February, 2015 United Lutheran Church, Bella Vista, Arkansas The Voice Calling all football fans! United's JAM Childrens Ministry will be holding our annual "Souper Bowl" fundraiser on February 1, 2015 following the church service. This year in addition to collecting donations, we would like to serve you a soup lunch downstairs. You will place your donation in your team's pot as usual, but this time we will be serving a lunch. Please sign up if you plan to attend, as you know a head count is crucial to ensure everyone gets food. If there is bad weather on February 1, we will reschedule for the following Sunday. All donations will go towards our Pack Shak goal of $1500. The Pack Shak of NWA is a local organization similar to Feed My Starving Children, except they come to our church to pack the meals and we get to decide where locally the food will go. More info to come! A sign up sheet is in the narthex for the soup lunch. Thank You! 1 What a difference a year can make! A year ago I was wading through the muddy waters of grief, having recently lost Barbara, my wife of 48 years to retinal melanoma we had believed to have been removed from her body forever, twelve years previously. Needless to say, the cancer came back with a vengeance. The final month of Barb’s life was particularly difficult, made bearable by the aid and comfort of my daughters and their families who live in Fayetteville, the visits and prayers of members of United Lutheran Church, and the visits and prayers of Jerry Shaw, who served as a Stephen Minister to me during those dark days. Just as I was beginning to pick up the pieces of my life and paying careful attention to the conventional wisdom I was receiving from a variety of sources to “Make no major decisions for a year!” I learned that Robin Appleton had just lost her husband, Donny, to a heart attack while they were living and working in Ohio. I had known the Appletons and worked with them on various youth and Bible school activities while I was the called pastor here at United Lutheran several years ago. We shared lots of walks and talks, movies and sports events, concerts and bike rides, enjoying the passage of time with each other. Suffice it to say that over the following months Robin and I found joy and delight in each other’s company, enough to want to continue to walk through life together and to commit ourselves to each other in marriage for as long as God gives us the remainder of our lives together. We will be married on Transfiguration Sunday, February 15, 2015 at the 9:30 AM worship service here at United Lutheran Church. Neither of us could think of a more fitting venue than here within the “heart and soul” of United Lutheran Church, which has been a blessing to both of us. Our marriage will be celebrated on “God’s day, in God’s house, among God’s people!” Bishop Mike Girlinghouse of the Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod will preside at the worship service and at the exchange of vows and rings within the service. Our children and their spouses will stand up for us and bless us with their prayers and support. The congregation will do so also. After the marriage ceremony, Robin and I will assist Bishop Girlinghouse with serving the Lord’s Supper to the congregation. A reception in Fellowship Hall will follow. All are invited to join us! 2 COUNCIL MINUTES President Robert Frazier called the United Lutheran Church council meeting to order on January 8, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. The following members were present, Richardson, McNew, McNew, Kloss, Hebar, Dykema, Klitzke, Jones, Overton, Hall, Sherman and Pastor Nelson. MEMBERS ABSENT: None DEVOTIONS Book Study of Power Surge Share peace of the Lord. MINUTES MSC, the minutes for December, 2014 were accepted. TREASURER’S REPORT The summary of operations showed total benevolences including dedicated accounts are $72,243 or 16.6% of total revenues. The year to date is positive $10,605. PASTOR’S REPORT Worship Services 9 Classes Taught 4 Meetings attended 19 Home Communions 1 Funerals/Memorial 1 December 4, 2014 Ann Barbieri Hours Counseling 1 Working with Good Shepherd Lutheran in Fayetteville for the Journey Together Faithfully study. STAFF REPORTS Stephen Ministry report received. Nurses report received. MISSION TEAM REPORTS HOSPITALITY/EVANGELISM Dar Dykema Pastor Solberg’s vision for ULC Go to the synod convention up north—Get permission from our bishop and the other synod bishops. Prepare a DVD on the outstanding features of the area ie. Crystal Bridges, Walton Arts, Arends Center, U of A football, basketball, baseball, track and any others I may have overlooked, including local golf courses and cost to play. Ask people from the congregation to host these visitors for a period of time and get people to volunteer to show people around, take them to church and tell them about our activities at church and the community. We would need people to volunteer to go to these synod meetings. YOUTH AND EDUCATION Stephanie Jones Per Lindsay – Souper Bowl Sunday there will be a soup lunch right after service; there is no Sunday School that day. People will place donations in their team’s pot and receive soup. Proceeds go to Pack Shack. Per Janelle – There is a youth meeting she will be attending at Christ the King on Saturday from 12-4. PARISH FELLOWSHIP – Dorothy Klitzke The Christmas dinner served 98, down about 20 from last year due to many going north to families for Christmas. The donations received were $460 which paid for the food and decorations and 3 new water or punch servers. May 17, 2015 United will celebrate 40 years as a congregation with a special church service at 9:30 followed by a pot luck. PROPERTY – Rick Hebar Despite repeated requests, the contractor that completed the siding work on the south side of the church this summer has not submitted an estimate for the needed soffit repairs on the old sanctuary area. We will solicit estimates from other contractors and submit those estimates to the Council as they become available. We have obtained the services of a local person for snow removal from the parking lot area. Bella Vista code enforcement officers made a site inspection of the church grounds on December 17 and demanded corrective action be taken on the twelve (12) culverts on church property. The culvert openings needed to be cleared of all leaves and other debris and maintained to insure proper flow of storm water drainage. The project was completed on December 31. Arrangements will be made for the annual inspection and any necessary recharging of all fire extinguishers in the church. MUTUAL MINISTRY – Bob McNew Kathy Henning has been hired to fill the new position as assistant to Kay in the office. She will be an excellent addition to our staff. Her husband, Rick works with our Sunday projection and is the tech person for Re-United Live. WORSHIP AND MUSIC – Ann McNew Two new Head Ushers, Jim Kloss and Dick Muller, join Head Ushers, Joe Eidem and Ron Rear. Rick Henning is in charge of projection for Re-United Live services. Lenten services: Ash Wednesday, February 18; Maundy Thursday, April 2; Good Friday, April 3, all held in the Sanctuary. The five Wednesday "Supper Church" services on February 25, March, 4, 11, 18, 25, all held3in Luther Hall. SOCIAL MINISTRY – Judy Kloss 168 food bags for Helping Hands & 14 helpers to load the Helping Hands truck on Monday December 15. Thanksgiving offering As of 12/08/2014 $1,215.00: ELCA & Salvation Army each receive $486.00 & Building Maintenance $243. Advent suppers as of 12/30/2014 if no other expenses $803.35: $401.68 to youth for convention $401.68 care & share with matching funds from Thrivent up to $400.00 Advent Offering as of 12/28/2014 $3,065.00: Village House & Building Maintenance each get $613.00, Courtesy Van & Bella Vista Boys & Girls Club each receive $919.50. Christmas offering as of 12/28/2014 $4,221.91: Feed My Starving Children & Good Samaritan Fund each would receive $1,688.76, Building Maintenance $844.38. Feed my Starving Children will be unable to get the hanger that they have used for the past 3 years. They have a meeting planned & will inform me as soon as possible if they have located a new place. STEWARDSHIP – Roy Sherman The year end reports for the Columbarium and Endowment accounts have been issued. FACILITY REQUESTS None SECRETARY – Brandy Overton Thank you notes were received from the following: Restoration Village 200.00, ELCA 459.00, Apostle Build sponsorship 2,290.00, Mosaic 100, Glen Duffy Gravette Schools for snacks and supplies, Single Parent Scholarship for the groceries. VICE PRESIDENT – Theda Hall Call Committee Update – None New Business Motion was approved for the ULC Piecemakers to receive $300 for expenses from the 2015 budget. Motion was approved to allow for sound boards/signage to be purchased for the Fellowship Hall for Reunited Services not to exceed a budget of $800. Adjourn at 7:14 with the Lord’s Prayer February 12, 2015 Next Council Meeting Respectfully submitted, Brandy Overton, Secretary For Pastor Fred and Robin with the love and blessing of all United Lutheran Church February 15, 2015 Why are we to "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem?". Do you know that Jerusalem is mentioned over 500 times in the Bible? It is also the place where Jesus will set up His kingdom. So if it is that important to Jesus should it not be important for us as well? 4 February is typically the month that we think about heart health. Making time for a heart -healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. A few small lifestyle changes can lead to heart-healthy habits that require very little thought or effort. Ask yourself each week: Did I have a fruit or vegetable with each meal? Did I drink more than 3 sugary drinks this week? Did I eat whole grain products? Did I eat any fish this week? Did I eat more than 3 servings of red meat this week? Did I eat foods that are high in salt? Did I complete 30 minutes of activity 3-4 times this week? Get creative on how you can improve each week. I recently gained inspiration from our 85 year old neighbor who walks 2-3 miles each day and in nicer weather he bikes 15-20 miles several times per week. I am now walking at least 4 times per week at least 30 minutes with him. (burning more calories in this cold weather) Our time goes fast and we sure have fun visiting along the way. Each positive step we make is a step towards a heart healthy lifestyle. We will be prayerful as you think about some small change you can make this month to have a healthier heart lifestyle. Tonja Seusy Charlotte Spencer 5 Notes from the Music Department First of all, an “over due” THANK YOU goes to Kathy Henning and Brian Henning for singing a vocal duet during communion for our December 28 Worship Service! Brian is the son of Kathy and Rick Henning. Also, we would like to WELCOME Kathy Henning to our Orchestra! Kathy and Virginia Dale will be alternating playing the electronic keyboard, using various string, wind, and brass settings, and the Roland Digital Piano with the Orchestra each week. Dick and Virginia Dale have purchased a flute and have offered to let someone, who has played flute in a High School or College Band, but does not currently have a flute, play this flute in our Orchestra. Janet Troutner would be very happy to have someone join her in the flute section of our Orchestra! Remember, once you have played an instrument, it is like riding a bicycle, you don't forget how, and before long you will be playing with “the greatest of ease”!!! Flutists, please give this some “serious consideration”! We WELCOME BACK the Chancel Bells who will be playing the Prelude during the Worship Service on February 8, and the Youth Choir who will be singing February 15. February is a short month, but we have two Special Worship Services. Transfiguration Sunday is February 15, which is also the Sunday Pastor Fred and Robin will be married during the Worship Service. Bishop Girlinghouse will conduct the Worship Service and the wedding ceremony. Special Music will include Phyllis Bergstrom playing “Canon in D” on the Roland Digital Piano, the Choir singing “High Upon a Mountain” with John Cornwell playing the drums and Dick Dale playing the E flat Alto Saxophone for the Anthem. The Choir will sing a second number, “The Greatest of These Is Love”, during communion following the Wedding Ceremony. Wednesday, February 18, is Ash Wednesday with the imposition of ashes. This Worship Service is at 6:15 PM. Beginning Wednesday, February 25, and all Wednesday Lenten Services thereafter, a light meal will be served at 6:00 PM followed by the Worship Service in Luther Hall. Because of the Wednesday evening services in Lent, Orchestra will begin rehearsing at 4:45 PM on Wednesday, February 18 and each Wednesday thereafter through March 25. United Choir will rehearse at 6:00 PM on Ash Wednesday, February 18, and will sing during the Ash Wednesday service. Choir rehearsal will also follow the Ash Wednesday Service. On Sunday, March 22, a VERY SPECIAL CONCERT will be held at ULC at 3 PM. The three Community Music Groups, Village Handbell Ringers (directed by Marjorie Hemphill-Salomo), Perfect Harmony (directed by Karen Frankenfeld), and the Five Highland Winds, who use our Church for rehearsals, will perform along with our own ULC Choir. There is NO admission, but a Free Will Offering will be taken and disbursed among the three groups to help with the cost of music and equipment. Light refreshments will be served following the Concert. Please mark the date—SUNDAY, MARCH 22 at 3 PM on your calendar and invite your friends and neighbors to attend with you. Then on Good Friday, April 3 at 7 PM, our United Choir will present “We Remember Calvary”. This Service is designed to recreate the emotional and spiritual aspects of the Passion story through music. The Congregation and Choir join in singing familiar hymns as the narration and scripture paint a vivid picture of Christ's last days and His journey to the cross. We invite Everyone to come and be a part of this Tenebrae Service. Daniel Salls, Director of Music at Bella Vista First Baptist Church, is organizing a Bella Vista Community Choir made up of musicians from ALL Churches in Bella Vista to perform “Stabat Mater” on Saturday, April 4 at 7 PM. ULC is recruiting singers and instrumentalists to participate in this Holy Week Musical Presentation. Rehearsals begin Saturday, February 28 at 9 AM at Bella Vista Baptist Church. Music will be provided for all singers and instrumentalists. All Musicians, please consider this your invitation to participate in this outstanding musical presentation. For All of You who don't sing or play an instrument, but who enjoy listening to outstanding soloists and musicians, please come and enjoy “Stabat Mater”! It will be a night to remember!! 6 SHEPHERD GROUP NEWS We would like to thank everyone at United Lutheran for their prayers and cards for Gerry’s recent successful hip replacement and the death of my brother. Gerry and Annette Janssen I want to extend a sincere “thank you” to Vern Hinz, Dennis Berg, Roger Costa, Dick Muller, Chuck Lawson, Garey Olson, John & Brandy Overton, Bob McNew, and Rick, Kathy, and Brian Henning for their help maintaining the church building and grounds. Without their assistance, it would not be possible to keep the church property in good repair. Rick Hebar Thank you to each and everyone for all of your prayers and cards the past several months for Sandi and Whitey. They meant so much to me and my family. This is why we loved United for 25 years. There will never be another Church family that will mean so much to me. Thank you and God bless each and everyone. Love to all Bernice and family Breakfast Club (Formerly Men’s Club Breakfast) Will meet Monday, February 9 at 8:00 a.m. in Luther Hall. **Note change of day of week. Joe Atchison of Soul’s Harbor will be the speaker. This event is open to all members to attend. Damascus Shepherd Group will hold a Mardi Gras party on Monday, February 16 in Fellowship Hall at 5:00 p.m. Call Glenda Heist for details and to RSVP. Simeon Shepherd Group will meet at Papa Mike’s on Saturday, February 28 at 9:15 a.m. Please RSVP Janssen @855-0336 or Sadenwasser @ 855-0752. Please remember the Children’s Shelter. **************************************** United Singles ALL SINGLES WELCOME February 7, 2015 meeting --9:00 AM, breakfast at Papa Mike's. Reservations needed. Your caller, Carl Rumsey 876-6304, or Ralph Picht 855-0830. The February meeting of Bread for the World will be on Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 9:15 a.m. at church. For more information contact 876-2700 or 8765437. February Lenten Schedule Ash Wednesday service with Imposition of Ashes and Communion at 6:15 p.m. Wednesday, February 18. Orchestra at 4:45 p.m. Choir rehearsal at 7:00 p.m. Sunday, February 22, First Sunday in Lent Diamond Jubilee will have a Spring Party on Monday March 23, 2015 @ 12:30 at the Plaza. The cost is $15.00 ( includes tax and tip) - prices have gone up on food. Make checks payable to Steve Plante and give to Al or Maxine McClain before March 18, 2015. Wednesday, February 25 Lenten supper and service at 6:00 p.m. in Luther Hall. Orchestra at 4:45 p.m. Choir at 7:00 p.m. 7 Morning Circles Feb 08 Feb 4– 9:15 a.m. Deborah ........ Kay Anderson Feb 4 - 9:30 a.m. Elizabeth....... Joyce Whittlesey Mary ............. Dorothy Klitzke Naomi .......... At church Rachel .......... Marilyn Brown (At Church) Feb 18 9:00 a.m. Visiting Phoebes Feb 25 9:00 a.m. Altar Guild Feb 25 9:30 a.m. Bible Study Leaders No board or General Meeting in February Looking Ahead…. Afternoon Circles Feb 3 – 1:00 p.m. Hannah ........ Nancy Krumrey Feb 10 – 1:00 p.m. Martha…….Nancy Krumrey ►There will be no General Meeting of the Evening Circle Feb 2 – 7:00 p.m. Priscilla .......... (At Church) Piecemakers – 9:00 a.m. Luther Hall The Piecemakers meet every Thursday morning to make quilts for Lutheran World Relief and for local needs. Everyone is invited to join them at 9:00 a.m. in Luther Hall. There are lots of tasks for people who don’t sew. If you’d like to be part of a wonderful fellowship, join us any time. We always need items for the SHOEBOX ministry. These items are given to people who are in need of emergency shelter. Some of the items we use are travel or small size shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, combs and disposable razors. You can find a complete list of the items we need in the SHOE BOX tub in the narthex. Our thanks to Barbara Thorson for delivering the items you donate. Mary Circle Women of United in February. ► Mark your calendars for our March Women of United Meeting when Crystal Zickmark of CASA of NWA will enlighten us on the highlights of the Court Appointed Special Advocate program and its amazing purpose. ► Next month we will distribute the envelopes for our Bakeless Bake Sale. ► Keep clipping your Best Choice Labels. They earn cash for us! Save Saturday, April 18 for the Spring Gathering Place: United Time: 8:30-3:00 Theme: “God’s Living Water: Panning for Souls” Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered. . .Proverbs 11:25 The Conference IV Spring Gathering is always a great day, and this year will be really special because it will be here at United. We want all of you to be blessed with God’s Living Water as we meet with other women from Arkansas. (And we’ll be needing your help as we host the gathering.) Don’t forget to shop at the ULC Coffee Corner! We have Fair Trade coffee, tea and chocolate for you to use or to give for special occasions. We now K-cups, both regular and decaf, for your single cup coffee maker. AND we have the delicious vanilla rooibus tea that we had at the Christmas Tea. Check out our cups and baskets! WANTED: knick-knacks, napkins, and other little things to add to our baskets to make them special. Just leave them at the coffee corner. We also need helpers to make the baskets and to help sell coffee on Sunday morning. There’s a sign up sheet in our corner. 8 February Birthdays 1 2 3 5 7 Leona Lucia Lorraine Janzen Virginia Schwettman John Norris Frank Barbieri Frances Crivello 8 Richard Roth 9 Phyllis Bergstrom Duane Peterson 11 Virginia Anderson 12 Marilyn Brown Carole Olson 13 Hunter Peleaux Vern Sutter 14 Gene Dolan 16 LoGene Test 19 Robert McNew Roger Rahlfs 20 Dorothy Seeley 21 Albert McClain 22 Adeline Fry Jake Grasmick Lee Hansen 23 Harold Ditzel Norma Dovre 24 Dorothy Ingebritson 26 Wilma Peterson Jean Vail 28 Sonja Nelson Marvin Schrimpf February Anniversaries 1. Allan & Shirley Schmidt 5. Don & Toni Hippe 8. George & Susan Coon 9. Criv & Fran Crivello 12. Duane & Connie Kuske 18. David & Karen Anderson 24. Ron & Rose Olson 28. Jerry & Mable Shaw Gifts for the bride and groom In honor of the marriage of Pastor Fred and Robin, United Lutheran Church will receive gifts of money to be given as a contribution to Heifer International in their name. If you wish to contribute it may be done by check to United Lutheran and put in the offering or the church office. Your contribution received by February 10, 2015 will be presented at the wedding reception on February 15 and sent to Heifer International in their name. 9 Who was St. Valentine ? The story of the saint The Golden Legend, a medieval book of stories about saints, says that Valentine, a priest, was imprisoned by the emperor Claudius II for leading people to Christ. While Valentine was being interrogated by a Roman officer, the priest preached Christ as the “one and only Light.” The officer, who had a blind daughter, challenged Valentine to pray to Christ for her cure. The girl was cured, and the entire family was converted to Christianity. According to legend, while awaiting execution, he wrote notes of instruction, affection and encouragement to the Christian community in Rome, which were secretly delivered by a boy who visited him in prison. On Saint Valentine’s Day, we Christians have an opportunity for planting seeds of Christ’s truth into the culture in which we live. When we remember that the heart of Saint Valentine was, like other Christian martyrs, “pierced” by the love of Our Lord, and he shed his blood for this, it seems appropriate that the red heart is a symbol for this powerful love. We think about the power of the love of God to inspire our love for others. Most Gracious Heavenly Father, You gave Saint Valentine the courage to witness to the gospel of Christ, even to the point of giving his life for it. Help us to endure all suffering for love of you, and to seek you with all our hearts; for you alone are the source of life and love. Grant that we may have the courage and love to be strong witnesses of your truth to our friends and family and to the whole world. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (Taken from “buildfaith.org”) A Stephen Minister can help. For more information call: Jerry Shaw (855-3327), Jane Nelson (855-2745), Donna Paris-Bluml (855-0319). Meetings for February will be on February 9 and February 23 @ 6:00 p.m. 10 February 2015 Sun 1 Souper Bowl Sunday 9:30 a.m. Worship/ Communion 10:45 a.m. Soup Lunch/LH Blood pressure clinic before and after services Mon Tue 3 9:15 am Meeting 3 pm United in Worship/ Music Prayer 6 pm SM 1 pm Hannah Training 7 pm Priscilla Circle Circle 2 1pm Staff 10 Wed Thu Fri Sat 4 8 am Bible class 9:30 Circles 5:45 pm Orchestra 7 pm Choir 5 6 9:00 a.m. Piecemakers 3:15 pm Chancel Bells 7 9 –3 SM Training/FH 9:00 am United Singles/Papa Mike’s 11 12 13 9:00 a.m. Piecemakers 3 pm Parkinson’s Support 3:15 pm Chancel Bells 6 pm Church Council 14 8 9 8 am 9:30 a.m. Worship/ Communion 10:30 Sunday School 10:45 Adult Bible class 5:00 pm REUNITED LIVE Breakfast Club 1pm Staff 5:45 pm Meeting 3 pm United in 1 pm Martha Orchestra Circle 7 pm Choir Prayer 5:30 pm Stephen Leaders 6 pm Stephen Ministers and SM Training 15 Transfiguration 16 17 Sunday 3 pm United in Prayer 5 pm Damascus Shepherd Wedding Day Group/FH 9:30 a.m. 6 pm SM Worship/ Training Communion 10:45 Reception for Robin & Pastor Fred/FH 18 9:15 am Phoebes 9:15 Bread for the World 4:45 pm Orchestra 6:15 Ash Wednesday Service 7 pm Choir 19 20 9:00 a.m. Piecemakers 3:15 pm Chancel Bells 21 24 25 9 am Altar Guild 9:30 am Bible study leaders 4:45Orchestra 6 pm Lenten supper/service/ LH 7 pm Choir 26 27 9:00 a.m. Piecemakers 3:15 pm Chancel Bells 28 9:15 am Simeon SG/ Papa Mike’s 22 23 9:30 a.m. Worship/ Communion 10:30 Sunday School 10:45 Adult Bible class 3 pm United in Prayer 6 pm Stephen Ministers and Training 11
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