed waiver, wear weatherappropriate clothes and bring water! YOUTH F.L.Y. NIGHT is next Sunday Oct.19th @Holy Cross, Flushing. Jr. & Sr. High, join your brothers & sisters in Christ for a night of Capture the Flag, cider & donuts, hot dogs and more! Dress for the weather as we will be outside, and sign up on the Youth Board so I know if you need a ride or not. YOUTH @PAST TENSE CIDER MILL & AFTER DARK: Sr . High Youth will be going to the mill Saturday Oct.25th; $20 gets you: daytime corn maze, cider & donuts, pizza & breadsticks, House of Horrors, Hayride of Despair, and Corn Maze of Fear! Leaving St. Mark at 3:30pm, returning 9:30pm—adult drivers needed, or meet us there! Sign up on the Youth Board by Oct.19th please! FAMILY & FELLOWSHIP @PAST TENSE CIDER MILL: We will be visiting Past Tense Cider Mill in Lapeer again this year; Saturday Oct.25th from 4-6pm. We’ll start with the corn maze then finish with cider, donuts, & fellowship! Cost is FREE for this event, but please sign up ahead of time so I know how many to expect! You are welcome to continue your evening at the Cider Mill with your own family after our activities are over, they have lots to offer! Sr. High Youth will be staying to enjoy the haunted attractions. WHEN WE HEAR the name Gideon, most of us think about his 300 soldiers or a fleece. His story is so much bigger than that! It is about God and His love for his people! As we see Gideon's weaknesses and how God's strength is revealed, Priscilla Shirer (we love her!) will help us look at our own weaknesses and God's strength in our lives! Bible study begins Wednesday, Oct 22 for 7 sessions. Please sign up at the sign up table! Cost: $14 FRIDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY will be held on October 24th at the home of Gordon and Carolyn Asiala. Their address is: 4325 Skinner Lake Rd. Lapeer. Their phone number is: 664-2338. This year we will be studying Old Testament Characters. Gordon will be the leader for Lesson 1. Please study Jonah: Running from God. Meeting starts at 7:00. Hope to see you there. For more information contact Darryl or Sally Smith at 7431752. LUTHERAN BIBLE COMPANION The best companion to the most incredible Book in history. Immerse yourself in the historical, archaeological theological, and biblical knowledge with the new, two volume Lutheran Bible Companion. Study the Bible in its fullest context– and the Apocrypha too. You can now preorder this 2 volume set from CPH for $49.99. St. Mark will be taking orders for this set until October 31. Please sign up for your order on the poster by the sign-up center and turn your payment for order into the office. LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF SOAP DRIVE It has been a tradition at St. Mark for a number of years to collect NEW bars of soap for Lutheran World Relief. Each time you go to the grocery store pick up an extra bar or two and bring them to church. A white pail is available at the back of the church, under the postal boxes until October 14. 428 To date bars have been donated. We have a way to go. So when going to the store, pick up a few extras and fill up the pail. COLLECTION POINT FOR THE LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF! October 6-14 area Lutheran churches will be dropping off their donations at St. Mark for the annual LW R drive. On Tuesday, October 14, all these items will be loaded into trucks, taken to Detroit and unloaded into the box cars for the trip to LW R sorting and distribution centers from which they are distributed throughout the world according to need. This year’s theme is, “To Share your Food and Clothing,” based on Isaiah 58:7. You may contribute to this cause by bring any of the items listed below to the St. Mark Parish Center October 6-14. Items that LWR is accepting this year are: Baby Care Kits, Fabric Kits, Personal Care Kits School Kits, New Soap, and Quilts LIVING YOUR STRENGTHS at St. Mar k Our fall class is off to a start with 7 members learning about their strengths. Next class will be offered in January so look for more information in the Newsletter. “Living your Strengths” class helps you find your God given talent and shows you how to turn a talent into a strength. This method emphasizes, well, your strengths, not your weaknesses. We want you build upon the strengths you possess, not worry about your shortcomings. By combining your strengths with your spiritual gifts, we hope you are able to use the strengths God has given you to “do what you do best” as you serve Him here at St. Mark and in the community. GOOD NEWS! GREAT JOY! Oper ation Chr istmas Child (Samaritan's Purse) is looking for partners to fill shoeboxes for children around the world and share Jesus Christ with a hurting child! What goes into the box is fun, but what comes out is eternal. Be a part of changing lives through the power of a simple gift. More information is available at the table in the back of church. Pick up a brochure with directions, take a plastic container if you don't have a shoebox at home, and return it to the table by Nov. 9th. Please consider being a Good Samaritan! GOD’S BOUNTIFUL HARVEST AND BAZAAR FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2014 5:00-7:00 PM ST. MARK LUTHERAN CHURCH 5073 DALY BLVD., FLINT MICHIGAN (OFF GENESEE ROAD BETWEEN RICHFIELD & CARPENTER ROADS, IN FRONT OF KEARSLEY HIGH SCHOOL) DINNER MENU: CABBAGE ROLLS, CHICKEN, ROAST PORK, MASHED POTATOES, GRAVY, SAUERKRAUT, GREEN BEANS, SQUASH, DRESSING, COLESLAW, ASSORTED PIES PRICES: $10.00 - ADULTS; $5.00 - 6-17; FREE - 5 AND UNDER COME AND ENJOY OUR DINNER AND FELLOWSHIP. IN ADDITION THERE WILL BE HOMEMADE BAKE GOODS, AND CRAFT'S. EVERYONE IS INVITED! RESOURCE CORNER 1.) JOB INTERVIEW ATTIRE WANTED Catholic Social Services, in collaboration with other community resources has recently opened a new resource called "WORK READY'. Its purpose is to provide appropriate attire, for both men and women, for job interviews and/or a week of work for low income individuals. As we all know first impressions are very important so, if you have clothing suitable for job interviews and/or on the job apparel you are no longer wearing and would like to put to good use, now is the time. This is another avenue we can serve others in need. Please hang your clothing donations for this worthy program on Northend of the coat rack by the office. All donations will be taken to the 'WORK READY' program by me on a regular basis. Please note that this program requires a referral from agencies, etc. that work with low income population. Questions please feel free to contact me at (810) 348-0214 or CLEAN OUT YOUR CLOSET AND DRESSERS TO HELP OTHERS. Last day for donations will be Next Sunday, October 19 LADIES’ GUILD Upcoming Meeting in October There will be three different focuses for the October Meeting. It will be on October 28th beginning at 6:00. Please plan to join us for any or all of the focuses on this evening. 6:00-6:30 The first 30 minutes will be spent discussing the book for the book club entitled The Chance. #1 New York Times bestselling author Karen Kingsbury proves it’s never too late for love in this heartwarming story about childhood friends, broken lives, and an age-old promise. 6:30-7:00 Faith, a Comfort Dog, will visit St. Mark. Her handler will explain the mission work that she does with Faith. Faith is the only Comfort Dog in Michigan. All are welcome to come learn about the Comfort Dogs and the work they do for Lutheran Christian Charities. 7:00 Regular Business Meeting will begin. LWML- Exiting News! For the fir st time in many year s, St. Mark Ladies Guild will be hosting the fall LWML rally. This year’s speaker is Barb Collins who will be speaking on “Give the most to MOST”. Save Saturday, October 25 from 9:00-1:00 pm as we learn, worship and fellowship with ladies from St. Mark and many other area churches. Remember ladies that if you are a member of St. Mark you are already a member of Ladies Guild, so I hope to see many of you there. Pam O’Briant NOTES & NEWS DEADLINE is Wednesdays at Noon Stewardship Corner There is good reason that Hal David wrote, “What the world needs now is love, sweet love. It’s the only thing that there’s much too little of.” The only problem is that this song does not tell us where to get love or how it is possible to achieve the high degree of unselfish love that truly meets the world’s needs. Only God’s infinite and abounding love in Jesus Christ assures a love that can meet our human needs. God’s love compels us and strengthens us to love others as Christ has loved us (John 13:34). Not Just For Kids Examine the Evidence. . . The following is used with permission from “A Closer Look at the Evidence” by Richard & Tina Kleiss Babies naturally know how to nurse. Unborn children even practice by sometimes sucking their thumbs in the womb. When a baby is placed at the nipple of his mother’s breast, a fascinating chain reaction is set in motion. The sucking sensation sends ner ve impulses to the hypothalamus in the mother’s brain. The hypothalamus sends a message to the pituitary gland, which secretes the hormone oxytocin into the bloodstream. When oxytocin reaches the breast, cells are stimulated to contract, thus forcing milk into the ducts which carry a perfectly designed liquid to the nipple. Milk starts flowing out of the breast within 30 seconds of a baby beginning to nurse. Is it reasonable to believe this precise sequence of events happened by chance? Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things. Psalm 107:8-9 NATIVITY SCENE: The 18th edition of the Flint Tri-Circuit Mission Action Council Nativity Witness – Jesus Is The Reason - will be erected SATURDAY, November, 22, 2014. We will meet at 9 AM at the home of Marilyn Minto, 9007 E. Coldwater, Davison, to load and transport the items to the site at Genesee and Stanley Roads. (Unless there are unexpected developments we will take down the scene Saturday, January 10th.) Thanks for your help these past years. If you have questions, ideas, or donations please contact John Minto (810) 965-5008 or Al Jones (810) 908-5398 or MARK YOUR calendar s for November 29 at 9:00 am. We will be decorating the church for the Christmas season. The Grand Blanc Ar ts Council’s 27th Annual “Community MESSIAH Performance” will be presented at Grand Blanc’s St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church on Sunday November 23, at 4:00 p.m. If you are interested in singing in the Community Chorus, go to for more information. PORTALS OF PRAYER for October -December are here. They are located at the sign up center. Please leave a small monetary donation to help defray the cost to the church. SECRETARY OFFICE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday 7:30-3:30 pm, Friday 7:302:30pm
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