ST. MARK LUTHERAN CHURCH 5073 Daly Blvd. Flint, Michigan 48506 Pastor Minister of Music Minister of Family Life Minister of Outreach and Assimilation Rev. Gary L. Beck Mrs. Lori Carrier Miss Rose Meinert Mr. James M. Mol Church Phone: (810) 736-6680 Fax Number: (810) 736-6096 Email: Website: “NOTES AND NEWS” Reformation Day Serving in the Lord’s House Today Preaching: Rev. Gary L. Beck Organist: Lori Carrier Worship Assistant: 8:00 am Darryl Smith 10:45 am Bill Braham Ushers: 8:00 am Paul Mannor, Tom Phipps, Dave Stephens, Dean Thatcher 10:45 am Bill Braham, George Gutgesell, Chris Matheson Readers: 8:00 am Julie Bellamy 10:45 am Deb Nicholls THIS WEEK’S ACTIVITIES Today: Reformation Day 8:00 am Worship 9:00 am Living Your Strengths Room 6 9:30 am Bible Study / Sunday School 10:45 am Worship 12:00 pm Open Forum 5:00 pm Jr. High Youth @ Parsonage Scrip Sales After Each Service Monday: 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm Joyful Singers Worship Assistant Meeting Faith Adventure Staff Meeting Handbells Tuesday: 6:00 pm High School Girl’s Bible Study @ Parsonage 6:00 pm Trustees Meeting 6:15 pm Sanctuary Ringers 7:00 pm Ladies Guild Meeting Wednesday: 9:00 am Ladies Bible Study 6:00 pm Adult Choir Thursday: 9:00 am 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm Friday: 6:00 am Men’s Bible Breakfast @ Apollo Restaurant, Davison 6:00-8:00 pm Halloween Hoopla Saturday: Quilters Jr. Confirmation Faith Adventure Mom Pop Tots Daylight Savings Time Ends Next Sunday: All Saints Day 8:00 am Worship / Holy Communion 9:00 am Living Your Strengths Room 6 9:30 am Bible Study / Sunday School 10:45 am Worship / Holy Communion 12:00 pm Sr. High Youth—Day of Service Scrip Sales After Each Service October 26, 2014 LARGE PRINT BULLETINS ARE AVAILABLE. Please ask an usher for one before the service. KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS: Rick Schacher Don Burlett, friend of John & Doris Grimshaw Marttie, mother of Jim Haist Our Christian sympathies and prayers for those who grieve the death of loved ones: For the family of Tom Liescheidt, cousin of Pastor Beck ATTENDANCE: October 19: Ear ly: 74/72 Late: 136/96 BIBLE STUDY: 9:30 am THE STORY- A Church-Wide Experience The Theme for today is “Paul’s Mission” (Session 29) GENERAL FUND Deposit for Sunday, 10/19= $ 7,293.00 TOGETHER IN FAITH-PLUS UPDATE Deposit for Sunday 10/19= $ 1,871.50 (Need an average of $1,770 per week) MEMORIALS In memory of Ruth Clark donations have been given to the Clark Memorial by: Robert & Clarice Williams, The Quilting Group, Jeff & Julie Bellamy, Tim & Kim Dorow, Larry & Linda Verran, Charles & Jeanette Elbers, John & Mary Sushuski, Mark & Pam Lauasseur, Roxanne Manapace, David Wolbert, Verna Bamberg, Robert & Doris Sahlaefke, Don & Jo Sherwood, Andrew Zehnder, Erma Herman, Charles & Noelle Walton, Mary Lou Wilson, Todd & Jill Weber, Manuel & Renee Martinez, Dorothy Kueffner, Dan & Mary Hool, Arnold Scharrer, Peter & Ruth Weiss, Melvin & Nancy Hochthanner, and Gladys Utter In memory of Ruth Clark donations were given to the Choir Fund by Diane Jarvinen, Georgine Simmons and Al & Mary Jones Cliff & Mary Jane Veit have given a donation to the TIF Fund in memory of Ruth Clark MEMBERS CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS October 29– November 4 10/29 10/31 11/01 11/02 11/03 11/04 DALE EMERY, PAMELA SMITH DAVID BRYAN, TAMMY OWEN PHYLLIS LOHR, ROBERT WARREN MICHAEL CONNER, ROBERT GEISENHAVER LONDON HAUGHT, DEANNA MAHER GERALD RUTLEDGE ENGLISH HAUGHT, TAYLOR MINTO DAVID STEPHENS NORINE GILBERTSON, MARY HENNESSY IAN SMITH, LUCAS STONER MEMBERS CELEBRATING WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES October 29– November 4 10/29 11/03 JANET & LEON AMEY RICHARD & FRANCINE BAILEY 49 YRS 52 YRS Note: If we should miss your special day, please contact the church office so we can update our records. JUNIOR HIGH meet at the par sonage TONIGHT Sunday Oct.26th. We’ll celebrate Halloween a few days early! Come in costume for a night of games, fun, candy, and Jesus! Bring $2 if you want pizza. TURKEYVILLE TIME! The Fr iday Night Bible Class is organizing a trip to Turkeyville on Thursday, Dec. 4. Anyone in the church is invited to join us. We will leave church at 10:00 AM in a car pool. A turkey dinner is at 12:00 Noon with the show, “A Redneck Christmas Carol,” at 2:00 PM. The price is $38/person. If you wish to reserve a place, call Fred/Carol Muhl @736-7973 or email Reservations and money need to be in by TODAY. THANK YOU to Ruth Er ickson and Geor gine Simmonds for folding the Messenger this month. FAITH ADVENTURE STAFF meet tomor r ow, Monday Oct.27th at 6:30pm in the Luther Rooms! WOMEN'S RESTROOM RENOVATION: Plans have been finalized for redoing the women's restroom in the school hallway. Details of what work will be done to totally redo everything are on the poster at the top of the ramp. But first we have to raise the money. No work will be started until all the funds have been raised - all $4500 of it. Since the Ladies Guild has already allocated $1000 for the project, we have a good start. Any contribution you would like to make should be directed to the Women's Restroom Renovation fund. Let's all pitch in to make this dream a reality - if not with a monetary contribution, then with pitching in to help with the painting when it's time. We can make this happen! Questions? See Carol Muhl or the Trustees. SOME HAVE ASKED… Why did we pick Fr iday, October 31st for this years Halloween Hoopla? It’s simply the closest Friday night to Halloween! When we started the Halloween Hoopla over 10 years ago the committee chose to host the Hoopla on the Friday before Halloween to give the school & neighborhood kids a place to get treats, play games and have dinner all without having to worry about the weather and checking the candy before you ate it. Next year it will be hosted on the 30th. HELPERS NEEDED– We would like to star t setting up games / decorating for the Hoopla this Thursday, October 30 from 6-8 pm. If you have any questions contact Tammy Owen 625-6940 HALLOWEEN HOOPLA Update for October 31st! Candy donations are being accepted. Please place your candy in the tub in the narthex. Lots of Volunteers Needed from 6-8 pm! Please sign up at the Sign-Up center to: Run games Pass out candy Work in kitchen Set up and take down. THE FAMILY CHOIR - If you have a young child that would like to sing praises to our God, please let me know! I will get you a CD a.s.a.p. to listen to as they learn the songs! CHRISTMAS BY CANDLELIGHTChristmas by Candlelight Hostesses: TODAY is the last day to give Valerie your list of guests for your table. If we have not received a list from you, your sheet will go out for general sign-up next week. We will not call to remind you. RESERVATIONS REQUIRED: Star ting NEXT Sunday, Nov. 2, all ladies will have the opportunity to sign up for seats at the Christmas by Candlelight celebration on Sunday, December 7, at 5:00 PM. The sign-up sheets will be located on the table at the top of the ramp. At the same time be sure to sign up to bring a dish if you can-either an appetizer, a salad (or fruit), or a dessert. Also available is a list of Food Guidelines to make the evening more enjoyable for the women working in the kitchen. WANTED: 12-16 men who enjoy playing car ds, eating, and being adored by 200 women! You are needed on December 7 from 4:30 to about 8:00 PM. As expert drivers, you can serve as valets before and after the Christmas by Candlelight evening. In between those times you get to enjoy good fellowship in the Luther Room with all the other guys - along with great food and a little card playing. Afterwards, after delivering the cars, the hostesses would definitely appreciate your returning to the Luther Room to help them load their cars and help with cleanup. Please sign up NEXT Sunday, November 2, on the Valet Sheet located on the table at the top of the ramp. LEAD OVERSEER needed for r entals of the chur ch property. This person would either oversee the building or make sure that we had a person to oversee the building any time it is rented. If interested contact Chad Westenfeld or the church office. WANT YOUR LEAVES RAKED? Sign up for Senior High to come help you out! On Sunday Nov.2nd starting at 12:30pm they will make the rounds of the houses who signed up. A donation to the youth is appreciated, but not required. SR. HIGH: check your mailboxes and the Youth Boar d about the Day of Service! Then next week, plan to stay after 2nd service with a change of clothes and a rake, and have some pizza before we head out! PARENTS to help out would be greatly appreciated, especially with trucks or vans! HARVEST DINNER TICKETS ar e now available after both church services, Wed. morning ladies Bible study and in the church office. The dinner will be on Friday, November 7th, starting at 5pm. If interested in selling crafts, you will need to supply your own table. Set up can be anytime on Thursday during church office hours and on Friday in the AM. See Karen Flatt for any other questions. As everyone knows, this is a delicious meal priced very reasonable. It involves much planning, purchasing of foods, cooking, setting up the dinning room, serving, and CLEAN UP!!! If there is an area you are willing to help with, please see Sharon Black or Karen Flatt. Its always encouraging when people volunteer to help, and much help is needed. Thank you--Ladies Guild HARVEST DINNER BAKE SALE TABLE—Please have all baked goods placed on the bake sale table (in the hallway leading to the parish center), priced and ready to go by 3:00 pm on November 7. Please do not take to the kitchen but to the prepared table in the hallway. Thank you so much for your donation. Questions contact Lynda Westenfeld. YOUTH Har vest Dinner Ser vant Event Nov. 7, 5-7 pm We need your help to serve beverages to the hundreds of people who attend this dinner. Could you please give of your time to serve for an hour and 15 minutes. The 5 to 6 pm shift youth should arrive at 4:45 for instruction and prep time. 6 to 7 pm youth are asked to arrive at 5:55 and stay till 7:10 to help put serving items away. Sign up at the Youth Board or call/ text Kelli Verran at 516-7618 LWR WAS A GREAT SUCCESS!! SR. HIGH TOOL TIME: Nov.7th-9th at CUAA. You can still register for $70 up through the end of October! A special thanks to Larry Leinweber and Tom Conner for driving the truck to the Detroit rail yard, where the boxes were loaded onto rail cars. Thanks to Dawn Nofs for being patient and making sure the many details associated with LWR Ingathering were complete. FOOD BANK: Satur day Nov.15th St. Mark will be serving at the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan from 9am-12pm. Anyone is welcome to come along, youth, families, adults—look for the signup sheet at the table! LADIES’ GUILD Upcoming Meeting in October There will be three different focuses for the October Meeting. It will be on October 28th beginning at 6:00. Please plan to join us for any or all of the focuses on this evening. 6:00-6:30 The first 30 minutes will be spent discussing the book for the book club entitled The Chance. #1 New York Times bestselling author Karen Kingsbury proves it’s never too late for love in this heartwarming story about childhood friends, broken lives, and an age-old promise. 6:30-7:00 Faith, a Comfort Dog, will visit St. Mark. Her handler will explain the mission work that she does with Faith. Faith is the only Comfort Dog in Michigan. All are welcome to come learn about the Comfort Dogs and the work they do for Lutheran Christian Charities. 7:00 Regular Business Meeting will begin. LADIES GUILD Ladies Night Out at Whitey's in Davison When- Tuesday, November 18 Time- 6:00pm We have a room reserved and everyone will order from the menu. All ladies of the church are invited. You may also invite a friend if you wish. A fun time for fellowship and showing our thankfulness for all our blessings. Sign up sheet is in the back of the church. Please sign up so we have a number to tell Whitey's. There will not be a r egular Ladies Guild meeting in November because of Thanksgiving. YOU CAN STILL join us. Come Wednesday for the first study on Gideon. Feel free to decide that day if you would like to purchase a book. We are looking for more and more sisters in Christ to join our fellowship at 9 am in the Luther Room. Bring a Bible and enjoy the discussion and words from Priscilla Shirer. Started Oct 22! Cost $14 TRUSTEES MEETING on October 28 at 6 pm SCRIP TIP: Do you need any major household purchases this fall? Maybe a new snow blower? If so, we are overstocked with Home Depot Scrip Cards. Please consider buying these and using them as cash. In addition, now’s a great time to start (or maybe finish) your Christmas shopping. We have a wide variety of gift cards at the Scrip table to suit anyone on your list. Thank you for all your support in the 2014 Lutheran World Relief Ingathering. Through the efforts of our congregation alone 65 quilts, 2 health kits, 1 school kit a and 543 bars of soap were donated. Our Parish Center was also the collection center for churches in the thumb area. The monumental task of loading the many boxes fell upon Rose Meinert who worked with our Youth Group to load a 26 foot truck. Thanks also to Al Webb and Mike & Mary Young for helping us out! “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might” (Ecc. 9:10). This verse was chosen by the Michigan LWR Coordinator to focus on what can be accomplished when so many people use their individual skills for a common goal to the Glory of God. In HIS service, George Gutgesell We would also like to thank George & Diane Gutgesell for heading up the LWR Ingathering every year. They put alot of time and effort into making it a success. DUE TO var ious r easons, the quilter s ar e in need of persons who can sew tops together. If you have a sewing machine, you can do this at home at your leisure. You can also join us on Thursday mornings from 9-11:30 am. No experience or age requirements necessary! If you have questions contact Clarice Williams 640-1658 GOOD NEWS! GREAT JOY! Oper ation Chr istmas Child (Samaritan's Purse) is looking for partners to fill shoeboxes for children around the world and share Jesus Christ with a hurting child! What goes into the box is fun, but what comes out is eternal. Be a part of changing lives through the power of a simple gift. More information is available at the table in the back of church. Pick up a brochure with directions, take a plastic container if you don't have a shoebox at home, and return it to the table by Nov. 9th. Please consider being a Good Samaritan! NATIVITY SCENE: The 18th edition of the Flint TriCircuit Mission Action Council Nativity Witness – Jesus Is The Reason - will be erected SATURDAY, November, 22, 2014. We will meet at 9 AM at the home of Marilyn Minto, 9007 E. Coldwater, Davison, to load and transport the items to the site at Genesee and Stanley Roads. (Unless there are unexpected developments we will take down the scene Saturday, January 10th.) Thanks for your help these past years. If you have questions, ideas, or donations please contact John Minto (810) 965-5008 or Al Jones (810) 9085398 or MARK YOUR calendar s for November 29 at 9:00 am. We will be decorating the church for the Christmas season. LUTHERAN BIBLE COMPANION The best companion to the most incredible Book in history. Immerse yourself in the historical, archaeological theological, and biblical knowledge with the new, two volume Lutheran Bible Companion. Study the Bible in its fullest context– and the Apocrypha too. You can now preorder this 2 volume set from CPH for $49.99. St. Mark will be taking orders for this set until October 31. Please sign up for your order on the poster by the sign-up center and turn your payment for order into the office. CHRIST LUTHERAN 5245 Hadley Road, Goodr ich is having a Harvest Supper & Bake/Craft Sale on Wednesday, November 5 from 4-7 pm LAMB OF GOD Luther an Chur ch, 2051 W Maple Ave, Flint is having a Fall Bazaar Crafts & Bake Sale, Saturday, November 8 from 9-4 ST. PAUL Luther an, 90 Millville Rd. Lapeer is having a Craft & Holiday Bazaar on Saturday, November 8 from 9am -3:00pm. Turkey Luncheon also served 11:30-2:00 pm Admission is $1 person; $3 family PLEASE MARK your calendar for our annual Voter ’s Meeting on November 23 at noon. We will be voting for new Board Members and for members of the Endowment Committee. We will also vote on proposed 2015 budget. PORTALS OF PRAYER for October -December are here. They are located at the sign up center. Please leave a small monetary donation to help defray the cost to the church. NOTES & NEWS DEADLINE is Wednesdays at Noon SECRETARY OFFICE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday 7:30-3:30 pm, Friday 7:30-2:30pm Stewardship Corner The Apostle Paul tells that we are to give “according to what a person has, not according to what He does not have” (2Corinthians 8:12). Whether we have little or lots of money, we have something to give. If we have plenty and choose to give only a few dollars or a small percentage, the giving may reflect a lack of gratitude to God for His generosity to us and a selfish attitude. From those who have been richly blessed, much more is expected. Through faith, the poor widow in Luke 21:1-4 gave only two small copper coins, but she gave all she had. Jesus acknowledged the widow’s generosity because she gave sacrificially from a generous and trusting heart. If we give sacrificially, it always involves cost, because it has more to do with what we give up than what we give away. Not Just For Kids Examine the Evidence. . . The following is used with permission from “A Closer Look at the Evidence” by Richard & Tina Kleiss When a predator comes close to a certain species of jellyfish, the jellyfish turns off the lights in its bellshaped body and turns on the lights at the end of its tentacles. Then the jellyfish stretches its body as far as possible from its tentacles. As the predator approaches the lighted tentacles, the jellyfish switches off all its lights and scoots away as fast as it can. If the predator wasn’t fooled and wants to continue the chase, the jellyfish switches to its backup plan. It now turns on both the blue lights in its body and the white lights in its tentacles. When the attacker is very close, the jellyfish turns off the light in its body and takes off after detaching its still glowing tentacles. The tentacles continue to twist and turn in the water, distracting the predator. Jellyfish are among the most “primitive” multicelled animals, according to evolution. Yet this clever survival strategy clearly demonstrates that jellyfish are neither simple nor primitive. Another kind of jellyfish collects in swimming colonies called siphonophores. These colonies can be up to 40 feet long and function in total darkness more than 1,500 feet beneath the ocean’s surface. When they link up, some of the jellyfish act as mouths, while others act as stomachs. Some take care of the swimming, while others cast out their tentacles to gather food. When joined, they act as one huge single creature! How did cr eatur es capable of independent survival evolve the ability to function as part of a complex colony? Does this not demonstrate planning and design? Sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things....Psalm 98:1 GOD’S BOUNTIFUL HARVEST AND BAZAAR FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2014 5:00-7:00 PM ST. MARK LUTHERAN CHURCH 5073 DALY BLVD., FLINT MICHIGAN (OFF GENESEE ROAD BETWEEN RICHFIELD & CARPENTER ROADS, IN FRONT OF KEARSLEY HIGH SCHOOL) DINNER MENU: CABBAGE ROLLS, CHICKEN, ROAST PORK, MASHED POTATOES, GRAVY, SAUERKRAUT, GREEN BEANS, SQUASH, DRESSING, COLESLAW, ASSORTED PIES PRICES: $10.00 - ADULTS; $5.00 - 6-17; FREE - 5 AND UNDER COME AND ENJOY OUR DINNER AND FELLOWSHIP. IN ADDITION THERE WILL BE HOMEMADE BAKE GOODS, AND CRAFT'S. EVERYONE IS INVITED!
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