Cambridge Street United Church 61 Cambridge St. N. Lindsay, Ontario K9V 4C9 Tel.: 705-324-3547 Sunday, October 12, 2014 Welcome to Cambridge Street United Church "A caring and loving family" Minister ............................. Rev. Paul Reed ............................. 705-324-3547 ........................................... (residence) ................................... 705-454-3167 Minister Emeritus: ............. Rev. Lorne Dorsch........................ 705-324-3347 Director of Music: .............. Erwin Stroobach .......................... 705-324-3547 Congregational Designated Ministry Lay Person ........................................... Nancy Payne ................................ 705-793-3788 Custodian: .......................... Walt Radda .................................. 705-324-3547 Office Administrator: ......... Pam Burtt..................................... 705-324-3547 Board Chair ........................ Mike Warren................................ 705-328-3212 Vice Chair ........................... Joanne Winter ............................. 705-878-3622 Past Chair ........................... Mike Puffer .................................. 705-328-0469 Chair of Trustees................ John Bennett................................ 705-878-1871 Church School .................... John Harris ................................... 705-324-6145 Youth Group ...................... Joanne Winter ............................. 705-878-3622 ........................................... Lisa Morasse ................................ 705-878-4669 UCW President .................. Lynn Kimmett (Sept) ................... 705-324-0479 Website:........................................ Church Office email: ..................... Office FAX: .................................... 705-324-9202 Solar Panels: ....................... .. Our Mission Statement “We, as members of Cambridge Street United Church, seek to follow Jesus Christ through word, music, and social action; thereby, nurturing our personal faith and supporting the faith journey of others. We promise to be stewards of our living earth, to share with those in need, and to be welcoming to all.” -2- THE LIFE AND WORK OF CAMBRIDGE ST. UNITED CHURCH MONDAY, October 13 Thanksgiving Day (church is closed) TUESDAY, October 14 10:30-11:30 a.m. - 3F Exercise Group (Fellowship, Fitness & Fun) - L.H. 6:30-7:30 p.m. - 1st Beavers - Gym 6:30-7:30 p.m. - Worship Committee Meeting - Library 6:30-7:30 p.m. - Christian Education Committee Meeting - Classroom 6:30-7:30 p.m. - Outreach Committee Meeting - Small Kitchen 6:30-7:30 p.m. - Finance Committee Meeting - Boardroom 7:00-7:30 p.m. - Congregation Committee Meeting - Parlour 8:00 p.m. - Official Board Executive Meeting - Lower Hall WEDNESDAY, October 15 9:00 a.m. - Set-up for Book Sale - Lower Hall 9:30-11:30 a.m. - Wednesday Morning Bible Study - Upper Room 12:00-1:30 p.m. - Staff Meeting - Parlour 3:30 p.m. - Stroobach Voice & Music Lessons - Parlour/Choir Room 6:30-8:00 p.m. - Guide Camp Meeting - Upper Room 6:30-8:00 p.m. - 1st Cubs - Gym 7:00-9:00 p.m. - Trefoil Guild - Parlour 7:15-8:45 p.m. - Bellchoir - Choir Room THURSDAY, October 16 9:00 a.m. - Set-up for Book Sale - Lower Hall 9:00 a.m. - Set-up for Roast Beef Dinner - Gym 1:30-3:30 p.m. - Alzheimer Support Group - Upper Room 4:00-4:45 p.m. - Cherub Choir - Parlour 4:00-5:25 p.m. - Voices of Victory Junior Choir - Choir Room 4:30-6:00 p.m. - Voices of Victory Youth Choir - Choir Room 7:00-8:45 p.m. - Cambridge St Singers - Choir Room/Sanctuary /continued…. -3FRIDAY, October 17 9:00am-7:00pm - Used Book Sale - Lower Hall 5:00-7:00 p.m. - Roast Beef Dinner - Gym SUNDAY, October 19 9:00 a.m. - Seekers - Upper Room 10:30 a.m. - Worship Service - Sunday School & Nursery followed by a time of fellowship and refreshments 11:30 a.m. - Used Book Sale - Lower Hall 3:00 p.m. - Dam Lukes Concert - Sanctuary ________________________________________________________ Life's Transitions Facing Change in a Positive Way A Congregational Workshop An Open Invitation to All th Saturday, October 25 9:00 am - 12:30 pm Facilitator: Rev. Lyle Horn, Grace United Church, Ptbo. -4- 19th Annual Roast Beef Dinner Friday, October 17, 2014 Continuous seating from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm, plus an option of Take-Out. Tickets: $15.00 adults -- $8.00 children (5 to 12 years) available at the church office during the week or before and after church on Sundays. There are sign-up sheets on the Bond St. entrance bulletin board requesting kitchen help and pie donations. Please join us for a wonderful meal. FOOD SOURCE NEEDS FOR OCTOBER - Kawartha Lakes Food Source is requesting donations of canned stew, fruit cups, juice boxes and pancake mix. Donations can be dropped off in the basket outside the office or the shopping cart inside the Cambridge Street doors. Please indicate your interest on the sign-up sheet posted at the Bond Street entrance. Registration deadline: October 21, 2014 BAY OF QUINTE CONFERENCE PRAYER CYCLE - The prayer cycle invites prayers for a ministry and its work. This week we pray for the ministry of East Camden Pastoral Charge in Four Winds Presbytery. ADVERTISE WITH THE CHRONICLE! Get the word out to hundreds of friendly folks by placing a business-card-sized ad in the Cambridge Chronicle. For the remaining Advent issue of 2014 and all four 2015 issues costs $125, or just $25 per ad! If you'd prefer to buy a onetime placement, the cost for that is $30. And if you don't have a business to promote, but would like to help offset the cost of this invaluable communication tool, that would be appreciated, too. Please bring payment and a business card to the office by Oct. 20. NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH? - If you require a drive to the Sunday worship service, call the church on Sunday before 10:00 am (please, don’t leave a message on the answering machine) USED BOOK SALE - The Cambridge St. Bell Choir is having a Used Book Sale in the lower hall on Friday, Oct. 17 - 9:00 am to 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, Oct. 19 after the worship service until 5:00 p.m. Contributions of books can be brought to the church from October 15 and left in the lower hall. -5- -6- To the Glory of God the flowers in the sanctuary today are placed in loving memory of Marion Stainton by husband Stew and family. PAINTING THE STARS – SCIENCE, RELIGION AND AN EVOLVING FAITH - Development of the Christian faith did not end with Jesus teachings in the early 1st century CE. It has evolved markedly over 2 millennia and is continuing to change in our day. Join with us Monday evenings beginning Oct 20th at 7.00 pm in the parlour, to learn the importance 0f understanding Christianity as a continually changing and developing faith. Participate in “Painting the Stars”, a 7 part DVD discussion series with important insights on where Christianity came from, where it is today and where it might be going. Refreshments will be provided. FALL RUMMAGE SALE - Thank you to all who helped at our Rummage Sale on October 2 &. Not only did we see a profit of $2,140, we distributed items to King Albert P.S., Habitat for Humanity's ReStore, Vicki's Values, A Place Called Home and the Lindsay Humane Society. It's great to be able to give clothing, shoes, books and house wares new life and help families in our community. WRITERS… we’re now at the point to start thinking about our Advent edition of the Cambridge Chronicle. Your contribution to the newsletter is invaluable. The deadline for handing in articles will be Friday, Oct. 24th. I’m afraid there will be no time for late submissions. Everyone is welcome to contribute. We always look forward to fresh ideas: perhaps a book review, a theatre or movie review. Please forward your articles to Lou at THE DAMLUKES ARE COMING - Sunday, Oct. 19, at 3:00pm enjoy the infectious fiddling of the DamLukes, an Uxbridge-area group combining members of the Damus and Luke families. The group values the kitchen party philosophy that "all are included". This is truly a family concert to be enjoyed by all ages. A free-will offering will be taken in support of Habitat for Humanity Kawartha Lakes Build and the Cambridge St. United Church Music Program. BEEF PIE MAKING - Help is needed making Beef Pies (to be sold at The Joys of Christmas) on Thursday, Oct. 23 at 9:00 a.m. (cooking the beef) and on Friday, Oct. 24 at 9:00 a.m. (making the pies). Both men and women are welcome - there are lots of different jobs to be done. Please sign-up on the Bond St. entrance bulletin board. MUSIC at CAMBRIDGE ST - CHRISTMAS CANTATA: you are invited to join the choirs for this year’s Christmas Cantata: Were You There on That Christmas Night? by Lloyd Larson which will be presented on Sunday, Dec. 14 during morning worship. Rehearsals will run Thursdays from 7:00 – 7:55 starting Oct. 30, plus the dress rehearsal on Sat., Dec. 13 from 10:15 – 12:00. Please let Erwin know if interested and sign up on the sheet on the music office door, so we can order copies of music for everyone. DOOR-TO-DOOR FOOD DRIVE - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Drivers and walkers are needed to help with the Annual Food Drive in Lindsay on Saturday morning, October 18. Call Kawartha Lakes Food Source at 705-324-0707 to sign up. (Student volunteer hours provided). HUMOURS QUOTES FOR THANKINGSING: I hate turkeys. If you stand in the meat section at the grocery store long enough, you start to get mad at turkeys. There’s turkey ham, turkey bologna, turkey pastrami. Some one needs to tell the turkey, ‘man, just be yourself. - Mitch Hedberg Turkey: A large bird whose flesh, when eaten on certain religious anniversaries has the peculiar property of attesting piety and gratitude. - Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary -7- -8- Children's Colouring Page LOOKING AHEAD Oct. 17 Oct. 17 Oct. 19 Oct. 24 Oct. 25 Oct. 26 Oct. 28 Nov. 2 Nov. 4 Nov. 7 Nov. 9 Nov. 15 Used Book Sale 9am-7pm Roast Beef Dinner 5-7pm Used Book Sale 11:30am-5:00pm Dam Lukes Concert 3pm Beef Pie Making 9am Visitation Workshop 9am-12:30pm Worship Service 10:30am - 182nd Anniversary New Members Sunday Prayer Shawl Group 1:30 pm Walter Auld Fellowship Luncheon 12 noon Worship Service 10:30am - Guest speaker John Siebert of Ploughshares UCW Executive Meeting 7pm Theology at the Movies presents Philomena Visitors Appreciation Coffee time 9am Worship Service 10:30am - Remembrance Sunday Leading worship at Victoria Manor 2pm Leading worship at Extendicare 3pm The Joys of Christmas 10am-2pm
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