Bulletin - Cambridge Street United Church

"A caring and loving family"
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Office: ....................705-324-3547
Office hours: ..........Mon-Fri- 8:30am-4:30pm (closed 12-1pm)
Address: .................61 Cambridge St. N., Lindsay, Ont K9V 4C9
Website: ................www.theunitedchurch.com
Email: .....................csuc@nexicom.net
Minister's email: ....csucminister@nexicom.net
For after hours pastoral emergency, call
Rev. Paul Reed at 705-879-2886
Our Mission Statement
“We, as members of Cambridge Street United Church, seek to follow
Jesus Christ through word, music, and social action; thereby,
nurturing our personal faith and supporting the faith journey of
others. We promise to be stewards of our living earth, to share with
those in need, and to be welcoming to all.”
On today's church sign: There are some questions that can't be
answered by Google.
PASTORAL PRAYERS - Prayer requests can be placed in the Prayer Box
located in the narthex. Ushers will bring the box forward during the
offering and Rev. Reed will include them in our pastoral prayers.
NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH? - If you require a drive to the Sunday
worship service, call the church on Sunday before 10:00 am (please,
don’t leave a message on the answering machine).
MONDAY, January 26
10:00 a.m.-12noon - Ontario Early Years Program - Lower Hall
3:00-8:00 p.m. - S. McCracken Voice Lessons - Parlour
5:30-6:30 p.m. - 1st Sparks - Lower Hall
6:30-8:00 p.m. - 3rd Brownies - Lower Hall
6:30-8:00 p.m. - 6th Beavers - Gym
TUESDAY, January 27
10:30-11:30 a.m. - 3F Exercise Group (Fellowship, Fitness & Fun) - L.H.
12:00 noon - Walter Auld Fellowship Luncheon - Gym
WEDNESDAY, January 28
9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. - Quilters Guild Workshop - Lower Hall
9:30-11:30 a.m. - Wednesday Morning Bible Study - Upper Room
3:00-7:00 p.m. - Stroobach Music Lessons - Parlour/Choir Room
6:30-7:30 p.m. - 3rd Sparks - Lower Hall
7:00-9:00 p.m. - 6th Scouts - Gym
7:00-8:00 p.m. - Pragmatic Buddhism - Upper Room
7:15-8:45 p.m. - Bellchoir - Choir Room
THURSDAY, January 29
10:30-11:30 a.m. - 3F Exercise Group (Fellowship, Fitness & Fun) - L.H.
1:00 -3:00 p.m. - Crochet Group - Lower Hall
4:00-4:45 p.m. - Cherub Choir - Parlour
4:00-5:25 p.m. - Voices of Victory Junior Choir - Sanctuary
4:30-6:00 p.m. - Voices of Victory Youth Choir - Sanctuary
6:30-8:00 p.m. - 6th Brownies - Lower Hall
6:30-8:00 p.m. - 1st Guides - Gym
7:00-8:30 p.m. - Cambridge St Singers - Choir Room
SUNDAY, February 1
9:00-10:00 a.m. - Seekers - Upper Room
10:30 a.m. - Worship Service with Worship Band
Sunday School classes & Nursery
2:00 p.m. - Leading worship at Victoria Manor
3:00 p.m. - Leading worship at Extendicare
KING'S CAFÉ - Thanks in-part to the Outreach Committee of CSUC,
King Albert Public School has created the King's Café. This is a
classroom transformed with comfy seating where parents and
caregivers can enjoy coffee, tea and even a light breakfast. It allows
a welcoming space where parents can speak with staff and connect
with various community partners. . The café is open from 8;30-9am,
a time when the children are supervised outside. This is just
another example of how our church is making an impact on the
families in our community.
WALTER AULD FELLOWSHIP LUNCH –Tuesday, Jan. 27 at 12 noon.
$10.00. Plan to attend this time of fellowship for adults to enjoy a
meal with friends and new acquaintances. Guest speakers will be
Doreen Sinclair and Emily Ferguson from HABITAT FOR HUMANITY. If
you wish to attend and don’t receive a phone call, please contact
Carole Tully 705-324-4888 or Pam in the office by Jan.23.
team working on a plan to sponsor a refugee family in hopes of
providing them with a safer, more productive life here. Sarah and
Karl Repka are providing leadership, with considerable support from
the United Church. All applicants are screened and cleared by the
federal government, which also funds six months of the year-long
commitment. Our group has decided we’d like to sponsor a family
with up to three children. Many people have volunteered to look
into crucial areas such as housing, language training, procuring
furniture and household items, education for any children,
employment and more. The project has already garnered $7,100 in
pledges toward a goal of $15,000 for our potential six-month
financial commitment. This is a truly exciting and meaningful way to
live out our mission statement “to share with those in need, and to
be welcoming to all.” You are invited to be a part of this project by
taking on one of the small areas of responsibility remaining. Please
speak to Sarah or Karl in person or at karlandsarahrepka@gmail.com
or contact Nancy Payne to find out how you can help.
There are a countless number of ways that any of us can assist
Cambridge Street United Church in working towards the
fulfillment of its mission. The Stewardship Committee
presents a weekly suggestion on how you can help your
→Get Involved Musically
For those who are musically inclined, our Church offers a
number of ways to put your talents to work for the enjoyment
and pleasure of the entire congregation.
CSUC’s music program includes opportunities for people to
be a part of the Adult Choir, the Voices of Victory youth
choirs, the Cherub Choir for younger children, the bell choir,
the Praise Band that performs once/month in Sunday services,
and for anyone to sing or perform during worship services
throughout the year. The talent in our congregation is
significant, and the ways that you can put your ability to work
to help are practically unlimited.
For further information about any musical elements of our
Church life, speak with Erwin or Angelique Stroobach, or Rev.
Paul Reed at any time. They would be very happy to discuss
how you can be involved!
KAWARTHA LAKES FOOD SOURCE presents the Chiefs' Charity Pasta
Feast on Thursday, Jan, 29 from 12-1:30pm at the Victoria Park
Armouries. Everyone is welcome! Adults $14, Children (under 12) are
$7. Tickets available at KLFS office, 41 George St. W., Lindsay.
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY are looking to hire a Full-Time
Construction Manager for the Kawartha Lakes Build. Primary
responsibility is the completion of multiple builds in support of
Habitat's vision and goals. The successful candidate will have a
proven track record in the construction industry and must be an
energetic, motivated and resourceful individual who thrives in a fast
paced environment. For a more detailed job description please
visit: www.habitatpkr.ca/get-involved/job-postings. Forward a
resume and cover letter by email to: hr@habitatpkr.ca
THE NURSERY is looking to update some of our equipment. If you
have recently finished with a crib or change table that meets current
CSA standards, and would like to donate it to the Sunday School
Nursery, please contact Joanne Winter (705-878-3622). Thank you!
CAMBRIDGE CHRONICLE - The next issue will be coming out on
Sunday, March 29th. The deadline for handing in articles is Feb. 4th.
Everyone is welcome to contribute. Please forward your articles to
Lou at chichi@persona.ca.
Source is individual fruit cups and 100% juice boxes as well as muffin
mix and dish soap. Items can be placed in the shopping cart at the
main doors and outside the office door.
WHAT ARE YOU GRATEFUL FOR? There are so many wonderful things
that happen over the course of the year at our busy church that we
don’t always remember them all. That’s why you’ll find a Gratitude
Jar located on the table outside the church office. It will stay there all
year, along with some slips of paper. Any time something happens
that you’re grateful for or someone does something you appreciate
or you want to thank a person or group for anything connected with
the life of Cambridge Street United Church, take a moment to write
it on a piece of paper and drop it in the jar. You don’t have to sign it
if you don’t want to. We’ll dip in periodically to share those happy
memories and remind ourselves of how very lucky we are to be part
of this active, caring church family!
2014 ANNUAL REPORTS - Attention Committee and Church Group
chairs: please note that reports (written and financial statements)
are due to the Church office by Friday, Jan. 30. The Annual General
Meeting will be held following the service on Sunday, Feb. 22, 2015.
to all who are worshipping with us today.
Newcomers and Visitors are invited to sign the Guest Book at the
back of the church with your full name & address so we can
acknowledge your visit.
Thank you to those serving us today:
Greeters: Jan Warren, Carl & Lynn Kimmett,
Hans Beekhof & Heidi Kaphengst
Ushers: Bernie & Lillian Nickerson, Bob Lindsay,
Carol Peters, Jim Tully, Rose Sloan,
Wanda Percival, Yannick Grignon
Fellowship Time: Outreach Committee
Driver: Earl Thurston
Counting Team: Wanda Agnew, Doug & Sandra Franklin,
Lois Barnes, Tara Wilkins