Attendance Figures for February 15, 2015 8 AM: 9 - Worship 10 AM: 114 - Worship; 41 - Teachers, Children and Youth Are you interested in participating in a Bible Study geared toward the young family? Then First Church Tosa’s Young Families Bible Study (YFBS) is for you! This study group was formed to meet the needs of families with young children. The group requires no advanced preparation and all discussion is accessible to children. Parents can choose to keep their children with them during the study time, or childcare may be used as needed. If you would like more information, please contact seminarian Joel Boyd at or at 414-731-8196. We next meet on Sunday, March 1, 11:15 AM in the Parlor. OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE Serving February 22, 2015 – Serving March 1, 2015 – 8 & 10 AM 8 & 10 AM 8 AM: Greeter/Usher: John Markel 8 AM: Greeter/Usher: ________ 10 AM: Greeters: Jim & Sharon Petrie, Parking Lot 10 AM: Greeters: ________, Parking Lot Greeters: Greeters: ________ ________ Ushers: Jeff Saeger -‐ Captain, Chris Fink, Scott and Ushers: ________ -‐ Captain, ________, ________, Sally Rondeau, Susan Santelle ________ Acolytes: Logan and Payton Breitzmann Acolytes: Brenna Masloroff, Ethan Wendt Coffee Hour: Melissa Greipp Coffee Hour: Debbie Hayden, Cheryl Lund Sign up to serve in the Blue Book located on the Gathering Table. Ministers: The Members of this Church Assisted by: Senior Minister – Rev. William S. Trump, Jr. – Associate Minister of Pastoral Care – Rev. Dr. Barry W. Szymanski – Seminary Student — Joel K. Boyd — Moderator – Jane Boyd – Administrator – Michael “Chip” Smith – Music Director – Lee Jacobi – Organist – Thomas Gregory – Director of Christian Education – Tonia Wallner – Junior & Cherub Choir Director – Roxanne Trump-Miles – In case of emergency, a minister is on call at 414-258-7378. Church Office: 414-258-7375 Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. 8:30 AM–4:30 PM; Fri., 8:30 AM–Noon The Congregational Home The Congregational Home, founded as an extension of the mission of the First Congregational Church of Wauwatosa, creates and maintains a caring community for the elderly; offering housing, health care and quality of life services. President/COO – Charles Nelson, R.N., M.S. Chaplain – Rev. Joseph Phillips Board Chair – John Dragisic The FIRST CHURCH GREEN SHEET FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF WAUWATOSA 1511 Church Street, Wauwatosa, WI 53213 – 414-258-7375 Calendar for the Week of February 22, 2015 Sunday, February 22 8:00 AM Worship in the Chapel NO Lectionary Discussion 9:00 AM Sunday Symposium – Lounge, Discovery Kids – LL5, Junior Choir reh. – LL4E 10:00 AM Worship in the Nave/Junior Choir/Children in Church/PF/Sunday School for ages 3 – 5th grade/Nursery 11:00 AM Coffee Fellowship – Social Hall 6:00 PM Lenten Supper & Program – Social Hall, Debtors Anonymous – LL5 Monday, February 23 8:45 AM Suburban Women’s Club of Tosa Bd – Lounge 7:00 PM Al-Anon – LL4W 8:00 PM AA – LL5 Friday, February 27 9:00 AM Harmony Singers – Lounge Tuesday, February 24 9:00 AM YOGA – Lounge 2:00 PM @Cong. Home – Alzheimer’s Support Group 6:00 PM Communications – Conference Room 7:00 PM Church Council – Lounge, Boy Scouts – LL5 8:00 PM AA (United We Stand) – LL4W Wednesday, February 25 6:30 AM Men’s Ministry 7:00 AM Women’s Ministry – Parlor 10:00 AM @Cong. Home – Baking Group Thursday, February 26 9:00 AM Big Band – Social Hall 10:00 AM Sidetracks – Library 6:45 PM Bible Study Fellowship – Chapel, Lounge 7:00 PM Choir of First Church reh. – Choir Room Saturday, February 28 8:00 AM Civic Music Assn. – Parlor, Social Hall A Breakfast Meeting for Paris Flea Market Volunteers is planned for Saturday, March 14 from 9 - 11 AM in the Social Hall. The Flea Market will be held on Saturday, May 16. Anyone who is interested in volunteering or who would like more information about volunteer opportunities is welcome to attend. Areas requiring volunteers include Booths, Silent Auction, Café, Bake Sale, Flower Sale, Greeters and Tour Docents, Cashiers, and more. Our breakfast menu features egg bakes, fresh fruit, rolls, and beverages. Please sign up at the Gathering Table in the Atrium to reserve a spot. WCA First Fridays •Friday, March 6, 7 - 10 PM @Ozaukee Cong. in Grafton This statewide fellowship program is for youth in grades 6 12 and is held the first Friday of each month at a different WCA church. This month, it will be held at Ozaukee Congregational! The evening includes dinner, songs, worship, and small group discussions. Information is available through Facebook at and on Twitter and Instagram @FirstFridaysWCA. Contact Tonia if you plan on attending, Welcome to our guests joining us today. Please check the welcome tables in the Atrium and the Narthex for information about our church. LOOKING AHEAD: The Week of March 1st Lenten Supper & Program Gather on Wednesday, February 25 at 6 PM for a Simple Supper featuring Chili and Hot Dogs. Freewill offerings will be taken for the meal. The evening program consists of multi-generational fun — including songs, music, and games. Please sign up by Monday, February 23 at the Gathering Table in the Atrium or by contacting the church office at 414-258-7375 or at There will be a PF Outing on March 1st from 4 – 6 PM. It’s Curling at Hart Park! Dinner will follow. The Elwing family will be giving lessons to those who haven’t curled before. Sign up at the Gathering Table. Consent forms are required! SUNDAY SUNDAY •Junior Choir reh. – Room LL4E -‐ 9 AM “Do something wonderful; people may imitate it.” •Discovery Kids – Room LL5 -‐ —Albert Schweitzer 9 AM •Sunday School for ages 3 -‐ 5th grade -‐ 10:15 AM ONGOING Gentle YOGA Classes, •Pilgrim Fellowship Youth with Monica Stevens, are being Group -‐ Room 302 -‐ 10:15 AM held on Tuesday mornings at •Covenant Class – 9 AM. On the 1st, 3rd, 4th, & 5th Conference Room -‐ 11:15 AM Tuesday, YOGA will be held •Young Families Bible Study -‐ in the Lounge. On the 2nd Parlor -‐ 11:15 AM Tuesday, it will be held in LL2. There is no need to sign •PF Curling Outing -‐ @Hart up. Chairs will be available for those with limited Park – 4:00 PM mobility. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a mat or FRIDAY a large towel. •WCA First Fridays – @Ozaukee Congregational, Grafton -‐ 7 PM There is a live feed of the 10 AM worship service shown on the monitor near the seating area in the Atrium. Feel free to watch the service from there, should you wish. After 15 years of service to First Congregational Church of Wauwatosa, our Office For those who wear a hearing aid, our Nave Manager, Anne Callen, will be retiring as of is equipped with an FM loop system. Set st. As a result May 31 of this, we are beginning your hearing aid to the “T” setting. In the process of finding a candidate to take on addition, there is a hearing assistance system, the r esponsibilities o f O ffice Manager. If you which can amplify the worship service with are interested, email your letter of interest and the use of a receiver and headset. The your resume to Chip Smith at headset is not usable with a hearing aid. See an usher for a receiver and headset. The Board of Fellowship is looking for folks to help at this year’s Easter Brunch, to be held on April 5th at 9 AM. Cooks, servers, decorators, and clean-up crews are needed. If you can help, sign up at the Gathering Table. FREE 4 O’CLOCK -‐ CONCERT SERIES BEGINS ON March 1, 2015 Prometheus Trio -‐ Cellist Scott Tisdel and pianist Stefanie Jacob welcome violinist Laura Bach, performing works by Beethoven and Argentinian composer Astor Piazolla. The concert is free; donations are gratefully accepted. Invite your family and friends to enjoy this wonderful concert with you! DISCOVERY HOUR -‐ Sunday, March 1 Discovery Kids -‐ LL5; C hildcare – Nursery -‐ 9 AM *Lectionary Discussion – 8:45 AM -‐ A discussion of today's Lectionary will take place. Folks of all ages are invited. – Chapel *Sunday Symposium – 9 AM – “The Apostle Paul” – Video Presentation – The video is from The Great Courses series entitled, “From Jesus to Constantine: A History of Early Christianity,” which is narrated by Prof. Bart Ehrman. – Lounge Worship on Sunday, March 1, 2015 8:00 & 10:00 AM Worship in the Chapel at 8 AM Rev. Bill Trump will present the communion message. Nick Sluss-Rodionov is the accompanist. Worship in the Nave at 10 AM Rev. Bill Trump will present the message. Children begin worship in Church with their families. Pilgrim Fellowship youth meet in Room 302. Sunday School for ages 3 – 5th grade. Nursery care for ages 2 and under. Lee Jacobi directs the Choir of First Church. Thomas Gregory is the organist. The FCC Social Club will gather on Saturday, March 7 at Ruby Tap, located at 1341 N. Wauwatosa Ave. The FCC Social Club is a fellowship group for singles and couples ages 30 – 45 +/-. While at the Ruby Tap, purchase a glass of your favorite beverage. Kevin & Jessie Nicholson will provide snacks from their menu. RSVP by March 2nd to Jessie at or at 414-312-8506. New Members are welcome! Chancel flowers are needed for Sunday, March 8. Honor someone you love by donating flowers in their name or to celebrate a special occasion. You will find a signup board located in the Atrium.
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